COMM335 - Syllabus PDF

Title COMM335 - Syllabus
Course Information Systems Technology And Development
Institution The University of British Columbia
Pages 10
File Size 533 KB
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COMM 335: Information Systems Technology and Development Course Outline for 2020 Winter Session Term 2 (Jan – Apr 2021) COURSE INFORMATION



Coursecode: Sessionandterm: Courseduration: Division:

COMM335 2020W2 Jan.12,2021toApr.13,2021 AccountingandInformationSystems

Credits: 3 Classtimes: Seebelow Pre‐requisites: COMM205 Co‐requisites: N/A

CourseSectionsandClassTimes: 








Instructor: Phone: Email:

Y.M.Cheung 604‐822‐8368 [email protected]

Officelocation: Officehours(online):

HA675 Wed5:00‐6:00PM& Fri10:00‐11:00AM (orbyappointments)


Transaction Processing Systems (TPS) are used extensively to process data generated by billions of business transactions daily.They are the backbone of any information‐driven activity in a modern enterprise (whether for profit or not). They are therefore of great importance and economic value in enablingorganizationstoaccomplishtheirmissions.  OneofthebestexamplesofthesesystemsisAccountingInformationSystems(AIS).AIStrack,record,and reportallactivitieswhichinvolvefinancialresources.ThecorrectfunctioningofAISiscriticalforobtaining reliableinformationaboutthefinancialposition,revenuesandexpensesoforganizations.  Goingonestepfurther... wewill exploretheuseofIntegratedEnterpriseSystemssuchasERP.These systems not only track daily transactions they help the entire enterprise “work together” instead of working“compartmentally”infunctionalsilos.  Therecords,especiallyfinancialrecords,managedbythesesystemsarethebasisforinformationusedin decisionmaking,andserveanimportantroleintheregulatoryoversightoftoday’sbusinessenvironment. Beyondthat,datageneratedinTPSareused forBusinessIntelligencesystems whichprovidea better understanding of customers and markets. As well, they are critical in enabling  electronic transactions betweenbusinesspartnersandcustomers.  Dueto the criticalroleof TransactionProcessingSystems, it is importantfor managers tounderstand theiruses,structure,principlesofoperation,underlyingtechnologies,andcomponents.

COMM 335 Section 201 & 202


January 7, 2021

COMM 335: Information Systems Technology and Development Course Outline for 2020 Winter Session Term 2 (Jan – Apr 2021) COURSE FORMAT

WewilluseZoomtohaveourclassesduringthescheduledclasstimes. Forthiscourse,youarerequiredtouseaZoom accountduringsynchronousclasses andofficehours.If youdonothaveaZoomaccount, youcancreateonehere: .Note:creatinga Zoomaccountrequiresthatyouprovideafirstname,lastname,andemailaddresstoZoom.Forprivacy purposes,youmayconsenttousingyourexistingemailaddressandyourrealname.Alternatively,ifyou prefer,youmaysignupusinganalternativeemailaddressandananonymizednamethatdoesnotidentify you(i.e.JaneDoe,[email protected]).If youhavetroublecreating anaccount,oraccessingaZoom session,pleasecontact[email protected]. YouwillberequiredtoprovidetheemailaddressassociatedwithyourZoomaccountinaCanvasquizfor identificationpurposes.  To help replicate the classroom experience, make sessions more dynamic and hold each person accountable,bothstudentsandinstructorsareaskedtohavetheircamerasonduringZoomsessions.This is the desired norm for the Sauder undergraduate program as it will provide you the best learning experience.Studentswhorequireanaccommodationwithregardtothe“cameraon”requirementmust contacttheirinstructorsinadvanceofthefirstclasstodiscussoptions.Studentsareexpectedtoconduct themselvesprofessionallyby joining sessionson time, muting mics whennotspeaking, refrainingfrom usinganyother technology whenin‐session,attending inattireyou wouldnormallywearto school,and participatingfromaquietenvironment. Contentfrom synchronoussessionswillbeselectively recorded perinstructordiscretionandmadeavailabletostudentsonCanvasforamaximumdurationofthecourse length.Thisisdonetoallowstudentstheopportunitytoreturntolecturecontenttosolidifylearnings.  Class time will be used for a combination of lectures, discussion, cases, and solving sample problems. Attendanceisexpectedtoaccomplishthelearningobjectivesbelow.Lecturesanddiscussionswillassume thatstudentshavingpre‐readthecorrespondingchaptersandselectedcasestudiesaslistedinthecourse schedulebelow.  StudentsarealsoexpectedtomonitorthediscussionforumonUBCCanvasonaregularbasisandmake contributionsasapartofcourseparticipation.  COURSE GOALS 1.

To develop an understanding of the principles and architectures of transaction processing systems from technology and management perspectives.


To discuss the issues and challenges in information systems development and implementation.


To explain the importance of information systems controls and the role of IT audit in information systems management.


To gain some hands-on experience in information systems development.

COMM 335 Section 201 & 202


January 7, 2021

COMM 335: Information Systems Technology and Development Course Outline for 2020 Winter Session Term 2 (Jan – Apr 2021) LEARNING OBJECTIVES By the end of this course, students will be able to: (a)

describe how data is captured, organized and managed using a data management system and design a simple database using data modeling techniques;


discuss the strategic considerations in information system development and their impacts on the organization;


design effective user interfaces and explain the importance of internal controls for information systems;


describe the different technologies, techniques and infrastructure of transaction processing systems associated with various transaction cycles;


explain the e-commerce technology architecture and discuss the strategies for successful e-commerce;


identify and analyze risk factors, discuss measures to mitigate risks and the importance of business continuity planning; and


explain how various information systems are designed to support the decision making process for business managers.







Final Examination Total

50% ----------100%

ASSESSMENT DETAILS Group Projects: The underlying premise of this course is that the best way - perhaps the only way - to learn a technology is to experience it first-hand. As such the course is built around the design and implementation of a small Transaction Processing System (TPS) using Microsoft Access. These projects aim to: 

provide practical experience in creating small information systems using popular software; and

set the stage for discussion of a range of practical and theoretical issues concerning the management of organizational data resources including IT security and controls.

Students are required to work in groups of TWO. The due date for each phase of the project can be found in the Course Schedule. Details will be announced in class. COMM 335 Section 201 & 202


January 7, 2021

COMM 335: Information Systems Technology and Development Course Outline for 2020 Winter Session Term 2 (Jan – Apr 2021) Quizzes:  There are five in-class quizzes. Each quiz is worth 2% of the final course grade, for a total of 10% of the final course grade. The date for each quiz can be found in the Course Schedule. Class Participation: Class attendance in lectures and tutorials is required since students are responsible for all materials covered in class. The grades for participation will be calculated as follows: 

Short quizzes or polls in lectures: o Only the best 8 of 12 lectures will be counted for each student. Although students will receive partial marks for merely attempting the questions, full marks will only be awarded for answering the questions correctly. o Questions may cover materials discussed in the same and/or previous lecture(s) and tutorial(s).

Final Exam: The final exam will cover materials from all lectures, tutorials and projects. This closed-book exam is scheduled for 3 hours. The exam date and time will be determined by the UBC Scheduling Services. This course uses Proctorio for the final exam. This tool was chosen in order to address accreditation requirements and maintain academic integrity for tracking academic progress of individual students. For more information, please refer to the UBC Proctorio Student Guide. If you require accommodations for accessibility needs or technical/connectivity issues, please contact the Centre for Accessibility or your Enrolment Services Advisor.

LEARNING MATERIALS Reading Materials: The following textbook is required: 

Accounting Information Systems, 15th Edition by Marshall B. Romney, Paul J. Steinbart. Pearson, ©2021. ISBN 9780135573044 (REQUIRED)

The eTextbook is available from at: 

Other recommended readings will be listed in the course website. This set of readings and class handouts are mandatory reading and should be sufficient for taking the course provided you attend all the lectures and tutorials, and understand the material covered in all of the lectures and tutorials.

COMM 335 Section 201 & 202


January 7, 2021

COMM 335: Information Systems Technology and Development Course Outline for 2020 Winter Session Term 2 (Jan – Apr 2021) Other Learning Resources: The course utilizes UBC Canvas, a web-based teaching and learning software, to submit assignments, to discuss questions or issues related to the course (the discussion forum), to provide additional teaching materials such as lecture notes, supplementary readings, review questions, discussion notes, case studies, suggested solutions to assignments, and to allow students to check their grades. Software Tools: For tutorials and hands-on projects, you MUST have Microsoft Access 2019 installed. 

MS OFFICE 365 IS AVAILABLE FOR FREE TO UBC STUDENTS AT: For students who are using Mac’s, access to a virtual server (remote desktop server) running Microsoft Access 2019 on the Microsoft Azure platform via UBC Virtual Private Network (myVPN) can be provided. Alternatively, students may install Windows 10 operating system on their Mac’s and then install Microsoft Access 2019 on top of it. Apple’s Boot Camp Assistant can be used to install Windows 10 for free on the Mac, so users can run two operating systems (Mac OS and Windows). Details will be given in class. Technology Requirements: To get the most out of this course, students are encouraged to use their laptops or Mac’s to complete some exercises in class. Students may also be asked to go online in small groups to prepare for discussion. Other software that are required for the hands-on projects and in-class exercises will be announced later. COURSE-SPECIFIC POLICIES AND RESOURCES 1. Late assignments will NOT be accepted and there will NOT be makeup quizzes. The exceptions are doctor’s note, academic concession from the UGO, or prior approval by the instructor for special circumstances (e.g. representing UBC on sports or case competition). 2. Students are personally responsible for maintaining BACKUPS of their assignment files. The inability to submit an assignment because of a lost file is not an acceptable reason. 3. All assignments must be done in groups of TWO, unless otherwise specified. Students are encouraged to discuss the assignments with each other. However, each group should complete their assignments on their own. If the assignments are judged by the markers to be identical, a grade of zero will be awarded to every student involved and your name will be submitted to the Dean’s office. 4. You must plan to work extra hours on group projects. 5. Quizzes and final exam will be closed book and online. The quizzes and the final examination are based on the specified readings in the textbook, the supplementary readings posted on UBC Canvas, and the contents covered in the lectures, tutorials and projects. COMM 335 Section 201 & 202


January 7, 2021

COMM 335: Information Systems Technology and Development Course Outline for 2020 Winter Session Term 2 (Jan – Apr 2021) POLICIES APPLICABLE TO UBC SAUDER UNDERGRADUATE COURSES Respectfulness in the classroom: Students are expected to be respectful of their colleagues at all times, including faculty, staff and peers. This means being attentive and conscious of words and actions and their impact on others, listening to people with an open mind, treating all UBC Sauder community members equally and understanding diversity. Students who act disrespectfully toward others will be asked to leave the class and be marked as absent for the day. They may also be removed from a team, lose credit for in-class assessments and activities, or be asked to complete a group assignment individually. Respect for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion:

 The UBC Sauder School of Business strives to promote an intellectual community that is enhanced by diversity along various dimensions including status as a First Nation, Metis, Inuit, or Indigenous person, race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, political beliefs, social class, and/or disability. It is critical that students from diverse backgrounds and perspectives be valued in and well-served by their courses. Furthermore, the diversity that students bring to the classroom should be viewed as a resource, benefit, and source of strength for your learning experience. It is expected that all students and members of our community conduct themselves with empathy and respect for others. Electronic Devices: During online lectures, students are not permitted to use any electronic devices other than the primary one used for attending the online lecture (e.g. laptop or desktop). Only Zoom and a note-taking application should be open during the online lecture unless an instructor advises the use of another device or application for an in-class activity. Feedback from students indicates that personal devices is the number one distraction from effective learning and participation in the online learning environment.

UNIVERSITYPOLICIESANDRESOURCES UBC provides resources to support student learning and to maintain healthy lifestyles but recognizes that sometimes crises arise and so there are additional resources to access including those for survivors of sexual violence. UBC values respect for the person and ideas of all members of the academic community. Harassment and discrimination are not tolerated nor is suppression of academic freedom. UBC provides appropriate accommodation for students with disabilities and for religious observances. UBC values academic honesty and students are expected to acknowledge the ideas generated by others and to uphold the highest academic standards in all of their actions. Details of the policies and how to access support are available on the UBC Senate website at: .

COMM 335 Section 201 & 202


January 7, 2021

COMM 335: Information Systems Technology and Development Course Outline for 2020 Winter Session Term 2 (Jan – Apr 2021) 

Academic Integrity: The academic enterprise is founded on honesty, civility, and integrity. As members of this enterprise, all students are expected to know, understand, and follow the university policies and codes of conduct regarding academic integrity. At the most basic level, this means submitting only original work done by you and acknowledging all sources of information or ideas and attributing them to others as required. This also means you should not cheat, copy, or mislead others about what is your work; nor should you help others to do the same. For example, it is prohibited to: share your past assignments and answers with other students; work with other students on an assignment when an instructor has not expressly given permission; or spread information through word of mouth, social media, or other channels that subverts the fair evaluation of a class exercise, or assessment. Violations of academic integrity (i.e., misconduct) lead to the breakdown of the academic enterprise, and therefore serious consequences arise and harsh sanctions are imposed. For example, incidences of plagiarism or cheating may result in a mark of zero on the assignment or exam and more serious consequences may apply if the matter is referred to the President’s Advisory Committee on Student Discipline. Careful records are kept in order to monitor and prevent recurrences.

Academic Freedom and Students Studying from Outside Canada: During this pandemic, the shift to online learning has greatly altered teaching and studying at UBC, including changes to health and safety considerations. Keep in mind that some UBC courses might cover topics that are censored or considered illegal by non-Canadian governments. This may include, but is not limited to, human rights, representative government, defamation, obscenity, gender or sexuality, and historical or current geopolitical controversies. If you are a student living abroad, you will be subject to the laws of your local jurisdiction, and your local authorities might limit your access to course material or take punitive action against you. UBC is strongly committed to academic freedom, but has no control over foreign authorities (please visit:,33,86,0 for an articulation of the values of the University conveyed in the Senate Statement on Academic Freedom). Thus, we recognize that students will have legitimate reason to exercise caution in studying certain subjects. If you have concerns regarding your personal situation, consider postponing taking a course with manifest risks, until you are back on campus or reach out to your academic advisor to find substitute courses. For further information and support, please visit:

COMM 335 Section 201 & 202


January 7, 2021

COMM 335: Information Systems Technology and Development Course Outline for 2020 Winter Session Term 2 (Jan – Apr 2021) Copyright: All materials of this course (course handouts, lecture slides, assessments, course readings, etc.) are the intellectual property of the instructor or licensed to be used in this course by the copyright owner. Redistribution of these materials by any means without permission of the copyright holder(s) constitutes a breach of copyright and may lead to academic discipline and could be subject to legal action. Any l...

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