CLAS 1P92 Syllabus 2022 PDF

Title CLAS 1P92 Syllabus 2022
Course Roman Civilization
Institution Brock University
Pages 11
File Size 500 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 22
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Roman civilization syllabus...


Faculty of Humanities Department of Classics

Course Number: CLAS 1P92 Term/Year/Duration: Winter 2021-22 D3 Course Title: Discovering Ancient Rome Dr. Katharine T. von Stackelberg [email protected] and put “1P92” in the subject line GLN-B 319 (aka IC 319) 905-688-5550 ex. 5374 R 12:00-13:00 (available in person and via MS Teams) Or By Appointment (OBA) Library Info: Instructor: Email: Office Location: Contact Phone: Office Hours:

Times and Locations: Lecture: F 11:00-13:00 Seminar 1: R 10:00-11:00 Seminar 2: W 12:00-13:00 Seminar 3: R 09:00-10:00 Seminar 4: M 10:00-11:00 Seminar 5: R 10:00-11:00 Seminar 6: W 10:00-11:00 Seminar 7: T 09:00-10:00 Seminar 8: M 09:00-10:00 Seminar 9: W 09:00-10:00 Seminar 10: T 13:00-14:00 Seminar 11: F 14:00-15:00 Seminar 12: F 13:00-14:00 Seminar 13: R 17:00-18:00 Seminar 14: W 17:00-18:00 Seminar 15: T 15:00-16:00 Seminar 16: M 18:00-19:00

TH SOS GLA 212 GLB 121 GLB 121 EA 103 EA 103 EA 101 EA 106 EA 105 EA 105 GLB 121 TH 315 TH 315 GLB 112 GLB 110 GLB 112 GLB 113

Dr. Katharine von Stackelberg Katharine von Stackelberg Mr. Chris Demeter Ms. Sabrina Perreault Ms. Diana Aerinos Ms. Sabrina Perreault Mr. Chris Demeter Ms. Carly Propper Ms. Diana Aerinos Ms. Carly Propper Mr. Chris Demeter Mr. Chris Demeter Mr. Chris Demeter Ms. Liz Hoffer Ms. Liz Hoffer Mr. Chris Demeter Ms. Diana Aerinos

Note: Classes at Brock University end ten minutes ahead of the hour or half hour to facilitate transfer time. Course Calendar Description: Culture and society of ancient Rome explored through literature, art, archaeology and history.

Additional Description: From a small settlement on the marshes of the Tiber river, the city of Rome expanded to become one of the greatest and most enduring empires in western history. Its influence is still felt today in contemporary politics and media. But what did it mean to be Roman? And how have they shaped the world we live in today? Using primary sources (in translation) and material evidence from ancient objects this class will explore the political, social and cultural reach of Roman world from antiquity to the modern day. 

Course materials are grouped under SAKAI/Resources and SAKAI/Lessons

Course Prerequisites: No Prerequisites Learning Objectives/Outcomes: On successful completion of the course students will be able to:  identify the key historical events and cultural achievements of Rome  develop and sustain arguments through critical thinking and analytical skills  engage with primary sources to experience Roman life  apply their knowledge in oral and written contexts Required Texts: CORE TEXTS [BOTH THESE TEXTBOOKS ARE REQUIRED].  M. Gibbs, M. Nikolic and P. Ripat (eds) Themes in Roman Society and Culture. An Introduction to Ancient Rome [2nd edition] (Oxford, 2013) = TRSC


Both texts are available via Brock Campus Store and other booksellers, and also online via e-textbook platforms Red Shelf ( US$) and Vital Source ( CAD$). OPTIONAL TEXT [RECOMMENDED FOR STUDY SKILLS]:  M. Northey, Making Sense. A Student’s Guide to Research and Writing (Oxford 2019, 9th ed) Course Communications: ABOUT YOUR INSTRUCTOR: The best way to contact me is at [email protected] Put “CLAS 1P92” in the subject line. Emails without a subject line are filtered to a spam file. Emails will normally receive a response within 2 business days. I hold regular office hours (see details above) and encourage you to visit for advice and help.


ABOUT YOUR COURSE CO-ORDINATOR: CHRIS DEMETER ([email protected]) is your Course Coordinator. Contact the CC if you need to change your seminar, and for grade queries or administrative issues unresolvable by your TA (see below) ABOUT YOUR TEACHING ASSISTANTS: Every TA holds weekly office hours, see SAKAI/Overview for details. You are encouraged to make use of their expertise and advice. Your TAs are: TA


Office Hours

Diana Aerinos Chris Demeter Elizabeth Hoffer Sabrina Perreault Carly Propper

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Monday 11am-12pm Monday 9am-11am TBA Friday 11am-12pm By Appointment

DO contact your TA if you have questions about course content, assignment deadlines, and grade queries. DON’T contact your TA to arrange an assignment extension, only the Course Instructor or Course Coordinator can give that permission. ABOUT YOU: You are expected to check your Brock email on a regular basis (important SAKAI announcements are sent to this account). Please note that in order to comply with FIPPA regulations, university policy requires any communication relating to the course to go through your Brock email account. In the event of an emergency or class cancellation an announcement will go out via SAKAI. Evaluation Components and Due Dates Evaluation Component Seminar Participation Basic Skills Exercises 1) Writing Exercise 2) Primary and Secondary Source Exercise Online Test Object Lessons 1) Object Lesson #1 2) Object Lesson #2 Final Essay

Grade Weight 25% 10% 5% 5%

Due Date Ongoing throughout term

20% 20%

February 28



January 21 January 28

February 11 March 18 April 11

10% 10% 25%


Late Submission Policy: The penalties for late submission of assigned coursework (e.g. papers, assignments, weekly reflections) are 10% per day. No late submission will be accepted more than a week after its due date. Deadline exemptions for medical or compassionate grounds are available by contacting the Course Coordinator or Course Instructor IN ADVANCE of the scheduled due date. ****Normally medical exemptions would require medical documentation. See Medical Exemption Policy and the medical health certificate at Current Brock University policy has suspended this requirement so as not to place undue pressure on medical services**** Relationship between attendance and grades: Non-attendance at seminars and lectures will significantly reduce your ability to pass this course. Important dates: (check the section on sessional or important dates in the relevant online University calendar at March 4 is the date for withdrawal from the course without academic penalty. February 18 is the date you will be notified of 15% of your course grade. February 21-25 is the scheduled reading week. April 11 is set aside for makeup days due to holidays. April 11 is set aside for designated reading days (these may be used to cover classes missed because of adverse weather). April 12-26 are set aside for formal examination period. Academic Policies Academic Integrity: Statement for undergraduate courses Academic misconduct is a serious offence. The principle of academic integrity, particularly of doing one’s own work, documenting properly (including use of quotation marks, appropriate paraphrasing and referencing/citation), collaborating appropriately, and avoiding misrepresentation, is a core principle in university study. Students should consult


Section VII, “Academic Misconduct”, in the “Academic Regulations and University Polices” entry in the Undergraduate Calendar, available at to view a fuller description of prohibited actions, and the procedures and penalties. Plagiarism software: Please submit your Final Essay as a word doc and note that the SAKAI site will automatically submit your paper electronically to, a web-based system to detect plagiarism. If you have objections to using turnitin you must contact me by March 8 to arrange an alternative form of plagiarism detection. Academic Accommodation: As part of Brock University's commitment to a respectful work and learning environment, the University will make every reasonable effort to accommodate all members of the university community with disabilities. If you require academic accommodations related to a documented disability to participate in this course, you are encouraged to contact Services for Students with Disabilities in the Student Development Centre (4th floor Schmon Tower, ex. 3240). You must notify your instructors of any necessary accommodations well in advance of due dates and scheduled assessments. Academic Accommodation due to Religious Obligations: Brock University acknowledges the pluralistic nature of the undergraduate and graduate communities such that accommodations will be made for students who, by reason of religious obligation, must miss an examination, test, assignment deadline, laboratory or other compulsory academic event. Students requesting academic accommodation on the basis of religious obligation should make a formal, written request to their instructor(s) for alternative dates and/or means of satisfying requirements. Medical Exemption Policy: The University requires that a student be medically examined in Health Services, or by an off-campus physician PRIOR to an absence due to medical reasons from an exam, lab, test, quiz, seminar, assignment, etc. For details see The Medical Certificate can be found at Note that the certificate must be submitted within 7 working days of the date signed ***Current Brock University policy has suspended this requirement so as not to place undue pressure on medical services during the COVID-19 pandemic**** Intellectual Property Notice: All slides, presentations, handouts, tests, exams, and other course materials created by the instructor in this course are the intellectual property of the instructor. A student who publicly posts or sells an instructor’s work, without the instructor’s express consent, may be charged with misconduct under Brock’s Academic Integrity Policy and/or Code of Conduct,


and may also face adverse legal consequences for infringement of intellectual property rights. Brock Resources A-Z Learning Services: A-Z Learning Services is part of Brock’s Student Success Centre. Their goal is to support Brock students as they identify and work towards their personal and academic goals. Services include: · Workshops (APA, Notetaking, Essay Writing, Exam Prep and more!) · Drop-In Writing and Study Skills Centre · Drop-In Science Centre · Online resources Visit A-Z Learning’s website for detailed information All inquiries can be directed to [email protected] Mental Health and Wellness: College is a stressful time. If you need help, Brock University offers a full range of support services at If you prefer to look outside of Brock, try the Niagara Holistic Wellness Portal at


Course Outline and Weekly Readings Week 1: Village to Empire Read: TRSC pp. 1-42 DLAR ##136-139  Seminar: General introduction Week 2: State and Family Read: TRSC pp. 43-65, 88-111, 112-115 DLAR ##9-14, 17-18, 21, 23, 29, 30, 43, 45, 49, 196  Familia Seminar: Set-up phase


PRIMARY SOURCE EXERCISE DUE Week 3: Slavery and Freedom Read: TRSC pp. 134-154, 124-126 DLAR ## 90, 92-93, 110, 112-113, 115-116, 119-123, 126-129, 131-135, 203, 206-207, 267  Familia Seminar: How do slaves and freepersons fit into the household? Week 4: Women, Sex and Gender Read: TRSC pp. 116-124, 126-133, 155-178 DLAR ## 51-55, 57-60, 63-68, 70-76, 82-85, 87-88  Familia Seminar: What role do women have in the household? Week 5: Beliefs and Ideals Read: TRSC pp. 246-276 DLAR ## 227-230, 232-233, 238-242, 245-246  Familia Seminar: What do you believe?


Week 6: Army and Empire Read: TRSC pp. 66-87 DLAR ## 231, 248-258  Familia Seminar: How are you affected by Roman imperialism? Reading Week (no classes). Week 7: Work and Wealth ONLINE TEST (Monday Feb 28) Read: TRSC pp. 341-367 DLAR ## 180-183, 210, 212-225, 259-260, 263-264, 267-268  Familia Seminar: Where does your money come from?


Week 8: Leisure and Entertainment Read: TRSC pp. 297-317 DLAR ## 265, 270-271, 276, 280, 282, 284-287, 292-307, 314, 316, 321-322, 326, 330331, 333-336, 338-340, 344  Familia Seminar: How do you relax? OBJECT LESSON #2 DUE

Week 9: Education, Communication Read: TRSC pp. 178-199, 200-222 DLAR ## 96-101, 103-105, 152-161  Skills Seminar: Essay-Writing Workshop Week 10: Art, Artifacts, Architecture Read TRSC pp. 368-390 DLAR ## 107, 141, 162-168, 173, 176-177, 187, 212, 237-238  Familia Seminar: How will you be remembered?

Week 11: Law and Order Read: TRSC pp. 277-296 DLAR ## 8, 27, 28, 33-36, 44, 47, 62-63, 124-125, 169-172, 269  Seminar: Familia Can you expect justice? FINAL ESSAY DUE

Week 12: The Fall of the Roman Empire? Read: No set readings this week  Familia Seminar: Census Time!


Assignment Notes Assignments are to be submitted according to instructions provided below. Detailed guidelines for all written assignments are provided in SAKAI/Assignments. *************************************************************************************** SOME IMPORTANT NOTES ABOUT ONLINE ASSIGNMENTS 1) GRADE PENALTIES. Technical problems happen to everyone. On order to reduce stress, MAJOR assignments worth more than 10% have a grace period of 24-hours past the assigned due date before normal grade penalties come into force (see below for details of specific assignments). The normal grade penalty is 10% per day (including weekends). 2) UPLOADS. It is YOUR responsibility to make sure that your assignment has been properly uploaded. Don’t wait until the last possible moment to upload your assignment and always check to see that has uploaded successfully. 3) FORMATING. Documents must be uploaded as word .doc or .docx files only (no PDFs!) using the following title format: Your Surname_Initial_Assignment Title Abbreviation 1.doc/docx (e.g. Cornelius_J_WrEx.doc) ALL written assignments must include a cover page or heading that includes your name & ID number, seminar number and the name of your seminar leader. 4) TECH HELP. For help with technical issues contact Brock ITS ( ). *************************************************************************************** Late assignments without arranged exemptions will receive the stated grade penalty (see above), and no assignment will be accepted more than a week after its due date.

Seminar Participation: Over the course of the term in seminar you will explore Roman civilisation through Familia, a role-playing game set in a Roman household ca. 70-120 CE. Familia instructions are available on SAKAI/Resources. Each week you will encounter everyday situations where you will use your lecture notes and readings from DLAR & TRSC to guide your decisions. Be ready to explain your reasoning and identify the evidence for your decisions. In what ways do the issues discussed affect our lives today? 1 In parentheses ( ) next to Assignment Title (see below). 9

A seminar worksheet is available each week on SAKAI. You must use this to make notes in preparation for class (it’s not fair to lurk silently and let your classmates do the work for you) and submit it to your seminar leader at the end of class to receive credit for Seminar Participation. Please make sure your name is on your seminar worksheet. Seminars are graded out of 5 on the following rubric: 5 = student participation demonstrates strong understanding of all course material; formulates and articulates thoughtful questions; makes constructive connections to other parts of the course, other courses, or contemporary events 4 = student participation demonstrates active engagement with all assigned course material; makes substantive contributions to class 3 = student participation demonstrates general familiarity with most course material, ability to constructively contribute in discussion 2 = student participation demonstrates weak or partial understanding of some course material; minor participation 1 = student unprepared for class; makes cursory or irrelevant comments 0 = non attendance

Basic Skills Exercises2 Core Context HUMANITIES courses require a significant writing component as part of their assessment process (see SAKAI/Writing Resources for important links and guides). To help you prepare for the Object Lessons and Final Essay you are required to submit TWO Basic Skills Exercises. 1. Writing Exercise (WrEx). A writing exercise designed to help you identify some common errors is available on SAKAI and due via SAKAI by 11pm January 21. 2. Primary Source Exercise (PSE): A research exercise, designed to establish the basic research skill of IDENTIFYING PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SOURCES in Ancient History, is due via SAKAI by 11pm January 28. These Basic Skills assignments will not be accepted after the due date (with the exception of late enrolments, see footnote)

Object Lesson Essays (OL) Understanding ancient civilisations means analyzing evidence from both texts and objects. To hone this skill you will write TWO approx. 500-800 word essay Object Lessons. Each Lesson on SAKAI includes links to specific objects that you should select as a basis for your essay (see SAKAI/Assignments for detailed guidelines). 2 If you enrolled in the class after Week 1 you MUST complete these assignments within a week of your enrollment. 10

1. OL #1 is due via SAKAI by 11pm February 11. 2. OL #2 is due via SAKAI by 11pm March 18.

Online Test: An online test will be available via SAKAI from 06:00-23:00 February 28. It is an 90-minute open-book test covering material from lectures 1-6. Format: multiplechoice, true/false, matching. You are advised to take the Tryout Test (SAKAI/tests) well before this date to identify any potential software/hardware problems.

Research Paper (RP): You will write a 1500-2000 word research paper on life in the Roman Empire applying what you have learnt in lectures and through your Familia character in seminar and applying the writing skills from the Basic Skills Exercises and the Object Lessons. See SAKAI/Assignments for detailed guidelines. This essay is due via SAKAI by 11pm April 11. KTvS January 2022


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