Combining Forms WORD Roots and Prefixes PDF

Title Combining Forms WORD Roots and Prefixes
Course Anatomy/Physiology
Institution St. John's University
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Anatomy, Physiology, and medical terminology root words, combining forms and prefixes. ...


COMBINING FORMS, WORD ROOTS, PREFIXES, AND SUFFIXES Many of the terms used in anatomy and physiology are compound words; that is, they are made up of word roots and one or more prefixes or s example, leukocyte is formed from the word roots leuk- meaning “white,” a connecting vowel-o-, and -cyte meaning “cell.” Thus, a leukocyte is a w cell. The following list includes some of the most commonly used combining forms, word roots, prefixes, and suffixes used in the study of a physiology. Each entry includes a usage example. Learning the meanings of these fundamental word parts will help you remember terms that, at may seem long or complicated.

COMBINING FORMS AND WORD ROOTS Acous-, Acu- hearing Acoustics. Acr- extremity Acromegaly. Aden- gland Adenoma. Alg-, Algia- pain Neuralgia. Angi- vessel Angiocardiography. Arthr- joint Arthropathy. Audit- hearing Auditory canal. Aut-, Auto- self Autolysis. Bio- life, living Biopsy. Blast- germ, bud Blastula. Blephar- eyelid Blepharitis. Brachi- arm Brachial plexus. Bronch- trachea, windpipe Bronchoscopy. Bucc- cheek Buccal.

Macul- spot, blotch Macula. Malign- bad, harmful Malignant. Mamm-, Mast- breast Mammography, Mastitis. Meningo- membrane Meningitis. My-, Myo- muscle Myocardium. Myel- marrow, spinal cord Myeloblast. Necro- corpse, dead Necrosis. Nephro- kidney Nephron. Neuro- nerve Neurotransmitter. Ocul- eye Binocular. Odont- tooth Orthodontic. Onco- mass, tumor Oncology. Oo- egg Oocyte. Ophthalm- eye Ophthalmology. Or- mouth Oral. Os-, Osseo-, Osteo- bone Osteocyte. Osm- odor, sense of small Anosmia. Ot- ear Otitis media.

Capit- head Decapitate. Carcin- cancer Carcinogenic. Cardi-, Cardia-, Cardio- heart Cardiogram. Cephal- head Hydrocephalus. Cerebro- brain Cerebrospinal fluid. Chole- bile, gall Cholecystogram. Chondr-, cartilage Chondrocyte. Cor-, Coron- heart Coronary. Cost- rib Costal. Crani- skull Craniotomy. Cut- skin Subcutaneous. Cyst- sac, bladder Cystoscope.

Palpebr- eyelid Palpebra. Patho- disease Pathogen. Pelv- basin Renal pelvis. Phag- to eat Phagocytosis. Phleb- vein Phlebitis. Phren- diaphragm Phrenic. Pilo- hair Depilatory. Pneumo- lung, air Pneumothorax. Pod- foot Podocyte. Procto- anus, rectum Proctology. Pulmon- lung Pulmonary.

Derma-, Dermato- skin Dermatosis. Dura- hard Dura mater.

Ren- kidneys Renal artery. Rhin- nose Rhinitis.

Enter- intestine Enteritis. Erythr- red Erythrocyte.

Scler-, Sclero- hard Atherosclerosis. Sep-, Septic- toxic condition due to microorganisms Septicemia. Soma-, Somato- body Somatotropin. Stasis-, Stat- standstill Homeostasis. Sten- narrow Stenosis.

Gastr- stomach Gastrointestinal. Gloss- tongue Hypoglossal. Glyco- sugar Glycogen. Gyn-, Gynec- female, woman Gynecology. Hem-, Hemat- blood Hematoma. Hepar-, Hepat- liver Hepatitis. Hist-, Histio- tissue Histology. Hydr- water Dehydration. Hyster- uterus Hysterectomy.

Tegument- skin, covering Integumentary. Therm- heat Thermogenesis. Thromb- clot, lump Thrombus. Vas- vessel, duct Vasoconstriction. Zyg- joined Zygote.

Ischi- hip, hip joint Ischium. Kines- motion Kinesiology.


Labi- lip Labial. Lacri- tears Lacrimal glands. Laparo- loin, flank, abdomen Laparoscopy. Leuko- white Leukocyte.

A-, An- without, lack of, deficient Anesthesia. Ab- away from, from Abnormal. Ad-, Af- to, toward Adduction, Afferent neuron. Alb- white Albino. Alveol cavity socket Alveolus

Bas- base, foundation Basal nuclei. Bi- two, double Biceps. Brady- slow Bradycardia. Cata- down, lower, under Catabolism. Circum- around Circumduction. Cirrh- yellow Cirrhosis of the liver. Co-, Con-, Com with, together Congenita Contra- against, opposite Contraception. Crypt- hidden, concealed Cryptorchidism Cyano- blue Cyanosis. De- down, from Deciduous. Demi-, hemi- half Hemiplegia. Di-, Diplo- two Diploid. Dis- separation, apart, away from Dissec Dys- painful, difficult Dyspnea. E-, Ec-, Ef- out from, out of Efferent neu Ecto-, Exo- outside Ectopic pregnancy. Em-, En- in, on Emmetropia. End-, Endo- within, inside Endocardium. Epi- upon, on, above Epidermis. Eu- good, easy, normal Eupnea. Ex-, Exo- outside, beyond Exocrine gland Extra- outside, beyond, in addition to Extracellular fluid. Fore- before, in front of Forehead. Gen- originate, produce, form Genitalia. Gingiv- gum Gingivitis. Hemi- half Hemiplegia. Heter-, Hetero- other, different Heterozyg Homeo-, Homo- unchanging, the same, st Homeostasis. Hyper- over, above, excessive Hyperglyce Hypo- under, beneath, deficient Hypothala Im-, In- in, inside, not Incontinent. Infra- beneath Infraorbital. Inter- among, between Intercostal. Intra- within, inside Intracellular fluid. Ipsi- same Ipsilateral. Iso- equal, like Isotonic. Juxta- near to Juxtaglomerular apparatus Later- side Lateral. Macro- large, great Macrophage. Mal- bad, abnormal Malnutrition. Medi-, Meso- middle Medial. Mega-, Megalo- great, large Megakaryoc Melan- black Melanin. Meta- after, beyond Metacarpus. Micro small Microfilament

Oligo- small, few Oliguria. Ortho- straight, normal Orthopedics.

-asthenia weakness Myasthenia. -ation process, action, condition Inhalation.

Para- near, beyond, beside Paranasal sinus. Peri- around Pericardium. Poly- much, many, too much Polycythemia. Post- after, beyond Postnatal. Pre-, Pro- before, in front of Presynaptic. Pseudo- false Pseudostratified.

-centesis puncture, usually for drainage Amniocentesis. -cid, -cide, -cis cut, kill, destroy Spermicide.

Retro- backward, behind Retroperitoneal. Semi- half Semicircular canals. Sub- under, beneath, below Submucosa. Super- above, beyond Superficial. Supra- above, over Suprarenal. Sym-, Syn- with, together Symphysis. Tachy- rapid Tachycardia. Trans- across, through, beyond Transudation. Tri- three Trigone.

SUFFIXES -able capable of, having ability to Viable. -ac, -al pertaining to Cardiac. -algia painful condition Myalgia. -an, -ian pertaining to Circadian. -ant having the characteristic of Malignant. -ary connected with Ciliary. -asis, -asia, -esis, -osis condition or state of Hemostasis.

-ectomize, -ectomy excision of, removal of Thyroidectomy. -emia condition of blood Anemia. -esthesia sensation, feeling Anesthesia. -fer carry Efferent arteriole. -gen agent that produces or originates Pathogen. -genic producing Pyogenic. -gram record Electrocardiogram. -graph instrument for recording Electroencephalograph. -ia state, condition Hypermetropia. -ician person associated with Pediatrician. -ics art of, science of Optics. -ism condition, state Rheumatism. -itis inflammation Neuritis. -logy the study or science of Physiology. -lysis dissolution, loosening, destruction Hemolysis. -malacia softening Osteomalacia. -megaly enlarged Cardiomegaly. -mers, -meres parts Polymers.

-oma tumor Fibroma. -osis condition, disease Necrosis. -ostomy create an opening Colostomy. -otomy surgical incision Tracheotomy. -pathy disease Myopathy. -penia deficiency Thrombocytopenia. -philic to like, have an affinity for Hydrophilic. -phobe, -phobia fear of, aversion to Photophobia. -plasia, -plasty forming, molding Rhinoplasty. -pnea breath Apnea. -poiesis making Hemopoiesis. -ptosis falling, sagging Blepharoptosis. -rrhage bursting forth, abnormal discharge Hemorrhage. -rrhea flow, discharge Diarrhea. -scope instrument for viewing Bronchoscope. -stomy creation of a mouth or artificial opening Tracheostomy. -tomy cutting into, incision into Laparotomy. -tripsy crushing Lithotripsy. -trophy relating to nutrition or growth Atrophy. -uria urine Polyuria....

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