Claim to Counter Claim Detailed lesson Plan PDF

Title Claim to Counter Claim Detailed lesson Plan
Course BSED English
Institution University of Cagayan Valley
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Detailed Lesson PlaninEnglishI. Objectives; At the end of the period, the students are expected to; a. define claim and counterclaims through paragraph writing b. judge the worth of claims by providing strong counterclaims towards relevant issues c. perform an online debate on the Claim “Reimplement...


Detailed Lesson Plan in English I.

Objectives; At the end of the period, the students are expected to; a. define claim and counterclaims through paragraph writing b. judge the worth of claims by providing strong counterclaims towards relevant issues c. perform an online debate on the Claim “Reimplementing Death Penalty”



Topic: Claims to Counterclaims References: Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Spin the wheel, papers, MS Teams Value: Respect for one’s stands and viewpoints


Procedure Teacher’s Activity

Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activity Good morning, Class! Good morning, Ma’am! Before we formally start our virtual discussion, kindly open all your cameras as we have our prayer. The students open their cameras. So let us pray! In the name of the Father, of the Son and the Holy Spirit…………

In the name of the Father, of the Son and the Holy Spirit…………


Is everyone present in today’s virtual meeting?

No Ma’am, there are only 29 attendees today.

Ms. Secretary please download the attendance for me!

Yes, Ma’am.

Thank you! Class, before we proceed let me remind you all again on our virtual rules, what are those?

   

Always open camera Do not cheat be careful on manipulating MS Teams and, do not sleep

Yes, Ma’am.

Hope we are all clear on that. Okay? Settle all yourselves behind the cameras as we start our virtual class.

B. Motivation Okay class, I want you to get some paper or notebooks or anything scratch as you have something to work on. Are you all ready?

Yes, Ma’am!

I am sharing now my screen for all of you. For your initial activity, I want you to react on the following pictures. Give me your own stand, and ready to share on the class after 3 minutes. (After 3 minutes) 2

Okay class, we will use the spin the wheel to select students to share his or her stand.

The lucky one is Ms. Gante!

Nice idea! Thank you, Ms. Gante. Okay, next picture will be flash on the screen. Okay, class! Let’s spin the wheel again. The Lucky one is Mr. Gutierrez.


Good morning, Ma’am. My own stand on this picture is it shows an example of bullying. Pointing your finger at one person is like a form of bullying for me. You are trying to mock someone, to blame and to laugh by just pointing your finger. A reminder for everyone that do not maltreat other person because you will never know what will be the impact of it in their mental and emotional health.

Indeed, a lucky one! Good morning, Ma’am. My stand on this picture is

Good reasoning, Mr. Gutierrez.

How are you guys formed your stand on the picture? Yes, Ms. Dela Fuente?

That’s true. Also, it is important to look for a deeper perspective of the picture because there is more than one interpretation of a one picture rather than just looking for its surface.

This picture shows that a man who is disabled manage to have still a difficult job, but the other person which is the panhandler who is physically good, didn’t get to a job more decent than imploring others to grant a money.

C. Presentation Based on the activity earlier, who do you think between the two you agreed and disagreed on what he or she said? By getting the general idea of the picture, or the surface meaning of it.

Well, that is the essence of having a diverse perspective like what I have said earlier. Something you believe, while others didn’t, where they have their own view points over an issue. That is what I mean on the activity.

Am I clear? Who are the school journalist here? Think about the last time you wrote something, like a paper for school or even just a letter. Did you state an opinion or a fact and then defend it?


I agreed on what Ms. Ciona about the photo, Ma’am. And I am a bit contrary to what Mr. Guttierez said about the photo.

Yes ma’am.

That’s great. So, did you guy already have a hint on the topic that we will be going to discuss?

I remember that I wrote a school paper regarding the conduct of weekly sports competition in school. I stated different benefits and advantages of sports on the life of students and its impact on their success as a student, based on my viewpoint.

You almost got the exact topic we have for today. But we will be discussing today the concept of Claims to Counterclaims in paragraph development.

Yes, Ma’am.

D. Lesson Proper

Ma’am. I think we will be discussing concepts related to strong stands or argumentation.

Based on the activity as well as what I have said earlier, what do you think is Claim?

Great! How about counterclaim?

Good job! I am sharing to you my PowerPoint presentation for you to grasp deeper our topic. You may download our learning files to our 5

channel if you want.

Claim is something you believes. Or it is the issue itself.

Let’s start our discussion. Claims and counterclaims is a pattern of organization refers to the structure of an argument where there is more than one side to a debate. It is very common in academic writing.

An opposing viewpoint; something said to offset someone else’s claim.

Means, Claim is the main argument while the Counterclaim is the opposite of the argument. Example in a debate, there is a side of opposition which is the counterpart of the argument while there is so called affirmative who defend the claim or the argument. Did you guys, understand?

Additionally, in a claim-counterclaim text, arguments are typically introduced using reporting verbs such as show, argue and claim. A writer may also use evidence to support their claim, using connectors such as for instance or for example. You can search for more of these reporting verbs, and connectors in any resources you have. Let’s proceed in paragraph writing Making a claim in your writing allows you to present the main idea of the document in the form of an argument that you will support with evidence throughout the document. Can you please read the next slide, Mr. Bernos? .


Yes, Ma’am.

Thank you! For example: "Every middle school student should have their own cell phone," Why? Because, this is not something that everyone agrees upon. That is why it is a claim.

Additionally, Claims are matters of opinion, but they are stated as if they are facts and backed up with evidence. Any time you make a debatable statement in writing that is backed up with facts and/or other types of evidence, you are using a claim

Kindly open your mic, and give another example, Ms. Bernardo?

Great. Kindly read the next slide Mr. Canceran.

Good morning, Ma’am. “The age at which people can get driver’s license must be raised to 18” It is a claim because people could give their disagreement or opinion on this 7

matter. Thank you very much, Mr. Canceran. A counterclaim is just the opposite of a claim. Counterclaims are also provable and supportable by reasons and evidence. Not just, 'Because I said so.' When you're planning an argument, you need to know what the counterclaim might be so that you can make sure that you disprove it with your reasons and evidence. Let’s used our example earlier, “every middle school student should have their own cell phone," the counterclaim would be there is no need to have their own cellphones, the most important tool on their learning is the guidance of the parents and other available resources at home.

Counterclaim is the argument or one of the arguments opposing the claim. In paragraph, you make it clear to the reader exactly what you plan on proving and how you plan to go about proving it. This paragraph is where you show the reader that you have considered the opposing side's viewpoint and find it to be weak or invalid.

Did you get it, class? Next, there are phrases to introduce the counterclaim Examples are: On the other hand, some people say Admittedly, some people say Certainly, some people say Phrases to address the original claim: However Nevertheless On the other hand Phrases to conclude the paragraph: Thus Therefore As a result Yes, Ma’am. I am sharing to you an example of a counterclaim paragraph 8

On the other hand, some people say that rock music contains lyrics that are What are the phrases used in introducing the counterclaim in the paragraph? Yes, Ms. Pacion?

Great! How about the phrases that addressed the original claim? Yes, Ms. Love?

Great! Thank you, Ms. Love! And, how about the phrase that used to conclude the paragraph? Please open your cam, Mr. Jo?

Good job! E. Application Let’s apply what we learned for today by accomplishing our online activity. For your first activity, I want you to react or give your counterclaim on the claim which I will flash on the screen right now. “Vaccination must be mandatory and a requirement in travelling” For further explanation, the government mandated everyone to have their doses of vaccination, however there are few who expressed their doubt and disagreement on 9

the issue. I would like to collect all your counterclaims. I will give you 15 minutes to make a strong counterclaim in a paragraph. And be ready to share your paper afterwards, I will be selecting 3 students through spin the wheel to share their own counterclaims. On the other hand, some people say, Ma’am.

Your 15 minutes starts now.

(After 15 minutes)

However, Ma’am.

Let’ spin the wheel. First to share is Mr. Alonzo?

That is very convincing counterclaim, Mr. Alonzo. Thank you!

Second to share is Mr. Corpuz. Please open your camera, and unmute your microphone

Therefore, Ma’am.

Good job Mr. Corpuz.

And last to share Ms. Dizon?

Indeed, a great thought Ms. Dizon I want to commend the three students who shared their strong counterclaims. Providing your own stand or arguments on something that is really important to talk on, will give you the somehow an awareness and knowledge on the issue. Let’s take this claim as an example, by analyzing the issue and give your own stand or oppose the claim, you 10

will be able to link yourself as a victim of the issue and try to give realize its effect to you and to the people in general. I hope you understand what I am trying to say. That’s great, then. Let’s proceed to our next activity. Is everyone of you participated in a debate before? I am sure that al of you already have an idea about debate. (Mr. Alonzo share his own counterclaim) So, I want to divide the class into two. I will make a room for the two groups, and whoever in the same room will be your group mates. Am I clear?

The assertion is “Reimplementation of Death Penalty in the Philippines”. The affirmative side will be defending the claim and opposing side will give their counterclaims or counterargument of the claim.

Thank you, Ma’am.

(Mr. Corpuz share his own counterclaim)

(Ms. Dizon share her own counterclaim) I will give you 8 minutes to prepare some facts and evidence to support all your stands. Okay. Wait for 3 minutes and you will be added in your rooms. (After 8 minutes) Okay, you have switched to our main channel. The general rule for this debate is, I will give 3 minutes to both sides to give their claims and counterclaims on the assertion. it will 11

only 2 rounds so be sure that you will give the important facts and strong arguments on the topic. Be sure also that you appointed someone to be the main speaker or speakers to represent your group. Is that clear?

Let’s the online debate begin! Open all your cameras and unmute your microphone speakers of affirmative side.

We understand, Ma’am.

I did, Ma’am.

(The debate is done) I am very happy that your arguments are really strong and convincing to hear. I also commend everyone who spoke because you really have the skill to speak and stand your arguments.

Did you enjoy our online debate?

F. Generalization Who can define again what is claim and counterclaim? You’re raising your hand raising button, Ms. Angeles?

Great! What are the phrases that introduce the counterclaim, claim and to conclude the paragraph? I want you to unmute your microhone, Mr. 12

Yes, Ma’am.

Dela Fuente.

Yes, ma’am.

(Students perform the online debate)

Thank you. It seems that you understand our lesson for today, class.

Yes, we are, Ma’am.

Claim is the main argument while the Counterclaim is the opposite of the argument


There are phrases to introduce the counterclaim Examples are: On the other hand, some people say Admittedly, some people say Certainly, some people say Phrases to address the original claim However Nevertheless On the other hand Phrases to conclude the paragraph: Thus Therefore As a result



We still have 20 minutes in our time. I will be uploading your written output today which will be turn in after 20 minutes. In a paragraph, form your strong counterclaims on the following claims. 1. Uniforms should be required at all public high schools. 2. Dora the Explorer is an educational T. V show for kids.


Assignment (Uploaded in MS Teams) Explore the concepts of Cause and effect in your reliable sources in internet

Prepared by: Cricianel C. Paraggua


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