Climate Of Doubt - Movie Assignment PDF

Title Climate Of Doubt - Movie Assignment
Course Climate and Climate Change
Institution Loyola University Chicago
Pages 4
File Size 147 KB
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Movie Assignment...


Carla Marrero 04/09/19

MOVIE WORKSHEET: Climate of Doubt

1.Where was the Heartland Institute’s Int’l Conference on Climate Change held? Are they right about global temperatures: trend=true&trend_base=10&firsttrendyear=&lasttrendyear= In Chicago. No! Who is Pat Michael’s? Climatologist who studied at Cato Institute. Who is Fred Singer? He created government weather satellite and is against climate change completely. In 2012, the # of Americans who believed that humans and influence global warming was down by 50%. Why is this a bad stat? On your free time, check out this link: Un true statistic proved wrong many times Why do you think people thought of former Vice President Al Gore as an alarmist? He can be illogical, but people seem to like him and his ideas and speeches.\ Was it fair to criticize him for taking a private jet or getting into a limo? Should he have taken the train or maybe drove a hybrid? Can you understand why FoxNews reported it? Yes! He looked kind of hypocritical by saying people should care about the environment and not caring himself. The man says,’ What we are fighting is the expansion of gov’t?....If that is so, then is their fight against the science of global warming a true scientific fight or simply a policy fight? It seems more like a polarized political party issue. They aren’t fighting over the belief, they are fighting for support and funds for other areas.

There was much debate in congress in Spring 2009 on Cap and Trade with the bill eventually passing. What was the vote? 219 to 212 However, with the ECONOMY in RECESSION in 2008 and 2009 and getting worse, what happened when the SENATE took up the bill in the SUMMER of 2009. They were not happy. Why did Rep Sensenbrenner seemed to smile gleefully when he said it was an opportunity to push back on CLIMATE CHANGE? He ran advertisements against it. He thought it would hurt the economy and unemployment rates. Why is creating Cap And Trade considered “socialism, radical government growth, and leftists driven taxation meant to kill jobs? The increased tax would cause companies to lay off workers. Why is it easy to play with the data and cherry pick the results? There is such a large timeline and you can select when you want your information to begin and end. This causes lots of manipulation and variability. What was wrong with 31,000 signees on the Oregon Petition? There were not a lot of people educated on the subject Was there anything found wrong with the stolen emails in the ClimateGate investigation? There was not fake information, it was taken the wrong way. Who is Kathryn Hayhoe? Does she seem like a god-less tree hugging liberal? Texas Tech climate scientist. No! Did she do anything wrong or was she does doing her job as a college professor? No, she was writing her book and doing research like every other professor does. Who was Andrew Dressler? Cloud expert, people wanted to see his emails. How does free market conservatism relate to global warming? Very polarized on policies and lobbying Or does it relate to policy? Related more to policy. This affects markets everything. Who is Myron Ebell?.............Who is the Tea Party? Are they as strong now as they were back in 2009? Speaker and member of tea party. They seem stronger, all tea party members do

not believe in climate change. Who is Fred Upton? Chairman of House Energy Commerce Committee Why would it be difficult for members of congress to answer the three questions? Is it because they are not scientists? They want to keep their supporters and not look dumb Who is Bob Inglis? What happened to him in 2010? Former republican congressman outvoted in the republican primary. What did John Kerry say about losing an election…..? Nothing like a loss election to create fear What did the state of Virginia with the term “sea level rise”… Liberal mind games What did Thom Thompson do? Was the predicted sea level rise of 39” a little high? It was a lie, cannot be that high. Does Bill Cook seem like a congressman that can be swayed easily? Yes, he seems to actually think. Who will eventually WIN in North Carolina? Bill Cook Where did most of the money that the Heartland Institute receive, come from? Fossil fuels If the fight against Climate Change from the Heartland Institute did not involve challenging economic policies, would they be in this as much as they are? No! Politics, costs, and economics are very important in politics. It is true that President Obama did not bring up climate change as much in the 2012 election, why do you think this was so? Yes! I think it was the wrong time. With the economy rebuilding, he would not get support from jobless Americans, money and time needed to be spent elsewhere. In 2012, the # of Americans who believed that humans and influence global warming was down by 50%. Why is this a bad stat? On your free time, check out this link: Now go back and look at this link again………Using the question, GLOBAL

WARMING IS HAPPENING, click on the map for counties in the Illinois. Screen shot the state. Why do you think the counties show up in this manner? Your map shud look like this...

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