Chemistry Connections PDF

Title Chemistry Connections
Author Ray Gio
Course Chemistry
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 7
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Chemistry Connections: Sodium nitrate YOUR NAME Grand Canyon University: CHM-113L June 7, 2020



Abstract Sodium nitrate is one compound many people probably never heard of but have encounter it at least once in a lifetime. Sodium nitrate is one of the main chemicals used in processed foods because of its ability to preserve. Due to the overuse of sodium nitrate in processed foods and meat curing many studies have showed this chemical to be bad for consumption to discourage the use. To counter react, many studies show sodium nitrate as an antioxidant that is beneficial for produce. this assignment goes into full detail about this compound sodium nitrate; where it goes into full death about its structure, what it does? The reaction and literature findings. Only to end with its application to Christian worldview.


Sodium nitrate the chemical compound that is viewed as the unsung hero to some and to others an evil that needs to be purged from food products. To pass judgement on sodium nitrate one must assess and research what this chemical is and what it does. Sodium nitrate is used in many processed foods what is also a compound found naturally in some vegetables. It is used as a curing salt for meat that keeps its freshness. This chemical also is used way too much an processed foods that can lead to many of health problems. For one to make the right call they must further their research on this chemical compound. Chemical and Physical properties Sodium nitrate has many names like Nitrate of soda, Chile saltpeter, and Cubic niter (PubChem,2020). Sodium nitrate physical appearance is a white crystalline solid or white powder (PubChem,2020). Pubchem states (2020) “Sodium nitrate is the inorganic nitrate salt of sodium” so it is an inorganic sodium salt and nitrates salt it also plays a role as a fertilizer. This chemical is also an irritant when it encounters human skin and other extremities but also an oxidizer. Although it is noncombustible there is evidence where it accelerates the burning of combustible metals. Sodium nitrate has a molecular weight of 84.995 g/mol. Pubchem(2020) states that Sodium nitrate has a saline, slightly bitter taste it decomposes at 380 celceuis and has density of 2.3g/cm3. The chemical formula for sodium is NaNO3, it consists of one Na cation and one nitrate anion NO3 (Pubchem,2020). Sodium nitrate's chemical properties consists of a strong acid chemical class, that dissociates in water completely; a solid at room temperature and releases toxic fumes also reacts violently with strong reducing agents and flame flammable materials (softschools,2015).



Chemical reactions

Sodium nitrate is reduced to sodium nitrate by microorganisms like micrococcus spp. present on meats. Then sodium nitrite is reduced into nitrous acid in the presence of in acidic environment, for example fermentation or by the addition og glucono-o(delta)-lactone). After that nitrous acid forms into nitric oxide an nitric oxide reacts with myoglobin, this cause meat to turn into a red color because it reacts with the meat pigments. Literature Findings

The peer review Journal that was used in the literature findings was about nitrates in foods exclusively. The author made a case asking is it harmful or healthy to the human body? There was plenty of evidence to back up each side in the argument. For harmful reasons “Nitrates and nitrites are considered hazardous and there are legal limits to this concentration and foods and drinking water” (Katan, 2009). Nitrates are everywhere there in fertilizers, vegetables, fruits, livestock, and groundwater as well. Farmers have a hard time controlling the legal limit of nitrates when there in everything. Due to those conditions the world history organization were the first to set limits on nitrates in foods. To back up their limitation they use sodium nitrate as a sample an fed it to rats and dog this was used as evidence to further strengthen the limitation on nitrates in foods. Katan(2009) claims, “evidence for adverse effects of dietary nitrate and nitrite



is weak, and the intake above the legal limit might well be harmless” In other words the evidence provided is not strong enough to set nitrates and nitrites consumption limits so low. Study shows that nitrates can help the human body as well. “It is undisputed that nitrate ingestion widens arteries” (Katan, 2009). Katan(2009) also says, “There is also some evidence that nitrate reduces blood pressure”. Katan suggested to run more research on humans. To illustrate “a trial in which volunteers are fed match vegetables with high or low natural content” (Katan, 2009). After a certain time period is reach they will conduct a final analysis and get to the bottom of the question. Application of the Christian worldview Sodium nitrate is in an ample amount of processed foods it is the chemical that keeps meet looking good; the chemical helps meet from looking dull and gray. When you apply this to the Christian worldview the Bible has many verses That help with being sad, and discourage. Deuteronomy 31:8 says “the Lord himself goes before you and will be with you he will never leave you nor forsake you do not be afraid do not be discouraged”. Psalms 119:50 also says “my comfort in my suffering is this your promise preserves my life”. God is in some ways like sodium nitrate he preserves and keeps people going when everything else has failed. When a person feels like the world has given up on them, or they put their time and energy into something only for it to fail do not be discouraged just apply some God in your lifestyle and watch him preserve and keeps a person going.



Conclusion Sodium nitrate is just like many other chemicals that is used for good and accomplish great things, but when abuse it can lead to many problematic issues. One cannot blame the chemical, but intentions with the chemical. Instead of passing the blame on sodium nitrate pass the blame on the people who abuse the use of this chemical to the point where it will harm others.




References National Center for Biotechnology Information. PubChem Database. Sodium nitrate, CID=24268, (accessed on June 9, 2020) Katan, M. B. (07/2009). Nitrate in foods: Harmful or healthy? doi:10.3945/ajcn.2009.28014...

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