CN1-12 - cn 1-12 PDF

Title CN1-12 - cn 1-12
Author Paula Bejarano
Course Acute Care Nursing
Institution ECPI University
Pages 1
File Size 104 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 43
Total Views 164


cn 1-12...


Head: Test cranial nerve 7 (facial nerve):  *Close their eyes tightly, smile, frown, puff out cheek* Test Cranial Nerve 5 (Trigeminal nerve):  *Bite down and feel the masseter muscle and temporal muscle*  *Try to open the mouth against resistance* Eyes: Test cranial nerves 3 (oculomotor), 4 (trochlear), 6 (abducens):  Nystagmus (involuntary movements of the eye) o *Have the patient follow your pen light by moving it 12-14 inches from the patient’s face in the six cardinal fields of gaze (start in the midline)*  PERRLA (pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accommodate) o Pupils Equal and Round:  Normal pupil size should be 3 to 5 mm and equal o Reactive to Light:  *Dim the lights and have the patient look at a distant object*  NOTE: This dilates the pupils  *Shine the light in from the side in each eye*  NOTE: The eye with the light shining in it should constrict o Accommodation:  *Make the lights normal and have patient look at a distant object to dilate pupils, and then have patient stare at pen light and slowly move it closer to the patient’s nose*  NOTE: The pupils should constrict and equally move to cross. Test cranial nerves 2 (optic)  Snellen’s chart Ears: Tests cranial nerve 8 (vestibulocochlear nerve):  *Test the hearing by occluding one ear and whispering two words and have the patient repeat them back. Repeat this for the other ear.* Nose: Test cranial nerve 1 (olfactory nerve):  *Close eyes and smell and identify* Mouth: Test cranial nerve 12 (hypoglossal):  *stick tongue out and move it side to side* Test cranial nerve 9 (glossopharyngeal) and 10 (vagus):  *say “ah”…the uvula will move up* (CN 9 intact)  *If the patient can swallow with ease and has no hoarseness when talking* (CN 10 is intact) Neck: Test cranial nerve 11 (accessory nerve):  *Move head from side to side and up and down and shrug shoulders against resistance*...

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