Check offs 1 - mandatory assignment to pass the class PDF

Title Check offs 1 - mandatory assignment to pass the class
Course Clinical Practice I
Institution Valencia College
Pages 7
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mandatory assignment to pass the class...


Station 1: Oxygen Supply 1 - O2 supply systems: -Sx meets DOT standards for a 3AA (high strength alloy steel) tank. -Hydrostatic testing date stamped w/ inspectors mark (every 5 – 10 yrs) -(+) indicates tank is charged 10%more -E tanks: 0.28 psi factor -PISS- Pin index safety sx -H tanks: 3.14 psi factor -ASSS- American standard safety sx -Administer gas only after verifying color with label markings. -Air: yellow

Oxygen: green

Helium: brown

Carbon dioxide: grey

Nitrous Oxide: blue

-Regulating gas pressure and flow: -Reducing valve & Flow meter = Regulator -Bourdon Gauge and Thorpe tube -DISS- Diameter index safety sx to prevent o2 loss when not in use. *Performance Evaluation: -

Obtain either H (beside) or E (transport) cylinder


Make sure safety chain is placed properly. And have safety disk******


Crack tank to remove any debris present.


Select correct reducing valve for intended use. (Bourdon- transport) (Thorpegravity dependent/ bedside)


Secure reducing valve to the cylinder


Crack open again to check/ correct any leaks.


Calculate amount of time before cylinder must be changed.


Push cart correctly to pt area and return all equipment to storage & secure.

2 – Oxygen concentrators: -Use of electricity- always plug into red outlet (backed up by generator) *Performance evaluation: Oxygen concentrators - Place concentrator away from wall/draperies/heat - Plug into red socket - Check gross particle filter and clean as needed - Connect to humidifier if above 4L flow or if pt complains of dryness - Connect o2 delivery device (nasal cannula) - Turn on power switch - Set flow rate as directed - Feel for flow and place on pt - Document procedure in the pts records

Station 2: Infection Control ***** - Hand-washing and Isolation Procedures – Combined -

Contact precautions: Gloves and Gown if permissible


Droplet precautions: Glove, Mask (Flu)


Airborne precautions: Glove, Gown, N-95 Mask (TB)

*Performance Evalutation - Removes jewelry and watch - Does not contact sink with clothing or body - Adjust water flow and temp - Wets forearms and hands thoroughly - Applies soap liberally - Washes hands with strong friction for 15 sec* - Palm, Wrist, Between fingers, under nails and around cuticles.

- Does not touch the faucet, sides, or bottom of the sink. - Rinse thoroughly from wrists to fingertips - Obtain paper towels without contaminating the hands - Dry hand thoroughly, separate paper towel for each. Wrist to fingertips - Turns off water with clean dry paper towel -- After performing hand hygiene: isolation procedures— - Obtain appropriate apparel - Aseptically applies the gown -Picks up gown at the neck - Hands into sleeves - Fasten ties at neck and then the waist - Apply mask - Apply gloves -- Remove isolation attire before leaving the room— - Remove gloves inside out - Remove mask - Remove gown- untie neck - Pull sleeves off by reaching inside cuff w a finger -Fold the gown inside out and dispose - Perform hand hygiene before leaving the room - Perform hand hygiene outside the room

Station 3: Patient Assessment - Physical assessment including breath sounds and vitals -

Verify physicians orders


Review pt chart & prep for precautions accordingly


Enter room, introduce yourself,


Ensure pt privacy, verify the pt


Explain procedure and optimize environment (turning off tv)


Perform hand hygiene


Record vitals


Position the pt sitting up


Head: o Nasal flaring- WOB to get air in o Central Cyanosis- Chronic hypoxemia o Pursed lips- COPD pt trying to get air out


Neck: o Jugular Vein Distention- Right heart failure (Cor Pulmonale) o Trachea aligned and not deviated 


Pneumothorax- trachea will shift to opposing side

Chest: o Check their chest configuration: barrel chest/ bilateral o WOB- Respiratory rate and pattern o Pectus carinatum  Abnormal protrusion of sternum o Pectus excavatum  Depression of part or entire sternum, restricts the lung o Kyphosis  Spinal deformity in which the spine has an abnormal AP curvature o Scoliosis  Spinal deformity in which the spine has a lateral curvature o Kyphoscoliosis  Combination of kyphosis and scoliosis, o Tactile fremitus: “say 99” feel for vibrations going on with both hands 

Increase vibrations with fluid accumulation (pneumonia)

Decrease vibrations with more air (COPD, Emphysema)

o Percussion: Form a dome with your hand and tap on your middle finger 

Dull- consolidation (decrease resonance) pneumonia

Hollow- Air (increase resonance) emphysema

Feel for tenderness/inflammation

o Ask pt to take a deep breath and listen to breath sounds bilaterally


Systematically listen to anterior, lateral, and posterior

Normal, Wheezing (constriction), Crackle (fluid in alveoli), Rhonchi ( fluid in large upper airways that’s suctioned out)

Arms: o Digital clubbing: indicates chronic hypoxemia (cystic fibrosis, COPD) o Capillary refill: 2-3 sec which shows circulation and perfusion


Legs: o Pedal Edema: Fluid retention in the lower extremities 


Pitting or wheeping? 0-4 sec

Vital signs: o Heart rate: radial artery 60-100 o Respiratory Rate: 12-20 o Spo2: 95-100 o Temperature: 98.6 F or 37 C o BP: 120/80


Record findings


Ensure pt safety and comfort


Perform hand hygiene after procedure


Relay message to physician: o Situation: Your name/dept/pt name/room# o Background: What factors led up to this event? o Assessment: what is the problem? o Recommendation: what action do you propose?

Station 4: O2 & Humidity

- O2 administration (know all devices, flows, FiO2, etc.) and Aerosol Therapy -

Verify physicians orders in the chart


Hand washing and gloves


Obtain required equipment: o Nasal cannula: 6 L max at 4L add humidifier 

25-40% fiO2

o Simple oxygen mask: 6-10L 

35-50% fiO2

o Partial rebreather: min 10L 

40-70% fiO2

o Nonrebreather: min 10L 

60-80% fiO2

o Venturi/ Air entrainment mask: for COPD pts hypoxic drive 


Fixed fio2

If humidity and aerosol therapy required obtain sterile water o Bubble humidifier: Nasal Cannula o Large volume Jet nebulizer: Bland aerosol therapy 

Large-bore tubing with drainage bag


Identify pt by name and dob


Explains the procedure to them


Adjusts device to the ordered level and confirm its working


Ask pt and apply device to them


Confirm fiO2


Make sure pt is comfortable and leave pt area clean


Monitor temperature of gas


Wash hands before leaving room


Document (equipment, concentration, or flow) in pt chart....

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