Author Nooris Khan
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CHAPTER – I INTRODUCTION TO HISTORICAL TOURISM HISTORICAL TOURISM CONCEPT AND MEANING: Historical tourism refers to a kind of tourism, where the tour or tour group focuses on the history; history of some place, people, thing, or events.[1] They go, see, study, discuss and experience places where his...


CHAPTER – I INTRODUCTION TO HISTORICAL TOURISM HISTORICAL TOURISM CONCEPT AND MEANING: Historical tourism refers to a kind of tourism, where the tour or tour group focuses on the history; history of some place, people, thing, or events.[1] They go, see, study, discuss and experience places where historical things occurred. The places will be a portrayal of history of that country or the region and tells about the past happenings. Tourists usually visit those places of historical importance to know about the culture, tradition, past happenings etc and get to know about the evolution and development in culture. This is an attempt to understand, the living environments and life – styles of ordinary people of the past, and present and interpret these in an interesting manner to the tourists. Places of important historical events, such as battlefields or sites where discovers and explorers landed, are also being promoted as tourist attractions. USE OF HISTORY IN TOURISM: History figures prominently in promotional literature. Many destinations have always been promoted through their historicity, like Bangalore as The Garden City, Jaipur as Pink City – City of Palaces, Fatehpur Sikhri – a City of Mughal Splendour etc. In travel writing, history is a popular theme to write upon and it can be the history of many things – destination, fort, palace, art, craft, people, airline, railways etc. However, a major problem with such write ups is that most of them do not differentiate between history, mythology and legends. FAMOUS HISTORICAL TOURISM DESTINATIONS IN INDIA AND ABROAD: There are places all over the world which are famous for their history. Places like Greece, Rome, This is essential because of different India etc have a strong historical background which dates back to centuries. They receive tourists in large number from all over the world because of their historical connection with rest of the world. Here are some of the historical tourism destinations in India. historical tourismThis is essential because of different reasons. It creates a positive impact economically and socially. It helps in the establishment and reinforcement of identity. It also helps to preserve a country or region's cultural heritage, since this is an instrument, which facilitates understanding and harmony among people. It is able to support the development of culture and can help in the renewal of tourism.vansh mahal..Historical studies tourism is a learning tourism.For this tourism everybody can know about history of visiting places. They also know about how many development the place from past.They get also an idea economics balance of world and there culture....

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