COMM assign 7 PDF

Title COMM assign 7
Course Introduction to Interpersonal Communication
Institution College of Southern Maryland
Pages 3
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assignment 7...


Assi gnment6&7 COM 1250

Pi l l owMet hodAssi gnment Fort hefi r stexampl e,Idec i dedt ouset hepi l l owmet hodt or esol veasi t uat i ont hatcaused c onfl i ctbet weenmypar ent sandIacoupl eyear sagowhenIwant edmyfir stc arat16year sol d. Posi t i on1:I ’ mr i ght ,You’ r ewr ong Iwas16year sol dandsawt hatal l myf r i endshadcar s.It houghti twasunf ai rt hatIhadt or i de t hebusever yday ,whi l eever y oneel semyagehadcar st odr i v et hems el v est oschool .Ideci ded t ot al kmypar ent si nt oget t i ngmeacarandt heysai dIhav et ogot owor kandbuymy sel facar . It houghti twasr i di cul oussi nceIwon’ tbeabl et oaffor dac aratmyageandmyf r i end’ spar ent s boughtt hem car ssoi t ’ snotf ai r .Ial s oar guedt hatIwi l l beneedi ngacars oonanywayssi nce I ’ m notgoi ngawayf orc ol l egeandi twoul dbeni cei ft heyhel pedmewi t hpur chasi ngmyfir st c ar . Posi t i on2:You’ r er i ght ,I ’ m wr ong Mypar ent sr easonedt hatI ’ m st i l ly oungandt her eshoul dbenor ushi nt oget t i ngacar .They want edmet ounder st andhowhar di ti st oear nt het hi ngsIwantandnotal wayshav et hi ngs handedt ome.Theywant edmet owor kands l owl ysaveupf oranaffor dabl ec arandbec ome i ndependentonmyfir stcarpur chase. Posi t i on3:Bot hr i ght ,bot hwr ong Mypar ent swer er i ghtt hatIam st i l ly ounganddoesnotneedacarj usty et .Ishoul dwor kf or whatIwants oIcanappr eci at et het hi ngsIbuywi t hmyownmoney .Iwasr i ghtt hatIwi l l be needi ngacars oonsi nceIwon’ tbegoi ngawayf orcol l egeandi twoul dn’ thur ti fmypar ent s hel pedmebuyatl eas tausedcars oIdon’ thav et owor r yaboutpayi ngoffmycarev er ymont h whi l egoi ngschool .Bot hofuswer ewr ongaswedi dnotl i st ent oeachot herandcommuni cat e effect i v el yt ocomet omut ual l ev elofunder st andi ng.

Posi t i on4:Thei ssuei sn’ tasi mpor t antasi tseems At16y ear sol d,acari snott hemosti mpor t anti ssue.Icanal way st ak et hebusorgetar i de f r om mypar ent sorf r i endst oschoolorwor k.Ther eal otofpeopl ewhot ak et hevango ever ydayt owor kandIshoul dbegr at ef ult ohav ef r eet r anspor t at i onsuchast heschoolbus. Posi t i on5:Ther ei st r ut hi nal lf ourper spect i ves

Af t erfi nal l ydi sc ussi ngbot hper spect i v es,mypar ent sandIr eal i z edt hatbot hofushav ear i ght andwr ongt oourposi t i ons .Asapar ent ,t heyr eal i z edt hatI ’ my oungandwantt obel i k eal lmy ot herf r i endswhohav eacar .Asat een,Ir eal i z edmypar ent sar ej ustl ooki ngoutf ormeand t heydon’ twantt omet or ushi nt oanyt hi ngunt i lt heyseet hatIam r eadyf ormyowncar . Formysecondex ampl e,Iwant edt ousemypar ent sasanex ampl ewhenmydaddeci dedt o buyabr andnewf r i dgewi t houtdi scussi ngi twi t hmymot her . Posi t i on1:I ’ mr i ght ,You’ r ewr ong OnVal ent i ne' sday ,mydaddeci dedt obuyabr andnewf r i dgeasasur pr i segi f tf ormymot her s i nceshehasbeencompl ai ni nghowourf r i dgewasver yol d,doesn’ tpr oducei ceanyl onger , et c .Sohet ookoutt heol df r i dgeandr epl acedi twi t hanewonewi t houtt el l i ngher .Mymot her c omeshomeandi sshock ed.Shei shappyaboutt hegi f tbuti supsetbecauseshet hi nkshe s pentt oomuchont hef r i dgewhi chwasnotnecessar y .Mydadsai dwehav eenoughmoneyt o s poi l our sel v esoncei nawhi l eandi t ’ snotl i k ehegoesoutt obuyaf r i dgeev er yweek end. Posi t i on2:You’ r er i ght ,I ’ m wr ong Mymom r easonedt hatt her ewasnoneedf oranewf r i dge.Our swasst i l l wor ki ngfi neandt he i cepr obl em canbeeasi l yfi x edwi t houtbuyi nganent i r el ynewf r i dge.Shet houghtt hegi f twas v er yni cebutwasal s owor r i edt hati twasf art ooexpensi v esi ncei twasoutofourbudget . Posi t i on3:Bot hr i ght ,bot hwr ong Mydadwasr i ghtt hati t ’ snotar i di cul ouspur chasesi nc eourf r i dgewasv er yol d.Het houghti t woul dbeani cegi f tt ospoi l our sel v esoncei nawhi l e,pl usi twasons omet hi ngweneeded.My mom wasr i ghtt hatwecanal way sgett hes mal l pr obl emsfi x edi nourol df r i dgei ns t eadof buyi nganewone.Thegi f twasi ndeedv er yt hought f ulbutasahusbandandwi f e,i twoul dbe bet t ert odi scusssuchapur chasewi t heac hot her .Bot hwer ewr ongast heywoul dnotl i st ent o eachot herbef or ehandwhi chwaswhymydadsecr et l ywentoutt obuyt hef r i dge. Posi t i on4:Thei ssuei sn’ tasi mpor t antasi tseems Si ncei twasVal ent i nesday ,af r i dgeshoul dbet hel astt hi ngt heyar gueabout .I twasnotabi g deal si ncemymom waswor r i edaboutov er spendi ngbutt hemoneycanal waysber epl aced. Moneyi smeantt oear nedandevent ual l yspent .

Posi t i on5:Ther ei st r ut hi nal lf ourper spect i ves

Af t ert al ki ngaboutt hesi t uat i ont oget herasaf ami l y ,wer eal i z edt hatt heybot hhav egoodand badr easonst ot hei rposi t i on.Myf at herr eal i z edt hatmymom wasv er yhappyf ort hegi f tbutshe wasj ustdi dn’ twanthi mt ospendsomuchj us tt omak ehersmi l e.Mymot herr eal i z edt hatmy f at herdi dn’ twanthert ocompl ai naboutt heol df r i dgeanymor eandwant edt odosomet hi ng s pec i al bysur pr i si ngherwi t hanewf r i dge. Af t erusi ngt hePi l l owMet hodf ort het wosi t uat i onsabov e,i thasshowedmehowi mpor t ant l i st eni ngandeffect i v ecommuni cat i oni s.Theconfli ct scanbeav oi dedi fbot hsi deswer et o c ommuni c at eanddi s cusst hedi ffer entper spect i v est oc omet oanagr eement .Bynot di scus si ngt hemat t erwi t honeanot her ,i tr esul t si nadi s agr eementt hatc oul dhav ebeen av oi dedi nt hebegi nni ngwi t hgoodcommuni cat i on.I ti sal soi mpor t antf orust ol i st ent oeach ot herasi tcani ncr eas eourunder st andi ng,i mpr ov er el at i ons hi ps,andhel peachot herout .Thi s met hoddi di ndeedchangemyper cept i ononconfli ct s.Ir eal i z edt hatev er y onehast hei rr eas ons andcanber i ghtorwr ongdependi ngont hei rper spect i v e.Thepi l l owmet hodal l owsonet o under st andsomeoneel se’ sf eel i ngsandper spect i v e.Thef ourper spect i v esmak esonegr as p s omeone’ sj udgmentofapar t i cul arsi t uat i ont oi ncr easec ons i der at i onandcompassi onf or r esol vi ngs i t uat i ons....

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