Macro theory fall 2017 syllabus, section 2 PDF

Title Macro theory fall 2017 syllabus, section 2
Author Akshat Dhankher
Course Recitation For Econ 2315
Institution Northeastern University
Pages 2
File Size 93.3 KB
File Type PDF
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Department of Economics

Northeastern University

Economics 2315: Intermediate Macroeconomics, Section 2 Fall 2017 Kurt Dew Email: [email protected] Office: Lake Hall 306 Office Hours: Monday, 4:45 – 6:00; Tuesday, 10:30 – 1:25 Office phone: 617-373-2215

Class Times & Location: Days : M, Th Times: 11:45 – 1:25 Place: Knowles Center 2B

Course Objective: The goal of the course is to provide examples of the application of a consistent theoretical framework for forecasting behavior of macroeconomic variables such as GDP, unemployment, and inflation. These frameworks are used to interpret recent economic performance and to analyze how governmental policies have affected outcomes. The course has two objectives: to enhance your understanding of recent macroeconomic events and your competence building and using economic models. Texts: Alan Abel, Ben Bernanke, Dean Croushore: Macroeconomics 9th Edition, 2016. Pearson Publishing. Since homework will be assigned through the book’s MyEconLab website, make sure you purchase the book and that you have access to the online homework program. Additional reading materials will be distributed in class and electronically as appropriate. Grading: Two Midterm Exams: 25% each Final Exam: 40% Homework: 10% MyEconLab homework due dates are managed through the website.

Calendar: Date (App) 9/9, 9/13 9/16, 9/20, 9/23 9/27, 9/30, 10/4, 10/7 October 5 10/14, 10/18, 10/21 10/25, 10/28, 11/1 November 6 11/8, 11/11 11/15, 11/18, 11/22, 11/29 12/1, 12/6 TBA

Topic Intro to Macro Productivity, Consumption, Saving & Investment BoP, Asset Markets, Long-run Growth Midterm Exam I Intro to Business Cycles, IS/LM Model IS/LM and AD/AS Models Midterm Exam II Neo-Classical & Neo-Keynesian Models Monetary Policy Fiscal Policy Final Exam

Readings Ch 1-2 Ch 3-4 Ch 5-7 Ch 1-7 Ch 8 & 9 (first half)

Ch 9 (second half) Ch 8 & 9 Ch 10-12 Ch 14 Ch 15 Ch 1-15

ACADEMIC POLICIES Tests: Test dates will be announced at least two lectures in advance, on Blackboard. If you cannot

take the test please contact me in advance via email ( [email protected]) so that I can grant an extension. Explain your absence in the email. If this policy is followed, there is no penalty for absense. If not, the test will be graded down 10%. Students must bring their student ID to all graded exams. I reserve the right to check IDs at any time during exams. There are no scheduled make-up exams; I expect you to be present for each assessment. If you are ill or otherwise unable to perform, please let me know as soon as you realize you will not be able to take the exam as scheduled, and we will make alternative arrangements. Blackboard: The course webpage is available on Blackboard through your MyNEU account. Course materials and announcements will be made available via Blackboard. The course should automatically appear in your course list if you have registered for the course. If it doesn’t, please speak to me A. It is your responsibility to check Blackboard regularly for course updates. Cheating: The University defines cheating as intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise. When completing any academic assignment, a student shall rely on his or her own mastery of the subject. A student found cheating or plagiarizing will receive an automatic F in the course and will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution. Examples of cheating: • Unauthorized use of notes, text, the Internet, or other aids during an exam. • Copying another student’s academic work. • Communication with other students during an exam. • Handing in the same paper for more than one course without the explicit permission of the instructor(s). • Intentionally viewing an assessment before it is administered. • Storing notes in a portable electronic device for use during an exam. Disabilities: Students have the right to disclose or not disclose to instructors their disability, but instructors need to be informed that a student has chosen to use accommodations in their classrooms. With this in mind, students with disabilities recognized by the Disability Resource Center who wish to have accommodations put in place should notify me during the first week of class. I am happy to do all I can to ensure your success in this class. Help Outside of Class: Students are strongly encouraged to take advantage of my office hours for extra help. If you cannot attend office hours, please feel free to make an appointment for an alternative time. If neither of these options is feasible at any point in the semester, please feel free to contact me by email with questions. The Economics Department TA Workshop in 302 Holmes Hall is also available for tutoring help. The hours will be provided to students when they are available and posted outside of the room. Tutors are available on a walk-in basis. For additional tutorial help, students are referred to the CSAS Peer Tutoring Center. You can also visit the program’s website at Other: You may not take this class Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (Pass/Fail). A grade of incomplete will only be given under exceptional circumstances. Students will need to file an incomplete grade contract....

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