Clinical Syllabus - Lecture notes 1 PDF

Title Clinical Syllabus - Lecture notes 1
Course Health Alterations I
Institution Broward College
Pages 20
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BROWARD CO LLEGE NURSING DEPARTMENT HEALTH ALTERATIONS I NUR1220L COURSE REQUIREMENTS CLEARLY PRINT YOUR NAME: _______________________________________________ PROFESSORS: Office location: Office hours: Office phone: Email:

FIRST Sondia Bayard-Lindor Bldg. 41 | ROOMS 112 Tuesday and Wednesday by appointment (954)201-3975 Via D2L


COURSE DESCRIPTION - 2 SEMESTER HOURS The Health Alteration is a course designed to provide the student with the opportunity to utilize the nursing process in the care of adult patients with alterations in ingestion, digestion, metabolism, and elimination. Students will be expected to correlate theoretical knowledge and scientific principles to hospital rotations, observational experiences, community activities, laboratory skills practice, and written assignments. CLINICAL HOURS: The student will be scheduled to attend a combination of hospital rotation, virtual and/or on campus clinical lab, watch skills videos and virtual case scenarios activities for a total of 112 hours. The student will be scheduled by a course coordinator, as per course calendar, for campus lab clinical days that will contribute to experiences in the care for the adult patient in the Medical/Surgical nursing unit. Clinical assignments cannot be changed without approval of the instructor. Any changes in the above, may be made on a case by case basis. COURSE OUTCOMES: At the conclusion of this course students will be able to:  Describe effective, culturally sensitive communication techniques to use when interacting with patients and members of the health care team during the provision of care of patients with health alterations of the genito-urinary, gastrointestinal, renal, accessory organs and endocrine systems.  Incorporate knowledge from nursing and other disciplines to promote health and plan care for patients with health alterations of the genito-urinary, gastrointestinal, renal, accessory organs and endocrine systems.  Develop a holistic plan of care based on the nursing process as a systematic method to critically think and make decisions to provide safe and effective care to adult patients experiencing health alterations of the genito-urinary, gastrointestinal, renal, accessory organs and endocrine systems.  Examine the nursing role in the collaborative practice with members of the health care team in order to implement care to adult patients with health alterations of the genito-urinary, gastrointestinal, renal, accessory organs and endocrine systems.  Identify caring skilled nursing interventions for adult clients experiencing health alterations of the genito-urinary, gastrointestinal, renal, accessory organs and endocrine systems.  Identify practices within the scope of the legal definition of nursing and that incorporate ethical principles to protect human rights for patients experiencing health alterations of the genitourinary, gastrointestinal, renal, accessory organs and endocrine systems.  Practice within the scope of the legal definition of nursing while incorporating ethical principles to protect human rights for patients experiencing health alterations of the genito-urinary, gastrointestinal, renal, accessory organs and endocrine systems.


METHOD OF INSTRUCTION: Course content and clinical skills will be reviewed and practiced during in hospital settings, campus-labs activity, through skill videos, remote learning via zoom or Black Board collaborate, virtual simulations, return demonstrations and discussions which will reflect the course goals and objectives. REQUIRED TEXT: (Per departmental guidelines)  Lewis, S., Heitkemper, M. M., Dirksen, S. R., Camera, I. M., & Bucher, L. (2020). MedicalSurgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of clinical Problems, 11th Edition, Mosby Elsevier. RECOMMENDED TEXTS:  Deglin, J., & Vallerand, A. (Current). Davis’ Drug Guide. Philadelphia, PA: Davis Company  Springhouse (2020). Fluids & Electrolytes Made Incredibly Easy. Springhouse.  Pagana, K., & Pagana, T. Mosby’s Diagnostic and Laboratory Test Reference (14 th Ed.). St Louis: Mosby.  Tabers or Mosby’s (Current) Medical Dictionary. Student’s choice.  Jarvis, C. (2016). Pocket Companion for Physical Examination and Health Assessment (8 th Ed.). Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company. MATERIALS:  NUR 1220L Clinical Course Requirements, Clinical Assignments, Objectives, Policies, Handouts. The student needs to print and bring the above documents and handouts to remote learning sessions and campus lab. PARTICIPATION: It is highly encouraged for participation in campus labs, pre- and post- remote learning discussions, and group work assignments. Student is expected to review course material and skills prior to clinical days. Students are responsible for missed course information such as announcements, presented text and for module objectives not covered in campus lab.

ATTENDANCE: Attendance is MANDATORY to all scheduled clinical hours. It is advisable that student does not attend clinical after working all night since participation is of paramount importance in the remote learning environment. Student might be asked to leave the session at instructor’s discretion.

***A student who is absent for one (1) or more campus lab or remote clinical sessions may be required to withdraw*** CLINICAL ABSENTEEISM/TARDINESS: Tardiness (defined as arriving later or calling later than the scheduled time) and absenteeism, which will not be tolerated, are an interference with learning; limiting student's time in the completion of the course objectives.  In case of absenteeism or tardiness the student must notify the clinical instructor one (1) hour prior to the start of the scheduled clinical time, unless directed differently by instructor. If the student is unable to attend any of the scheduled clinical hours, the clinical instructor and the course coordinator will review reasons for student’s excuse(s) for approval of student’s absenteeism and/or tardiness.  Student who have more than one (1) tardiness for a clinical day may, at instructors


discretion, be required to complete extra clinical hours, a written assignment, or require to leave the session, receiving a “U” for that clinical day MAKE-UP MISSED CLINICAL HOURS: A student who is absent for one (1) or more remote clinical or scheduled clinical lab or hospital hours must make-up missed hours. The clinical instructor or course coordinator will schedule the make-up to be completed by the end of the semester and may be scheduled with another instructor different from the one student is currently assigned. Incomplete clinical hours will result in I or U as the final course grade. UNIFORM & CLINICAL TOOLS: Students not adhering to dress code and/or bringing required supplies to clinical lab will not participate in the session and receive an absence for the day.  The dress code as stated in Student’s Handbook will be enforced. Nails are to be short, clean and neat. Nail polish is to be free of chips and light in color. No jewelry is to be worn except a wedding band (not engagement ring) and a watch. Uniforms are to be clean and wrinkle free. Nursing shoes or sneakers are to be pure white. All tattoos are to be covered. Hair is to be clean, neat and secured above the neck. Makeup should be minimal and not garish.  Student needs to bring all necessary clinical tools (drug book, scissor, penlight, second- hand watch, pens and etc) to clinical lab. Student must display ID badge and CPR card always (top right hand side of uniform). CLINICAL SUPPLIES: Student MUST adhere to CDC and BROWARD COLLEGE COVID -19 GUIDELINES Including, but not limited to: Masks, Shield and Social Distancing. Student working in the lab will be able to use supplies provided; however, clinical supplies must never be removed from the lab at any time without permission from the lab instructor. Clinical supplies such as syringes with needles and IV bags must never be removed from the lab. Student will be responsible for “empting the pockets” before leaving campus lab sessions. TRANSPORTATION: The student is responsible for his/her own transportation to the scheduled clinical on-campus hours. Broward College is not responsible for the driver or the vehicle. ATTITUDE: We expect your attitude to reflect maturity, respect and empathy. Your attitude toward each other and nursing professors should enhance and reflect BC’s credibility. Nursing care requires team effort. Students are expected to work together with the health care team to administer safe and effective care in a compassionate and caring manner. PREGNANT MOTHER: Student who is or becomes pregnant while enrolled in the nursing program must provide note(s) from the OB/GYN doctor to the virtual/on-campus clinical instructor. CPR: All CPR cards must be issued by the American Heart Association. The student must be currently certified and present the BCLS/CPR card to the clinical instructor on the first virtual/campus lab day. An expired CPR card is not acceptable and the student must plan for recertification prior to returning to the clinical site. If certification should expire during the semester, student cannot attend virtual/on-campus clinical until CPR card is renewed. DISABILITY SERVICES: Students with disabilities must register with Office of Disability Services. It is the responsibility of the student to provide the lead instructor with the request for accommodation on the first day of class.


MATH REQUIREMENTS: Student is required to satisfy Math Competency Requirements outlined in documents that have been provided. If a student misses Math Test One without notifying the instructor, that student will forfeit attempt one. The student may take the math test on the scheduled math retake day as attempt two.  Student is required to satisfy Math Competency Requirements outlined in documents provided. If a student missed Math test one without informing the instructor prior, that student will forfeit attempt one. The student may take the math test on the scheduled math retake date as attempt two. 

Math competency must be achieved to completely meet all the course objectives. The first math competency will take place on the first or second remote learning day of the semester on BB Collaborate. The second math competency will take place within 7 days of the first math competency. Student must achieve a passing grade of 90% or above to be competent in math.

MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION: The student is expected to comply with the Medication Administration Requirements provided. ACADEMIC HONESTY: The student is expected to comply with the Academic Honesty and the Code of Professional Behaviors policies provided by the student handbook and the Broward College Nursing Policies. VIRTUAL/CLINICAL ASSIGNMENTS: It is required that the student comply with the scheduled due date(s) for all the assigned written work for remote clinical and campus lab days. Unless specified by the clinical instructor, all the assigned work needs to be typed and printed on white paper, black ink, Courier with a font size of 12. The paper will be double spaced with a cover page and proper spelling, punctuation and grammar. All written work and presentations must be completed as outlined in clinical assignment folder  2 Care plans and 1concept map (From hospital client)  1 Grand round (topic from class reading list).  Self- care  2 case studies (virtual FA Davis) Score of 80% or higher/ Failure to score of 80% the student will be remediated with another cases or written assignment which will be assigned by the instructor  Diabetes Certificates (6 hours)  2 SBARs (one for each FA Davis Case)  Self- reflection paper. STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES IN THE VIRTUAL/CLINICAL LAB LEARNING SETTING Clinical Preparation:  Students are expected to have basic competence in all skills performance learned in the previous courses.  Students are expected to transfer and apply knowledge from all related pre-requisite courses.  Students are to be proactive in their clinical learning and practice nursing skills at home to reinforce skills learnt but not recently performed.  Students will be responsible and held accountable to review Broward College policy and procedures to be performed in virtual clinical lab settings.


Clinical Experience:  The student must perform a complete head-to-toe assessment during the on-campus clinical lab session under the supervision of the Clinical Instructor.  Medication administration is permitted after successful completion of NP return demo and clinical math competency only under the Direct Supervision of the instructor. Students are required to identify the patient by two means of identification immediately prior to medication administration in front of their instructor. Failure to do so will result in a clinical failure for the day and may jeopardize successful completion of the course.  Documentation is completed per documentation guidelines and per Broward College policy or instructors request. The student is responsible for documenting pertinent observations.  Students must communicate to the Clinical Instructor immediately any change in assigned patients’ condition or any situation (FA Davis) that arises that may require immediate intervention, reporting, or filing of an incident or variance report.

Clinical Expectations: Faculty recognizes that nursing students are learning. However, patient safety cannot be compromised. The inability of a student to demonstrate consistent, safe care that places patients in physical and/or psychological jeopardy will require faculty to terminate the assignment and receive an unsatisfactory clinical evaluation for the day. 

       

Students are assigned to prepare or remediate by various methods: On-Campus Lab day, Case Studies to prepare patient profile addressing area of required content and student demonstrates area difficulty. Student is accountable to follow policies of the college and nursing department course. The student may never leave the on Campus or virtual setting area unless she/he has been advised to do so by the clinical instructor and/or by the associate dean of nursing. Students are to comply with the On-Campus parking policy always. The Student will perform On-Campus clinical skills learned under direct supervision of the Instructor. Student is expected to collect pertinent data, report patient’s condition, and performing patient care in an organized manner (FA Davis) Student is expected to demonstrate consistent progress towards the course objectives and show proficiency of skills. Within the Virtual Sessions, a working video camera and microphone are mandatory at all times and are to be on at all times during the session. If a student leaves the hospital, on-Campus/Virtual clinical session after the session has started without approval from the Instructor, this will be considered as patient abandonment and the student will be referred to the Associate Dean. The virtual sessions are mandatory the student should not be at work, sleeping, driving, cooking or in bed during these sessions.


CLINICAL EVALUATION & GRADING:  Clinical evaluation is graded on a satisfactory (S) and unsatisfactory/fail (F) basis.  Explanation of the evaluation and grading for clinical performance are included on the Clinical Course Evaluation Record Form on page 2. Students are to review the evaluation form and know the criteria used for their clinical evaluation.  Clinical evaluation will be based on the clinical course objectives which include nursing skills from prerequisite courses.  Clinical evaluation conferences and written evaluations of students’ clinical performance will be held a minimum of two (2) times during the term: formative at midterm and summative at completion of the term.  More frequent conferences may be required if the student is not meeting clinical objectives.  All Written Assignments, Verbal Presentations with On-Campus Clinical Assessments must be completed and submitted on scheduled time

If a student does not satisfactorily meet the stated objectives (Written Assignments) in the Clinical Module for NUR1220L by midterm and/or the end of the semester, a grade of unsatisfactory will be entered. If the student is in a passing posture, but by the end of the course has not met the appropriate hours, a grade of incomplete (I) will be entered for NUR1220L. The student must make-up any missed time during the next semester (space is not guaranteed). Failure to make-up missed clinical day(s) will result in the (I) converting to an (F) as per BC policy. For Sick or positive CoViD students for missing Hospital or on Campus Lab day We are living in a different time in our country. Nevertheless, we need to ensure all precautions are maintained during on campus lab sessions. If a student has tested positive for Covid-19, he or she will provide the documentation that shows proof of the diagnosis to the clinical instructor. He or she will need to self- report to the college and follow the protocol in place. The student will contact the clinical instructor and accommodations will be provided in order to ensure success in the course. Assignments will be given to the student and must be completed by the end of that day in order to make up for the missed day. This applies to each missing clinical day. In addition, the student at the end of the quarantine must meet with the instructor and demonstrate competency in skills for NUR 1220l in order to be successful in the course. Students must complete and adhere to the terms of the accommodation in order to be successful in the class. Failure to comply will result an Incomplete grade for the NUR 1220L until all of the above have been satisfied.


CODE OF PROFESSIONAL BEHAVIORS As a student enrolled in a program offered by the Center for Health Science Education at Broward College, I shall conduct myself in a manner which demonstrates to those for whose care I will be entrusted that I am committed to integrity, respect, compassion and confidentiality. In my personal responsibilities, I shall:

1. Contribute to a positive learning environment. 2. Be punctual for all Virtual classroom sessions, On-Campus laboratory and clinical activities. 3. Attendance is mandatory according to the attendance policy of the program. 4. Notify the instructor of any necessary absence or projected lateness. 5. Take responsibility for obtaining notes, handouts, or other materials presented during an absence. 6. Arrive prepared for Virtual class sessions, On-Campus lab or clinical, having completed any assignments given. 7. Avoid eating and drinking in the On-Campus labs or in clinical settings unless permitted to do so by the instructor. 8. Refrain from using cell phones during classes or Virtual Clinical activities. 9. Accept personal responsibility for appropriate behavior. 10. Dress in the assigned lab or clinical uniform whenever required. 11. Maintain high standards of personal hygiene. 12. Conduct self as a positive representative of Broward College. 13. Any student found smelling of alcohol, or appearing impaired in any way, will be dismissed from clinical and referred to the Associate Dean. This constitutes an automatic clinical failure for the course and a mandatory meeting with the Associate Dean. 14. Any student appearing mentally unstable will be required to present...

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