Cholera Epidemics 1870 PDF

Title Cholera Epidemics 1870
Author santiago ardila
Course Introduction to Physiology
Institution All Saints University
Pages 5
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World Health Organisation

Topic B: Tackling Cholera in Italy and the United States

Santiago Ardila Delegate of Colombia


The cholera virus has been an issue dating as far back as ancient Greece because based on the records of Hippocrates it can be observed that several of his patients presented cholera symptoms; therefore, cholera isn’t a new disease. However, during the 19th century there has been a huge increase in the cases of cholera in the world. There have been three Cholera pandemics so far, meaning the one that began in 1829 and ended in 1849, the one that began in 1852 and ended in 1859 and the one that began in 1863 and its still terrorising people across the world have claimed thousands of lives across the world. During the 1852 epidemic 12%1 of the total deaths in New York where due to Cholera meaning that Cholera was claiming, according to the mortality statistics of the seventh census of the United States, 5,822 lives a year in new York of the United States alone driving the countries mortality rate to be in an all-time high. due to the fact of out of every 1000 people 77 died2 (in total not only Cholera). It is very important to take into consideration that average crude death rate in other countries not infected with cholera didn’t exceed 17 deaths per 1000 live births3. Nevertheless, during the ongoing pandemic Italy lost 113,000 lives. However, this ongoing pandemic has also claimed thousands of lives in the Latin American continent over the past 50 years calming 20,000 lives in Colombia alone4. Further stating that this is not an issue regarding a few countries but the whole world. One of the biggest issues

1 Mortality statistics of the seventh census of the United States

2 Data compiled from mortality statistics of the seventh census of the United States and WHO Mortality Database

3 Data compiled from WHO Mortality Database 4

regarding the spread of cholera are the trade routes and the little knowledge some countries have on the topic. This is because the cholera epidemics have all been spread by some sort of trade. It goes without saying that countries such as our own didn’t know much about the cholera virus therefore leading to their initial relation with cholera to be very severe. Nation Position: A: History Colombia’s relation with the cholera epidemics dates back as to the first big cholera epidemic that reached New York in 1832. when it reached the Colombian coast of Cartagena and Barranquilla it killed nearly 20,0005. Later spreading to the centre of the country where the pandemic slowed down due to the high levels of altitude presented in the areas. However according to Panamanian doctor Domingo Arosemena, cholera was brought to Colombia by Californians and Germans in the search of gold in 1849. However due to the lack of knowledge people had on the cholera virus it was concluded that cholera was passed on through the air and the odor emitted by the corpses of people with cholera therefore measures where taken not to prevent the spread of cholera itself but to prevent the spread of odors causing for cholera to be able to keep spreading while resources where being wasted. Later it was theorized that the disease was spread by contact so people started being quarantined to prevent the spread leading to a significant decrease in cases of cholera and eventually the plague disappearing as mysteriously as it had shown up. However, this epidemic was the last to reach Colombia. Due to the fact that no new cases of cholera have been presented in Colombia mostly because as it was previously mentioned the cause for the future epidemic (including the ongoing one) where trade, and due to the fact Colombia doesn’t see many people coming into the country to import but 5

rather going out to export6 the traders carrying the disease never reach Colombian soil. Despite the low levels of cholera in the country now the delegate considers that the threat of a new cholera epidemic reaching Colombia is still extremely possible. Therefore, the Delegation of Colombia considers of upmost importance that the issue of cholera is stopped. As it is common knowledge the disease is an almost unstoppable disease that has claimed thousands of lives. However, during the third pandemic one of the John Sown a scientists from Britain was able to find a way to prevent cholera in Britain through the isolation of contaminated water and specialized quarantine methods. All his research centered on finding and eliminating the spot where cholera originated, due to the fact that Snow was able to identify that the cause of cholera is not bad air but, through direct contact with fecal matter usually found in the water. Therefore7, the delegate proposes that in order to treat the epidemic or at least prevent its rapid spreading is to study and isolate the locations where the disease is spreading trace the disease to its source and eliminate it. This measure will be especially in New York city due to the fact cholera is mostly spread to through the unclean living of the poor. If this method is implemented it will allow for the quick elimination of cholera amongst the working class reducing the cost of its removal to be minimum. Further expanding into the cholera problem in New York one other solution is for the rich to get involved in the epidemics due to the fact in New York city cholera has become a problem of the poor having multiple upper class citizens left the cities and the remaining assumed cholera was spread due to the fact that the poor lived like swine8. Nevertheless, with the rich helping with the issue the epidemic could be reduced due to the fact all the rich are kept in one side of the city. 6 7 8

Currently the people of New York residing in the high class think its better to do out with the poor than to find a permanent solution to eradicate cholera. Therefore, the delegate proposes for the rich to invest into the containment plan in order to prevent the spreading of cholera. Doing this will allow for the further improvement of the life expectancy of the city and will allow for the growth of the city. Furthermore, if the plan to isolate the epidemic works, since this is only a short-term solution. A more permanent solution can be implemented that can be an upgrade to the city sewers since due to their brick walls some fecal mater is left in pores of the brick further allow for the bacterium in cholera to remain in the water. Therefore, with minimal funding form the reach cholera epidemics could be eradicated. The delegate considers that its in the best interest of everyone here present that Snow’s prevention plan is instituted for it will prevent future cholera epidemics an that the rich shall intervene in the cholera problems specially in New York city. Due to the fact as it was aforementioned Snow’s quarantine system is very easy to apply and has proven itself to be very efficient when it comes the prevention of cholera. Furthermore, the delegate also considers pertinent to upgrade the sewer systems and aqueducts due to the fact that as Snow also managed to prove the course of the aqueducts plays a major role in the prevention or spreading of the cholera disease. Therefore, the delegate considers a plan to upgrade or in certain cases build proper sewers in the affected areas with the objective of finalizing the cholera epidemic....

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