EXIT 4 CHPT 8-11 - practice test PDF

Title EXIT 4 CHPT 8-11 - practice test
Author Natalie Saint-hubert
Course lifespan
Institution Lincoln Technical Institute
Pages 7
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Human Growth and Development Chapters 8-11 Exit Ticket Name: Natalie Saint-Hubert Chapter 8 Preschool Vitals: P: 90-100 BPM, BP: 100/60, R: 22-25 Gross Motor Skills: 4 year old children are of walking and running on their tiptoes, hopping and balancing in one foot. They can pedal a tricycle and like to climb and jump, by the age of 5 they can skip, walk on a balance beam and catch a ball. Fine Motor Skills: Fine motor skills in a 4 year old allow them to self-care including bathing, dressing, feeding and toileting. they find pleasure on exploring their bodies. Erik Erikson: Preschool According to Erickson by preschool age a child has learned to trust those in the environment and has developed a sense of independence. They pretend, explore, and try out new roles. Piaget: Centration and Reversibility Centration: is the fact of a child focusing and centering attention to only one cue. Reversibility: the understanding of how two actions may be related to each other, for example a child crying because his beach ball is deflated not understanding that the ball can be reinflated and that he can play with it again. Nutrition Recommendations: The average daily calory for a younger preschooler is 1000- 1400 calories, whereas a 4-5 year old should have 1200-1600 calories divided over the course of the day. Diet for this age group include foods containing proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral and limited fats Play Style: The paly style of a preschooler is known as cooperative and associative, they are able to share, take turns and follow simple rules. Night Mares versus Night Terrors: Nightmares are unpleasant dreams that a child wake up from with fear and anxiety. Night terrors are dreams that the child may wake up from screaming and terrified for a brief period of time but does not remember the event in the morning. Complications from Thumb Sucking and Treatment: One complication of prolonged thumb sucking is malalignment if the teeth.

Management of Enuresis: Cause of enuresis is not fully understood, but u can manage it by giving the child a complete medical examination to help rule out any underlying pathology. The best approach is avoid making the child feel guilty or ashamed.

Characteristic Thinking Patterns: Thinking style is egotistical and magical, they believe they are the center of the world and that they are all powerful, they believe they can make stuff happen with their mind.

Chapter 9 School Age Growth Pattern: Growth is slow and steady (starting with formal education and ending with

puberty) Vitals: P: 90 BPM, BP: 100/60, R: 20 breath per minutes Motor Development: During this period there is marked in increase in muscle mass and muscle strength and significant improvement in gross and fine motor skills. They can run faster, jump higher and throw farter with more accuracy than children in younger age groups. Freud Sexual Development: Freud describes this period as latency “ a time when sexual energies are dormant”. During this stage children are more involved with cognitive skills and learning than with sexual concerns Erik Erikson: Seen as producers, school work are important, Need for positive reinforcement• Need immediate gratification from work• Peer relationships very important• Family relationships important but secondary to friendships• Privacy important Common Fears: Snakes/ Spiders, Being home alone, Angry teacher, Injury, illness, doctors, shots, death, Fear of failure and rejection Moral Development: Pre-Conventional versus Conventional

Play: Focus of play is based on reality and concrete thinking, Cooperative style using compromise, Team play and competitive sports begin, Crafts and quiet activities still of interest.

Chapter 10 Puberty Starts: In boys it start around 11-12 years and by the growth of teste, pubic hair. In girl around the age of 10-11 and by the apparition of breast, and pubic hair Ends: In boys end around 14-15 and by the deepening of the voice. In girls around 11-14 and by the presence of the first menses. Primary Versus Secondary Sex Characteristics: Primary: changes in sexual organs themselves (uterus, vagina, penis, and testes)

Secondary: other visible changes that mark adult maturation such as changes in height and body shape Growth: Height and weight, Muscle and bone development, Development of other body systems

Menses: Start/Pattern/Blood Loss

Usually, will start in girls between ages 12-13 but may begin earlier. When first beginning periods, it may only last a few days and may be very light. There may only be a few spots of reddish-brown blood (2-7 days is considered normal) Vitals: Pulse: 60-90BPM, R: 16-24 Sexual Development concerns: Sexually transmitted diseases, Teen pregnancy, Rape Erikson:

Psychosocial development: people progress through a series of stages as they grow and change throughout life Ambivalence:

Is the experience of having an attitude towards someone or something that contains both positively and negatively valanced components

Common Emotions: 13-14/15-16/17-19:

Wishing for independence while needing supervision, Concerned about changing appearance, Seeking acceptance while confused by peers, Struggling to achieve while accepting more responsibility, Fluctuating between adult and childlike impulses, Balancing a demanding schedule while needing increased rest and sleep

Discipline Recommendations: grounding

Piaget- Concrete/Formal Operational:

Marks a movement from the ability to think and reason logically only about concrete, visible events to an ability to also think logically about abstract concepts Nutrition Requirements:

Calories: 2600 calories for girls. 3600 calories for boys

Protein: between 12 and 16 %



Sleep: 8 hours of sleep is recommended Depression Symptoms:

Thoughts of self-harm

Avoidance of school

Academic decline

Risk-taking behaviors

Unexplained crying

Feeling misunderstood

Sleeping difficulties

Weight changes

Difficult concentrating and focusing

Unexplained fatigue

Substance Abuse Symptoms:

Losing interest in activities they once enjoyed

Dropping old friends for a new group

Sleeping more than usual

Breaking rules

Physical changes like sudden weight loss, frequent nosebleeds, bloody or watery eyes, shakes and tremors.

Common STIs and Symptoms

 Chlamydia (often is asymptomatic)  Genital Herpes (blisters, pain, swollen glands, vaginal discharge, itching)  Gonorrhea (yellow/green vaginal discharge)  Hep B  HIV and AIDS (lethargy, weight loss, skin lesion, fungal infection)  Trichomoniasis (vaginal itching, tenderness, redness, painful urination and intercourse)  Syphilis ( chancre on genitals, lips or anus)

Chapter 11 Early Adulthood Dentition: Early adulthood covers the period from age 20 through the early 40s. it is described as the stable time of growth Vital Capacity: The ability of the lungs to move air in and out. It decreases between the age of 20 and 40. Bone/Muscle Development: Peak bone mass is attained by age 35, there is a gradual loss of bone mass after this age in woman. Actual muscle mass differs in men and women based on nutrition, exercise and amount of the hormones testosterone.

Reaction Times: The speed at which a person respond to a stimulus increases noticeably between ages 20 and 30 Visual Changes:

Eyes become more sensitive to glare, even during daytime. Vitals: Pulse: 60 t0 90 BPM, BP:120/80, R: 18-24 Sexuality:

Casual sex is more common among this stage in life


6th stage: success at this stage leads to fulfilling relationships. Struggling at this stage, can result in feelings of loneliness and isolation Characteristics of Healthy Friendships/Relationships:

Mutually supportive, Built on trust and acceptance, Challenge us to grow, Flexible, Feel Good, Healthy Boundaries

Moral Development:

Capable of choosing moral principles, Respects rights of others, A state of mutual satisfaction, Appreciation of religion Nutrition Recommendations: Men generally need 3000 calories per day and women need 1600-2100 calories a day. It is recommended that 15% of adult intake be protein, meat fish and legumes, soy product and nuts Examples of Saturated versus trans versus unsaturated fats: Saturated fat: saturated fat is a type of fat in which the fatty acid chains have all or predominantly single bonds, they become solid at room temperature. Ex: butter, cream, whole milk, cheese, coconut oil Unsaturated fat: they are likely to be liquid at room temperature, these type of fat come from plants sources such as corn, cottonseed, safflower, olives and soybeans. Trans fat: they are made by adding hydrogen to vegetable oil which helps retard food spoilage while enhancing its taste Osteoporosis Recommendations: Eat foods high in calcium and vitamin D, Regular weight-

bearing exercise Sleep: Adults need 7-9 hours each night Exercise Guidelines: Maintain regular exercise

Pap Test: Recommendations for Screening and Results:

Women ages 21-29 year should have a PAP test alone every 3 years. Women aged 30-65 years should have a PAP and HPV test every 5 years Breast Self Exam/Testicular Exam Recommendations: Women should begin breast self-exam once a

month after your menstrual cycle ends./ Men should begin self-testicular exams once a month starting after puberty begins and after a warm shower (when testes are most relaxed)

Mantoux: Mantoux is a skin test done to test for TB Family Planning/Birth Control Options:

Male and female condoms




Vasectomy (Males)

Removal of Uterus...

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