Chapter 8 introduction to psychology PDF

Title Chapter 8 introduction to psychology
Author Genci Ecen
Course Quantifications in Psychology
Institution University of Guelph-Humber
Pages 3
File Size 70.7 KB
File Type PDF
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Chapter 8 introduction to psychology Chapter 8 introduction to psychology...


Chapter 8 • Retention interval is the length of time between the presentation of materials to be remembered and the measurement of forgetting. • A recall measure of retention requires subject to reproduce information on their own without any cues • A recognition measure of retention requires subject to select previous learned information from an array of options • A learning measure of retention requires a subject to memorize information a second time to determine how much time or how many practice trials are saved by having learned it before • Since you can’t really forget something you never learned this phenomenon is sometimes called pseudoforgetting • Decay theory the forgetting occurs because memory traces fade with time • Interference theory proposes that people forget information because of competition from another material

Proactive interference occurs when past memories hold back an individual from retaining new memories. Retroactive interference occurs when new memories hold back an individual from retaining old memories. • The encoding specificity principle states that the value of retrieval cues depends on how well it corresponds to the memory code • Repression refers to keeping distressing thoughts and feelings buried in the unconscious • Amnesia-a partial or total loss of memory • James dease,roediger,mcdermont have devised a simple laboratory paradigm involving the learning of word lists that is remarkably reliable in producing

memory illusions.In this procedure known as the Deese-roediger-mcdermont (DRM) paradigm a series of lists of 15 words are presented to participants. • GSWR-gill and siphon withdrawal reflex • The key link in this circuit is a microscopic spot in the cerebellum a structure in the Hindbrain • Long term potentiation (LTP) is a long lasting increase in neural excitability at synapses along a specific neural pathway • Neurogenesis-the formation of new neurones • Organic amnesia-extensive memory loss due to head injury • Retrograde amnesia involves the loss of memories for events that occurred prior to the onset of amnesia • Anterograde amnesia involves the loss of memories for events that occur after the onset of amnesia • Consolidation is a hypothetical process involving the gradual conversion of information into durable memory codes stored in long term memory.According to this vies memories are consolidated in the hippocampal region and then stored in diverse and widely distributed areas of the cortex • Studies suggest then when consolidated memories are retrieved the reactivated memories are temporarily returned to an unstable state, from which they must be restabilized through a process called reconsolidation • Implicit memory is apparent when retention is exhibited on a task that does not require intentional remembering • Explicit memory which involves intentional recollection of previous experiences

• The declarative memory system handles factual contains recollection of words definitions names…

• The non-declarative or procedural memory system houses memory for actions, skills operations and conditioned response. • The episodic memory system is made up of chronological or temporally dated recollections of personal experiences. • The semantic memory system contains general knowledge that is not tied to the time when information was learned. • Prospective memory involves remembering to perform actions in the future • Retrospective memory involves remembering events form the past or previously learned information • Mnemonics devises are methods used to increase the recall of information • Serial position effect occurs when subject show better recall for items at the beginning and end of a list than of items in the middle • The link method involves forming a mental image of items to be remembered in a way the links them together • The method of loci involves taking an imaginary walk along a familiar path were images of items to be remembered are associated with certain locations •...

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