CHIN 331 Lesson 2 Workbook Answer Sheet-1 copy PDF

Title CHIN 331 Lesson 2 Workbook Answer Sheet-1 copy
Author Serhan Aksak
Course CHIN (Chinese)
Institution The University of British Columbia
Pages 4
File Size 204.5 KB
File Type PDF
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Integrated Chinese workbook homework answers. I got A- on the homework. Typing typing typing. kfodskfdsok jfjfslkjslj sfjsdljskljf kfkf doldldl...


Lesson 2 宿舍 I. Listening Comprehension A. Textbook Content (INTERPRETIVE) Listen to the recording for the Textbook and answer the questions in English. 1. Zhang TianMing's roommate moved in first. 2. They both have a desk, chair, bed, wardrobe. 3. Their dorm is not close to the main street. 4. It is convenient to do laundry. It is far from Main Street so it is not noisy. Close to school only 5 minute walk to school. 5. The cafeteria food is not good. The bathroom is small. There is no air conditioning.

B. Workbook Dialogue (INTERPRETIVE) Listen to the recording for the Workbook and answer the questions. Questions (True/False): ( T ) 1.

( F ) 3.

( T ) 2.

( T ) 4.

Questions (Multiple Choice): ( C ) 5.

( C ) 6.

C. Workbook Narratives 1. Write the character based on what you hear on the recording. (INTERPRETIVE AND PRESENTATIONAL) a. 靠 b. 木东

2. Listen to the recording and answer the following questions in English. (INTERPRETIVE) a. 6 pieces of furniture:2 chairs, wardrobe,bed,bookshelf,desk 1

b. Yes very close to school. c. Eating and washing clothes is very convenient. d. The room doesn't have a window.

3. Draw a picture of Little Li’s room based on the recording and answer in Chinese the question you hear at the end of the recording. Drawing :

Answer: 椅子 D. Workbook Listening Rejoinder (INTERPERSONAL) In this section, you will hear two people talking. After hearing the first speaker, select the best from the four possible responses given by the second speaker. Answer: ____D_____

III. Reading Comprehension B.The following excerpt is part of a conversation between a landlord and a potential tenant. Read it and answer the questions in English. (INTERPRETIVE) 1. Even though the rent is cheap I would not rent this apartment because it lacks so many basic things like laundry machines, it has a small bathroom and the building is too old. 2. There is no air conditioning but the landlord says it is not hot so no need for an AC. That would be fine because I don't user air conditioning that much. Size of the bathroom is small only 1 person can fit in. A bigger bathroom would be more convinient. The building is 20 years old the landlord thinks it is not too old but I think 20 years is too old. She says it is not noisy which is good for studying. There is no washing machine or dryer which is very inconvenient for me. The neighbourhood has restaurants but they are mostly Chinese restaurants. I usually eat at Italian 2

restaurants. The rent is only 400$ which is really cheap but the house doesn't offer so many things so it is not worth it.

C. Read the passage and answer the questions in English. (INTERPRETIVE) Questions

1. It is similar that both choose university while graduating from high school. It is different that in US if you do bad on the exam you can still go to a school. It is also different that in US if you want to change majors you can just apply you don't have to take an exam. 2. When they are graduating from high school they enter an exam and then decide according to their result.

3. They can change their major by taking an exam again. D. Draw a picture and answer the true/false

questions after reading the following passage. (INTERPRETIVE) Questions (True/False): a. ( F ) b. ( T ) c. ( F )

E. What does the sign say? The sign shows the times for the laundry room which is from 7 AM to 10 PM F. 这个商店卖纸和笔因为写作说文具。

IV. Writing and Grammar Exercises B. Answer the following questions based on your own situation. 3

1. 我比较喜欢附近中国餐馆儿因为很便宜,而且很好吃。 2. 我觉得住在校外比较省钱因为学校附近的房子很贵。

3. 学校离的 orchard 宿舍比较新。

C. Complete the following dialogue using 比较 1. 宿舍房间虽然比较小,但是离教室近,上课很方便。 2. 这台洗衣机和烘干机虽然比较吵,但是还可以用。

3. 这张桌子和椅子虽然很旧,但是菜又好吃又便宜。

D. Rewrite the following sentences using 得很 1. 他住的那栋宿舍安静得很。 2. 这个学校安全得很。

3. 那家商店元得很。

E. Complete the following dialogues using 恐怕 1. 他这两天非常忙,恐怕他不能来了。 2. 这么晚了,恐怕餐馆儿关门了。

3. 如果书架太多,恐怕房间你放不下了。

F. Rearrange the following words into complete sentences. Pay attention to the Chinese word order 1. 我妹妹买了很有意思的一本书。 2. 我是前天从北京坐飞机来的。

3. 他两年前在中国工作了六个月。 4. 我们昨天在那家饭馆吃了很地道的一些中国菜。 5. 小王写中国字写得很快。

G. Describe the following scenes. Don’t forget to mention the background, and if applicable, what the person is wearing. Remember to use 着 in your description. P.32 1. 窗户的前边有一张床。床的下边有一双鞋。床上着两个枕头。 2. 餐桌上着四个盘子。餐桌前边有三把椅子。

3. 穿衬衫的那个女人举行一盘蛋糕给她的狗。沙发前边着一只狗。


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