PPW 379 Spring 2022 Syllabus PDF

Title PPW 379 Spring 2022 Syllabus
Course Drug Literature Evaluation And Informatics In Healthcare I
Institution Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Pages 11
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2022-Syllabus plan schedule document word file...


MCPHS University School of Pharmacy – Worcester/Manchester Course Syllabus PPW 379 Drug Literature Evaluation and Informatics I Spring 2022 Syllabus is subject to change – students will be notified of any changes when they occur COURSE INFORMATION Class schedule: Thursdays from 1:30-3:20 pm ET Class location: MBNT 208 (Man) and FOST 206 (Wor) Credit hours: 2 Course coordinator(s): Name: Katherine Carey, PharmD, BCACP Title: Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice Office: 19 Foster St, Room 421 Office hours: please email for appointment Email: [email protected] Name: Valerie Coppenrath, PharmD Title: Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice Office: 19 Foster St, Room 502 Office hours: please email for appointment Email: [email protected] Name: Maryann Cooper, PharmD, BCOP Title: Professor of Pharmacy Practice Office: Manchester, Room 106 Office hours: please email for appointment Email: [email protected] Name: Samar Nicolas, PharmD Title: Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice Office: 40 Foster Street, Room 239 Office hours: please email for appointment Email: [email protected]

COURSE DESCRIPTION This course introduces retrieval methods, evaluative techniques, and application of the various forms of primary, secondary, and tertiary medical and pharmacy literature. In small and large group settings, utilizing a student-centered approach, students actively develop the skills needed to apply the literature to patient care issues.

1 PPW 379 Course Syllabus Spring 2022

TEXT/PRIMARY COURSE MATERIALS Required: • Handouts and supplemental readings/materials as assigned • ExamSoft, Examplify, Exam ID, ExamMonitor and active subscription o This system will be used for the final exam o Students must have devices that meet ExamSoft/ExamMonitor/ExamID requirements, including Adobe software to open pdf attachments • TurningPoint App on a smartphone, laptop and/or tablet device and an active license o The use of TurningPoint technology is at the discretion of course lecturers. o Register and create your account on TurningPoint by going to a course’s Blackboard site. Once in the course site, click ‘Tools’ and then click the ‘Turning Account Registration’ link.  Use your MCPHS email with ID number to register ([email protected])  NOTE: Registering once from any course will register you for all courses. o For problems with registration, contact TurningPoint at:  Website: http://www.turningtechnologies.com/  Email: [email protected]  Phone: 866-746-3015 • Registered MCPHS Zoom account o Information on how to do this properly, using your MCPHS account, can be found under the "Getting Started" section at this link: https://is.mcphs.edu/software/zoom o Zoom will only be used in the event that a previously scheduled in-person class session needs to be held virtually Recommended: • Malone PM, Malone MJ, Park SK, eds. Drug Information: A Guide for Pharmacists. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2018. Available electronically via the library through the Access Pharmacy database

COURSE OBJECTIVES The knowledge and skills taught in this course are consistent with the Center for the Advancement of Pharmacy Education (CAPE) Educational Outcomes 2013 (available at: https://www.aacp.org/sites/default/files/2017-10/CAPEoutcomes2013%20%281%29.pdf) and the School of Pharmacy – Worcester/Manchester Curricular Outcomes adapted from the CAPE Educational Outcomes 2013. A current list of our adapted CAPE 2013 curricular outcomes can be found on the Blackboard organization site titled, BB_SOP_WM: School of Pharmacy Worcester/Manchester – Student Site. To view the goals and objectives for this course please refer to the document titled “Course Objectives” posted on the course Blackboard site in the Course Information content area. 2 PPW 379 Course Syllabus Spring 2022

ASSESSMENT OF STUDENT LEARNING AND TEACHING EFFECTIVENESS The material in this course will be team taught by pharmacy practice and library and learning resources faculty. Material covered on an exam or in an assessment will be material covered in class and/or from assigned readings/assignments or as detailed by the instructor. One cumulative final exam will be administered during finals week. The examination format may consist of multiple choice and short-answer questions. Three (3) breakout sessions will be conducted throughout the semester. • Breakout Session 1: Literature Search o Conduct a literature search using a secondary database and summarize a reproducible literature search. • Breakout Session 2: Journal Club o Apply literature evaluation skills. • Breakout Session 3: Literature Summary o Concisely summarize and analyze primary literature. Students are responsible for completing pre-class assignments/readings, breakout session activities, and a 3-part Evidence-Based Medicine Project. Assignment availability and due dates are listed in the course outline. Details regarding each assignment will be available on Blackboard at the date and time listed in the course outline. Pharmacists’ Patient Care Process (PPCP): This course includes content relevant to the following checked components of the PPCP: ☒Collect ☒Assess ☒Plan ☒Implement ☒Follow-up: Monitor and Evaluate ☐Not applicable Relevant associations will be identified within the course outline. To learn more about the PPCP, visit: https://jcpp.net/patient-care-process/. Potential Portfolio Materials This course includes the following activities, which may be included in your student portfolio: Journal Club Evidence-Based Medicine Project This course does not include IPE activities.

3 PPW 379 Course Syllabus Spring 2022

COURSE REQUIREMENTS • Exams o Final Exam • Breakout Sessions o Literature Search o Journal Club o Literature Summary • Journal Club Worksheet • Evidence-Based Medicine Project o Part 1: Assess the Situation o Part 2: Ask and Acquire o Part 3: Appraise o Peer Evaluation

25% 10% 5% 10% 5% 10% 15% 15% 5% 100%

GRADING SCALE A 92.45 – 100 A- 89.45 - 92.44 B+ 86.45 - 89.44 B 82.45 - 86.44 B- 79.45 - 82.44 C+ 76.45 - 79.44 C 72.45 - 76.44 C- 69.45 - 72.44 D 59.45 - 69.44 F < 59.45

4 PPW 379 Course Syllabus Spring 2022




Tertiary Resources


Assess, Plan

Information Search Process


Assess, Plan

TOPIC WEEK 1 1/13/22 1:30 – 3:20

Course Introduction, Plagiarism and Citation




Evidence-Based Medicine ASK WEEK 2 1/20/22 1:30 – 3:20 ASK ACQUIRE APPLY WEEK 3 1/27/22 1:30 – 3:20 ASK AND ACQUIRE WEEK 4 2/3/22 1:30 – 3:20

Breakout Session 1 – Literature Search

ASK AND ACQUIRE WEEK 5 2/10/22 1:30 – 3:20

Biostatistics 1

Malone: Chapter 3

Assess, Plan



EBM Project Part 1: Assess the Situation due via Blackboard by 11:59 PM ET on Wed. 1/26/22

Report to assigned breakout room. Attendance is mandatory.

Articles posted on Bb

EBM Project Part 2: Ask and Acquire due via Blackboard by 11:59 PM ET on Wed. 2/16/22


5 PPW 379 Course Syllabus Spring 2022

WEEK 6 2/17/22 1:30 – 3:20 APPRAISE WEEK 7 2/24/22 1:30 – 3:20 APPRAISE WEEK 8 3/3/22 1:30 – 3:20 APPRAISE WEEK 9

WEEK 10 3/17/22 1:30 – 3:20 APPRAISE WEEK 11 3/24/22 1:30 – 3:20

Biostatistics 2



Articles posted on Bb

Biostatistics 3 - Online



Articles posted on Bb

No live class session this week – online lecture material will be posted to Blackboard

Randomized Controlled Trials 1



Malone: Chapter 4

Journal Club Worksheet available on Blackboard at 3:20 PM ET



Malone: Chapter 4

Journal Club Worksheet due via Blackboard by 11:59 PM ET on Wed. 3/23/22

Spring break

Randomized Controlled Trials 2 Clinical Significance

Breakout Session 2 – Journal Club

Plan, Implement

Report to assigned breakout room. Attendance is mandatory.


6 PPW 379 Course Syllabus Spring 2022

WEEK 12 3/31/22 1:30 – 3:20

Summarizing Biomedical Literature


Collect, Assess, Implement, Plan, Monitor

Clinical Practice Guidelines ACQUIRE APPRAISE APPLY WEEK 13 4/7/22 1:30 – 3:20 APPRAISE APPLY WEEK 14 4/14/22 1:30 – 3:20 ASK ACQUIRE APPLY WEEK 15 4/21/22 1:30 – 3:20 ASK ACQUIRE APPLY WEEK 16 4/25/22 – 4/29/22

Assess, Plan, Implement

Breakout Session 3 — Literature Summary

Report to assigned breakout room. Attendance is mandatory. Peer Evaluation and EBM Project Part 3: Appraise due via Blackboard by 11:59 pm EST on Wed. 4/13/22

Informatics 1


Collect, Assess, Implement, Plan, Monitor

Informatics 2


Collect, Assess, Implement, Plan, Monitor

Cumulative Final Exam -- Date, Time and Location TBD Read article prior to exam, exam in class based on article

7 PPW 379 Course Syllabus Spring 2022

COURSE-SPECIFIC POLICIES AND PROCEDURES All assignments must be submitted by the due date and time indicated in the course outline and assignment instructions. Unless prior approval has been received by the course coordinators, late assignments will result in grade deductions as outlined below. If you anticipate that you will not be able to turn in an assignment on the due date, you must contact the course coordinators before the due date/time. If it is determined that the student violated the MCPHS University academic honesty policy during an examination/assignment/assessment, the student will receive a grade of zero for that examination/assignment/assessment. Late arrival to/absence from breakout sessions • Please arrive at the assigned breakout room a few minutes prior to the start and be prepared for each activity. • Attendance may be checked multiple times during the breakout session and is required for the entire session to earn credit • Students arriving 5-15 minutes late will have a 25% reduction on their final grade for the breakout session assignment. • Students arriving more than 15 minutes late to the session will be considered absent and will earn a grade of zero (0). • Students who are absent must obtain an excused absence from the Office of Student Affairs. Students without an excused absence will earn a grade of zero (0) for the session. • Students with an excused absence will have their final breakout session grade calculated out of the total number of breakout sessions they were present for. The weighting for this course requirement will not change (e.g., if the student was present for 2 of the 3 breakout sessions, each session will be worth 15% of the final grade instead of 10%). • Students who are absent from more than 1 breakout session with an excused absence will be handled on a case-by-case basis. A makeup assignment will be provided. Professional conduct during breakout sessions • Penalties may be assessed for any act of professional misconduct and include, but are not limited to: a lower grade for the work involved; no credit (“0” grade) for the work involved; or a lower grade for the course. Evidence-Based Medicine Project • Students will be assigned to pairs to complete the Evidence-Based Medicine Project. All members of each group are responsible for on-time electronic submission of all project components. The grade for each part of the project will apply to all group members. • All three (3) parts of the Evidence-Based Medicine Project must be submitted to Blackboard by the assignment due dates listed in the course outline. Assignments not received via Blackboard will be considered late. Late assignments will receive a 5-point deduction for the first 24-hours past the due date that it is submitted late. For 8 PPW 379 Course Syllabus Spring 2022

• •

assignments submitted more than 24 hours past the due date, 10 points per 24 hours will be deducted from the final assignment grade. Grades for each assessment will be posted in the Blackboard grade center. The peer evaluation grade for the project accounts for 5% of the final course grade.

Referencing • AMA style must be used for all references and formatting. ExamSoft Policies and Procedures • This course will utilize ExamSoft, Exam ID, and Exam Monitor for administering the final exam. • Please see the “SOP-WM Course Exam Grading” policy posted on the School of Pharmacy Worcester/Manchester Student Blackboard organization. This course will follow all policies and procedures outlined in that document. • The final exam will be closed book with no additional resources. Backtracking will be allowed. • Students are required to complete the exam independently and with no resources. Any violations of the Academic Honesty Policy will result in a grade of zero (0) on the exam. Remediation Policy • Following the final exam, students may request to review the rationales for any questions that were answered incorrectly in order to improve understanding of the concepts learned in this course. Students requiring remediation on any part of the Evidence-Based Medicine Project will be identified by the course coordinators and, if appropriate, given an opportunity to re-do that part of the project for partial credit. Any situations not addressed by the policies and procedures above will be handled at the discretion of the instructor(s) or course coordinator(s).

SOP–W/M COURSE, EXAM AND GRADING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Students must abide by the School of Pharmacy–Worcester/Manchester (SOP–W/M) Course, Exam and Grading Policies and Procedures. Important course information provided in these policies includes but is not limited to: Student Conduct, Academic Honesty, Attendance, Absence, Tardiness, Course Communication, Class Participation, Class Recordings, Synchronized Distance Education Outages, Personal Lecture/Class Recordings, and School Closures. Important exam and grading information provided in these policies includes but is not limited to: Student Conduct During Exams, Academic Honesty During Exams, Exam Supplies, Prior to Beginning Exams, Beginning Exams, Exam Completion, Emergency/Evacuation Instructions, Absence from Exams, Exam Review Guidelines, Exam Scores and Grading, and Final Course Grades. 9 PPW 379 Course Syllabus Spring 2022

To view the SOP–W/M policies and procedures mentioned above please refer to the documents posted on the Blackboard organization site titled, BB_SOP_WM: School of Pharmacy Worcester/Manchester – Student Site.

UNIVERSITY POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Students must abide by the Academic Policies and Procedures set forth in the current MCPHS University Catalog and Student Handbook. Important information regarding Description of Credit Hour Policy, Excused Absence Approval, Student Access and Accommodations, Academic Honesty and Plagiarism and other academic policies is set forth in the Academic Policies and Procedures section of the MCPHS Catalog. MCPHS University Course Catalog https://www.mcphs.edu/academics/university-course-catalog MCPHS University Student Handbook (NOTE: must login to access) https://my.mcphs.edu/departments/student-affairs Students must read, understand, and comply with all University, SOP–W/M, and course-specific policies and procedures.

OFFICE OF STUDENT ACCESS AND ACCOMMODATIONS (OSAA) A students’ right to equal education is protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. All students must abide by the Academic Policies and Procedures set forth in the MCPHS Academic Catalog. Questions regarding accommodations can be directed to the Office of Student Access and Accommodations. Under the ADA/Section 504, students with documented disabilities/conditions, that impact their access to education, and wish to request reasonable accommodations can contact the Office of Student Access and Accommodations (OSAA). To initiate services, students can complete the Student Request for Services Form. OSAA can be contacted via email at [email protected] or via phone at 617-879-5995.

CENTER FOR ACADEMIC SUCCESS & ENRICHMENT (CASE) WOR/MAN/GRADUATE/ONLINE PROGRAMS The Center for Academic Success and Enrichment (CASE) supports students through providing a number of academic support services introducing them to the strategies that will enhance performance in their academic programs and ultimately contribute to their professional lives. The CASE staff are available to meet with students on an appointment basis Monday – Friday 9:00am-4:00pm EST. To schedule an appointment with a CASE staff member, visit the following link: mywconline.com/casewm and select your schedule and program to bring you to the correct availability. Questions related to CASE services can be directed to [email protected]. 10 PPW 379 Course Syllabus Spring 2022

University Learning Network (ULN) The ULN is intended to support students to meet the challenges of our health science based programs with our resources consisting of: Enrichment/Professional Tutoring, English Language Resource Center, Writing Center, and TutorMe. Students can utilize the ULN’s appointment-based services (Enrichment/Professional Tutoring, English Language Resource Center, & Writing Center) by visiting www.mywco.com/uln. TutorMe can be accessed through the Tools section of the course’s Blackboard page. Questions related to University Learning Network services can be directed to [email protected].

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