Check 2 - Lecture notes 1 PDF

Title Check 2 - Lecture notes 1
Course Law
Institution Trường Cao đẳng Thực hành FPT
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TRANSCRIPT Student Number



Rocksky 17

Student ID


Full Name

Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Anh

Part 1

-Students learn English in the Global Citizen Program:  Level 1, students are introduced to English, practice phonics, basic conversation, and good study habits.  Level 2, continue to practice phonics, advanced conversation, listening and take notes.  Level 3, students can discuss international topics, read articles, give presentations.  Level 4, write arguments, talk shows, practice debating skills, think from many angles and aspects through language practice.  Level 5, rapping debate, researching hot topics. -21st century skills that students are trained in:  Teamwork: At Little UK, students are divided into groups to interact to complete daily and weekly projects quickly and efficiently. Apply in the future: listen to the opinions of people in the group, leading the group.  Communication: daily communication between students with each other, with teachers, to express feelings or opinions. Apply in the future: communicate confidently, comfortably, speak clearly, use body language and make eye contact.  Critical thinking: through debate activities, students can give their analysis clearly, accurately, consistently and succinctly. Apply in the future: the ability to read information, shape and challenge unsustainable values.  Problem solving: the application questions posed in the interview of today, the project helps students have a way of seeing and evaluating to make a choice and determine which solution is the best. Apply in the future: provide solutions to solve problems quickly and effectively, create work motivation as well as bring great value to work.

Part 2

- My CV has 6 main parts: 1. Profile. Here, I introduce myself and the skills I have that help people better understand my ability to learn. 2. Education. I graduated with honors from FPT University. Moreover, I earned a license in Organizational Development, taking additional classes in team management and leadership. I have proven myself when working at companies. 3. Experience. My post-graduation activities. And I believe my ability is enough for you to trust. 4. Skills. The skills that I acquired during both study and work. I'm still trying to develop it. 5. Achievements. This is an outstanding result in my whole process of studying, working, and trying. 6. Get in touch. Here is my contact information. You can connect with me through these addresses. -My CV, experiences, and skills qualified me to have a good job in the 21 st century. Because:  First, now, my skills, CV is good enough to get a good job. In the future, I am more experienced, I have more knowledge, I understand myself better.  Second I am always updating, learning new knowledge, being creative to bring me to a new level.

Part 3

-Things to do to continue to develop English and 21st century skills after Rocksky: 1. Keep learning. You need to learn every day to protect your knowledge base as well as not to become obsolete. 2. Participate in extracurricular activities. This is your chance to apply, hone and improve the skills you learned from Little UK. 3. Update hot issues in the world. Use your knowledge and skills to research, analyze and give an opinion on that

issue and know more what skills you need to add....

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