Chpt 11 Obtaining Commitment PDF

Title Chpt 11 Obtaining Commitment
Course Personal Selling And Sales Management
Institution Towson University
Pages 6
File Size 143.6 KB
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Chapter 11 Obtaining Commitment Securing Commitment Closing: Asking for the buyer’s business Traditional emphasis on getting the sale no matter what: •

Damages trust

Insults the buyer’s intelligence

Raises the possibility of losing commitment

Should be the natural, logical progression of any sales call Importance of Securing Commitment •

Tells the salesperson what to do next

Defines the status of the client (natural progression from suspect to prospect to customer)

Failing to obtain commitment results in taking longer time to obtain a sale

Company’s future success depends on goodwill and earning a profit

Customer realization of benefits (be confident -the sooner they buy, the sooner they can realize the benefits of your solution)

Financial rewards for the salesperson

Customer expects you to bring the sale to a natural conclusion/close

Financial Terms and Conditions Discounts are typically based on: •

Types of customers

Quantities purchased •

Single-order discount

Cumulative discount (over time)

Credit Terms (next slide)

Shipping Costs (next slides)

Credit terms • Allowed for early payment • Last discount taken • (2/10, net 30): Deducting 2 percent from the bill if paid within 10 days of invoice and paying full amount in 30 days otherwise • (2/10, EOM) discount: 10-day period begins at the end of the month

• Important in capital equipment sales Easy credit terms help salespeople close sales •

Shipping costs •

Free on board, F O B: Buyer assumes responsibility for both the goods and the costs of shipping them

F O B destination: Buyer takes responsibility for the goods once they reach the buyer’s location, and the seller pays the freight

F O B installed: Title and responsibility do not transfer until the equipment is installed and operating properly

Presenting Price Set the price for buyer after studying: •

Competitor’s offerings

Value delivered by the product or service

Cost of providing the product or service

What can you do if they ask for price and you don’t know these things yet?? Buying Signals •

Closing cues: Indications that the buyer is ready to buy

Buyer questions: Signal a readiness to buy if the question concerns implementing the purchase and points toward when purchase is implemented

• •

“If I agree to go with this advertising program, do you have any ads already developed that I could use?”

“Do you have any facilities for training our employees?”

“How soon would you be able to deliver the equipment?”

Requirements: Conditions to be satisfied before a purchase can take place •

“We need 2/10, n/30 terms”

“We need to get this in weekly shipments”

Benefit statements: Reflect strong feelings in support of the purchase •

“Good, that will fit in our office supply room”

“Your service guarantee will satisfy a lot of people around here.”

Trial closes: Questions regarding the prospect’s readiness to buy • “How does this sound so far?”; “How does this compare…?” Nonverbal cues: Important indicators of the customer’s state of mind, evident through:

• Facial expressions Actions (e.g., nodding) How to Successfully Obtain Commitment Maintaining a positive attitude Letting the customer set the pace Being assertive and not aggressive •

Aggressive: Such salespeople control the sales interaction but fail to gain commitment

Assertive: Such salespeople are self-confident and positive

Selling the right item in the right amounts (this requires listening and strategic planning) Effective Methods •

Direct request •

Benefit summary •

Reminding the buyer of the agreed-on benefits of the proposal

Balance sheet •

Asking the buyer for commitment

Helping prospects who cannot make a decision, even when the reason for their behavior is not apparent

Probing •

Using a series of probing questions to discover the reason for the hesitation

How to Successfully Obtain Commitment •

Direct request •

Simply ask for it (and then be quiet!) (be wary of appearing overly aggressive though) (use with Drivers)

Examples: “Can I put you down for 4 cases at $50 each?” “Will you come in for a hands-on demonstration?” •

Benefit summary •

Non-manipulative way of reminding the buyer of the agreed-on benefits of the solution

Examples: “You stated that you were looking for X,Y, and Z. As I’ve mentioned ours does X,Y, and Z…”

- particularly important in long selling cycles (to remind) - see last slide of today’s SPIN notes •

Balance sheet method •

List pros and cons (use with Analyticals)

- Focus on benefits not features - Potential issue with cons outnumbering pros - Careful not to insult buyer’s intelligence •

Probing method •

Initially uses another method (e.g., direct request)

If unsuccessful with previous method, use a series of probing questions to discover reason for the hesitation

Example: “Do you mind if I ask why you are hesitating to go ahead with it? ...What if I could resolve these issues? Then would you be willing to move forward with an order?” •

Alternative choice (the choice is between items, not between something and nothing) •

Limits prospect’s choices

Examples: “Would you like to buy this copier or that copier?” “Which do you prefer – one or two neck ties to go with your suit?” •

Standing-room-only (seller describes negative consequences of waiting; creates a sense of urgency) •

Effective only if true

Examples: “At the rate these are going, I don’t expect to have any after the end of this week?” “If you can’t decide now, I’ll have to offer it to another customer?” What would you say to a friend to gain his or her commitment to go on a spring break trip? Describe what you would say using each of the following methods: • • • •

Alternative choice Direct request Benefit summary Balance sheet

• Probing Standing-room-only Effective Methods Trial offers •

Based on the idea that once a product is taken home, one might not want to give it up

Suggestions to use •

Set a specific time for training, and make sure the user is comfortable with the product

Document that the decision criteria are concrete and that the trial is needed to achieve those criteria

Agree on when a decision will be made

Responsibilities If Commitment Is Obtained •

No surprises •

Go over all important information

Confirm the customer’s choice •

Buyer’s remorse: the insecurity a buyer feels about whether the choice was a wise one.

Assure customers they have made an intelligent choice

Examples: “You’ve made an excellent choice!” “Your mechanics will thank you for purchasing these tools.” •

Get the signature •

Be prepared – have the paperwork completed beforehand

Make the actual signing an easy, routine procedure

Be careful not to exhibit any excess eagerness or excitement at signing time

Show appreciation •

Cultivate for future calls •

Thank-you letter

How the salesperson treats the customer is the biggest determinant of future sales

Review the actions to be taken •

Avoid misunderstandings

Be sure the buyer gets what they were promised

When Commitment Is Not Obtained •

Don’t take it personally!!!

Some reasons for lost opportunities

Wrong attitudes

Poor presentation, habits and/or skills

Discovering the cause •

Critical so that salespeople can proceed intelligently to eliminate the barriers

Suggestions for dealing with rejection •

Maintain the proper perspective

Suggestions for Dealing with Rejection •

Maintaining proper perspective


Using good manners

Be nice to yourself: you went for it!!!!..... eat a good meal, get a good night’s sleep, regroup and start fresh

Bringing the Sales Call to a Close Salesperson should leave with a clear plan for all parties •

Review what he or she will do next

What the customer will do next

When the salesperson will meet again

Follow up promptly with a thank-you and reminder note...

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