CHE 411 Syllabus FALL 2017 PDF

Title CHE 411 Syllabus FALL 2017
Course Physical Chemistry I
Institution Eastern Kentucky University
Pages 6
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CHE 411, Fall 2017 PRACTICUM CRN: TBD; 1-3 Credit Hours Judy L. Jenkins, Ph.D. EMAIL: [email protected] PHONE: 859-622-7993

LOCATION: SCIBD INSTRUCTOR: OFFICE: SCIBD 5139 OFFICE HOURS: T/R 11:00 am – 1:00 pm Drop-in, or by appointment

CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Practicum (1–3) A. Prerequisite: departmental approval. Students will gain specific experiences through participation in planning, teaching, analysis, and/or required maintenance in a designated undergraduate chemistry course. Formal project assigned by a faculty mentor. May be retaken for a maximum of three hours. 3–9 Lab. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this course students will be able to: 1. Demonstrate understanding of background information for their specific project (based on material from literature). 2. Perform and understand appropriate techniques specific to their specific project. 3. Demonstrate awareness for all forms of laboratory safety. 4. Record and manage appropriate information in a scientific notebook. COURSE OVERVIEW: Designed for chemistry majors or those interested in science education. Specific skills gained by the student will be dependent on the specific project determined by the student and a designated faculty mentor. Examples include (but not limited to) support in the preparation of a course laboratory, maintain and calibrate specific chemical instrumentation and/or equipment, assist in the design of a novel laboratory experiment, and/or investigating lecturing/tutoring techniques. Faculty Mentor will provide references and related handouts pertaining to the formal project that will need to be completed during the semester. At least 3 project (contact) hours per week are expected for each registered credit hour. COURSE EVALUATION METHOD: The student’s performance is evaluated by mentor evaluation, instructor evaluation of report, and faculty members’ evaluation of project presentation (poster). Rubrics for assessment can be found on the course Blackboard site. 

The project mentor completes evaluation forms at midterm and at the end of the semester, commenting on student effort level, reliability, task punctuality, professional growth, and scientific integrity. The forms are submitted to the course instructor, and the completed evaluations are copied to the student.

The instructor evaluation consists of grading the final project report. The final report is due to the course instructor on or before the last day of classes. A report format guide is available on Blackboard.

The poster must be prepared in time for the Chemistry Department Poster Session; the student presents the poster, and selected faculty members evaluate the poster presentation using the provided rubric. The date for this poster session will be determined and announced at the beginning of each semester. The student and mentor are responsible for printing of the student’s poster. The student must upload an electronic version (pdf preferred) of the completed poster using the appropriate Blackboard link by 5:00 pm on the Wednesday prior to the Departmental Poster Session. Electronic Posters due 5:00 pm Wednesday, November 29th, 2017; Poster Session 2:00 pm – 4:30 pm Friday, December 1st, 2017.

Following the last day of classes, all projects for which final reports are not submitted and posters are not presented will be considered incomplete; the corresponding students will likely receive course grades of “I.” Late fees of 10 % per week late will be assessed on the report grade unless prior arrangements have been made with the course instructor. More details can be found in the provided rubric and assessment form.


Mentor Evaluation Poster Faculty Evaluation Final Report Course Instructor Evaluation TOTAL

The student’s final letter grade will be determined by the following: A 90%-100% B 80%-89% C 70%-79%

60 % 15 % 25 % 100% D




Tentative Schedule of CHE 411 & CHE 811 – Practicum, Fall 2017 Date Activity Enrollment: Student who is interested in taking CHE 411/811 identifies Faculty Mentor and completes the Prior to Friday, September 15th, 2017 required “Chemistry Practicum Enrollment Form.” Informational Meeting: Course Instructor meets with all th 4 week of semester CHE 411/495/811 and FOR 490 students; Faculty Mentors th (3:20 pm, September 15 , 2017, SCIBD 5101) welcome! Midterm Progress Report: Student submits “Progress Friday, October 6th, 2017, 5:00pm Report” using the appropriate Blackboard link; Faculty (Faculty Mentor determines exact date) Mentor evaluates report using the attached rubric Midterm Grades: Faculty Mentor posts Midterm Grade(s) to 10/09/2017 course Blackboard site; Course Instructor submits Midterm Grade through EKUDirect 11/29/2017, 5:00 pm Electronic Poster Due (submit through Blackboard) 2:00 pm – 4:30 pm, Friday, December 1st, Chemistry Department Poster Session 2017 SCIBD Atrium Final Report: Student submits the “Final Report” using the 12/10/2017 appropriate Blackboard link. Course Instructor evaluates report using the attached rubric. Final Grade: Faculty Mentor submit “Chemistry Practicum Assessment Form (s)” to Course Instructor using the appropriate Blackboard link. Note that a copy of the 12/18/2017 student’s Midterm Progress Report should be included with this assessment. Course Instructor submits Final Grade through EKU Direct. Record Keeping: A single document that contains the following information will be compiled by the Course Instructor and distributed to the Main Office, the Faculty Mentor, and the Student:  Chemistry Practicum Enrollment Form  Midterm Progress Report  Poster Rubric(s), names removed  Final Report  Final Report Rubric  Chemistry Practicum Assessment Form Midterm Progress Report Guidelines Progress reports are aimed to get students to summarize what they have learned or discovered on the selected project in the assigned time period. Mentors will review and give comments on the progress reports. Progress reports can be brief but concise in emphasizing the most important aspects of the project. Midterm grade will be determined by Faculty Mentor. The following are the requirements for progress reports unless otherwise specified by the Faculty Mentor. 1. All progress reports will be typed. 2. All progress reports must include the following information on the first page of the report: the student’s name, the Faculty Mentor’s name, the course number, the date, and the name of the research project. 3. Progress reports will have an introduction, a methods section, and a conclusion. Data, if needed, will be presented in a table. Data can also be presented as Figures or Graphs; these must be incorporated into the report rather than attached at the end of the report.  Introduction. Progress reports must have a brief but reasonably thorough introduction of the background of the project and the current stage of the study.  Methods. Methods of the study of the project must be clearly stated.  Conclusion. Conclusion must reflect the student’s learning and discovery from the project in the assigned time period; future steps of study will be stated if needed.

UNIVERSITY LEVEL POLICIES Notification of the Last Day to Drop the Course

Last day to ADD or DROP a class. Last day for 100% 08/27/2017 refund. Last day to change from P/F or Audit to GRADE. Last day to WITHDRAW from class without a fee. 09/17/2017 Last Day to WITHDRAW from class. Withdraw fee applies. 11/12/2017 See the Colonel’s Compass website ( for further information. Disability Statement The University strives to make all learning experiences as accessible as possible. If you are registered with the EKU Center for Student Accessibility (CSA), please obtain your accommodation letters from the CSA, present them to the course instructor, and discuss the accommodations needed. If you believe you need an accommodation and are not registered with the CSA, please contact the office in 361 Whitlock Building by email at [email protected] or by telephone at (859) 622-2933. Upon individual request, this syllabus can be made available in an alternative format. A student with a “disability” may be an individual with a physical or psychological impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, to include, but not limited to: seeing, hearing, communicating, interacting with others, learning, thinking, concentrating, sitting, standing, lifting, performing manual tasks, working. Additionally, pregnancy accompanied by a medical condition(s), which causes a similar substantial limitation, may also be considered under the Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act (ADAAA). Academic Integrity Policy Students are advised that EKU’s Academic Integrity policy will be strictly enforced in this course. The Academic Integrity policy is available at Questions regarding the policy may be directed to the Office of Academic Integrity located in the Turley House, or contact them by phone at (859) 622-1500. Official Email An official EKU e-mail is established for each registered student, each faculty member and each staff member. All university communications sent via e-mail will be sent to this EKU e-mail address.

Chemistry Practicum (CHE 411/CHE 811) – EKU Department of Chemistry CHEMISTRY PRACTICUM ASSESSMENT FORM Course:  CHE 411  CHE 811 Term of Project  Spring  Summer  Fall I.

Credits: ____________ Year______________


Student Name:____________________________

Student I.D. No:_______________

Project Title:_________________________________________________________________ Hours student worked on this project per week: ___________/week Total of articles student studied (reviewed) for this project:_____________ Area



Progress Toward Objectives


Final Level of Competence


Growth in Competency






Progress Report Punctuality


Manuscript of final report & presentation


Attitude Toward Project


Group Congeniality




Final Report:


Poster Presentation:


Total (Part I and II): _________/100

Course Score:___________

Project Mentor: _____________________ ________________________________________ Print Name



Course Instructor: ______________________ _____________________________________ Print Name



Department Chair:________________________ ___________________________________ Copies:

Print Name Signature 1. Student 2. Department Chair – Chemistry/ Chemistry Main Office 3. Faculty Mentor 4. Course Instructor 5. Department Chair - Student’s Major Department (if different from 2)


Chemistry Practicum (CHE 411/CHE 811) – EKU Department of Chemistry

CHEMISTRY PRACTICUM ASSESSMENT FORM Additional Comments (Continued from Front):...

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