CODE OF Conduct assessment PDF

Title CODE OF Conduct assessment
Author Jeremy Koh
Course Ethics Workshop
Institution Curtin University
Pages 4
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1) Conduct an analysis of the above case study to compare all the circumstances described within it to the ESSA Code of Professional Conduct and Ethical Practice. Highlight any issues or potential issues you identify and relate them to specific sections of the code. Include a description of why you have linked the issue with the code. (max 700 words) This essay is to highlight the issues and potential issues that I have identified with relation to the ESSA Code of Professional Conduct and Ethical Practice. Point 1.1.1 act in the best interests of the individual client (Exercise and Sport Science Australia, 2017). The code is broken due to prioritising the number of programs being set up instead of the welfare of the individual. Point 1.1.2 (Exercise and Sport Science Australia, 2017) deliver services competently, diligently and ethically. This code is broken due to the way service is delivered, services has been set up to promote the rehabilitation centre and students were used to assess screening instead of professionals. Point 1.2.3 (Exercise and Sport Science Australia, 2017) engage in activities that could jeopardise the professional standing of that exercise and sports science profession(s). For example, over-servicing in rebatable schemes including Medicare and DVA. This code has been breached as the practice owners are keen to increase their client base as they are relatively new and want to promote themselves. Point 1.2.4 engage in the delivery of services with individuals who are not registered or accredited with the relevant professional body (Exercise and Sport Science Australia, 2017). This code was broken as the centre runs significant classes for random clients just to promote the centre and they have utilised students who are on placement and are no accredited to run different programs for them. Some pre-screening assessments also have not been countersigned by professionals. This action also violates code 17.1.6 with the exploitation of students conducting services and programs for the own financial gain of the business. Point 2 compliance of law (Exercise and Sport Science Australia, 2017). This code was broken as they create brochures with titles that are misleading to the general public. To run these on a reasonable budget you’ve been asked to utilise students that are on placement to run the classes in two activity rooms at once whilst you undertake the client assessments in another client assessment room. This example has breached the code of Point 3 decisions of the board and the ESSA accreditation council (Exercise and Sport Science Australia, 2017). Point 4.1.5 in the delivery of services, provide Clients with the appropriate level and frequency of treatments, point 4.1.6 deliver services in accordance with the rules, regulations and guidelines of any relevant regulatory body and point 4.1.7 conduct financial, commercial and contractual dealings in accordance with legal and regulatory requirements, respecting the principle of good faith (Exercise and Sport Science Australia, 2017). These 3 points have been breached as the centres goals are to get as many clients to sign up with as many programs as possible to promote the centre and to create a higher profit margin. This breaches those few points highlighted above. Point 5 professional responsibility has also been breached as some referrals and notes were not followed up and has been disregarded. This breaks the code point 5.1.2 take all reasonable steps to prevent harm occurring to the Client resulting from their conduct and the delivery of their services (Exercise and Sport Science Australia, 2017). Point 14.1.1 make and keep complete and accurate Client records including: medical records, interventions administered and the dates when they were administered. Images taken for the purpose of providing the service (Exercise and Sport Science Australia, 2017). This code was breached as the professional practices of note keeping is not up to standards as they are not dated and countersigned by supervisors. This makes it difficult to maintain client’s documents. Another action that breaches this code is the disregard for a client need for an orthotic review from a

podiatrist as a colleague referred to it as a waste of time. Breaches point 9.1.2 acknowledging and respecting the contribution of all health care professionals involved in the care of the Client (Exercise and Sport Science Australia, 2017). Lastly, point 12.1.5 has been breached as students on placement have been allowed to conduct assessments with clients without supervision and a countersigned signature by a professional. Results in breaking point 12.1.5 accept responsibility for ensuring adequate supervision of assessment procedures administered, scored or interpreted by others under their direction unless such persons are themselves properly trained in their use (Exercise and Sport Science Australia, 2017).

2) Describe in detail the actions you will need to undertake in your role at One Tree Gully Rehabilitation Service including managing any issues you’ve identified in question 1 (max 500 words) The actions I will have to undertake would start off with a proper pre-screening assessment that doesn’t breach any code of conducts and are constantly being regulated by professionals. This ensures that the client’s information is correctly recorded and confidential. By doing so, this creates an easier excess to monitor client’s improvements and would make it easier for colleagues to hand over clients with zero important information being lost. Secondly, information of clients should be transferred over in respective to which professional is in charge followed by the next professional. Students on placements should not be fully in charge of programs, supervision by a professional is necessary. Programs should also be created in regard to the clients’ needs, instead of a profitable gain for the business. Brochures created should highlight information that is not misleading and actually beneficial for clients as the previous few brochures were all very misleading. The brochures were just advertisements to promote the centre and their business instead of actually helping the clients. I will also think of programs to both benefit the clients’ needs and also the practice owners to help promote their business. I would also be aiming to have an intervention with the higher management to reduce misconduct in the work environment. For example, when one of the colleagues disregarded the referral notes by a professional because he/she felt that it was a “waste of time”. Procedures like this should never be forgotten or disregarded as it places our clients in danger. I would suggest to the higher management to hire a professional to monitor, over-see and supervise the students who are on placement. Lastly, I would like all pre-screening assessments to be dated as this is a very important information to assist in monitoring clients’ progress. I would like to make it a point from when I have started to work in One Tree Gully Rehabilitation Service that every client that has been assessed was recorded properly and dated. The records should also be filed accordingly to their initials in alphabetically order. This would make it more assessable and organized in the work environment as colleagues would know exactly where to get their information for their clients. Records should also either be printed or handwritten by a pen and never a pencil, so that the information cannot be edited by another person. This keeps information confidential and illegal alterations to be diminished. I would also like to talk about my scope of practice, where I am not allowed to work with clients who are of high risk as it breaches the ESSA code of conduct.

3) Write a professional letter to Dr Smith in response to the referral outlining your approach with this client. Your letter must be formatted in a professional manner. (max 500 words).

One Tree Gully Rehabilitation Service Kent St Bentley WA 6102 27th April 2017 Dr Zachary Smith Goldsworthy GP 236 Stirling Highway Claremont WA 6010

Dear Mr. Smith, Re: Mr. Alex Boston (50 years old) Thank you for your referral of this new client, Mr Alex Boston, 50 years old male, to our One Tree Gully Rehabilitation Service centre for an exercise intervention program as he has just been diagnosed with diabetes and obesity. I will be running through the initial pre-screening assessment today with him when he comes in at 10am. I am contacting you with regards to his future plans for an exercise program for Mr. Boston to improve his overall well-being and health status. This morning’s pre-screening assessment would be to assess Mr. Boston’s diabetic levels and to check if he has got it under control with medications and management of his diabetes and obesity. I will also be looking to assess if Mr. Boston has any limitations with regards to ongoing injuries and previous injuries. I would like to know if his history of injuries would limit any given exercises programmed for him. I would also like to refer Mr. Boston to a dietician to get him on the right track for his diet to maintain his obesity levels. We would not appreciate the co-morbidities that he may contract due to poor diet and obesity levels. Our aim is to maintain and improve his levels of health and fitness, to ensure that Mr. Boston leaves us with a better health status. After the pre-screening, if Mr. Boston’s diabetic levels are controlled and if there are no limitations from injuries. I will be looking to design an exercise program for him alongside the ESSA guidelines which would include both aerobic and resistance training. If diabetes is controlled weight lost would be a key goal to reducing obesity levels, I would incorporate some form of moderate intensity aerobic exercises. Resistance training would also be very necessary for Mr. Boston as it will target large multi-joint muscle groups and improve his fitness levels. By gaining muscle hypertrophy, he would be able to move on to a higher intensity for other exercises too. This would be helpful as Mr. Boston would end up using high levels of glucose to complete the exercises. However, if Mr. Boston’s type 2 diabetics levels are not controlled after the pre-screening assessment. I am afraid that this would be out of my job scope to prescribe exercises to

clients with a high risk. If this is the case, I will have to refer him on to my colleague who is an exercise physiologist.

The aim for Mr. Boston is to incorporate at least 250 minutes of aerobic training and a minimum of 60 minutes for resistance training in a week. The aim is to promote weight loss and to reduce his levels of diabetes and obesity levels. Thank you for taking time to read this letter, I will keep you updated on Mr. Boston’s direct plans after the pre-screening assessment.

Yours Sincerely,

Jeremy Louis Koh...

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