Chcece 009 Topic 1 Identify learning frameworks Revised June 2020 PDF

Title Chcece 009 Topic 1 Identify learning frameworks Revised June 2020
Author priya kaur
Course ChildHood Education and care
Institution TAFE New South Wales
Pages 23
File Size 1 MB
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discusses learning frameworks...


CHCECE009 – TOPIC 1 Identify Learning Frameworks

Learner Resource

© Copyright, 2020 by TAFE Digital

Date last saved: December 2020

Version: 3

# of Pages = 23

Content writer - Donna Osmetti Contributors - Belinda Handley, Sarah Morgan Reviewer – Bianca Sergi Instructional and graphic design - TAFE Digital Resource Development Team

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Contents Topic 1 Identify Learning Frameworks ......................................................................... 4

Introduction .................................................................................................................... 4 National Quality Framework ........................................................................................... 5 A national legislative framework ....................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. There are two nationally approved learning frameworks: ................................................ 6 National Quality Standard ............................................................................................... 7 What is a Learning Framework? ...................................................................................... 8 The purpose of the Learning Frameworks ....................................................................... 9 Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia (EYLF) ........................................................................................................................... 12 My Time Our Place: Framework for School Age Care in Australia (MTOP) .................... 12 Belonging, Being and Becoming.................................................................................... 14 Where do frameworks fit into legal requirements? ........................................................ 19 How do frameworks reflect the rights of the child? ....................................................... 21 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child .................................................. 21

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Topic 1 Identify Learning Frameworks Introduction Research shows that quality education and care early in life leads to better health, education and employment outcomes later in life. Every child's early years are critical for establishing self-esteem, resilience, healthy growth and the capacity to learn.

The National Quality Framework (NQF) is the result of an agreement between all Australian Governments to work together to provide better educational and developmental outcomes for children using education and care services.

The National Quality Framework (NQF) introduces a quality standard to improve education and care across long day care, family day care, preschool / kindergarten (0-5 years) and outside school hours care (6-12 years). Quality Education and care shapes every child's future and lays the foundation for development and learning. Children need quality care and attention that meets their individual needs.

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National Quality Framework Elements of the National Quality Framework The National Quality Framework aims to raise quality and drive continuous improvement and consistency in education and care services and school age care through: 1. A national legislative framework consists of: 

The Education and Care Services National Law

The Education and Care Services National Regulations

2. A National Quality Standard consisting of seven quality areas: 1. Educational Program and Practice 2. Children's Health and Safety 3. Physical Environment 4. Staffing arrangements 5. Relationships with children 6. Collaborative partnerships with families and communities 7. Governance and Leadership

3. An assessment and quality rating process - this is a process through which services areas are assessed against the 7 National Quality Standards by Regulatory Authorities and provided with a NQS Rating. Services are given a rating for each of the 7 quality areas and an overall rating based on the results of the service assessment from one of the five ratings. 


Exceeding the National Quality Standard,

Meeting the National Quality Standard,

Working towards the National Quality Standard and

Significant Improvement required

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4. A national body - Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) - ACECQA's role is to oversee the system and guide its implementation in a nationally consistent way.

5. A regulatory authority in each state and territory who will have primary responsibility for the approval, monitoring and quality assessment of services in their jurisdiction in accordance with the national legislative framework and in relation to the National Quality Standard.

6. Approved Learning Frameworks - Under the National Law and Regulations, services are required to base their educational program on an Approved Learning Framework.

The two nationally approved learning frameworks: The Education and Care Services National Regulations (Regulation 254) lists the following national declared approved learning frameworks for early childhood education and care. 1. Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia, developed by the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations of the Commonwealth for the Council of Australian Governments, 2009 Framework for children birth to five years of age - how learning is to occur before school years

2. My Time, Our Place: Framework for School Age Care in Australia by the Commonwealth Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations for the Council of Australian Governments, 2011. Framework for how learning is to occur for school age children 6-12 years in out of school hours care. The main focus for this unit is on the two nationally approved frameworks Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia and My Time, Our Place: Framework for School Age Care in Australia. It’s important to note there is also a jurisdiction-specific approved learning framework in Victoria and Western Australia. Victoria: Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework, developed by Department of Education and Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (‘VEYLD Framework’).

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Western Australia: The Curriculum Framework for Kindergarten to Year 12 Education in Western Australia LEARNING RESOURCE


To access any of the National Quality Framework documents go to the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority ACECQA website.

The NQF includes:    

National Law and National Regulations National Quality Standard Assessment and quality rating process National learning frameworks. It is recommended that you download and save these documents to your computer as you will be asked to refer to sections within the resources throughout this unit and further studies.

National Quality Standard Quality Area 1 Educational Program and Practice This quality area of the National Quality Standard focuses on ensuring that the educational program and practice is stimulating and engaging and enhances children's learning and development. In all settings programs for children must be based on approved learning frameworks and delivered in accordance with that framework. Quality Area 1 - Educational Program and Practice, provides a strong focus on enhancing children's learning and development through the educational program, the practice of the educators (the things that we do) and the assessment and planning process. Quality Area 1 has 3 standards that focus on the educational program, educational practice, and assessment and planning for each child's learning and development. Quality Area 1 consists of 3 standards that focus on the educational program (Standard 1.1), educational practice (Standard 1.2) and assessment and planning (Standard 1.3) for each child's learning and development. These standards are crucial to delivering quality outcomes for children through an educational program that is based on an approved learning

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framework. It focuses on the child and the learning opportunities that contribute to the child being competent; that is having the necessary ability, skills and knowledge to do something successfully and be engaged in their learning. As educators, we are required to be intentional in our practice. This means being deliberate and purposeful with the things we do, say and provide to children in our environments that will enhance their learning and support them to be competent learners. Educators are required to be responsive to children through scaffolding and extending each child’s strengths, ideas, knowledge and skills to support children’s sense of agency - that is to make decisions and choices to influence and impact their own world. Critical reflection requires educators to think about their practice and ideas and challenges us to develop new ways of thinking to improve our program and practice, resulting in improvements for children’s learning. Families play a vital role in a child’s life and are required to be informed about the program and their child’s progress. Working collaboratively with families strengthens the child’s learning, development and wellbeing.

Use the following link to find more details of Quality Area 1

What is a Learning Framework? An approved learning framework is an important tool for enabling educators to work with children and families to achieve the best learning and developmental outcomes for children. There are many ways to use a learning framework to guide curriculum decision making such as:

Use a learning framework that brings together ideas, philosophies and approaches to guide their everyday practice. An approved learning framework guides educator interaction with children, families and colleagues and informs the experiences that are planned for children and the teaching and learning that occurs.

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Develop the program based on their sound knowledge of each child so that the experiences, interactions and routines each child engages in are relevant to them, respectful of their background and recognise and build on their current interests and abilities.

The Belonging, Being and Becoming: Early Years Learning Framework for Australia (EYLF) and the My Time, Our Place: Framework for School Age Care in Australia (MTOP) outline practices that educators and co-ordinators use to support and promote children’s learning. These two frameworks are approved under the National Quality Framework and are the frameworks that most Australian Early Childhood Education and Care Services are guided by. Click here to view the Approved Learning Frameworks

Victoria is the only state that implements an alternative approved learning framework, the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework. This is linked to the Victorian Essential Learning Standards and is very similar to Being, Belonging and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework, click here to view the VEYLDF.

In this learner resource we will be focusing on the EYLF and MTOP as these are nationally recognised approved learning frameworks that most Australian states are implementing.

The purpose and functions of the Learning Frameworks A learning framework assists educators in education and care settings to think more deeply about the service’s approach to learning, development and care and the way in which this guides everyday practice and development of the program.

Quality Area 1: Educational Program and Practice, Element 1.3.2 Critical reflection states that: "Critical reflection on children’s learning and development, both as individuals and in groups, drives program planning and implementation".

The frameworks are designed to inspire conversations, improve communication and provide a common language about young children’s learning among children themselves, with their

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families and the broader community, with educators and with other professionals (Early Years Learning Framework, p 8; My Time, Our Place, p 6). The emphasis in the frameworks is on planned or deliberate aspects of the program, which includes supporting spontaneous play and leisure experiences (MTOP, p 6). Understanding children’s learning and the value placed on play, relationships, collaborative decision making and respect for diversity is reflected in the sorts of opportunities that are provided for children. Approved learning frameworks inform the development of the curriculum at a service and support curriculum decision making as an ongoing cycle. This involves educators drawing on their professional knowledge, including their in-depth knowledge of each child. The Framework draws on conclusive national and international evidence that early childhood is a vital period in children’s learning and development. In addition, evidence that children learn and develop the skills and behaviours required for active citizenship in a wide range of settings. The learning frameworks are based on considerable input from the early childhood and school age sector, academics and Australian State and Territory Governments. Educators guided by the Framework will reinforce in their daily practice the principles laid out in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (the Convention). The Convention states that all children have the right to relax and play, and to join in a wide range of cultural, artistic and other recreational activities. The Convention also recognises children’s rights to be active participants in all matters affecting their lives and respects their family, cultural and other identities and languages.

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I. Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for birth to 5 years and My Time, Our Place: Framework for school aged children in Out of School Hours care are Australia’s first nationally endorsed Learning Frameworks for use across a range of Early and Middle Childhood Settings. These were developed following extensive consultation with Educators and Leaders within the sector, whilst also utilising current research in Child Development. II.Both Frameworks are designed to give guidance and allow for flexibility rather than a set of rules that must be followed.

The Early Years learning framework has many functions and promotes quality practices. It is a guide ‘to assist educators to provide young children with opportunities to maximise their potential and develop a foundation for future success in learning’ (pg. 5 Belonging, Being & Becoming: Early Years Learning Framework for Australia).

The Educators Belonging, Being & Becoming: Educators’ Guide to the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia is a resource that goes into more detail about the functions of the Early Years Learning Framework and is intended to support curriculum decision making to extend and enrich children’s learning from birth to five years and through the transition to school (Belonging, Being & Becoming: Early Years Learning Framework for Australia, page 5).

Key functions include:

A clear focus on children’s learning and wellbeing

A shared language for curriculum in the early childhood field

A base for planning, promoting and assessing learning

To improve quality in early childhood settings

Cultural security for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and their families

To include families and communities in children’s learning

(Educators Belonging, Being & Becoming: Educators’ Guide to the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia, page 3).

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Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia (EYLF) The aim of the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) is to extend and enrich children’s learning from birth to five years and through the transition to school. It assists services to provide young children with opportunities to maximise their potential and develop a foundation for future success in learning. The Early Years Learning Framework guides educators in their curriculum decision making and assists in planning, implementing and evaluating quality in early childhood education and care settings (adapted from the Early Years Learning Framework, p 8).

To read Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia use link below

III.Handy Tip: It is most important that you have a copy of the framework to read and refer to throughout your studies. Whilst you can access them via the link, please take the time to save a copy to your computer for easy reference.

My Time Our Place: Framework for School Age Care in Australia (MTOP) The aim of the My Time Our Place: Framework for School Age Care is to extend and enrich the wellbeing and development of school age children (5-12 years) in education and care settings. It acknowledges time and place as children engage in a range of play and leisure experiences that allow them to feel happy, safe and relaxed; interact with friends and practice social skills; solve problems; try new activities; and lea...

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