Mktg edge question PDF

Title Mktg edge question
Course Foundations of Marketing
Institution University of Queensland
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Week 1 1. The original marketing mix framework consisted of 4 Ps. These were: People, process, place, product. Place, price, product, process. Product, place , price, promotion. Price, physical evidence, promotion, process. 2. From a marketing perspective, what must be at the heart of all of an organisations decisions? Profitability Customers and consumers Enlightened Management Correct Procedures

3. If we open a new high priced restaurant what other aspects of the marketing mix will be influenced in the minds of the customers? (select all that apply) Quality Location Profit Service staf

4. What part of the marketing mix would placing information on a firm’s social media fit into? (select all that apply) Pricing Process Promotion Place The following questions relate to the video you just watched on customer centricity. Please click on the correct answers to the questions below. 1. What does customer centricity flip around in business Sales orientation to a market orientation Product focus to a customer focus Emphasis on price to an emphasis on value Promotion that concentrates only on product quality 2. What are the requirements for calculating customer lifetime value? skills data and analytics knowing how old our customers are

knowing where the customers come from great loyalty schemes 3. The benefit of calculating customer lifetime value is that you can predict _____ (select all that apply) How long with this customer stay with me Why they shop with me how many purchases or income producing activities will they make over the time they stay with me How valuable will those activities be 4. What are the benefits of finding out who our best customers are and building our business around them? Increasing profitability Specilising the production process Don't have to find new customers Knowing where to build the next store Q1. What term used to describe a collection of symbols such as a name, logo, slogan and design intended to create an image in the customer’s mind that differentiates a product from competitors’ products? Exclusive Product Brand Symbolis products Marketing Q2. Someone who uses a product whether they purchase it or not is called a: Customer Consumer Client Buyer Q3. Demand is best described as: A want that a consumer has the ability to satisfy Q4. A Target market is best described as: A group of customers with similar needs and wants

Q5. Which one of the 7P’s describes the marketing activities that make potential customers, partners and society aware of and attracted to the business’s offerings? Price Promotion Placement Process

Q6. In some cases, for example a restaurant, the quality of the firm's ofering may be difficult to determine prior to the dining experience. The restaurant may rely on the physical surrounding to provide the customer with some cue about the quality of the service. Which of the 7 P’s best describes this marketing variable? promotion Placement Process Physical evidence

Q7. What is the marketing mix? The mutually beneficial transfer of oferings of value between the buyer and seller A set of variables that a marketer can exercise control over in creating an ofering for exchange A set of customer needs, wants and desires that when mixed can produce the ideal target market

Q8. Select the PRIMARY elements of the marketing process. (select all that apply) Understanding customers Communication with customers Delivering benefits to customers Looking after shareholders Q9. Marketers play a role in stimulating consumer demand which leads to: Over spending and debt Too many unwanted goods Economic growth Happy customers

Q10. The following statement describes which part of the marketing mix? “Marketers need to understand what customers would like to receive and what they are prepared to give in return” Price Exchange Promotion Sales Process

Week 2 1. What should be the main focus to determine customer needs? How much the consumer is willing to spend to satisfy the need The consumer demographic characteristics What job the consumer is trying to get done

2. What is the problem for consumers with car manufacturers all copying the best features of each others’ cars? The cars are hard to diferentiate

3. What type of car need is not currently satisfied in the marketplace? office QUESTIONS RELATING TO THE ATTITUDES VIDEO 3/3 points (ungraded) 1. Do you need to have experienced or observed something to develop an attitude towards it? yes no

2. Is an attitude learned? yes no 3. What are the key components of an attitude? (Check all that apply) cognitive observation afective tendency behavioural

QUESTIONS RELATING TO THE CONSUMER BUYING PROCESS VIDEO 4/4 points (ungraded) 1. How many steps are there in the consumer buying decision process? 3 5 6 2. What are the types of information consumers use in the research stage? Internal and external

3. Which information source(s) will a consumer pay more attention to? (Check all that apply) Friends and family Advertising Their own experience

c 4. Which factors might influence where a consumer chooses to purchase a product? (Check all that apply) Price Store experience Convenience None of the above

QUESTIONS RELATING TO FACTORS INFLUENCING CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR Identify which category each of these factors influencing consumer behaviour belongs to: 1. Perception Psychological factors 2. A crowded store Situational factors 3. Role and status Social factors 4. Social class Cultural factors 5. Self-concept Personal factors GENERAL QUESTIONS RELATING TO THIS WEEK'S CONTENT. 1. What is habitual decision-making? Low-involvement purchasing decisions usually involving small, routine, low-risk products 6. What is limited decision-making? Limited-involvement purchasing decisions, usually involving infrequently bought, but familiar, products

9. What is extended decision-making? High-involvement purchasing decisions usually involving high-price, high-risk and/or infrequent, unfamiliar products 2. A situational factor that influences an individual's buying decision process would be... time motivation culture family 3. Which of the following defines social risk? (check all that apply) A group's preference for the social consequences of a particular product choice A consumer's knowledge that a particular choice of product will have potentially negative social consequences. The belief by a consumer that a particular choice of product may have potentially negative social consequences 4. What is the system of knowledge, beliefs, values, rituals and artefacts by which a society or other large group defines itself? Attitudes Politics Culture Lifestyle 5. What is the term for the extent to which people focus on their own goals over those of the group? Self indulgence Individualism Self image Goal attainment

7. Which of the following are types of reference group? (check all that apply) dissociative aspirational membership cultural 8. Which term defines the circumstances a consumer finds themself in when making purchasing decisions? situational influences uncertainty avoidance

motivational factors

10. What is the psychological process that filters, organises and attributes meaning to external stimuli? motivation perception orientation

QUESTIONS FROM THE CUSTOMER TOUCH POINTS VIDEO 1. A Customer touchpoint occurs when there is an encounter or interaction between what type(s) of customer and a company, product or brand? potential or current customer potential, current or past customer current or past customer 2. Which aspect(s) of the customer's journey can be afected by touchpoints? (check all that apply) brand awareness brand preference purchase brand loyalty none of the above

1. What are the gears or attributes in the consumer engagement engine? (check all that apply) consumer engagement consumer motivations brand actions brand dialogue behaviours purchase behaviours brand consumption 2. What level of consumer engagement is sharing posts? Participation 3. What level of consumer engagement is reading posts? Observation 4. What level of consumer engagement is developing new content? co-creation

GENERAL QUESTIONS RELATING TO THIS WEEK'S CONTENT. 1. What is turnover in customers during a specific period, often expressed as a percentage of the total customer base, called? customer churn 2. What is the collective term for numerical measures of specific performance-related activities and outcomes? metrics 3. What does Voice of the Customer refer to? (check all that apply) listening to customers fully understanding customer expectations fully understanding customer preferences designing customer experiences 4. An encounter or interaction between a customer and a company, product or brand during a customer journey is called a.... product purchase touchpoint service encounter website click 5. What type of customer experience is integrated, consistent, and personalised across all channels? omnichannel 全通路策略 全通路策略是將所有線上與線下通路的接觸點整合,讓消費者能夠獲得不間斷的消費體 驗。 6. What is the term for providing a customer experience tailored to the individual's consumer preferences and specific needs? personalisation targeting positioning micromarketing 7. What does big data refer to? (check all that apply) integrating large amounts of data to arrive at new consumer insights collecting as much data as possible collecting only data that will have a big impact on the organisation 8. Which term defines a part of the customer journey when the customer decides whether to continue to engage with a brand and move on to the next interaction? truth touch

momentous moment moment of truth 9. What is onboarding? familiarising a new customer with a service 10. What is the term for recognising and sharing the feelings and emotions of a customer? sympathy empathy compassion Week 4 1. What is Microenvironment? The forces within an organization’s industry that afect its ability to serve its customers and clients.

2. This type of analysis identifies the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in relation to an organisation, company, product, service or brand. SWOT analysis Business Strength analysis Porter's Force analysis Situation Analysis 3. Which of the following are some of the key environmental factors that marketers need to consider when analysing the marketing environment (check all that apply) Political Economic Health Sociocultural 4. What are those [internal] attributes of the organisation that help it achieve its objectives. Weaknesses Strenghts Structure Competitiveness 5. What are those [external] factors that are potentially helpful to achieveing the organisation's objective. Competitiveness Brand strength Opportunities Networks

6. The organisation, people and processes are part of the... Internal environment 7. True or false: Porter’s Five Forces Framework should be focused on a single country and should not be used for analyzing industries across national borders. False 8. Which of the following is an example of a substitute? Shopping at Coles is a substitute for shopping at Aldi. A Mercedes is a substitute for a BMW. None of the answers is correct. 9. What is a cultural framework and a process to achieve strategic alignment between front-line employess and marketing? Internal marketing

10. Which of the following is TRUE about technological forces Technological changes always present opportunities. Technology is a broad concept based on finding better ways to do things. Technological changes should be seen as a threat in order to leverage opportunities. Questions on Porters five forces model 1. Which of the following players would NOT be relevant for a Fives Forces analysis for a car-sharing service? (select one) Larger car-rental services Commuter groups sharing a car to go to work Car-leasing companies Satellite navigation service providers

2. Which of the following is NOT considered to be a distinct force in Porter’s Five Forces Framework? (select one) Direct competitors Customers Market entrants Government Questions related to this week's Harvard Readings

1. Consumers’ decision-making processes can be analyzed as a series of five stages (or subprocesses). SELECT THE STAGE that involves understanding when, where, and how consumers’ needs arise and the situational, social, or marketing triggers that cause consumers to realize they have a problem that needs to be solved: Problem Recognition 2. A 5 C's analysis outlines five dimensions of the marketing environment that are crucial for marketing managers to understand before they begin to make decisions. Select the dimensions analysed in the 5 C's (select all that apply) Customers Context Company Collaborators/complementers Competitors

3. Select the correct section of the SWOT analysis that summarizes favorable trends or developments in the external environment which may lead to higher sales or profits or which may open doors to new business opportunities for the firm. Opportunities Threats Strengths Weaknesses Advantage 4. When conducting a five Cs analysis and developing the context, which factor should NOT be included in the analysis? Legal context Technology Firm Capabilities Culture Capital Week 5 1. What is a secondary data source? Information from secondary school students Data collected for a specific purpose by the firm Data collected for some other purpose that could also be useful to your firm 2. Which of the following are examples of marketing metrics? (check all that apply) Customer satisfaction index (CSAT)

Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) Incremetal Sales (total sales - basesline sales) Market share (your firm's sales / total market sales)

3. What type of data can be obtained from research firms such as Ibis World ( or Euromonitor International ( Primary data Secondary data Tertiary data Govenment only data 4. Conducting in-depth interviews and/or focus groups with customers generally proves which type of data? Qualitative Quantitative Secondary Desk research 5. Which type of research data will be generated by sending an online survey to customers to measure their satisfaction (CSAT) using questions like: "on a 1-7 scale where 1 = not at all and 7 = extremely, can you please indicate how satisfied were you with the speed delivery of your order?" Qualtiative Quantitative Secondary Remote 6. What would be an example of internal secondary data? Data obtained from within Australia, such as data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics Data from your accounts department on the number of clients that have purchased this month Results of a survey of your best customers asking their thoughts on your new product range 7. Do you generally need to pay for data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics ( Yes No

9. Is analysing google analytics, for the volume traffic on your website and the number of customers clicking on your cart, part of market intellegence? Yes No

10. Is quatilative or quantitative research better to gain a deep understanding about how and why you customers use your product? Niether are better that the other - they are two diferent methods to find out the same thing. Qualitative research - using techniques such as focus groups, in-depth interviews and observational research Quantitaive research - using online surveys to reach as many people as you can to get a broad opinion 11. Every time you buy something from the supermarket the information the sales scanners is collected and sold to firms in the form of: (select one) Australian Bureau of Statistics data Qualitative data Syndicated data Data is not sold as it would be a breach of customer privacy Syndicated data is an aggregated collection of product retail sales activity across a chosen set of parameters. It’s often compared to retail direct data, but it has the potential to track industry trends along any scale of your choosing.

12. Why is formulating the correct problem before conducting any research so critical for organisations? (select one) It avoids seeking answers to the symptoms and not the underlying issue It guides what research methods will be needed It avoids researching the wrong problems All of the above 13. Which of the following is NOT considered to be important when implementing a marketing problem? (select one) Deciding which variable will afect the final solution Deciding which variables are controlable by the firm and which are not Evaluating just the firm's internal data Understanding the relationships between variables 14. Newsfeeds (newspapers and online news) can be a souce of research data. (select one) No Yes 15. do you need to use statistical techniques to analyse quantitative data? Yes No

Week 6

1. Which is not a marketing objective? Create market share Create share holder value Form postive attitudes toward the brand or products Ensure customer satisfaction Encourage positive word of mouth 2. Which of these statements are true about the need for controls on the implementation of the marketing plan? This is not something for the marketers to worry about. Once the CEO has signed of on the marketing plan it becomes the responsibility of the accountant as part of the firm’s financial controls The accountants in the firm control the expenditure so may not give marketers as much as originally promised If market conditions may change so that sales aren’t as high as your market research suggested then we need to have controls in place to adjust the marketing expenditure. Controls are only needed in an uncertain market. We don’t need controls if the original planning was done correctly. 3. What is the typical time frame of marketing tactics is? Short term Long term There is no timefame 4. McDonald’s brand _________ is "to be its customers’ favourite place and way to eat and drink". Culture Vision Mission Value 5. Which statement best describes a Unique Selling Proposition (USP)? A USP helps consumers to understand diferences between brand oferings in a category) A USP is a devise used by sales people to close the deal A USP is only an advertising device to show that your ad's are diferent to others in the same catagory A USP is no longer necessary in the world of digital marketing where diferent brands within a category are no longer set out next to each other on the shelves in a store 6. Mission Statements.... are forms of communication about what the goals are for large corpoations only. shouldn't be made public in case cometitors see the strategic direction the firm wants to go. are the same as corporate vision statements communicate to both internal stakeholders (e.g. employees) and external stakeholders (e.g. customers,

investors, media). communicate that the firm cares about sustainability 7. The text book talks about a firms objectives being S.M.A.R.T., What does smart stand for? Serviceable, Measureable, Aligned, Reliable, True Systematic, Malleable, Agile, Relatable, Timely Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, Time bound See, More, Accurate, Results, Today 8. Marketing metrics are always included in the marketing plan as they are means of measuring the efectiveness of the strategy. Which of the following metrics must be included return on investment customer satisfaction market share brand equity all of the above. 9. The mission statement covers... just the marketing department of the firm the strategic direction of the whole firm the finance departmant as they have control of the money 10. A marketing objective such as "Growing Market Share" is: linked to profitability a marketing term for profitability is about the share profits that come from the market has nothing to do with profitability Questions related to the HOW TO DEVELOP A MARKETING PLAN video on the watch this page. 1. When the video mentions time bound execution plans - what do they suggest they are used for? scheduling adveristing copy measuring that efectiveness of the plan getting rid of non-profitable customers 2. The video talks about the medium of marketing. Which factors are they refering to?(...

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