CLC Phase 1-Proposing, Evaluating, and Selecting an Innovation - Final Draft PDF

Title CLC Phase 1-Proposing, Evaluating, and Selecting an Innovation - Final Draft
Course Intrapreneurship and Innovation
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 9
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Download CLC Phase 1-Proposing, Evaluating, and Selecting an Innovation - Final Draft PDF



Crystle Hubbartt, Amy Drake, Fabian Magana, Tana Lloyd, Jeffrey Hayes ENT-435 April 4, 2021 Stanley Klatka




Introduction When it comes to entrepreneurship and innovation, it can be very challenging. However, when you have a group of people who have different ways of thinking and different beliefs of what the world needs, great things can come about. For instance, this paper is going over each team member’s idea of how they would be adding a positive change to society in an innovative way. We will explore each proposed idea, evaluate it and then finally come to a decision on which idea to pursue. Once the idea is agreed upon, we will select the appropriate innovation model to bring it to fruition. Creating and formulating an idea is just the first step!

Crystle Hubbard – Idea Summary – Group Choice Crystle is looking to save lives with an app that alerts you to emergency services dispatched in your vicinity to make you aware of the surroundings. Have you ever been on your way to work or anywhere for that matter; get to your destination and unsure of how you got there? It tends to happen to us more often than it should. That is what people call autopilot. While on autopilot, we are not paying attention to our surroundings as closely as we should. I have had experiences where I am driving on autopilot or listening to the radio too loudly and do not hear the emergency vehicle(s) coming up behind me until it is too late. I have an idea of an APP that can be installed on to your phone to alert you through your vehicle’s speakers that emergency vehicles are approaching and to pull over to the right. We have alerts for weather, and other possible emergencies, like the Amber Alerts, but why not have alerts for stuff that help us stay safe and possibly save lives? This could be the start of something more detailed leading into something to letting people know or be aware of what is going on around them. To get things started, we could use some elements from the SNIFF test, needing to consider the criteria of



strategy, need, impact, feasibility, and feeling (Kenton, 2019). However, we could also use the lean startup method. We know something already exists along the lines of the technology used to alert people of major events taking place. We would be adding to this technology in a new way. Amy Drake – Idea Summary Amy looked to streamline and simplify how notes are taken and shared in the medical field. Physicians dictated their patient notes onto tape recorders, and then those recordings were heard by individuals that are trained to listen to those recordings and correctly type out everything so that it can be put into that patient’s medical chart. Technology has made medical transcribing almost obsolete. Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be used to help physicians enter data and document patient information. AI can be accessed through an APP on the physician’s smartphone to convert patient data, referrals, prescriptions (to name a few tasks) directly to the electronic health record (EHR). With this technology, the doctor has more time to provide more personal one-on-one care. During these trying times with hospitals and facilities that stretched to the brink because of Covid-19, this technology can help to lighten that load. This technology can be used to detect COVID-19 using chest X-ray or CT scan images, and to develop a mass surveillance system to monitor social distancing, mask-wearing, and body temperature (Hossain, M. S., Muhammad, G., & Guizani, N., 2020). SNIFF: Strategy would be to promote this technology to businesses worldwide that would help businesses and individuals utilize their time and patient care more effectively. The Need that multiple healthcare entities can communicate and instantly share data in support of patient care. Impact, I think, would be huge because this can be a worldwide accomplishment and used by anyone. The Feasibility of it is considerable because there is already technology out there that is similar to this. Moving further, I think it could work in Long Term-Care-Facilities



(LCF) to protect against patient abuse as a deterrent. I feel that this product will ultimately help and/or save lives. Fabian Magana – Idea Summary Fabian looked to tackle the pollution problem that is growing and plaguing the planet in all nations. Polyvinyl Alcohol made it easy to hold liquid and solid detergent before and has the ability to be water soluble or in other words is able to dissolve in water. With this utilization of the PVA pods do not become a harm to the environment nor do they suffer in the ability to contain its contents. For this reason, it is proposed to utilize them as the material to be used in plastic bags and wrappers of food products. The meat packaging industry is already conducting experiments to use PVA in combination with other compounds, as a viable resource in the absorption pads to soak up moisture, kill bacteria and still provide meat with a longer shelf life (Li, Xiao, Xiao, Bai, Zhang, & Zhao, 2021). Using the SNIFF model there has been a realization that the major setbacks according to Strategy would be reaching the big name corporation to include this material. Need, of course given the current status of the environment there is a need for more environmentally responsible products. The Impact of this innovation could result in a cleaner environment and the reduction in the use of traditional bags and wrappers. As for feasibility, the idea is far too broad in the industries that would need to change to create an instant change or impact. We feel this idea would be an amazing step forward but realize there is too much left in the hands of major corporations. Tana Lloyd – Idea Summary Tana chose to tackle the age-old issue of finding the right pillow to sleep on. Consumers need for a pillow that would contour the neck and spine in order to alleviate pains of those who sleep on their stomachs, may or may not stand out due to the many alternatives on the market. In



order to sell the value, one would have to pose a risk and stand by the quality of the product in order to gain the publics’ trust. There are two ways to evaluate any innovative idea. Using the NOMMAR and SNIFF methods, while SNIFF may use feasibility to evaluate, NOMMAR will use both the realistic and technological approach. With these two ways to even consider any feasibility, the NOMMAR method will assess the idea rationally with fewer risks. The six steps are N- is there a need? Consumers will buy. O- other technology options? It will meet the needs of someone. M- Is there a market for this product? Yes, there are people who could benefit. Mis there a business model? Anyone can pull it off. A- Is there a realistic approach? It can be shown to be beneficial to a persons’ health. R- Is it relevant? A pillow that actually addresses the issue of spine alignment is absolutely relevant. To break down in early stages, the NOMMAR tool can be useful in clarifying whether the consumers would want to use the product in their homes (Terwilliger, 2011). Jeffrey Hayes – Idea Summary Jeffrey’s innovative idea was to create subscription-based model to provide clothing and accessories for children’s dolls. Members would pay a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or yearly subscription fee depending on needs. According to Tarver (2020), most subscription based business charge monthly or yearly. The service will provide a few different options for how product are chosen. Option 1 is to fill out a profile questionnaire and let the choices be made by staff. Option 2 they can choose what they want with a pre-determined amount of each item according to the subscription level or Option 3, design and create their own products which will be sold on in the online store, which they get a percentage of the sale as in-store credit toward their account.



He used the SNIFF Test to determine if this would be worth pursuing and starting up. The Strategy takes the vision of what the current trends are of subscription-based models for stuff, with the addition of being able to create your own designs and get credit for it. The Need is there and the way trends are headed, models like this will only become more relevant as more consumers flock to it. The Impact deals with opportunity size and if your target market has money to spend on your idea or product, which if you know anything about American Girl Dolls that will not be a problem! Feasibility, or is it feasible within a given timeline and I feel it is due to ease of accessibility to vendors to make it happen. My Feel(ing) which is most important, is that this is a great idea that could gain serious traction quickly and be a successful brand and company! Chosen Innovation Idea and Model Used to Evaluate The team did not make this an easy decision as everyone did a fantastic job coming up with great innovative ideas! After the dust settled from reviewing the all the ideas the team agreed that Crystle’s idea for innovating the way people can be alerted on their phones when emergency service vehicles are approaching or in the general vicinity. There is an extremely prevalent issue with people not paying attention when they are behind the wheel with the exponential growth in technology and the social media addiction. By creating an app and service like this would not only benefit the driver, but more importantly help make sure that emergency services can get to where they are going unimpeded which leads to more saved lives. We felt that this would be relatively easy to gain funding sources along with getting the government, car manufactures, and cell phone providers on board given the direction we have been rapidly heading in. The goal would be to make this a mandatory and standard feature that



come preinstalled on all cell phones along with integrated compatibility in vehicles that works with Apple Carplay and Android Auto. In evaluating this innovative idea, we must seek out models that are specifically designed for these types of evaluations. The model chosen is the SNIFF model: Strategy – We are looking to get the government, car manufactures, and cell phone provider buy in to bring this innovative idea to fruition. Need – There has been exponential growth of technology and peoples lacking the attention span to stay off their phones while driving. Impact – This will help people stay more attentive while driving and save many lives by eliminating barriers for emergency services. Feasibility – The timeline will be tricking depending on government buy in and the red tape they create. Once those barriers are cleared the rest will be easy due to there already being platforms like the “AMBER Alert” which uses similar technology we would explore using Feel – We all feel this will have nothing but positive effects in the world and once people get used to it, they will truly appreciate the service. Especially the emergency response industry! Project Plan – Phase II With the completion of Phase 1, begins Phase 2 of the project concludes at the end of module 6, bringing new tasks to assign to the group members. The first task being the description of the innovative idea will be assigned to Tana. Second, we have assigned the evaluation towards customers and what it will provide to the customer. The third task being a



detailed description on the implementation plan of the idea, which will be handled by Crystle. Graphics will be handled by Amy along with a mapping of the process and any budgeting research. While, we have one week as the assignment is active for us, the weeks leading up to the assignment will be used to conduct research and bring together our group’s work. That being said, at the helm of the group will be Jeffrey, to hold together the group and keep the group on track. Week 4 will be used for research and communication between group members. Week 5 will be the reviewing and revising the groups work, and last we will be review the completed work and proofing.

References: Kenton, Will. (2019). Lean Startup. Retrieved from


Hossain, M. S., Muhammad, G., & Guizani, N. (2020). Explainable AI and Mass Surveillance System-Based Healthcare Framework to Combat COVID-I9 Like Pandemics. IEEE Network, Network, IEEE, 34(4), 126–132.

Li, X., Xiao, N., Xiao, G., Bai, W., Zhang, X., & Zhao, W. (2021). Lemon essential oil/vermiculite encapsulated in electrospun konjac glucomannan-grafted-poly (acrylic acid)/polyvinyl alcohol bacteriostatic pad: Sustained control release and its application in food preservation. Food Chemistry, 348, 129021.

Terwilliger, Jay, (2011). Two models for evaluating early innovation. The innovation blog. Creative realities catalyst for collaborative innovation.

Tarver, E. (2020, August 28). Subscription Business Model. Investopedia.


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