Charlette web - Chapter Charlotte Web question english chapter five in the book PDF

Title Charlette web - Chapter Charlotte Web question english chapter five in the book
Course english
Institution Stephen Lewis Secondary School
Pages 2
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Chapter Charlotte Web question english chapter five in the book...


In the novel, “Charlotte Web” by E.B White, the author introduced us to several characters. The character of my choosing is Charlotte who is written as one of the protagonists in the novel. Charlotte is a round static character, meaning she has a complex personality and a clear motivation, however her individuality does not change. Charlotte has been clever and caring from the beginning of the story till the end, albeit being completely aware of her limited lifespan.

Many themes are presented in the novel that are relevant to Charlotte. However, the most expressed is the feeling of friendship as well as putting one's differences aside. In physical appearance, Charlotte and Wilbur are uniquely different, but nonetheless become friends. The friendship between these characters is very authentic as Charlotte expanded her strength caring for Wilbur, “By helping you, perhaps I was trying to lift up my life a trifle. Heaven knows anyone’s life can stand a little of that” (White, 164). The effort she makes to save her friend Wilbur when news arrives that Zucherman intends to slaughter him. Charlotte used the last of her energy to save Wilbur, proving the loyalty she has towards her friend, making Charlotter feel happy knowing it had brought a meaning to her life.

Charlotte concludes the meaning of friendship in the novel’s end in the lines, “ ‘Why did you do all this for me?’ he asked. ‘I don’t deserve it. I’ve never done anything for you.’ ‘You have been my friend,’ replied Charlotte” (White,164). In the end Charlotte understood that the friendship she had with Wilbur was a genuine friendship that was long-lasting and rare.

Works Cite White, E.B. Charlottes’ Web. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1999. Print

This was such a good character study on Wilbur. As you mentioned in your discussion, the theme friendship is definitely best displayed between him and Charlotte. I found that the friendship between them was something very heartwarming and sincere. Charlotte had helped him a lot ever since he had met her. She made him less of a timid pig and more brave than before. She even went to the carnival with him even though she was in a horrible state to go. I believe that many people who have read the book have learned what true friendship really is. You did such a good job with this!...

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