Syllabus MAS 202 Spring 2022 PDF

Title Syllabus MAS 202 Spring 2022
Author Rosario Rico Toro
Course Intro Bus Stat
Institution University of Miami
Pages 6
File Size 237.2 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 22
Total Views 159


Syllabus for intermediate statistics university of Miami...



Syllabus as of 1/17/2022—The information contained in the document is subject to change and any updates will be placed on Blackboard


Semester: Spring 2022 Section: E2 & T


Dr. Mary McKenry

E-Mail: Telephone:

[email protected] 305 284 1976 305 725 5754 (cell)


Will not be in physical office this semester—held on zoom

Office Hours: Office hours will be via zoom and a link will be provided. When you link, it will place you in a waiting room, and then I admit each student one at a time. I will hold office hours by appointment. Please text me at the cell number above. We will set a time that we can meet over zoom. Please be sure to include NAME, COURSE, and SECTION.

Course Description

Course Description: This course is the second of a two-semester sequence in Business Statistics. The course begins with a review of one population inferential statistics. Computer software (EXCEL and Minitab) will be utilized as a tool for data analysis. Prerequisite: MAS 201 and working knowledge of Excel


Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Solve business problems by employing appropriate analytical models and tools Develop a foundation of statistical thinking. Develop the ability to think critically Mastery of techniques used in two-variable and multi-variate inferential statistics. Proficiency in utilizing statistical software Ability to select appropriate statistical methodology and describe results to non-technical audience

Course Materials & Resources

Blackboard Website: All students officially registered for the course can assess the course’s website. The course website may be found at: Students should refer to this site on a regular basis for important announcements, project information, solutions to homework problems, course notes, and other ancillary materials. Class Activities: Class activities include a variety of learning activities including homework review, lectures, discussion, quizzes and exams, and projects. It is important to be present (either in the classroom on your assigned day or remotely, otherwise) and engaged in the learning activities to fully understand the course material. Textbook: Anderson, Sweeny and Williams. Statistics for Business and Economics, 13th Edition, South-Western, 2018. While the textbook is not required, the homework problems will be assigned from the textbook. Accessibility Resources: For students who have a documented disability and are registered with Accessibility Resources (AR), reasonable accommodations will be provided. Accommodations will not be made for students who are not registered or who do not present the required letter. The accommodations letter must be presented to the instructor at the beginning of the semester and a minimum of two weeks to the desired use of the accommodation. The instructor will then work with AR to determine the best way to accommodate the student for that course. Students should not assume that they will be accommodated in exactly the same manner for every course.


Tutoring: Academic Resource Center provides tutoring for students needing assistance with the course material. Absences for Religious Holidays: If you are going to be absent from class due to a religious holiday, you must notify me within the FIRST TWO WEEKs of class. Send me an email and include as the subject: NAME, COURSE (including section), and dates of absence.

Course Policies

Homework will be assigned and discussed in class. The participation component of your participation/quiz grade will be determined (in part) by the homework discussions in class (that is, my perception of your attempt to complete the homework). Class attendance is necessary in order to participate. Absence from class does not exempt you from being responsible for all the material covered in class and being aware of any announcements made in class. If you miss class it is your responsibility to obtain the lecture notes and handouts from your classmates. Notification of observance of any religious holidays must occur by the second week of the class. If at some point in the semester a student cannot physically attend class sessions due to illness, injury, isolation or quarantine, they must contact the instructor to determine how to make up the work and catch up with the material. Instructors may request documentation, such as a medical attestation, from a medical provider or absence verification from Student Health Service ( Note that unexcused absences from the classroom may affect student grades or lead to failing the course.

No make-up exams. If there is significant illness or emergency, the student may use a cumulative final to replace the missing exam score when appropriate documentation is provided for the illness or emergency. The Incomplete (I) grade will be given only when a student is unable to complete the course for a verifiable non-academic reason. An Incomplete (I) will not be given when a student is failing the course or when a student wishes to repeat the course. Both the professor and the Department Chair must approve the (I) grade in advance. Quizzes and Exams may be given via blackboard in the classroom (or remotely) at the discretion of the instructor. Because quizzes may not be announced, you are required to bring a laptop to each class. Recordings: Students are expressly prohibited from recording any part of this course. Meetings of this course might be recorded by the University. Currently, the course will be recorded as long as we meet remotely. This will change when we return to the classroom. Any recordings will be available to students registered for this class as they are intended to supplement the classroom experience. Students are expected to follow appropriate University policies and maintain the security of passwords used to access recorded lectures. Recordings may not be reproduced, shared with those not in the class, or uploaded to other online environments. Exams and quizzes: Note that for all exams and quizzes which are given online, the policy is that “Backtracking” WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. If this is a concern for you, please withdraw from the course. 3

Online Exams with Respondus LockDown Browser in Blackboard: Online exams and quizzes may require using the Respondus LockDown Browser available in Blackboard. Students must install the Respondus Lockdown Browser software on their personal computer before taking the exam. The webcam feature (Respondus Monitor) will record the student during the online exam so each student’s personal computer must have a webcam, microphone and a broadband connection.

This course will be conducted following the rules and guidelines of the University of Miami Honor Code. Students are responsible for reading, understanding, and upholding the Honor Code, which is available from the office of the Dean of Students. Failure to uphold the Honor Code may result in failure of the course. EMAIL:

I will access UM email daily during the week. For a more timely response, I suggest you email me at my personal email: [email protected] When sending an email message, please make use of the subject line to summarize your message and include the course number and section. Please make sure your real name is included in the email. If I need to contact the class for announcements through email, I will do so through Blackboard, so it is important to make sure that your email account listed with MyUM is up-to-date.

Assessment Summary


Two exams Quizzes/activities/participation Final Exam Project

40% 15% 30% 15%

FINAL GRADE: The final grade in the course is based on the numeric average of exam scores, quizzes, project and final exam weighted as outlined above. The letter grade will be given in adherence to the School of Business policy on grade bands. Typically (but may be adjusted to comply with School of Business policy) the following grades are assigned: 99.00 - 100 A+ 93.00 - 98.99 A 90.00 - 92.99 A-

88.00 - 89.99 B+ 83.00 - 87.99 B 80.00 - 82.99 B-

78.00 - 79.99 C+ 73.00 - 77.99 C 70.00 - 72.99 C-

60.00 - 69.99 D Below 60 F



The policy for withdrawing from a course is dictated by the University. Any registered student who has not dropped by the official date will receive a grade for the course. If you wish to withdraw from the course, you must officially drop the course; if you just stop attending class, you will receive a failing grade.


Quizzes will be given at the discretion of the instructor with and without previous notice.


Frequently, there will be breakout sessions where students work in a group on a problem similar to the material covered in that day’s lecture. There are no makeups to these breakout activities. The best five activity grades will be utilized. In addition, the introduction activity is a required activity and will be included as an additional activity grade.


Generally, no makeup quizzes or exams will be given. The best seven quiz grades will be used and so if you miss a quiz this will be one of the quiz grades that will be dropped. In accordance with University of Miami policy, an opportunity to makeup an exam will be provided for students engaged in University Sponsored Events (e.g., UM athletes participating at an away game) or for excused absences due to recognized religious holidays.


There is a group project that will be due on the day the final exam is scheduled. The project requirements and group formation will be after the first examination.


The scheduling of the final exam will be discussed once the University posts the final exam schedule. Do not schedule your travel home prior to knowing this date.


TENTATIVE SCHEDULE This is subject to change as announced in class by the instructor Week



Review descriptive 8, 9 statistics and inferential statistics for one population 10 Statistical Inference about Means and Proportions with Two Populations



6&7 8&9 10 & 11 12 & 13



11, 12 Inferences about Population Variances, Tests of Goodness of Fit and Independence ANOVA 13 Simple Linear Regression Multiple Regression Model Building

14 15 16


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