ACG 2071 Syllabus Spring 2022 PDF

Title ACG 2071 Syllabus Spring 2022
Author Yumeng Chen
Course Intro Managerial Acct
Institution University of Florida
Pages 10
File Size 253.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 16
Total Views 171


ACG 2071 Syllabus Spring 2022 with online 80-99%...


ACG 2071, Introduction to Managerial Accounting Instructor:

Michael Schadewald, PhD, CPA


[email protected]

Spring 2022

Emails must be sent from your official UF email address and must be sent to [email protected]. Do not send messages through Canvas or from a non-UF email account (Gmail, etc.), as I will not respond. Office:

Gerson Hall 311, Phone (352) 273-0211

Live class:

Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:35 - 11:15 am ET Heavener Hall 150

Office hours: See Connect with Us on course Home page for office hours SAs:

See Connect with Us on course Home page for email addresses and office hours

Website: (use Google Chrome to access Canvas course website) For technical difficulties with the course website, contact the Technology Assistance Center at [email protected] or call 352-273-0248.

Course description. This course will help you understand how managers use accounting

information for planning, performance evaluation, and decision-making purposes. Topics include product costing methods, activity-based costing, cost-volume-profit analysis, profit planning, performance evaluation, relevant cost analysis, cash flow analysis and capital investment decisions. Examples of skills you will learn in this course include assessing the profitability of product lines, computing the sales volume needed to achieve a target profit, identifying relevant costs for outsourcing decisions, evaluating the performance of segment managers, and making long-term capital investment decisions. The overriding goal of the course is to help nonaccountants become competent participants in the managerial decisions of their organizations. Prerequisites. ACG 2021, Introduction to Financial Accounting, or its equivalent. The primary

difference between ACG 2021 and ACG 2071 is that financial accounting focuses on providing information used by external parties (primarily, stockholders and creditors), whereas managerial accounting focuses on providing information used internally by managers. TEXTBOOK AND E-LEARNING PLATFORM The textbook is Introduction to Managerial Accounting, 9th Ed., by Brewer et al. and published by McGraw-Hill. You must also acquire access to McGraw-Hill’s Connect e-learning platform. UF All Access is the least expensive way to obtain these materials ( Registration instructions are posted on the Syllabus page of the Canvas website. McGraw-Hill technical support. For technical difficulties with Connect, you can call

(800) 331-5094 or email and chat at Support hours are Mon-Thu 24 hours, Fri 12am-9pm ET, Sat 10am-8pm ET, and Sun 12pm-12am ET.

UF ACG 2071 Schadewald


Introduction to Managerial Accounting Spring 2022

LECTURES The video lectures are posted on the course website under Mediasite Lecture Library. The PowerPoint slides are also posted on the course website, but the slides do not include all the information discussed in the lectures and are not a substitute for watching the videos. For technical difficulties with the videos, contact the Technology Assistance Center at [email protected] or call 352-273-0248. GRADES Course grades are based solely on points (not percentages), which are earned as follows: Exams (3 × 150 points) ....................................................... 450 ▪ Quizzes (14 chapters × 3 points) ........................................ 42 ▪ Homework (14 chapters × 3 points) ................................. 42 ▪ Excel and Tableau assignments .................................. 16 Total possible course points ......................... 550 ▪

The minimum number of total course points needed to achieve each letter grade is as follows: A 495 points, B+ 478 points, B 440 points, C+ 423 points, C 385 points, D+ 368 points, D 330 points, E less than 330 points. Extra credit is not available and grades are not subject to negotiation, even if you are just one point short of a higher grade. I will not respond to emails raising these concerns. The grade point value per credit hour for each letter grade is assigned by the Registrar’s Office. For details, see EXAMS Dates and times. The three exams will be administered on the following dates: ▪ ▪ ▪

Exam 1 – February 8 (Tuesday) Exam 2 – March 16 (Wednesday) Exam 3 – April 20 (Wednesday)

You will have 120 minutes to complete each exam. At the end of 120 minutes, the exam will close. Exams start at 8:20 pm Eastern Time, USA. The start time is not adjusted to the time zone in which you are physically located while taking the exam. You will have 20 minutes to start an exam. Exams started after 8:40 pm may be invalidated. The due dates in Canvas do not accurately convey the start times or end times of exams. Assembly exams are scheduled by the University and have priority over regular classes and regular exams scheduled at the same time. If you have a conflict with an assembly exam in another course or with the observance of a religious holiday, you must notify the instructor via email at least one week prior to the exam date. Accommodations made for conflicts with religious holidays will not include accommodations for travel plans.

UF ACG 2071 Schadewald


Introduction to Managerial Accounting Spring 2022

Excused absences. Excused absences from exams are at the discretion of the instructor. Events

such as weddings, family vacations and reunions, cruises, conventions, student competitions, student organization events, job interviews and club sports are not considered excused absences from an exam. If you believe you have a valid conflict with an exam, you must notify the instructor via email at least one week prior to the exam date. If you miss an exam without a valid, documented excuse, you will receive a grade of zero for the exam. No exceptions. Excused absences due to injury or illness require a doctor’s note that must be dated within one day of the exam date (one day before or after) and must be received within two days of the exam date. The note must say that you were medically unable to take the exam on the exam date. If you miss an exam for an excused reason and have provided your medical documentation within two days of the exam date, you will be allowed to take a makeup exam at a date and time determined by the instructor. If a student misses Exam 3 for an excused reason and has completed all other course requirements, the student will be assigned a grade of incomplete and will take Exam 3 during the next semester. Content. Each exam consists of 30 questions, including both multiple choice questions and free

response questions. Each question is worth 5 points. The exams are closed book and closed notes. The exams are not cumulative. Instead, each exam covers selected chapters in the textbook as outlined in the course schedule. The exam questions relate to the material covered in the readings, lectures, homework assignments and quizzes. Answers to free response questions must be properly formatted to receive credit. Honorlock procedures. All students will take the exams on the Canvas course website using

Honorlock, which records each exam session. The UF Student Honor Code will be strictly enforced and the recordings will be used in any suspected cases of academic dishonesty. A wired internet connection is strongly recommended. Even with a good wireless connection, stability can be an issue due to the extra load created by the proctoring software. If you use a wireless connection, you should use a dual or tri-band router. To create the best opportunity for a good internet connection, restart your computer and do not open any extraneous programs or apps. Having a computer that cannot access the internet is not a valid excuse for missing an exam. You cannot use a cellphone, iPad or other mobile device to take an exam. You will be required to show your official UF Gator 1 photo ID card at each exam. Any student who takes an exam without a valid photo ID will receive a grade of zero. The only type of calculator allowed is a hand-held, non-programmable calculator. You will be allowed two pages of scratch paper. Prior to taking an exam proctored using Honorlock, you should do the following: ▪

Take the Honorlock practice exam posted on the course website. If you do not take the practice exam and encounter technical issues on an exam, that is your responsibility.

Read the UF Honorlock Student Guide (

Read the list of best practices (

UF ACG 2071 Schadewald


Introduction to Managerial Accounting Spring 2022

Download and install the Honorlock extension from the Chrome Web Store.

Ensure that Chrome is not blocking third-party cookies and that the Chrome pop-up blocker is disabled.

Carefully read all the requirements regarding your computer system, necessary resources, and the physical space in which you are taking the exam.

To avoid being flagged for a post-exam integrity review, prepare a clean desk space in a place where no wall art or other images are displayed behind you, behave the same way you would in an in-person exam (no talking or eating), and keep your face in the camera frame to avoid having your exam paused. If you encounter technical issues with Honorlock, you can initiate 24/7 Proctoring Support (live chat) via the right-hand toolbar. Other procedures. If you experience any issues with your exam, you must notify the instructor

via email as soon as possible and no later than 12 hours from the exam end time. The actual exam will not be released following the exam and there is no exam review. QUIZZES The quizzes provide valuable feedback regarding how well you understand the course content. There is one quiz for each of the 14 chapters in the textbook. Each quiz consists of eight multiple choice questions. You are required to complete each quiz on your own. Collaborating with anyone on a quiz is a violation of the UF Honor Code. Dates and times. The quiz dates are summarized in the course schedule. Each quiz will open for

a 24-hour period, from 12:00 am to 11:59 pm ET, on the assigned date. You may take the quiz any time during the 24-hour period. There is no time limit on how long you take to finish a quiz, but you must finish the quiz on the assigned date. Procedures. The quizzes are taken in Connect, which you should access through the Canvas course website. Do not start a quiz unless you have enough time to finish the quiz. Once you start a quiz, you will not be able to close out of the quiz and start over later. If you close out of a quiz before pressing submit, your quiz will not be graded, and you cannot retake the quiz. Once you press submit, your quiz will be graded, and it cannot be reopened. Your quiz score will display immediately, and you can review your quiz the next day (click Results on left-hand menu bar).

Any questions regarding the grade you received on a quiz (as posted in Canvas) must be emailed to the instructor within one day of the due date for the quiz. Excused absences. Excused absences from quizzes are at the discretion of the instructor. As

with exams, events such as weddings, family vacations and reunions, cruises, conventions, student competitions, student organization events, job interviews and club sports are not considered excused absences from a quiz. If you are medically unable to take a quiz on the assigned date, you must email documentation in the form of a doctor’s note to the instructor within two days of the quiz date. No make-up quizzes will be allowed after April 18. An excused absence for a quiz does NOT apply to the graded homework assignments that are due on the quiz date.

UF ACG 2071 Schadewald


Introduction to Managerial Accounting Spring 2022

HOMEWORK There are three types of graded homework assignments for each chapter of the textbook, including a SmartBook interactive reading assignment, a comprehensive problem, and some additional exercises. The SmartBook assignment will help you master the concepts covered in the textbook, whereas the comprehensive problem and additional exercises provide practice in applying these concepts. The homework is completed in Connect, which you should access through the Canvas course website. You are required to complete all graded homework assignments on your own. Due dates. For simplicity, the homework assignments for all the chapters related to an exam

will open at the same time and the homework for a specific chapter is due on the same day as the quiz date for that chapter, as follows:

Module Exam 1

Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Start date for all chapters Jan 5, Wed

Due date for a specific chapter Same as quiz date

Exam date Feb 8, Tue

Exam 2

6, 8, 9, 12

Feb 9, Wed

Same as quiz date

Mar 16, Wed

Exam 3

7, 10, 11, 13, 14

Mar 17, Thu

Same as quiz date

Apr 20, Wed

For example, as indicated in the course schedule, the Chapter 1 quiz is on January 13. You must take the quiz on that date. However, you have nine days (Jan 5-13) to complete the graded homework assignments for Chapter 1. Procedures. You are allowed three attempts on each graded homework problem or exercise,

and on each attempt you may revise your previous attempts. In addition, during each attempt to answer a specific question, you may use the Connect “check my work” function up to three times. Thus, you are effectively allowed up to nine attempts to arrive at the correct answer for each question. Your official score for each Connect assignment is the grade recorded in the Canvas gradebook, and the Canvas score should reflect your highest score on your Connect homework. Any questions regarding the grade you received on a homework assignment (as posted in Canvas) must be emailed to the instructor within one day of the due date for the homework. Excused absences. Each graded homework assignment is open and available for at least one

week and in most cases for two or more weeks. This provides students considerable flexibility in terms of when to complete an assignment. THERE ARE NO EXTENSIONS ALLOWED FOR THESE ASSIGNMENTS, SO PLEASE DO NOT ASK. Consequently, you should plan on completing the assignments in advance of the due date. If you wait until the last minute and an unexpected personal issue or technical problem arises, that is your responsibility.

UF ACG 2071 Schadewald


Introduction to Managerial Accounting Spring 2022

If the Connect system is unavailable (system failure) for over 24 hours, the due date will be extended for all students. Due dates are not adjusted for university-approved absences, such as religious holidays, unless the event prevents a student from completing the assignment during the entire time that the assignment is available to complete. Additional Connect resources. In addition to the graded homework, there are also selected

multiple choice questions and additional exercises assigned in Connect for which you do not receive points. As with the graded homework, these questions provide valuable practice in preparing for the exams. Connect also includes an extensive library of concept overview videos. These videos provide concise descriptions of key concepts. Most of these videos are just 1-2 minutes long. For most chapters, you can watch all the videos in less than 30 minutes. ANALYTICS: EXCEL AND TABLEAU ASSIGNMENTS The analytics assignments provide practice in using Excel and Tableau to analyze accounting data. You are required to complete all graded analytics assignments on your own. Due dates. As with the other graded homework, all the analytics assignments related to an exam

will open at the same time and the assignments for a specific chapter are due on the same day as the quiz date for that chapter. The due dates are summarized in the course schedule. Procedures. The Excel worksheet assignments and Tableau data visualization assignments are

completed in Connect, which you should access through the Canvas course website. Each Excel assignment includes two parts which are separately graded. In part one, you will download an Excel form worksheet and then use that form to create your own worksheet version of an Applying Excel problem by entering the correct formula in each cell. To get credit for part one, you must upload your completed worksheet to the Connect website. Do not upload your worksheet unless you are sure it is complete and accurate. Once you upload the worksheet, it cannot be resubmitted. In part two, you will use the Excel worksheet you created in part one to answer questions regarding the effects of changes in business conditions. Most assignments also include an Excel simulation (no points) which is designed to assist students who have little experience with Excel. Students are responsible for submitting homework within Connect. Do not email homework to the instructor. Any questions regarding the grade you received on an analytics assignment (as posted in Canvas) must be emailed to the instructor within one day of the due date for the assignment. Excused absences. Each analytics assignment is open and available for at least one week and

in most cases for two or more weeks. This provides students considerable flexibility in terms of when to complete the assignment. The same excused absence policy that applies to the graded homework generally (see Homework section above) also applies to the analytics assignments.

UF ACG 2071 Schadewald


Introduction to Managerial Accounting Spring 2022

GETTING ASSISTANCE AND STAYING IN TOUCH Office hours. Please see the instructor during office hours if you have any questions or concerns

regarding the course. The student assistants also hold office hours. For information about days and times, see Connect with Us on the course Home page. Announcements. Any change in the course schedule or procedures as well as any corrections or

revisions to the course materials will be posted on the Announcements section of the course website. You are responsible for all posted announcements. Emails. In most cases, you can expect a response to your email within 1-2 days. If your concern

applies to most of the class, an announcement will be posted on the course website. HOW TO SUCCEED IN THE COURSE We will cover a significant amount of technical material in a short period of time, so it is important that you study effectively. Studying consists of numerous activities—reading the textbook, watching lectures, working problems, reviewing, and testing your understanding. Each step seems obvious, but students often miss opportunities to learn effectively. For example, if you skip the readings because the instructor covers the same material in class, you miss an opportunity to learn in a different way (reading versus listening) as well as the benefit of covering the material two times rather than just once. Another key to effective learning is distributed studying. Shorter study periods distributed over many days is more effective than a marathon study session the day before the exam. Long study sessions lead to a lack of concentration and you miss out on the benefit of repetition. Spacing out your studying over time will allow you to commit information to your long-term memory and to gain a better ...

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