CMIT 321 Final Exam notes PDF

Title CMIT 321 Final Exam notes
Author Paul H
Course Ethical Hacking
Institution University of Maryland Global Campus
Pages 64
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Final Exam Question 1 1 / 1 point

__________ is a worm for Windows XP that downloads and executes malicious files on the compromised computer and spreads through removable storage devices.

a. HTTP W32.Drom b. W32/VBAut-B c. W32/QQRob-ADN d. W32/SillyFDC-BK View Feedback

Question 2 1 / 1 point

__________ monitors and audits databases for security issues in real time.

a. Selective Audit b. AppDetective c. AppRadar d. FlexTracer View Feedback

Question 3 1 / 1 point

Which of the following attacks would you choose to seize control of a legitimate user’s web application session while the session is still in progress?

a. session hijacking b. DOS attack c. password sniffing d. spoofing View Feedback

Question 4 1 / 1 point

__________ viruses search all drives and connected network shares to locate files with an EXE or SCR extension.

a. W32/Madang-Fam b. W32/Hasnot-A c. W32/Fujacks-AK d. W32/Fujacks-E View Feedback

Question 5 1 / 1 point

In order for traffic to get back to the attacker during session hijacking, a process called __________ is used that allows the sender to specify a particular route for the IP packet to take to the destination.

a. desynchronization b. source routing c. spoofing d. TCP routing View Feedback

Question 6 1 / 1 point

A __________ attack occurs when an attacker sends an oversized ping packet to a victim’s device.

a. BlueSmacking b. Blueprinting c. BTVoiceBugging d. Bluesnarfing View Feedback

Question 7 1 / 1 point

__________ can monitor a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server regularly after connecting to it.

a. CheckOK b. SMTPCheck c. SMTPMon d. SLCheck View Feedback

Question 8 1 / 1 point

Which of the following definitions best describes a wrapper?

a. A wrapper is a packet-crafting technique used to perform stealthy port scans. b. A wrapper is an encryption tool used to hide messages inside image files. c. A wrapper is a method of hiding a virus inside an executable file. d. A wrapper is a tool used to bind a Trojan to a legitimate file. View Feedback

Question 9 1 / 1 point

_________ hijacking is a hacking technique that uses spoofed packets to take over a connection between a victim and a target machine.

a. ACK b. Blind c. TCP/IP d. Network-level View Feedback

Question 10 1 / 1 point

Which of the following is not a Microsoft Internet Information Services vulnerability?

a. ::$DATA vulnerability b. UFS integer overflow vulnerability c. Showcode.asp vulnerability d. WebDAV/RPC exploits View Feedback

Question 11 1 / 1 point

The __________ script allows a remote user to view the code of server-side scripts.

a. Showlogin.asp b. Showcode.asp c. RemoteAccess.asp d. Remotelogin.asp View Feedback

Question 12 1 / 1 point

__________ automatically scans a computer, looking for cookies created by Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Netscape Navigator, and then displays the data stored in each one.

a. Cookie Viewer b. Cookie Explorer c. Cookie Browser d. Cookie Manager View Feedback

Question 13 1 / 1 point

__________ is an application that identifies all Bluetooth-enabled devices, their communications, and their connectivity within a given area.

a. BlueSweep b. BlueWatch c. BlueKey d. BlueFire Mobile View Feedback

Question 14 1 / 1 point

__________ is a command-line TCP/IP packet assembler/analyzer.

a. Hping2 b. Firewalk c. WUPS d. Blaster Scan View Feedback

Question 15 1 / 1 point

Bluetooth-enabled devices communicate via short-range, ad hoc networks known as __________.

a. piconets b. uninets c. btnets d. pans View Feedback

Question 16 1 / 1 point

Redirections for URLs are handled with the __________ URL handler, which can cause errors in older versions of Internet Explorer.

a. goto: b. mdir: c. mhtml: d. redir: View Feedback

Question 17 1 / 1 point

__________ is a short-range wireless communication technology intended to replace the cables connecting portable or fixed devices while maintaining high levels of security.

a. Wi-Fi b. HID c. Bluetooth d. Piconet View Feedback

Question 18 1 / 1 point

Which of the following types of tools would be most effective in cracking UNIX passwords?

a. Ophcrack b. KerbCrack c. John the Ripper d. RainbowCrack View Feedback

Question 19 1 / 1 point

__________ is a nonvoice service available with most GSM networks.

a. CDMA b. EDO c. EDVA d. GPRS View Feedback

Question 20 1 / 1 point

Web applications have a three-layered architecture consisting of presentation, logic, and __________.

a. application b. data layers c. transport d. HTTP View Feedback

Question 21 1 / 1 point

After gaining access, what is the attacker’s next goal?

a. Cover their tracks. b. Start denial-of-service attacks. c. Find ways to maintain access. d. None of the above. View Feedback

Question 22 1 / 1 point

__________ hackers are information security professionals who specialize in evaluating, and defending against, threats from attackers.

a. Gray-hat b. Black-hat c. Consulting d. Ethical View Feedback

Question 23 1 / 1 point

The Network News Transport Protocol service uses port __________.

a. 110 b. 119 c. 135 d. 139 View Feedback

Question 24 1 / 1 point

Which of the following selections lists the four phases of a penetration test?

a. planning, recon, hack, cleanup b. recon, exploit, payload, loot c. planning, preattack, attack, postattack d. planning, recon, attack, cleanup View Feedback

Question 25 1 / 1 point

__________ URLs, or intranets, are private links that only a company’s employees use.

a. Internal b. Private c. Organizational d. Domain Question 26 1 / 1 point

This type of port scanning technique splits a TCP header into several packets so that the packet filters cannot detect what the packets intend to do.

a. UDP scanning b. IP fragment scanning c. inverse TCP flag scanning d. ACK flag scanning View Feedback

Question 27 1 / 1 point

__________ is a simple form of attack aimed directly at the application’s business logic.

a. Authentication hijacking b. Parameter tampering c. Cookie poisoning d. Session poisoning View Feedback

Question 28 1 / 1 point

The __________ command displays the ARP table and is used to modify it.

a. ifconfig -arp b. arp-table c. netstat -arp d. arp View Feedback

Question 29 1 / 1 point

A good countermeasure against hijacking includes which of the following?

a. application of non-Internet protocols like http to secure sessions against hijacking b. use of biometrics and access tokens c. enforcement of a stronger password policy d. unpredictable sequence numbers View Feedback

Question 30 1 / 1 point

A __________, also called a packet analyzer, is a software program that can capture, log, and analyze protocol traffic over the network and decode its contents.

a. sniffer b. recorder c. logger d. tapper View Feedback

Question 31 1 / 1 point

The Java-based __________ worm spreads through Bluetooth and affects unprotected Mac OS X 10.4 systems.

a. OSX/Leap-A b. AppHook.B c. Inqtana.A d. BTHook-A View Feedback

Question 32 1 / 1 point

__________ is a method of gaining access to sensitive data in a Bluetooth-enabled device.

a. Bluebugging b. Bluesnarfing c. BTKeylogging d. Blueprinting View Feedback

Question 33 1 / 1 point

__________ is an advanced version of More and provides key commands from the Vi text editor to enhance file viewing.

a. Fileview b. More-x c. Less d. Head View Feedback

Question 34 1 / 1 point

__________ is a lightweight Knoppix version cut to 50 MB for a business-card-sized CD.

a. Gnoppix b. GeeXboX c. Morphix d. Damn Small Linux View Feedback

Question 35 1 / 1 point

____ is the use of Bluetooth to send messages to users without the recipients’ consent—similar to e-mail spamming.

a. Bluesnarfing b. Bluebugging c. Blueprinting d. Bluejacking View Feedback

Question 36 1 / 1 point

The easiest way to find a Cisco router is to run __________ from a command shell.

a. Nessus b. Netcat c. Traceroute d. Nmap View Feedback

Question 37 1 / 1 point

__________ is a common and easy form of SQL injection. The technique involves evading the logon forms.

a. Command injection b. SELECT bypass c. INSERT injection d. Authorization bypass View Feedback

Question 38 1 / 1 point

__________ is a lightweight substitute for telnet that enables the execution of processes on other systems, eliminating the need for manual installation of client software.

a. PsExec b. Alchemy Remote Executor c. Emsa FlexInfo Pro d. RemoteApp View Feedback

Question 39 1 / 1 point

__________ is a small utility that lists all USB devices currently connected to a computer, as well as all previously used USB devices.

a. MyUSBOnly b. USB Blocker c. USB CopyNotify! d. USBDeview View Feedback

Question 40 1 / 1 point

A(n) __________ is a specific way to breach the security of an IT system through a vulnerability.

a. hole b. exposure c. exploit d. threat View Feedback

Question 41 1 / 1 point

Private data stored by Firefox can be quickly deleted by selecting __________ in the Tools menu.

a. Clear History b. Clear Private Data c. Delete Private Data d. Delete History View Feedback

Question 42 1 / 1 point

When an ethical hacker uses nslookup, which protocol are they querying?

a. DNS b. HTTPS c. SMB d. NTP View Feedback

Question 43 1 / 1 point

There are several aspects to security, and the owner of a system should have confidence that the system will behave according to its specifications. This is called __________.

a. confidentiality b. reusability c. accountability d. assurance View Feedback

Question 44 1 / 1 point

Information on all Linux accounts is stored in the __________ and /etc/shadow files.

a. /etc/conf b. /etc/passwd c. /etc/password d. /conf/passwd View Feedback

Question 45 1 / 1 point

__________ gathering is the process of accumulating information from resources like the Internet that can later be analyzed as business intelligence.

a. Competitive intelligence b. Tracerouting c. Passive information d. Footprinting View Feedback

Question 46 1 / 1 point

__________ is a tool that administrators can use to test the reliability of their critical systems and determine what actions they must take to fix any problems.

a. DbEncrypt b. AppDetective c. Selective Audit d. AppRadar View Feedback

Question 47 1 / 1 point

A common technique used to hide data within image files uses the __________ technique.

a. hex dump b. injection c. least-significant-bit d. big endian View Feedback

Question 48 1 / 1 point

__________ is the act of gathering information about the security profile of a computer system or organization, undertaken in a methodological manner.

a. Tracerouting b. Passive information gathering c. Footprinting d. Competitive intelligence gathering View Feedback

Question 49 1 / 1 point

A __________ is a device that cannot function in any capacity.

a. block b. brick c. rock d. cage View Feedback

Question 50 1 / 1 point

IT __________ are designed to evaluate an organization’s security policies and procedures.

a. ping sweeps b. vulnerability assessments c. penetration tests d. security audits View Feedback

Question 51 1 / 1 point

What phase of attack uses social engineering and dumpster diving to find information about the target?

a. scanning b. gaining access c. reporting d. reconnaissance View Feedback

Question 52 1 / 1 point

__________ is the exploitation of an organization’s telephone, dial, and private branch exchange (PBX) system to infiltrate the internal network in order to abuse computing resources.

a. War driving b. Line dialing c. PBX driving d. War dialing View Feedback

Question 53 1 / 1 point

__________ allow attackers to pass malicious code to different systems via a web application.

a. SQL injection attacks b. XSS vulnerabilities c. Authentication hijacking attacks d. Command injection flaws View Feedback

Question 54 1 / 1 point

Which website can an ethical hacker visit to see web pages from 2002?

a. b. c. d. View Feedback

Question 55 1 / 1 point

How do you defend against privilege escalation?

a. Use encryption to protect sensitive data. b. Restrict the interactive logon privileges. c. Run services as unprivileged accounts. d. Run users and applications on the least privileges. View Feedback

Question 56 1 / 1 point

__________ is a tool for performing automated attacks against web-enabled applications.

a. cURL b. dotDefender c. Burp Intruder d. AppScan View Feedback

Question 57 1 / 1 point

__________ is a secure method of posting data to the database.

a. URL b. SQL c. GET d. POST View Feedback

Question 58 1 / 1 point

__________ record the parts of the website visited and can contain identifying information.

a. Logs b. Records c. Cookies d. Certificates View Feedback

Question 59 1 / 1 point

RFID __________ collision occurs when an RFID tag reader energizes numerous tags and the tags’ respective signals are reflected back to the reader simultaneously.

a. tag b. reader c. token d. signal View Feedback

Question 60 1 / 1 point

In a hit-and-run attack, __________.

a. the attacker constantly injects bad packets into the router b. the attacker mistreats packets, resulting in traffic congestion c. the attacker injects a few bad packets into the router d. the attacker alters a single packet, resulting in denial of service View Feedback

Question 61 1 / 1 point

Which of the following statements best describes the rules of engagement for a penetration test?

a. The rules of engagement are the systems that a tester can knock offline during a penetration test. b. The rules of engagement are the agreed-upon guidelines for a penetration test, including desired code of conduct and procedures. c. The rules of engagement define the service-level agreement and scope of a penetration test. d. The rules of engagement include the insurance and risk management associated with thirdparty testing. View Feedback

Question 62 1 / 1 point

__________ is an HTTP authentication brute-force program. It attempts to guess passwords for basic HTTP authentication by logging in to a web server.

a. Authforce b. ObiWaN c. Hydra d. Cain & Abel

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Question 63 1 / 1 point

__________ is a unique 15- or 17-digit code used to identify a mobile station to a GSM network.

a. IMEI b. SIMID c. SIM d. PhoneID View Feedback

Question 64 1 / 1 point

The __________ vulnerability is a vulnerability present in some servers that can be exploited by hackers in the browser address window and cause commands to be run on the server.

a. malformed URL b. URL injection c. Unicode directory traversal d. folder browsing

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Question 65 1 / 1 point

The information resource or asset that is being protected from attacks is usually called the __________.

a. key value b. target of evaluation c. main asset d. target asset View Feedback

Question 66 1 / 1 point

What privileges does an attacker have when running a shell after executing a successful buffer overflow against a default IIS installation on a Windows 2000 server?


d. remote-access account View Feedback

Question 67 1 / 1 point

An __________ share is a hidden share that allows communication between two processes on the same system.

a. SMC b. IPC c. EPC d. SMB View Feedback

Question 68 1 / 1 point

__________ are software applications that run automated tasks over the Internet.

a. Zombies b. Spiders c. Bots

d. Crawlers View Feedback

Question 69 1 / 1 point

__________ cryptography is the most common method on the Internet for authenticating a message sender or encrypting a message.

a. Symmetric b. Hash-based c. Private-key d. Public-key View Feedback

Question 70 1 / 1 point

__________ is a tool that combines web crawling with the capability of a personal proxy.

a. WebSleuth b. BlackWidow c. SiteScope

d. WSDigger View Feedback

Question 71 1 / 1 point

__________ occurs when hackers break into government or corporate computer systems as an act of protest.

a. Hacktivism b. Cyber terrorism c. Cybercrime d. Suicide hacking View Feedback

Question 72 1 / 1 point

A(n) __________ is a custom command in Linux that is a substitute for a formal command string.

a. user string b. system link

c. alias d. link View Feedback

Question 73 1/ 1 point

Which of the following is not a category of security assessment?

a. security audit b. rootkit detection c. vulnerability assessment d. penetration testing View Feedback

Question 74 1 / 1 point

__________ is a Microsoft-proprietary protocol that authenticates users and computers based on an authentication challenge and response.

a. LMLAN b. Kerberos

c. NTLM d. NTLAN View Feedback

Question 75 1 / 1 point

•Which of the following types of password attacks is not an online attack? a. sniffing b. man-in-the-middle c. hybrid d. replay View Feedback Question 76 1 / 1 point

__________ is a portable, battery-powered device that mediates interactions between RFID readers and RFID tags.

a. RSA blocker tag b. RFID Firewall c. RFID Guardian d. Kill switch View Feedback

Question 77 1 / 1 point

In Internet Explorer, the __________ zone is a security zone for sites that the user has designated as safe to visit.

a. user sites b. legal sites c. white list d. trusted sites View Feedback

Question 78 1 / 1 point

The __________ is due to a canonicalization error in IIS 4.0 and 5.0 that allows an attacker to use malformed URLs to access files and folders located on the logical drive that includes web folders.

a. canonicalization vulnerability b. ::$DATA vulnerability c. Unicode directory trave...

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