COMM 329 Module 1 & 2 PDF

Title COMM 329 Module 1 & 2
Course Organizational Behavior
Institution The University of British Columbia
Pages 7
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Module 1 and 2 reading notes. From organizational behaviour Mcgraw-hill...


May 10 Module 1 Note on the video: - Organizational behavior: Field of study that is looking at understanding, predicting and improving attitudes, thoughts, emotion and behavior of individual (employees) and/or group in organization. - We are interesting in what are the attitude of employees, satisfied? Happy? Performance? Also, looking at how project team or unit within organization function. How individual and units within organization interact. Predict the behaviour of employees. - Organization can be profit driven (retail), or charity or government division. - Environment is also very important (domain of the company etc) - Bottom line of goal: how to make profit. - Quality of the work environment, is it benefiting the employee and treating them properly - Evidence  based on research, we are NOT looking for opinion. - Example: Test Manager personality (introverted or extroverted) can predict employees’ satisfaction or quitting  field study. There are number of study method to carry out the test  survey  compare the result from manager and employees - OR compare the records (who leaves who stays) - OR LAB study  control and case  emulate work environment. Confederate: Hired by researcher and act as introverted and extroverted manager and see who quit and who stay - Why is OB important (OB = organization behavior)

- OB is useful for: ME  decision making, motivation, resulting conflict. Employees  understand how team works and leadership, management. MANAGER - CEO is also learning about OB because they believe it is the most important thing to learn while at work! According to survey, most of the managers complain about resolving conflict and having to deal with employees’ problem! People skill is the most valuable asset!

Module 2 Video notes: - Employees actions and behavior can impact job performance and can be determined by the follow factors o Impact: what do employees do on day to day basis? It can impact the job performance, colleague.

o Visible (visibility): Example: Lateness, attitude, bad temper etc. o Notion of Control: Employees typically have control over their behavior. o Manager influence: They can guide employee, trying to encourage and increase positive behavior. - Framework: o Citizenship behavior: Doing beyond of what is required Target behavior: The expectation  what you are suppose to do Counterproductivity behavior: Doing what you are not suppose to do. Negative behavior

- Citizenship behaviour: (Going beyond call of duty) o Discretionary: Employees have a choice over their behaviors (To do the extra work or not) unlike the require job o Contributes to improvement: The action that make the workplace better environment to work etc. o Two categories of citizenship behavior:  Interpersonal: Directed toward helping individual:  Helping behavior: Assisting co-worker.  Courtesy behavior: “keep them in the loop” sharing the beneficial information to the coworkers  Sportsmanship: Keeping up the good attitude and encouraging atmosphere environment  Organizational:  Voice: Offering suggestion to the office? Manager? Or position higher than your position  Civic virtue: Involve and participate in a way you don’t have to. Ex showing up in volunteering meeting, reading extra memo etc.

 Boosterism: Being positive about your organization. Telling positive things about the company - Facts about citizenship behavior: o Because it is discretionary, it will have more influence. It is a choice that employee made. IT CAN PROVIDE SYMTOMS of what is going on in the work place. Usually, people give up the extra thing they do if they are not satisfied with the company. Manager can compare the citizenship behavior with other company or department. o Super Important: Research shows that work place cannot function without the “extra behavior”. Its like the oil of the machine. WORK IN RULE: put pressure on management. o Is it truly extra role??: Many manager this citizenship behavior is not an extra role. You may not be given credit by doing the extra stuff. o Is it rewarded??: Some people do it just for the impression  Impression management. OR You believe in karma so you think should be a good person - The 4 P’s of deviance: (Counterproductive behavior)

Production Deviance - Wasting resources - Substance abuse

Property Deviance - Sabotage - Thef

Polictial Deviance - Gossiping -Incivility

Personal Aggression -Harrassement -Abuse

o Two dimensional chart: Vertical (From interpersonal to Organizational), Horizontal (Minor to Serious) - Counterproductively in the work place o Co-workers matters! Bonding experience, learning, team efforts, fitting in (pressure) o You can predict the behavior of certain employee just by analyzing the behavior of the co-workers o The amount of deviant of individual or group can be determined by follow factors: (COPYCAT EFFECT)  Homogeneity  Tenure: the longer when individual is working with the same people, the similar it gets  Interdependence: If you have to work closely with coworker you will act more similar to them o When individual do not “fit in” they can experience dissatisfaction or guilt. It is important to find out the “bad apple” in the group to see who is spreading the bad behaviors

o It can go beyond the target: When it directed at one individual it can affect the co-workers around that individual o The environment of the deviant behaviour will cause higher turnover intentions within workplace  no one want to work in a negative and discouraging environment.  Some rational explanation can be  fear, secondary trauma, injustice. Task performance: - Routine task performance  Well known or habitual responses by employees to predictable task demands (what we need to do) - Adaptive task performance  Thoughtful response by an employee to unique or unusual task demands (how quickly one can response to difficult situation?) - Creative task performance  Ideals or physical outcomes that are both novel and useful Commitment - Framework: o “Staying” or retention, commitment.  Continuous commitment: Absolutely have to stay, might be job marketing is poor. Possibly have ‘Withdraw symptom”  Normative commitment: Feel like you “owe” them something.  Affective commitment: Really like your job or boss, don’t feel obligated. o “Withdrawal” In some way employee is staying but checking out other opportunities  Psychological withdraw: Mentally not present, day dream, not paying attention

 Physically withdraw: taking longer break, calling in sick but not really o “Quitting” turnover - Measuring the cost of staff turnover: o Formula: (12/ (average months staff stay)) x number of positions Psychological contracts: - Based on employee’s perception  feel like they owe the company or company owe them - Two types of contract: o Transactional: Quantifiable term, quid pro quo? Small and scope o Relational: Loyalty, longer focus, broader in scope, sense of obligation? More benefit in return from the company? Generalized reciprocity - Psychological and commitment (affective, normative, continuous) o Transactional usually express continuous commitment o Relational usually express affective relational commitment o Relational have more trust and its usually healthier than transactional...

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