Syllabus - Lecture notes 1 PDF

Title Syllabus - Lecture notes 1
Author Stephanie Reyes
Course   Fundamentals of Chemistry
Institution University of Houston
Pages 7
File Size 359.3 KB
File Type PDF
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CHEM 1112 Spring 2019 Coordinator: Dr. Vladimir (Vlad) Zaitsev, Room 322STL, [email protected] TEXT: "General Chemistry Laboratories: A Freshman Workbook," 2 Ed by McGuffey and Geanangel. For handouts and other materials that help to learn, see postings at,, login to Blackboard Learn (BB Learn). VIDEO of experiments is posted on BB Learn & on (search for vladulab and exp#) REQUIREMENTS: You MUST be either currently enrolled in CHEM 1332 or an equivalent or have taken it previously, and have taken CHEM 1111. PROCEDURES: Sections will meet in the assigned laboratory at the proper time. Punctuality is essential as is attendance. If you are late for lab, the lab TA may, at his or her sole discretion, not permit you to participate in the lab for that day. You should sign in and put on your lab coat. At this time there will be a short lecture and an occasional quiz. When this is done you should put on your lab goggles and carry out the experiment, following ALL procedures and safety rules. After finishing the experiment, you MUST clean up your area, have your TA inspect the area and sign out. Some experiments have certain calculations that must be turned in before you leave. All experiments have data sheets and post-lab questions. These should be turned in at the next meeting of the lab section. PRE-LAB must be prepared before doing the experiment, on a separate form available to download from BB Learn. Fill out the spaces: title(1pt); brief description of tasks – one paragraph summary in your own words (2 pts); outline of the experiment – list major steps, and provide an example of calculations (4 pts); table of the reagents - list the chemicals, their formula, molecular weight, physical state during the experiment, and amount to use (3 pts) GRADING: You will perform 11 experiments, each graded out of 75 points, based on pre-lab, calculations and question answering as well as observations and data. In addition, six quizzes worth 50 points each will be given throughout the semester. These quizzes will cover the prior 1-2 experiments as well as the current experiment. Your final grade will be assessed on the best 10 lab and the 5 quiz scores for a total of 1000 possible points. The grading scale will be distributed during the first week of lab. Due to the number of sections and different TA's, grades might be curved down at the end of the semester in order to bring sections that were graded too generously in line with the scale expected. MAKE-UPS: If you miss a lab due to one of the following four reasons, you will be allowed to make it up or have it excused (i. e., you will be given your semester average). A lab missed for any other reason will result in a score zero for the lab and you will not be allowed to make it up. Makeups must be performed during the week of the missed lab and only with prior permission of your TA. Acceptable reasons for missing an experiment are: i) illness (with physician's note) ii) death of a close family member or friend iii) religious holiday (you MUST inform the TA of this IN WRITING by January 27th) iv) an official University activity.


CHEM 1112

Week beginning*


Mon. 14th January Tue. 22nd January Tue. 29th January Tue. 5th February Tue. 12th February Tue. 19th February Tue. 26th February Tue. 5th March Mon. 11th – Sat 16th March Tue. 19th March Tue. 26th March Tue. 2nd April Tue. 9th April Tue. 16th April Tue. 23rd April

Introduction, Check In Expt. 13 (Organic Chemistry) Expt. 12 (Determination of Molar Mass by Freezing Point) Expt. 14 (Kinetic Properties of a Chemical Reaction) Expt. 14, continue Expt. 15 (Determination of an Equilibrium Constant) Expt. 16 (Introduction to Acids and Bases) Expt. 25 (Antacid Titration) SPRING BREAK Expt. 17 (Acid-Base Titration Curves) Expt. 18 (Slightly Soluble Salts) Expt. 23 (Redox Reactions) Expt. 19 (Electrochemistry I: Galvanic Cells) Expt.20 (Electrochemistry II: Electrolysis) CHECK OUT (regular lab time)

*Due to M.L.K. holiday, the week “starts” on Tuesday until the check-out week. The above syllabus may be changed depending upon the rate of progress of the lecture section. Such changes will be announced at least one week ahead of time, and you are responsible for finding out about and remembering such changes. NOTES: 1. Students who miss check-in may have to drop labs. All drops are the student’s responsibility. If you drop the lab for any reason, you must come to lab to officially check out to ensure that you are not held responsible for missing or broken items in your lab drawer.

2. Unless told otherwise, students MUST do everything individually including experiments that involve working in groups. The UH Academic Honesty Policy is in effect. 3. Any students who need special accommodations are responsible for communicating these to the TA and/or Dr. Zaitsev. 4. Taking the chemistry labs, chem 1101, 1111, and 1112(H), also on early stage of pregnancy could be dangerous for the fetus development. Description of specific dangers is available upon request. 5. Students are financially and otherwise responsible for all equipment and for checking out. In other words, you will be assigned and must sign for a drawer full of equipment at the start of the semester. At the end, you must give us back the same amount and type of equipment in the same or better condition. If you do not, you WILL BE CHARGED MONEY!!!!

Freshman Chemistry Laboratory Spring 2019 Lab Syllabus Supplement Few Important dates for all students: January 30th, 2019 April 4th, 2019 Week of April 23rd, 2019

Last day to drop without grade Last day to drop a course (W) Check-Out (during your regular lab time)

Note: Dropping a lab course is the responsibility of the student. Once you get drawer assignment from your TA during first week, you are required to stay in the same room with the same TA for the rest of the semester. TA will not assign new drawer for you after check-in week. (If you have trouble with your drawer such as closing or opening, please tell your TA or the lab coordinator)

Experiment: Total 11 experiments (75 points for each lab counted) Lowest score can be dropped; however, “Excused lab” or “DRY LAB” will not be counted as your drop lab 10 experiments will be counted towards grade (total 750 points) 1. Turning late lab report: -5 points per day 2. If you miss three or more experiments, a letter grade “F” will be assigned automatically 3. Excused lab: Number of excused labs will be counted for ONLY acceptable reasons listed in your syllabus. You must submit note to your TA. 4. Missed lab: For make up lab, you must have one of 4 acceptable reasons for a missed lab with the prior permission of your TA only. Otherwise, it will be counted as a zero. 5. An unauthorized experiment: “F” for course. 6. “Dry-labbing” (using data that is not collected by the student)-first time 0 for the lab, second time, F for course. 7. Copying answers: score for the lab will be divided into number of students who were involved in copying. 8. It is the student's responsibility to retain original graded lab reports and to produce them for examination if requested by the TA or Dr. Zaitsev. Students should not write on the graded lab reports after they are returned. The lab reports may be needed, for example, if a student requests a re-grade, or if there is a question of whether a lab report was submitted. If a student cannot produce the ORIGINAL, unmarred graded lab report upon the TA's or Dr. Zaitsev's request, the report grade will stand as recorded by the TA.

Lab Syllabus Supplement (cont’d) Quizzes: Total 6 pop-quizzes (50 points each) 1. No make up quiz will be given by your TA. If you missed quiz, you will get zero score for that quiz. 2. Material: Current experiment and prior two experiments

Safety Issues: 1. First time caught without safety goggles, TA will subtract 10 points from that lab score 2. Second time caught without safety goggles, 0 for the lab 3. Third time caught without safety glasses, F for the course (without any discussion with that particular student) 4. Same rules will be applied for sitting on bench tops after or during the experiment 5. Other safety issues, if not followed as TA has instructed, will cost you 10 points for the first time and “F” for the course after first warning.

Dress code and lab manual: 1. NO PHOTOCOPIES of the lab manual will be accepted (zero for the experiment). 2. You must have full length lab coat, safety goggles (NO SAFETY GLASSES), lab manual, complete lab report from the last week’s experiment, and closed toe shoes before you enter lab room. (NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!!) 3. To avoid skin burns or accidents, full length pants/skirts are required during the experiment. ONCE MORE: IT IS FOR YOUR SAFETY. 4. If you do not have lab coat, closed toe shoes, dress code, and lab manual you will not be able to do experiment that day.

Equipment: 1. After check-in week, it is student’s responsibility to replace all broken/ missing glassware at the end of the semester. 2. There will be check-out for all students who got drawers during check-in week. 3. It is your responsibility to lock drawer before you leave lab room. Student will be responsible for any missing equipment from the drawer.


Important! Read this! Policy and Procedures Concerning Broken or Missing Equipment At lab check-in, you will be instructed to verify whether any of the equipment in your assigned drawer is broken or missing. It is important that you carefully check the contents of your drawer and report any discrepancies to your TA. After the initial check-in, if you break or lose equipment from your drawer during the semester, you must purchase replacements at the University Research Stores main location in the basement of the Fleming Building (Room 70) IMPORTANT NOTE: The Research Stores only accepts credit (Discover, Mastercard, Visa, and Amex) and debit cards. It does NOT accept cash or Cougar cash. If you break equipment or something turns up missing during your lab session, you will need to have a credit or debit card available to purchase a replacement. Equipment cannot be borrowed from Research Stores or your TA. At your last scheduled lab session of the semester, you will have the opportunity to check the contents of your drawer and purchase replacement items at the Research Stores as needed. If you do not complete your checkout for any reason (e.g., you drop the class, you do not show up for checkout, etc.) or you cannot or refuse to purchase replacements for broken or missing equipment, you will be charged the cost for replacements plus an additional $10 service charge on your University fee bill. You are solely responsible for the equipment in your drawer. Use the equipment properly and keep track of the equipment when your drawer is unlocked to avoid having to replace costly equipment and possibly incur unnecessary fees. Lock your drawer whenever you step away from it even if only for a moment and especially at the end of the lab period.

HOW TO SURVIVE CHEMISTRY LAB -SAFETY CONTRACT 1. You must wear chemical splash goggles and a full-length lab coat in the laboratory at all times. You must have your own goggles and lab coat! (They cannot be lent to you). These items may be obtained from Research Stores located in the Science building on the second floor. Chemical splash goggles do not have holes that go all the way through at sides or top. Safety glasses are not allowed. 2. You must wear closed-toe shoes in the laboratory at all times. Sneakers, sandals, and other open-toed shoes are not allowed. 3. You must provide your own lock for your drawer by the second meeting. You will check out your lab equipment at the end of the semester. If you should drop the class prior to the end of the semester, check out your lab equipment at that time. Failure to check out will result in a $10.00 fine. Additionally, you should replace any lost or broken equipment prior to checking out. Failure to replace lost or broken equipment will result in a $20.00 fee plus the cost of the equipment. 4. You are not allowed to eat or drink in the laboratories. You are not allowed to sit on the benches. 5. Know the location of exits, eye wash stations, safety showers and fire extinguishers. Know how to use them. 6. Tell your teacher immediately if you suffer a minor cut or burn. First aid equipment is available in the lab and at the stockroom. 7. Understand what you are to do in each experiment (read the experiment prior to entering the lab). Occasionally accidents are caused by incomplete instructions or a misunderstanding of instructions. Whenever you are in doubt, ask your teacher. 8. Do not hesitate to comment on a neighbor engaging in an unsafe practice or operation. If necessary, call the teacher. 9. You must remain in the hall until your teacher allows you to enter the laboratory. No student is allowed to be in a laboratory without supervision. 10. Dispose of broken glass only in the container marked for glass disposal (Blue Bucket). 11. Do not deposit broken thermometers in the container for broken glass. If a thermometer is broken, please tell your teacher, he/she will dispose of it and clean up the spilled mercury properly. 12. Do not pour chemicals back into the original bottles once chemicals have been measured out from the bottles. Any extra chemicals should be discarded as instructed by your teacher. 13. If you need to know how to dispose of any chemicals, please ask your teacher. 14. Always read the label of the hazardous-waste container before pouring any chemical into it. Ask your teacher if you have any doubt. 15. Dispose of all trash in the trash containers properly. No trash belongs in the sink; no paper, no matches, no rubber bands, no stir bars, etc. Report all accidents to your teacher promptly. The teacher/instructor has explained this safety contract. I have read and understand the above rules. Failure to follow these rules or the teacher's instructions may result in my being removed from the laboratory and not being allowed to return. Adding the chemistry labs 1101, 1111, 1112(H), 2133 or 4115 to my schedule means I am in agreement with the present safety contract. Full-length pants or skirt is required for chemistry labs 1101, 1111, 1112(H), 2133 or 4115. C:\Users\vladu\Desktop\How to Survive Chemistry Lab.doc, 1/13/2019

UH CAPS Statement Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) can help students who are having difficulties managing stress, adjusting to college, or feeling sad and hopeless. You can reach CAPS ( by calling 713-743-5454 during and after business hours for routine appointments or if you or someone you know is in crisis. No appointment is necessary for the “Let's Talk” program, a drop-in consultation service at convenient locations and hours around campus.

Graduate/Professional Colleges: Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) can help students who are having difficulties managing stress, adjusting to the demands of a professional program, or feeling sad and hopeless. You can reach CAPS ( by calling 713-743-5454 during and after business hours for routine appointments or if you or someone you know is in crisis. No appointment is necessary for the “Let's Talk” program, a drop-in consultation service at convenient locations and hours around campus.

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