COIS3750 Assignment 2 PDF

Title COIS3750 Assignment 2
Course Digital Marketing
Institution Trent University
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BUSINESS REPORT Improving your Online Business Strategy Prepared for for:: Fruity McFruitFace Cassidy Barbeau 0620600 Darian Hunter 0647955 Nana Aba Bosua Nissi Ackah 0629227 Zubaidah Akter 0640940 Lauren Lawler


Fruity McFruitFace Business Report Executive Summary Fruity McFruitFace’s frozen desserts will be a factory located in Downtown Toronto, ON, Canada. Fruity McFruitFace is looking to bring frozen fruit desserts to all of Canada, the USA, and eventually globally. Our company’s initial offerings intend to be frozen, rich, fresh, organic fruit desserts in the form of yoghurts, sorbets, and ice-creams. Our target market is health-conscious females and moms. With the utilization of online business strategies, our intention is to formulate a loyal consumer base who will see Fruity McFruitFace as a trustworthy company who puts their consumers first, tailors to their needs, is hard-working, high-class, healthy, and affordable. We are aware that nowadays, everyone is on the lookout for healthier alternatives to sweet treats. We plan to deliver our desserts in accordingly proportionate sizes, in plastic tubs for long lasting freshness. We’ve made sure that our labels will be made with quality materials that will last in freezers and will not wear off over time. At Fruity McFruitFace we work hard to deliver our products to our target market. We have come up with several personal business marketing strategies that we have found to best suit our company: Leads Conversion, Blogs, Social Media and Content Sharing, Content Creation and Digital Assets, and Email Marketing. Through the use of Leads Conversion, we aim to have intriguing conversations about the business values Fruity McFruitFace with consumers and be at a personal level to the target audience, women and mothers that are health conscious. With the use of blogging, we hope to create a critical asset for our online presence, that will bring in traffic to our company website while providing consumers with a useful and informational tool. We aim to create detailed and factual articles that will benefit our consumer base.


By utilizing Social Media and Content Sharing we hope to curate interesting and fun content that our consumers will want to share with their families and friends. Social media is a very powerful tool these days and we have the potential to gain a lot of wo rd-of-mouth marketing with it. As well we are able to do giveaways, and contests for our consumer base. And most importantly of all; share photos of our yummy desserts for all to see. Content Creations and Digital Assets will be a crucial part of ensuring that whenever visitors’ access any of Fruity McFruitFace’s online presence’s they will be inclined to make a purchase. It will be important to have factual information that is credible, short and precise, yet still enjoyable. Digital assets will be professionally edited and positions to keep visitors interested and returning. By taking advantage of Email marketing campaigning, we hope to further create personalized content that is enjoyable to consumer by our loyal customers. Through the use of emailing digital coupons, we hope to see sales rates rise. Providing easily accessible knowledge through emails is an excellent way to keep consumer engaged, as well it serves as a reminder of your brand to customers.

About Us Fruity McFruitFace is a company that aims to offer up whipped fruit into delectable frozen desserts. We provide these delectable desserts to health-conscious females and moms. We make several, delicious and highly nutritious frozen fruit desserts. We make yogurts, sorbets, and ice-creams, but with a healthy twist. We carefully hand-pick only the best, organic fruit for our consumers. It is no doubt that our consumers are in for a mouth-watering, fresh, and nutritious treat for every bite they take. In recent years, consumers have become more and more health conscious and are becoming interested in eating food products that will in one way or the other benefit their health. This is why Fruity McFruitFace decided to tap into the healthy frozen dessert market. We offer a variety of products from frozen yoghurts, to ice cream, to sorbets, with the target of making healthy eating all the more fun. This


is why we set our target market to health-conscious females and moms. We aim to take our target from strangers, to become our regular customers in an aim to maintain loyalty among the brand (Unemyr, 2015). A recent study shows that people have become more aware of their nutritional needs and are therefore most interested in choosing healthier alternatives for their favorite foods (Afable, 2019). Our aim is to use more protein and less carbs in order to help our consumers live a much healthier lifestyle and that is why we use soymilk, almond milk, and other protein-enriched products. To make our products more interesting we would also have snack versions of our products to give our consumers a chance to indulge in our products guilt-free. The target market we chose is health-conscious females and moms and this is because we realized that females will be more willing to eat frozen yoghurt than males (ANHSTUDIESDATA, 2018). Moms were also chosen because it is important that mothers-to-be and mothers who have already birthed their children/child led a healthy lifestyle to ensure their kids also grow up healthy. As a business, we want our consumers to enjoy their indulgences, and this is why we are providing alternatives to unhealthy food products, specifically and especially desserts. A lot of the time, people favourite desserts, but feel guilty afterwards because of how “unhealthy” it is. This is because desserts usually contain too much sugar which is later converted into fats and that is why our products contain less sugar. At Fruity McFruitFace, we want our consumers to enjoy delicious, healthy, guilt-free desserts. And what other better way is there than to enjoy ice cream, frozen yoghurts, and sorbets made with your favourite, fresh, organic fruits?


Personalized Online Business Strategies Blogs (Zubaidah Ak Akter) ter) Today, businesses tend to operate in dynamic landscapes of technology and consumer demands (McGeorge, 2020). Now, more than ever, businesses are required to create strong web presences for communication and consumer engagement. It is said, “One of the most effective ways to build brand awareness, while providing relevant and useful content to your target audience is through consistent blogging,” (McGeorge, 2020). Blogging is an inexpensive means for businesses to gain traffic, while also enhancing inbound marketing efforts to attract consumers (McGeorge, 2020). A study conducted by Inbound Marketing Report points to 80% of companies using blogging as a means of their marketing strategies to acquire consumers, with 82% of companies admitting that blogging is vital to them (McGeorge, 2020). Blogging is an essential ingredient in internet marketing strategies for any company. Blogs are the primary mechanisms for attracting new visitors. In order to increase the chances of being found by search engines, we need more and more pages, and that’s where blogs come in (Unemyr, Mastering Online Marketing 2015, p. 19). Customers and leads going to blogs have positive benefits such as leads nurturing, establishing thought leadership, and building up brands (Unemyr, Mastering Online Marketing 2015, p. 19). The primary purpose of blogs is to have all sorts of blog articles, and to have hundreds of them over time to increase the chances of search engines sending traffic your way (Unemyr, Mastering Online Marketing 2015, p. 19). Having a blog for our company, Fruity McFruitFace, is an excellent addition. Through blog posts, we will be able to share mouth-watering photos of our delectable products, and how they can be eaten with other healthy foods. We will share healthy recipes with a twist, using appropriate keywords (Unemyr, Mastering Online Marketing 2015, p. 20), which will consist of catchy titles to grab the attention of our health-conscious females and moms. Through our posts, we will aim to be genuinely helpful and informative, providing educational


content – more so, health facts – but written in such a way so as not to strongly promote ourselves (Unemyr, Mastering Online Marketing 2015, p. 20). This will greatly help in building up relationships and a community with our consumers, eventually helping us gain supporters and advocates. Creating a blog will help in maintaining our marketing strategies and structure our relevant content. Promoting services in a highly competitive business market is tricky, and this is where blogs are of essential help (PrismGlobal, 2021). Blogs help with multimedia representation, keeps audiences interested, and promotes a company (PrismGlobal, 2021). It is important to keep note of the quality of the posts (PrismGlobal, 2021). Blogs attract new customers. First and foremost, it is important to think about how clients make searches (Carpenter, 2016). In order for consumers to find us, it is crucial for us to gain high website ranking (Carpenter, 2016). Posting relevant content will help us increase traffic to our services (Unemyr, Mastering Online Marketing 2015, p. 19). With a consistent use of keywords, catchy titles, and meta-descriptions, blogging will act as a beneficial tool towards gaining visibility for our company (PrismGlobal, 2021). Every new blog article we post will add more pages that will stay on the internet forever (Unemyr, Mastering Online Marketing 2015, p. 18). Nowadays, everyone is in the search for whipping up fast, easy, healthy recipes. Blogging takes a great deal of dedication, but once published (Unemyr, Mastering Online Marketing 2015, p. 18), this immensely helps SEO as it gives search engines reasons to bring up our blog in searches (PrismGlobal, 2021). It is a one-time effort that pays rewards over time. The marketing value of blogs does not stop when advertising budget is done. Blogging will help us in lead generation, nurturing, and conversion. Once we gain traffic, a relevant blog will help in keeping our consumers interacting with us (Carpenter, 2016). Providing relevant content through our blog will help in addressing queries, offering real solutions, and will turn our traffic into qualified leads (Carpenter, 2016). As leads re-visit our blog, we will build relationships, and nurture them through the customer journey (Carpenter, 2016). In this way, we are building up trust


and establishment. When our leads want to make a purchase, they will remember our name, in turn, creating conversion (Carpenter, 2016). “Customer engagement is an immensely important element of online marketing and branding,” (McGeorge, 2020) Blogging will create a sense of community for Fruity McFruitFace. Through our sharing of healthy recipes and photos, our consumers may share our posts, and spread word of our “services and create a long-lasting [bond] with prospects,” in turn creating traction (PrismGlobal, 2021). Moreover, blogging will help us in appearing trustworthy to our potential consumers (PrismGlobal, 2021). By providing accurate, engaging content (PrismGlobal, 2021), we will be able to achieve this goal. In addition, blogging helps to “build reputation in a particular field of interest and become a figure of authority,” (PrismGlobal, 2021). Blogging will help us in brand connection. Blog posts open up a personal side of our company to our consumers (McGeorge, 2020). We can “open up [our] brand message and engage existing and perspective customers in a way not possible through outbound marketing mechanisms,” (McGeorge, 2020). In addition, “Blogging will give others a lucid sense of the corporate standards, business character, vision, and personality of [our] company,” (McGeorge, 2020). Blogging will help us gain insight into our audience. Regularly writing creative posts will ultimately make us think in the manner of our target audience (Carpenter, 2016). When writing up a good blog post, we will be required to ask ourselves what our consumers want to know, how to convey that knowledge, and how to keep them moving (Carpenter, 2016). Capturing blog analytics is also beneficial for us as we will know the demands of our consumers. Blog analytics will allow us to see which topics circulate the most (Carpenter, 2016). The better we know our leads, the more empowered we will be to nurture them (Carpenter, 2016).


All-in-all, the importance of blogging cannot be underrated within the present world of digital marketing (PrismGlobal, 2021). Though there are other creative tools available for us to gain visibility, the value of a blog cannot be diminished. “Blogs allow for more detailed consideration and can therefore wield quite considerable power over potential customers,” (Kingsnorth, Digital Marketing Strategy 2019, p. 179) Whatever Fruity McFruitface’s needs may be, a blog will always go out of its ways to bring us an ever-growing consumer presence. Content Creation and Digital Assets ((Nana Nana Aba Ackah) In order to keep the interests of Fruity McFruitFace’s market high it is important to create content that keeps strangers intrigued whenever content is accessed. It is important to convert all anonymous strangers and visitors into leads and then further into customers because this will help maintain the market hold of Fruity McFruitFace (Unemyr, Mastering Online Marketing, 2015, pp. 2223). This will further help to move customers into advocates thus ensuring that the brand is being recommended and spoken about among other potential customers (Ladder Of Customer Loyalty, 2020). This can be done with the help of digital assets such as sounds, videos, free consultations, free product samples and constant checkups to ensure that consumers are informed of the products we provide (Unemyr, Mastering Online Marketing, 2015, p. 53). The company provides quality guaranteed and that is why we will offer free product samples to some consumers. This will help with lead conversions as it will push visitors to sign up or register for our promotional emails and will also provide information to help improve the online presence of Fruity McFruitFace (Unemyr, Mastering Online Marketing, 2015, p. 53). The target market being used pushes the company to heavily rely on social media campaigns to promote products. Therefore, promotional content will include infographics, videos, photos, and other graphically pleasing information to retain attention as content is accessed (Unemyr, Mastering Online Marketing, 2015, pp. 54-55).


Content is a very important factor with regard to online marketing as this will help visitors decide to either become customers or remain strangers (Unemyr, Mastering Online Marketing, 2015, p. 24). The use of social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, snapchat, YouTube and even TikTok will be beneficial, especially for the company’s videos and pictures. Therefore, the company needs to ensure that content released is of top quality by using Adobe photoshop and video editing software that will elevate the content thus looking more professional. With regard to the use of regular promotional material and check-ins, information sent out will be short and precise thus ensuring that the interest is maintained (Kingsnorth S. , Digital Marketing Strategy, 2019, pp. 233-234). Since the company wants the product to be widespread, engaging content will be used to communicate with the target audience (Kingsnorth S., Digital Marketing Strategy, 2019, p. 246). This will be done with intriguing videos and infographics that will attract visitors to watch the content we provide. Distribution of content is also important to consider as this will help understand where the digital assets are being pushed, this will be done with the help of owned, earned, and paid channels. Owned content is the main source of information which is owned and controlled fully by the company thus including websites, social and email (Kingsnorth S., Digital Marketing Strategy, 2019, p. 250). The main focus of the company will be the website and social media platforms which will be fueled using buffers and advocacy. This will allow us to analyze usage and peak hours and also use word of mouth to spread information.

(Kingsnorth S. , Digital Marketing Strategy, 2019, p. 251)


Earned content coverage cannot be paid for but is rather gained through the use of bloggers, influencers etc. to create value in the consumers eyes. Using influencers and bloggers with an audience invested in being health-conscious will help to add value to the content. Finally, paid content involves spending on certain media and receiving some exposure in return. This will be done by using search adverts with google, paid promotion on various social platforms to expand the reach and market of the products offered (Kingsnorth S. , Digital Marketing Strategy, 2019, p. 251). These strategies also help to measure the value of content and further analyze the needs of the targeted market (Kingsnorth S. , Digital Marketing Strategy, 2019, p. 252). This will help increase follower count and social reach thus pushing the relevant content to its intended target. The business will also get an idea of the content interactions and which type of content got the most clicks/views and which got the least. Understanding which posts drives the most retweets (Twitter), likes (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube) and views (YouTube, Tik-Tok) will further help make content tailored to the preferences of the target market (Kingsnorth S. , 2019, pp. 252-253). It is also important to consider international content in order to reach a more diverse and global market. Therefore, various holidays such as Chinese New Year, Diwali, Christmas etc. will be considered when creating content towards the target market (Kingsnorth S. , Digital Marketing Strategy, 2019, p. 255). This will extend to packaging and social media, website and email content ensuring that this information is not appropriating culture but rather celebrating it. Leads Conversatio Conversation n (Darian Hunter) Every salesman has a pitch, and the first thing that comes out of a person’s mouth matters the most, first impressions are very important, to have a lead there must be a follower, in the mindset, our target market for the business Fruity McFruitFace is females and mothers, so it is an older demographic to consider, where the point of life for older women is to be more health-conscious because there is a famous saying. “Women live longer.”


To have great leads I must become the target market to understand what the target market wants to create a character to know which shadow falls on the side of the character, what the character likes, what the character dislikes, and most importantly the character itself. To sell something to a customer, first, there must be two considerations, are they looking to buy? are they looking in the market for fruit treats? To sell a pen to a person who does not need a pen is pointless, to sell a pen to a person who does not have a pen is pointless, what is important here is to sell a pen to a person who is looking for a pen in the first place which is where leads are most gracious to be. The perfect lead-in email to start would be a question to the target demographic is looking for healthy fruit snacks. “Are you interested in Fruity McFruit Face’s healthy desserts options?” This question brings out the product, the brand of the business (identity), target conscious (healthy), the choice for the consumer (options), and if the customer is looking to buy in the market of fruity dessert options (lead) all in nine words. Simplicity is key, in the mind of the consumer you do not want to overload the pitch, following the KISS principle, keep it simple stupid if the customer wants to know more about the product and business, they can read the about section to know more, leads are to get them interested, then invested later. It is not wise to have a question like: Are you a woman? Are you health conscious? Do you want to try fruit desserts? It is not subtle,...

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