Commgmt 1001 S2 2018 Course Outline PDF

Title Commgmt 1001 S2 2018 Course Outline
Author jianzhou Gu
Course Management
Institution The University of Adelaide
Pages 16
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Download Commgmt 1001 S2 2018 Course Outline PDF



COMMGMT 1001 Introduction to Management I (plus Workshop Schedule)





1.1 Course Details Course Code: COMMGMT 1001 Course: Introduction to Management I Coordinating Unit: Business School, University of Adelaide Term: Semester 2, 2018 Level: Undergraduate Units: 3

Mode: Internal Location/s: North Terrace Contact: Up to 3 hours per week

Prerequisites: N/A Corequisites: N/A Incompatible: COMMGMT 2008 or COMMGMT 2501 Assumed Knowledge: N/A Restrictions: N/A Quota: N/A Course Description: The course provides students with an introduction to what management is and what managers do. By taking the course, students will acquire an understanding of, and learn to apply, important concepts, frameworks, and perspectives in the field of management. The course examines a wide variety of topics, including: the fundamental managerial functions of planning, leading, organising, and controlling, as well as contemporary and historical management theories, organisational environments, and ethics and corporate social responsibility. The course will appeal to those who wish to attain the foundational knowledge and skills to continue in the management field, or enrich their studies in other disciplines. 1.2 Course Staff Course coordinator:

Dr Francesco Barbera ([email protected])


Ankit Agarwal ([email protected])

Workshop facilitators: Thomas Cosentino ([email protected]) Richa Gulati ([email protected]) Larry Pereira ([email protected]) Course related enquiries should initially be directed to your workshop facilitator. Please ensure you know your facilitator’s contact details and consulting times.


1.3 Course Timetable Week Course Content 1 Overview of management (Chapter 1) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Workshop Notes

Perspectives of management (Appendix to Chapter 1) Internal and external environment of management (Chapters 2 & 3) Ethics, CSR, and sustainability (Chapter 4) Plans, goals, and strategies (Chapters 5 & 6) Fundamentals of organising (Chapter 7) Managing people (Chapter 9)

Workshops commence. Group formation finalises. Weekly online quizzes begin Case Study Presentation 1 Case Study Presentation 2

Fundamentals of leadership (Chapter 10)

Mid-term test

Case Study Presentation 3 Case Study Presentation 4 Case Study Presentation 5

Mid-semester break – no lectures or workshops 9

Motivating employees (Chapter 11)

Case Study Presentation 6


Communication in organisations (Chapter 12) Teamwork in organisations (Chapter 13) Managerial and quality control (Chapter 14)

Group report due Case Study Presentation 7

11 12

Case Study Presentation 8 Weekly online quizzes complete

The full timetable of all activities for this course can be accessed from the Course Planner. 2.


2.1 Course Learning Objectives This course is designed to develop student awareness of organisations and the variety of skills useful in managerial roles, while fostering a spirit of critical inquiry and stimulating student pursuit of personal development and lifelong learning. By the end of this course students should be able to: 1. Demonstrate a foundational knowledge of the diversity of management thinking. 2. Autonomously and collaboratively analyse, evaluate, synthesise and apply knowledge in a timely fashion from wide inquiry of a variety of sources. 3. Demonstrate awareness of research as a source of contested and uncertain knowledge. 4. Effectively communicate their findings independently and as part of a group using an evolving variety of media. Students are expected to… • Undertake all required reading for the subject • Get ready for workshops by completing pre-reading and preparing questions and reflections 3

• Attend all lectures and actively participate in all workshops • Complete and submit all items of assessment in a timely fashion 2.2 University Graduate Attribute(s) This course will provide students with an opportunity to develop the Graduate Attribute(s) specified below: COURSE LEARNING UNIVERSITY GRADU ATE ATTRIBUTE OBJECTIVE(S) Knowledge and understanding of the content and techniques of a chosen discipline at advanced levels that are internationally recognised The ability to locate, analyse, evaluate and synthesise inform ation from a wide variety of sources in a planned and timely manner. An ability to apply effective, creative and innovative solutions, both independently and cooperatively, to current and future problems. Skills of a high order in interpersonal understanding, teamwork and comm unication. A proficiency in the appropriate use of contemporary technologies. A commitment to continuous learning and the capacity to maintain intellectual curiosity throughout life. A commitment to the highest standards of professional endeavour and the ability to take a leadership role in the community. An awareness of ethical, social and cultural issues within a global context and their importance in the exercise of professional skills and responsibilities. 3.

1 and 3


2 and 3 2 and 4 2 and 4 2 and 3 1, 2 and 4

1, 2 and 3


3.1 Required Resources* Samson, D. and Daft, R.L. (2015) Fundamentals of Management (5th Asia Pacific Edition). Cengage Learning: Australia. *note: Other editions of the above text are NOT the same as our required text. 3.2 Recommended Resources You have access to numer ous resources through the library including scholarly journals and alternative contemporary texts on management. You are encouraged to read widely and critically with a focus on recent work (less than 5 years old) in periodicals, refereed academic journals and books. The Communication Skills Guide and University of Adelaide Writing Centre are helpful resources for your academic writing and observance of the protocols and conventions of the Harvard referencing style. 3.3 Online Learning This course utilises MyUni as a communication and assessment tool. Students should be actively scanning the MyUni course webpage regularly. 4



4.1 Teaching & Learning Modes This course is delivered through 12 weekly lectures (focused on one topic per week) of two hours duration. Lectures are supported by 11 one-hour workshops and group meetings. These activities are important interactive components of your learning. Preparation and active attendance at workshops and the completion of online quizzes is expected. 4.2 Workload This information below is provided as a guide to assist students in engaging appropriately with the course requirements: The University expects full-time students ( i.e. those taking 12 units per semester) to devote a total of 48 hours per week to their studies. Students in this three-unit course are expected to attend lectures (2 hours), their allocated workshop class (1 hour) and meetings with their academic mentor throughout the semester. This means you are expected to commit approximately 9 hours a week to private study.



The University’s policy on Assessment for Coursework Programs is based on the following five principles: 1) assessment must encourage and reinforce learning; 2) assessment must measure achievement of the stated learning objectives; 3) assessment must enable robust and fair judgements about student performance; 4) assessment practices must be fair and equitable to students and give them the opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned; and 5) assessment must maintain academic standards 5.1 Assessment Summary Item


Weekly quizzes x 10


Midterm test


Group case study presentation


Group report

Due Ongoing from week 2 Ongoing from week 3 Week 8 Ongoing from week 2 Week 10


Final examination



Description Workshop attendance & participation

Weight 10%

LO 1,4







20% 30% (with 45% hurdle)

1,2,3,4 1,3

5.2 Requirements for Passing Grade • To gain a pass for this course, a mark of at least 45% must be obtained in the examination as well as an aggregate total for all assessments of at least 50%. Students not achieving the minimum exam mark will be awarded an aggregate course mark of no more than 49%. • Students who receive an aggregate course mark between 45% and 49% may be offered a supplementary examination. Your performance in the replacement 5

• •

assessment will determine whether you are awarded a Pass grade for the course with a maximum aggregate course mark of 50%. Attempting online quizzes in a timely fashion is expected and recommended as that they will close at the end of each week. Attendance at all workshops is expected. Your attendance and participation will be recorded. You are expected to come prepared to discuss and present the questions outlined in the workshop schedule and contribute to all associated activities.

5.3 Assessment Detail Assessment 1: Workshop Participation (5% + 5%) This assessment is aimed at growing your knowledge of the management discipline and your awareness of academic and management competencies in preparation for assessments 4, 5 and 6. You are expected to attend all scheduled workshops and be prepared to discuss your thinking concerning the questions outlined in the workshop timetable (see workshop schedule). Although you are expected to attend all scheduled workshops, attendance alone will only equate to 5% of the participation grade. The remaining 5% will be determined by your contribution to the discussions held in the workshops. This can be accomplished through presentations, as well as the questions/comments you pose in class. The quality of your discussion will also be considered when determining the participation grade. Permission for any absence is generally only given for medical or compassionate reasons. All such requests must be emailed to the workshop facilitator and should be accompanied by documentary evidence from a social service professional (e.g. doctor, counsellor or psychologist). Each request will be assessed on its merits. Assessment 2: Weekly Quizzes (10%) From Week 3 MyUni will host 10 weekly text-based multiple choice quizzes. Each quiz will assess material covered in the associated topic and will provide you with the opportunity to test your learning and identify areas that require further study. This will help you prepare for the current workshop topic, assignments and final examination at the end of the semester. You should discuss issues arising from the quiz questions with your tutor. Attempting online quizzes in a timely fashion (before and during the topic week) is recommended as the relevant quiz will close after the topic is completed. Assessment 3: Mid-term Test (10%) This assessment is aimed at testing your understanding of the course contents delivered in the first 7 weeks of the course. All materials covered during this period is examinable. More information on the midterm will be provided in the lecture and workshops. Assessment 4: Group Case Study Presentations (20%) As a part of a group, each student will need to prepare and deliver a presentation in the workshops. Case studies are an effective way to learn about complex issues. By using a real-life example, you will be able to identify multiple managerial issues to the material 6

you learn in this course. Each case will be based on a particular weekly topic (outlined in the workshop schedule). Each week, a student team will be randomly selected to give a (15 min) presentation on the case. This presentation will be assessed by your workshop facilitator and is worth 20% of your total grade. The grade for these presentations will be based on one’s team performance; therefore you and your teammates will share the grade. Given that the presentations will be approximately 15 mins each, you will need to create a PowerPoint presentation. There is an element of creativity and showmanship to presenting, so the decision on how to frame your presentation is ultimately yours. On delivering an excellent presentation, students need to specifically address the following issues... • • • • •

Adhere to a business dress code Do not directly read from slides or cards Engage your audience Be creative and (appropriately) entertaining Acknowledge and answer questions

For more useful information on how to give a “killer presentation”, see: It’s also important to note that there will be approximately 5 mins of questions and answers after your presentation. As a presenter, your entire group will be responsible for fielding these questions in a convincing and confident manner. As an audience member, you are responsible for posing “good” questions that respectfully critique/challenge the presenting team’s position. A good question can be defined as one that is clear, thoughtprovoking, and specifically related to aspects of the presentation at hand. To summarise, we’ve outlined the “presentation rules” for both presenters and the audience below: For presenters       

Engage the audience. Use creative ways to make your presentation interesting and interactive. Use visual aids, e.g. prepare slides or other interesting visual materials. Be professional. Dress well and use professional language. Act as a team. Each team member must present so that no one person dominates the presentation. Mind your time. Keep within your prescribed timeframe, e.g. not too long or short. Know your topic. Be prepared to answer questions or discuss with the audience. Do not simply read your slides or notes. Use a conversational approach and keep eye contact with the audience.

For the audience  

Have respect. Listen and do not interrupt the presentation. Pay attention. Make notes as interesting ideas come to you. These will inform your 7

questions. Ask questions and offer feedback. It is your responsibility to interact with presenters. Remember, your paritpcation grade is based on the quality of the questions you pose to your fellow classmates.

Assessment 5: Group Report (20%) A single case study will be provided in MyUni. There will be multiple ways to interpret this case. The purpose of this assessment is to formulate an argument which identifies what should be done, why it should be done, and using ample case evidence (in the form of citation, facts, figures, etc.) to support your argument. This project is about making sense of actual managerial issues, applying the theories and frameworks you have learned in this course, problem solving and decision making in complex situations, coping with ambiguities, working in a team, and your academic writing skills, including referencing. To produce the report, you need to download and read the case study on MyUni, work in a group of 6, write a five-page (Times New Roman or Arial, 12 pt, 1.5 lines) business report using the appropriate headings and sub-headings. A key aspect of your grade will also be related to how well your group responds to the challenge of 1) including all the relevant information in a well-written, concise 5 page report, 2) skillfully applying the appropriate theories and frameworks covered in class, and 3) formulating and presenting an overall argument that is convincing and supported by case evidence. Your report should include: 1. Introduction: Identify the key management issues from the case and identify your audience, i.e., who are you reporting to (shareholders, the board of directors, management, employees, etc.). 2. Analysis: Conduct a brief analysis using the theories and frameworks from the class to explain the causes and outcomes of the issues you identified in the Introduction. 3. Alternative solutions: Drawing upon the concepts learned in this course, formulate feasible solutions and identify the pros and cons of each. 4. Recommendation: Select one single solution that solves the key problem, identify the action plan that should be taken, the risks to your recommendation, and how these risks might be mitigated. 5. Desired state: From a management perspective, outline the ultimate goals that you wish to achieve and specifically relate these to your recommendation. 6. Reference list (not included in page count). Each report should contain at least 5 relevant scholarly citations. Please consider the referencing style guide in section 5.5. Once your group report is complete, one group member will submit ONE group file electronically through MyUni>3810_COMMGMT_1001>Course Assessment>Assignment 5. Turnitin similarity software will be utilised to indicate potential plagiarism. If your similarity report is greater than 30% (not considering references, headings, subtitles, etc.), your assignment will not be graded and you will have 24 hours to resubmit. If, as a result of this process, your assignment is submitted after the due date, a late submission penalty will be applied (see Section 5.6). Students must retain a copy of all assessments submitted. You can resubmit your assignment multiple times (with the same file name) until the due date: time, but note 8

that it may take several hours for to generate your sim ilarity report. Assessment 6: Final Exam (30%) This assessment is aimed at testing your understanding of knowledge in the management discipline and capacity for logical, critical, and creative thinking. The examination will be held during the scheduled exam period. The contents of the exam will cover material discussed in the lectures and workshops and the exact form of the exam will be discussed in the second half of the semester. 5.4 Group Collaborations In this class, we utilize Canvas to organize your learning experience. As a result, groups will be required to utilize the group collaborations function in Canvas. The tool is designed to facilitate your collaborations among your team members but also to communicate with your respective workshop facilitator. It is required that all groups setup up a collaborations page for both group assignments in this course (i.e. Team Presentation and Group Report). For more information on how to create a collaborations page, please see:    

How do I create a Group as a student: How do I join a Group as a student: Groups: Creation and Interaction: People and Groups (general resources):

5.5 Assignment Guidelines including Referencing Details Helpful guides for academic writing and observance of the Harvard referencing style conventions and protocols are provided on The University of Adelaide Writing Centre web page (see Writing Centre) and in The Communication Skills Guide (see Communication Skills Guide). A copy of the Communication Skills Guide will have been given to you at the beginning of your program and can assist you structure your assignments. This publication also provides guidelines on a r ange of other important communication skills including writing essays and making oral presentations, etc. In preparing any written piece of assessment for your studies it is important to draw on the relevant ‘literature’ to support critical analysis. Also essential is to reference the literature used. Correct referenci...

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