(@ Clatexam 20) Legal EDGE MOCK 34 Anskey PDF

Title (@ Clatexam 20) Legal EDGE MOCK 34 Anskey
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LEGALEDGE TEST SERIES Part of the Most Awesome and Consistently Successful Study Material and Test Series Module, spanning across both Physical and Online Programs in the entire Country. While most of the world fumbled and faltered, 2020 has been another inspiring Success story both for us and those who chose to trust us. As a result LE was able to engineer Clean-Sweep-Landslide figures of a handsome 35 Selections under 100 ranks, and a whopping 180 selections under 500 ranks in CLAT 2020. With AILET being no different, a total of 30 LEtians found their way into NLUD in 2020. Read on!



(b) After reading the lines ‘Both writers did much to expand the traditionally simple expectations of characters in the play. Sophocles’ play feature incredibly strong-willed, modern characters who struggle with serious moral concerns, and Euripides wrote some of the most chilling psychological dramas of classical Greece’, we can comprehend that Euripides was known for his out of the box stories and psychological thrillers and with Sophocles’, he was able to bring out new dimensions to the character in the play. Hence, option (b) is correct. And negating over the 1st statement, Sophocles was the one responsible for introducing thrilling stories portraying strong-willed modern characters. Hence, the statement is incorrect as it is giving credits to Euripides for the same. This eliminates option (a), (c), and (d) as the viable options for the correct answer. (c) The answer is evident from the following lines from the passage ‘His sometimes absurd and sometimes elegant plays demonstrate great skill in mixing comedy with honest and sincere ideas. Aristophanes’ play certainly contains many wild and vulgar jokes, yet they also discuss serious concerns of his time, such as politics, art and education ‘. Therefore, Aristophanes was able to discuss and plot some serious issues of that time in a humorous light-hearted manner. And as mentioned in the passage, whilst the plays written by Aristophanes was light-hearted but still were able to put across messages regarding some very concerning issues of that time like education and politics. And from the above-mentioned lines from the passage, we can infer that Aristophanes was not so big for putting across ideas or solution but was able to discuss serious issues making the audience ponder over them after watching his plays. Hence, we can say that 1st and 2nd mentioned statements are incorrect, which negates

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the option (a), (b) and (d). Hence, option (c) is correct. (d) Clear from the following sentences of the passage, ‘Aristotle left behind texts detailing his thoughts and questions on physics and astronomy, as well as meteorology, sleep patterns, raising animals and numerous other subjects ‘, we can conclude that Aristotle as a profound philosopher of that time, didn’t confine himself to discuss just one issue. But in the notes that Aristotle left behind, he left some very valid discussions and questions regarding physics, astronomy, meteorology, sleep patterns, raising animals and various other subjects. Since, Option (a), (b) and (c) isolate only one branch or subject which Aristotle wrote about, neither of them can be answers. Hence, option (d) is correct. (a) After reading the lines ‘Comic theatre also had its hero. A generation younger than Sophocles and Euripides, the comic playwright Aristophanes is today regarded as the best of classic comic playwrights ‘, it can be strongly concluded that according to the author, Aristophanes is described as the hero of comic theatre because he had a unique style of mixing comedy with serious issues. Hence, option (a) is correct. Sophocles and Euripides were great playwriters but a generation older than Aristophanes. And Aristotle was the pupil of Plato, who is to be credited for discussing the natural sciences in his work. Hence, options (b), (c), and (d) are incorrect. (b) The author has mentioned various Greek Philosophers throughout the ages not to advert about them individually but to draw out the essence of their work so that the reader can get a better idea and can relate to the adaptations and inspirations which the modern theatre industry has imbibed from the historic Greek play writers. And the same explanation can be given credibility by reading the lines ‘Many of the themes present in those ancient plays and poems are still popular in modern literature. And even those plays that deal with uniquely modern themes still owe much in the way Page 1 of 16









of technique and style to the golden age of Greece ‘. Hence, option (b) is the most appropriate title for the passage. The author, in the passage, has discussed the rich culture and literature of the Greeks by mentioning the laurates but, the previously mentioned is done by the author mainly to give an insight to his reader about the conclusion that he made regarding Modern theatres taking inspiration from the Greeks and their playwright. While option (a) is not a suitable choice because the passage is not about the Greek Literature, Option (c) is also not appropriate as the passage is talking about only the Greek Philosophers who were also into theater. Lastly, Option (d) is incorrect as to the theme of the passage is the Theater written by Greek Philosophers and not the world theater. Therefore, (b) is the correct answer. After reading the lines ‘In countless ways the world has never seen a year like the last when it comes to the science taking centerstage. It has defined all the key turning points, from helping us understand how Covid-19 spreads to find vaccines against it at unprecedented pace’, we can infer that Science has played the most important role towards safeguarding mankind during these unprecedented times by understanding the pandemic and producing vaccines to counter the infections in a record-breaking time. Hence, option (c) is correct. And certainly, science has not spread any rumours after reading the passage and yes, the scientific fraternity has called upon the code of Galileo Dictum but that is not how science has taken the center stage during the pandemic. Therefore, options (a), (b) and (d) are incorrect. A decrepit education system is outdated, worn out and infirm and has not been updated with time, and the way they are incorporating rote-learning instead of associative or active learning according to the author. And the author believes that the education systems approach is one of the factors responsible for the crisis during the second wave of Covid-19. Hence. Option (b) is correct. There is no mention of the infrastructure of the education system in the passage, which eliminates option (a) and about its moral compass, along with how updated the system is, which eliminated option (c). Therefore, all the other options are incorrect. Adjectives are words that describe the qualities or states of being of nouns: The word Virulent describes an action or a factor that has an extremely severe or harmful effect and is distinctively used to describe a noun wiz ‘pandemic’ from the passage. Hence, Virulent is an adjective and option (d) is correct. All the other options are incorrect. In the passage, it is mentioned that ‘ India’s tragic descent into the second Covid surge was preceded by sheer disregard of pandemic science…… fake and dangerous cures for Covid pneumonia continue to be peddled on social media etc.’. From the above-mentioned lines, it can be inferred that even if Social media is a convenience making life easier but during these unprecedented times, social media is not being accountable and is spreading panic, rumours and misinformation to the public and hence, is not so convenient. Therefore, the author’s

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attitude towards social media is one of ambivalence. Antagonism is active opposition or hostility towards something, therefore, (b) is incorrect, Endorsement is the active support of something, therefore, option(c) is also incorrect and lastly indifference is of having on certain opinion towards something, therefore, Option (d) is also correct. Hence, the only Correct Option is (a). In the passage, the author has discussed various dynamics related to pandemic science, how our education system is a crippled one and has given various instances to support his saying. But the main essence that the author wants us to ponder upon is one of logic and a rational approach towards the forthcoming problems. Hence, the most appropriate title for the passage will be option (b). Yes, Covid-19 is the problem that the author is talking about and this problem has changed our way of living drastically. But that’s not the main issue which the author has to pen down, therefore, Option (c) and (d) would be eliminated. Option (a) cannot be correct as the author’s idea of argument is not limited to advancement in Science but we have used it. Hence, all the other options are incorrect. As the line ‘Yet for many, these one-sided stories repeated over time can become so distorted and damaging that they hamper any ability to live balanced, happy lives ‘highlights the fact that repetitive imposition of the one-sided stories does not have a positive impact on our lives and affects our happiness and balance of life in a hostile manner. The Option (a), (b) and (d) are all opposite arguments to this and therefore, all the options except option (c) are incorrect. In the passage, the author has mentioned ' First, stop blaming yourself or in many cases blaming circumstances. Take time to truly figure out who you fully are, your gifts and your failings’ and ‘Remind yourself frequently that you have the power to change the path and outcomes of your narrative’ To suggest us that option (a) and option (b) are steps to change the narrative. But after reading the lines ‘The key to personal transformation is story transformation. And the main reason we cling to this story-made-of-stories, or Focus Story…..that we badly need’ we are able to get an idea that the author has used Focus Story to mention the stories that are created by us and according to the author, is not a step to be taken specifically for changing the narrative. Therefore, when (a) and (b) are eliminated, Option (d) is eliminated automatically, and the correct answer is (c) In the lines ‘As with the earlier story, you will begin to believe more in the alternative story the more you begin to actually live it ’, the author is trying to convey that change is a power that lies in our own hands and the only obstacle we face while wanting that change is our own mindset. The author has suggested, that we inculcate the small changes in our lives that someday will result in a big change in the narration of our own life stories. Yes, the past is meant to be embraced as the Option (b) suggests and the path to restoration is by looking inside oneself as the Option (c) suggests, but these morals are not conveyed in the mentioned lines of Page 2 of 16









the passage. Moreover, option d is not explain the mentioned line but putting up a general idea therefore, it is not the correct answer as well. Hence option (a) is correct. After reading the line ‘This narrative plays a role not only in shaping our own self-concept but also in how we approach situations, relationships and decision-making ‘ we are able to get an idea that 3rd statement is true because by changing the narrative of your own life, you are able to take charge of your life and incorporate the necessary changes that are best suited for you, decided by you. Hence, option (d) is correct. And after reading the lines ‘One’s composite personal story contains events or aspects of our history which may be factual….. subjectively interpret them and thread them into our main personal narrative reshapes and alters the bare facts ’ we can say that the Focus story cannot be blindly taken as the authentic life that a person has lead and from ‘As with the earlier story, you will begin to believe more in the alternative story the more you begin to actually live it ‘ we are able to get an idea that you can’t change your life around just by having a new, better narrative for your life. But by actually implementing the change and trying to live better, you can do wonders. Hence, 1st & 2nd statement are false and are eliminated. Therefore the only correct option is (d) Upon reading the passage, a strong evaluation can be made that by believing that you can have a better narrative to your own life and if you are able to implement those small changes which you think are required for your self-improvement, that you are at the helm of your life choices. Hence You are able to take charge of your choices and reach a better place in life. Hence the most suitable title for the passage is ‘You can change the outcome of your narrative’, i.e. option (b). The main essence of the passage that the author has emphasized, is about ‘The story’ or of your own narrative. Yes, there will be an inner conflict of thoughts when you try to change, and you have to accept the reality and by this, the author is talking about your real-time shortcomings and how you work upon them. But these parts of the passage are included for us to have a better understanding of the actual message that the author wants to impart to the readers. Therefore, options (a), (c), and (d) are not the most appropriate title to the passage. Options a, c and d talk about single aspects of the passage. Option a only focus on China’s capability respectively, to manage environmental hazards. Option c focuses on India’s capabilities. It mostly talks about the humongous challenge that India faces in tackling the environmental problems. While option d gives too much importance to governance being the key factor in tackling environmental issues. Option b captures the essence of the report and its lead author, while also not just focussing on any particular aspect of it. Thus, the answer is option b. Option a is not correct as the passage does not draw a link between the population size and the country’s ability as a whole to combat environmental hazards.

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Option b is not correct as a strong political structure alone has not been proven in the passage to better equip a country to handle environmental hazards. Option c is correct because the passage clearly states that China is better equipped to handle an environmental hazard because it has strong governance and a population which demands better environmental conditions. Option d is not correct because the correct answer lies in the passage (option c). Thus, the answer is option c. Option a is correct as the passage is informing the readers about a particular phenomenon, on the basis of a report. Option b is not correct as the passage is not a bitter commentary or report about something or someone. Option c is not correct because the author is not invoking an emotion of togetherness or cooperation. Option d is not correct because the passage is not encouraging the readers to do something. Thus, the answer is option a. Options a, b and c, all are mentioned in the passage as being factors behind the increasing strain that cities are facing and how this is decreasing their appeal as social and economic hubs. Option (a) can be found from Will Nichols, the lead author of the report. The report has stated all these caused as being a threat to cities and thus national economies. Option (b) can be derived from the fact that China’s and other countries administrations are now sitting up to tackle climate-change. Option (c) can be seen from the line, where the author says that China’s cities are reeling under water-scarcity. Thus the answer is option (d). Option a is not correct as the passage does not use the term “vulnerability” in the context of liability. Option b is not correct as the passage does not use the term “vulnerability” in the context of being amenable. Option c is correct as the passage has used the term “vulnerability”, especially human vulnerability in the context of being susceptible to environmental hazards. Option d is not correct as the passage does not use the term “vulnerability” in the context of being a burden “only a minuscule percentage of her genetic material was derived from yours—but, of them all, she was the one who reminded me most of you.” This shows that the deceased was similar to the other person. Therefore, options a and b, that says not at all similar and exactly like the other person are incorrect. A few hours ago your last descendant died. She held only a whisper of your essence, this clearly shows that the deceased was not exactly like her, she was just slightly similar to the other person. Hence, option a is the correct answer and options b and c that says exactly like you and not at all like you are incorrect. Refer to the part "Her documentaries were as fair as they could be, in my view, taking into account the inherent biases of her Western upbringing and Page 3 of 16











education." This shows that she was not a biased person and hence, option B is incorrect, according to the passage. Options A and C are correct statements, according to the passage, as the deceased was raised in America and Chinese government did revoke her visa, therefore, they are not the answers and option B is the correct answer. Surveillance means to monitor, suspect, to keep a watch and therefore, it is the most correct option. Documentaries mean a film or television or radio programme that provides a factual report on a particular subject. Security means the state of being free from danger or threat, and inherent means existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute. Hence, option a, b and d are incorrect and option c is the correct answer. A verse novel is a type of narrative poetry in which a novel-length narrative is told through the medium of poetry rather than prose. He intended to write a novel in verse and hence he would write something in a poetic manner. From the passage it can be seen that he was not planning to write something on aerodynamics, or a fantasy novel or a novel on his lover. Hence, options a, b and d are incorrect. while away means to spend (time) doing something pleasant and easy, so clearly the best option is c i.e. spending time pleasantly. Making good use of time is not related to the phrase and the phrase doesn’t relate to passing and wasting time, also, while away is not about living each and every moment fully. Hence, the options a, b and d are incorrect. From the passage it can be seen that he is a committed person, a person eager and dedicated to learn and content, but nowhere from the passage can it be seen that the he is honest. Therefore, a is the correct answer and the options b, c and d are incorrect as they include honesty.. He read law journals, outdated computer coding guides, chapbooks of poetry from the 1800s, forgotten novels, memoirs of kings and explorers and prostitutes, books about subjects as varied as Byzantine mosaics, Victorian prisons, clock repair, and Scottish epitaphs. This clearly shows that he was interested in the past. Hence option c is the correct answer. He is starting his new office in his house, ther...

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