C104 Syllabus Spring 2022 PDF

Title C104 Syllabus Spring 2022
Author Anonymous User
Course reading, writing, and inquiry
Institution Indiana University
Pages 9
File Size 276.7 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 40
Total Views 159


course syllabus honestly not very helpful...


BUS-C 104: Business Presentations Syllabus – Spring 2022 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Instructor: Professor Kerlé (pronounced cur-LAY) Class Sections: 6992 - 1:15 - 2:30pm Pronouns: she/her/hers 6991 - 3:00 - 4:15pm Email: [email protected] 4456 - 4:45 - 6:00pm 4029 – 6:30 – 7:45pm (Mon/Wed, HH 3052) Office Hours (all on Zoom): Step 1: Sign up for an appointment at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0A45ACA72DA6F94-office (Tuesdays – 11am-12:30pm EST / Thursdays – 3-4:30pm EST / or by appt.) Step 2: At appointment time, go to Zoom at https://iu.zoom.us/j/3092191668

“There are three things to aim at in public speaking: first, to get into your subject, then to get your subject into yourself, and lastly, to get your subject into the heart of your audience.” -Alexander Gregg Course Description & Student Learning Outcomes Course Description: BUS-C 104: Business Presentations is designed to help you develop competence and confidence in your oral communication skills to prepare you for maximum success in academic and business settings. It is a theory-based, skills-building course taught in English and requiring English language fluency. Lectures, materials, activities, and discussions will introduce you to the concepts and practices of effective communication with a focus on norms that are dominant in U.S. business culture. Because communication skills develop over time, you will build proficiency through individual and team-based oral presentations that increase in duration and complexity over the semester. C104 Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs): Critical Thinking and Addressing Ambiguity in Business Decisions - Identify and evaluate the implications of decisions for organizational stakeholders in a business context. SLO 3.1: Recognize the implications and consequences of a proposed decision from diverse stakeholder perspectives. SLO 3.2: Evaluate the integrity of the supporting or ambiguous evidence and data for a given decision. Communication and Leadership - Communicate effectively in a wide variety of business settings employing multiple media of communications. SLO 4.1: Deliver clear, concise, and audience-centered individual or team presentations. Working Effectively with Others - Collaborate effectively and respectfully with teammates who look, think, or believe differently from you to build trust and community. SLO 6.2: Create a cohesive and integrated team deliverable.

C104 Basics Instructor’s Philosophy: I invite you to join me in co-creating an inclusive learning environment where everyone is encouraged to bring their whole selves. As such, all cultures, identities, experiences, and informed perspectives are welcome. While BUS C-104 is an oral communication course in English, all languages, accents, and dialects are equally valid and deserving of respect.

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I consider our classroom to be a “laboratory” where active listening, proactive engagement, collaboration, feedback, risktaking, creativity and fun are encouraged. I commit to you as a learning partner, where I will do my best to support your skills-building and success. And I encourage you to challenge yourself, be open to self-reflection and feedback, engage fully and respectfully with your peers and instructor, and commit to maximizing your communication skills as emerging business professionals and global citizens. Live/In-Person Classes: All sections of BUS C-104 taught by this instructor are held live, in-person in a classroom. Classes are held twice weekly, and students must attend classes for the section of the course in which they enrolled. See room number, section numbers, and class days and times at the top of this document. Office Hours Via Zoom: To meet with this instructor to receive general support or help with assignments, you must 1) make an appointment to do so on a specific day and time by going to Signup Genius, and 2) use Zoom for that virtual meeting. See information at the top of this document to make the appointment and to find the link for meeting via Zoom. While this instructor will provide basic guidance about how to use Zoom, it is up to students to learn how to use this technology. For Zoom tutorials, go to zoom.iu.edu or https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/206618765-Zoom-Video-Tutorials. Course Website (Canvas) and E-mail: The syllabus, course calendar, assignments, grades, and instructor feedback for C104 is accessible through Canvas (IU’s learning management system). You will also submit completed assignments through Canvas, unless otherwise instructed. It is your responsibility to make sure the assignments have been submitted properly to Canvas by checking for a submitted confirmation. Because any aspect of the course is subject to change at any time, it is your responsibility to check IU email and the course calendar often. If you are tempted to turn off the Canvas notification, it is strongly recommended you not do so until you know for sure that you will remember to regularly check Canvas. Prof K is Here to Help: If you are struggling to be physically and/or emotionally present during class and/or find it hard to meet course expectations and/or complete assignments, please speak with me after class or make an appointment to meet with me during office hours. I am here to support your overall success so please do not hesitate to reach out to me to address any of your concerns or challenges.

Assignments & Grading Note: 1) You must complete all presentations in bold to pass the class. 2) Extra credit is not offered. Assignments: PRESENTATIONS: (up to 750 points or 75%) Tell Your Story - individual Fact Speech – team Value Speech – individual KISI Case (policy) – team Capstone Pitch (policy) – individual WRITTEN: (update to 250 points or 25%) Quizzes (3 @ 10 points each) Speech Outlines for Story, Fact & Value Speeches (3 @ 10 points each) Self-Assessments for Story & Value Speeches (2 @ 10 points each) Team Contract (1 @ 25 points) KISI Case Analysis Homework (1 @ 25 points) Team Assessments for Fact & KISI Case Speeches (2 @ 10 points) Materials for KISI Case & Capstone Pitch (2 @ 50 points each) TOTAL:

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Maximum Points Possible:

50 100 200 150 250

30 30 20 25 25 20 100 1000 points

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Letter grades are assigned according to point totals as follows (not percentages). The percentage given by Canvas is only an approximation during the semester. There is no “rounding up’ of points for the final grade. 970 – 1000 = A+ 870 – 899 = B+ 770 – 799 = C+ 670 – 699 = D+ 930 – 969 = A 830 – 869 = B 730 – 769 = C 630 – 669 = D 900 – 929 = A- 800 – 829 = B700 – 729 = C600 – 629 = D- Below 600 or 5th Abs. = F Grades: Public speaking requires significant preparation, practice, feedback, and self-reflection. Grades reflect where you are in your skills development and feedback is intended to help you understand the areas needing improvement so that you can focus on those areas as you prepare and practice for the next presentation. Grading rubrics are available on Canvas for all graded presentations to support your preparation for those assignments. It is highly advisable to use those grading rubrics to maximize your success on those assignments. For help with >presentation delivery, I highly recommend you take advantage of free support available from Kelley peer coaches (http://kelley.iu.edu/ugrad/academics/support/page43807.html) >research, contact the librarians at the Business/SPEA Information Commons (https://libraries.indiana.edu/businessspea-library). If you are concerned about your grades, you are responsible for approaching me as soon as possible. I am here to support you and your success, though you must also do your part by reaching out to me for help. Do not wait until it is too late. Students seeking to be accepted to Kelley must complete the course with a “B” or better. Current Kelley students must receive a “C” or better to enroll in I-Core. Keep all peer and instructor evaluations and graded materials until final course grades are posted. If you believe you have received a score on a presentation or written assignment that is lower than you deserve, I will consider re-grading that assignment within one week of the grade being posted to Canvas. If the assignment is a speech, you must first review all feedback associated with your speech, watch the speech recording, and then meet with me during office hours to present a persuasive argument for why I should consider re-grading the assignment. A grade increase request will never be granted merely because – a) this instructor agreed to reconsider the grade, b) of the hard work you invested in preparing for a speech, and/or, b) rounding up even by one point would enable you to boost your assignment grade, course grade, or GPA.

C104 Policies Professionalism: Professional behavior is an expectation and is, therefore, subject to ongoing evaluation by this instructor. That said, it is not always clear what constitutes professional behavior. You may be unsure because you are new to college, new to Kelley, and/or new to U.S. culture. Regardless of the reasons, if you are not sure about professional-level expectations, I will strive to make them clear throughout the course and encourage you to ask for clarification as needed. Examples of professional behavior include (but are not limited to) demonstrating respect for others’ identities, experiences, and informed perspectives, being courteous and supportive of your peers, proactively and positively engaging in classroom discussions and activities, offering constructive feedback and being open to receiving it, being a responsive and responsible team member, submitting assignments by the deadline, attending all classes (when not legitimately sick) and arriving on time, and responding to emails from the instructor and your peers within 24 hours. If you demonstrate a lack of professionalism, you will lose credibility which may negatively impact your and your peers’ ability to learn and thrive in the course. Examples of unprofessional behavior that may result in a deduction of points to your final course grade, for each incident of behavior deemed unprofessional by this instructor, include (but are not limited to) disrespecting others’ identities, experiences, and informed perspectives, using phones and laptops during class (without instructor permission), being absent to class without notifying this instructor in advance, being absent to class for reasons other than serious illness or circumstances, showing up late to class, being unprepared for class, talking or engaging in distracting behavior during class, being an irresponsible and underperforming team member, or

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being inattentive or sleeping in class. Behavior deemed unprofessional by this instructor may result in a loss of points towards your final course grade. Teamwork: Working as a team is an important part of your education at Kelley. You must make time available to work with your team, regardless of your schedule or other commitments. It is your job to inform your team of your schedule and keep them informed in the case of emergencies. Teams are expected to present a speech even if a team member is absent, though the rest of the team will not be penalized for that team member’s absence. A team member who misses a team presentation will have to complete the presentation individually at a time scheduled with this instructor. Firing a Team Member: Each team will develop a team contract as part of this course. One of the elements of that contract is a detailed explanation of how the team will address absent or non-contributing team members. Unproductive or disengaged team members should first be counseled by the team in accordance with the team contract. If the counseling does not produce the desired results, the team should contact their instructor as soon as possible to explain the problem and the steps taken to try to correct it. If the team and instructor agree, the team member will be fired. Teams who remove a teammate are still required to cover the same assigned material. All team deliverables in existence at the time of termination of a team member will be shared with all original team members regardless of who produced them. A fired team member will be responsible for completing assignments and presentations individually. COVID symptoms or diagnosis (and other serious illnesses and circumstances): If you have COVID-like symptoms, a positive COVID-19 test, or have been instructed to quarantine, please do not come to class. Notify this instructor, preferably 12 hours in advance of missing class, and provide her with proof that you have completed the COVID symptom tracker (https://www.iu.edu/covid/symptom-check/index.html). COVID symptoms or diagnosis are legitimate excuses for missing class, as are other serious illnesses or circumstances, though all course assignments must still be completed. Being Absent or Late to Any Class: I will strive to support your success, though you are responsible for approaching me first if you are struggling to attend class and/or arrive on time. I will record your attendance, absence, or lateness in Canvas at the beginning of every class to comply with accreditation requirements. You are responsible for letting me know that you are present in class for your attendance to be properly recorded. Points may be deducted for each lateness to class. If You Are Absent from a Lecture Class (for any reason): 1 st absence – For the 1st absence from a class that is primarily a lecture (not a presentation day), you are required to watch the recording of that class (Canvas > Kaltura: Media Gallery) within a week of the missed class to ensure you’re keeping up with the content of the course. 2 or more absences – Beginning with a 2nd absence from a class that is primarily a lecture (not a presentation day), you are required to watch the recording of the missed class(es) (Canvas > Kaltura: Media Gallery) plus record a 3-4 Zoom video reviewing the content of that class (or classes). You must utilize the informative structure for this recorded presentation and email the link (not the recording itself) to this instructor ([email protected]) within one week of the missed class. To receive credit for this assignment related to a missed lecture class, it must be received by the deadline, adhere to the timeframe for the presentation length, and sufficiently cover the relevant course material. Failure to comply with the requirements if 2 or more classes are missed will result in a deduction of points towards your final grade. If You Are Too Sick to Present an Individual Speech: If you are too sick and cannot present a speech on the day you are scheduled to do so, you must notify this instructor before you are scheduled to present the speech to let her know you will not be able to do so. Strive to do so as soon as possible, rather than last minute. Also, see below for requirements for Making Up a Missed Presentation. Failure to notify this instructor in advance of missing a graded presentation due to serious illness or circumstances will result in a zero for that assignment. If You Are Too Sick to Present a Team Speech: If you are too sick and cannot present your speech with your team, your team will still be expected to deliver the speech on the day and time it is originally scheduled. Team members will not be penalized if one of its members is absent. If

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you are too sick, you are required to notify the instructor and all team members as far in advance of the presentation as possible. Also, see below for requirements for Making Up a Missed Presentation. Failure to notify this instructor in advance of missing a graded team presentation due to serious illness or circumstances will result in a zero for that assignment. Making Up a Missed Presentation (Individual or Team): Making up a presentation will only be permitted due to serious illness or other extreme circumstances, to be determined by this instructor on a case-by-case basis. To make up a missed presentation, whether individual or team, two things must occur: 1. You must notify your instructor and your team (if a team presentation), via email, as far in advance of the time you are originally scheduled to present a speech as possible, stating your reason for missing the presentation, and, 2. You must receive permission from this instructor to make up the presentation. If the absence is related to COVID symptoms, quarantine, or diagnosis you must provide this instructor with proof that you have completed the COVID symptom tracker (https://www.iu.edu/covid/symptom-check/index.html). Documentation from a health care professional may also be required, for other serious illnesses or circumstances, to be granted permission by this instructor to make up a presentation. If a team member is unable to present with their team on the day a team presentation is originally scheduled, the rest of the team will still be expected to do the presentation on the date it is originally scheduled. However, the other team members will not be penalized if one of its members is absent. See Teamwork section above for more detail. Over-sleeping, travel issues (e.g., cancelled flights), and conflicts with Greek life or athletics will not be considered a legitimate excuse for missing a presentation. In those instances, making up the presentation will not be allowed, and you will receive a zero for that presentation. Failure to notify this instructor, via email, of serious illness or circumstances in advance of a presentation makeup appointment will result in a zero for that presentation.  Making Up a Missed Quiz: If you are absent from class on a day a quiz is given, you make an appointment to meet with this instructor during office hours to make up the quiz. Failure to meet with this instructor during office hours to make up a quiz within one week of the class in which the quiz was originally given will result in a zero for that assignment. If an Emergency Prevents You from Notifying the Instructor Prior to Missing a Presentation: If you are faced with an emergency that prevents you from contacting this instructor prior to missing a presentation or quiz, strive to notify this instructor within 24 hours after the missed presentation or quiz. In cases where notification occurs after an assignment deadline, credible written documentation must be provided by you for this instructor to consider allowing you to make up that assignment. This documentation could include a doctor’s note (or other credible documentation as determined by this instructor) and must include your name and a date that corresponds with the date of the missed presentation or quiz. In cases where notification occurs after an assignment deadline, and no written documentation is provided by the student and a satisfactory resolution cannot be worked out between you and this instructor, the matter may be reviewed by a committee of Kelley faculty and staff. The committee will evaluate the student’s request and explanation for why they could not notify the faculty member in advance, using supporting documentation provided by the student, and offer a recommended course of action to this instructor. Ultimately this instructor has the final authority for determining how the matter will be handled and for notifying the student of the resolution. If a student feels their case has not been handled properly, the student can pursue a grade appeal process. Expectations for Written Assignments: All written assignments are to be submitted to Canvas (unless otherwise instructed) and must be typed, using Times New Roman 12-point font, single-spaced, with one-inch margins and proofread for errors. Plan for the unexpected so that you do not miss deadlines. It is the students’ responsibility to verify electronic submissions to Canvas. Written assignments not submitted on time will result in a zero for that assignment.

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