COMMS 235 intro to PR notes PDF

Title COMMS 235 intro to PR notes
Course Introduction to Public Relations
Institution Brigham Young University
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all the course materials from class lectures up until the first test, along with a small test review for the first test. Todd Hollingshead...


9/1/20 ● Public relations is a strategic communications process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between an organization and their publics. PR is PROBLEM SOLVING ○ Publics to BYU i.e. students, alumni, the church ect ● PR is… ○ Deliberate- accomplish objectives ○ Planned- organized activity, strategy ○ Performance- actions speak louder ○ Public interest- mutually beneficial ○ Two way comms- listening and engaging ○ Management function○ Relationships ● PR is persuasion, not purchasing ○ PR is not advertising: earned media vs Paid media ○ PR is not marketing: Messaging (trust) vs Packaging (selling) ○ PR is not journalism: persuasion vs information ● Art of Persuasion (test) ○ Ethos- credibility: trustworthiness or reputation, tone/style ■ Content: Personal anecdotes, client testimonials, track record, titles ■ Delivery: eye contact body language, poise, statistics, data, research ○ Logos- logic: reasoning or argumentation, facts, figures, case studies ■ Content: arguments, benefits, facts, figures ○ Pathos- emotion: emotional or imaginative impact, stories ■ Content: stories, positive and negative emotions ■ Delivery: coherence ● PR roles ○ Writer, Strategic advisor ○ Marketing communications expert ○ Crisis manager ○ Media relations ○ Employee communications ○ Research and strategic planning ○ Social media manager ○ Publicity ○ Counseling ○ Government affairs ● PR Career Paths ○ Agency- lots of different clients ○ Corporate- BYU ○ Government- public information office, embassy or just an office ○ NonProfit- Food Bank, United Way ● Skills needed in PR ○ Writing, research ability, planning expertise, problem solving 9/8/20

Consistent themes ● Profit- convincing people to give you money ● Recruitment- (non profits) convincing people to join their cause ● Legitimacy- relying on the credibility of opinion leaders to vouch for your cause ● Agitation- (political campaign) ● AdvocacyPR mindset ● Long range vision ● Commitment to community, not just profit ● Cooperative problem solving ● Value orientation emphasizing the importance of people ● Relationships with all publics based on mutual respect trust and human dignity Four models of PR- ***remember people 12-15 and know one thing about them for test!! ● Press Agentry (1800s) ○ One way communication ○ propaganda/hype ○ *Truth not essential* ○ Little or no research ○ PT BARNUM- lied to sell tickets ○ AMOS KENDALL- 1st white house press secretary, ○ Sports and entertainment main field of practice still today… ● Public Information (1900s) ○ One way communication ○ Truthful, accurate information ○ IDA WELLS: NAACP, og rosa parks ○ JOHN MUIR: Nature, environment ○ IVY LEE ■ “PR counselors”, first agency ■ Pennsylvania railroad ○ Government, public institutions and non profits main field of practice today ● Two-way Asymmetric (1920s) ○ Two way communication ○ Scientific persuasion (imbalanced effects) ○ Research- motivation and attitudes ○ EDWARD L BERNAYS- golden jubilee, hired by soap company, wrote one of first PR books ○ DORIS FLEISCHMAN: pro bono work, causes and charities, bernay’s wife ○ GEORGE CREEL: WW1 ● Two-way Symmetric (1980s) ○ Two way communications ○ Mutual understanding ○ Arthur Page- former journalist, PR needs to be at the table, have an active voice in management, guided by principles ○ **GO THROUGH PEOPLE IN TEXTBOOK AND WRITE 1 THING ABOUT THEM

Influx of women into PR ○ 1950-2000 PR transformed from male dominated to one in which women are now 70% ○ 70 of PR majors are female ○ Women became majority in 1983 PR in the next 5 years ○ Multicultural world/ globalization ○ Improve diversity and inclusion ○ Public demand for transparency ○ Expanded role of PR ○ Corporate social responsibility ○ Increased emphasis on measurement and ROI ○ Managing the 24/7 news cycle ○ Continued growth in digital media ○ Outsourcing to PR firms ○ Pr and Marketing integration Ethics + Law- public relations secret weapon ● Agent Based ○ Virtue ethics: the decision maker must understand what virtues are good and then decisions are made in light of those particular virtues ○ Individual character and ethical preference ○ What makes a good person? ○ Ex. someone offers your orphanage a van that you need for hospital transport, but if you tell the government it’s worth 30,000 instead of $15000 ● Absolutism ○ Categorical imperative there are objective obligations or duties that are required of all humans ○ Emphasized duties or rules ○ No lying at all ○ Ex. drunk guy at party, do you give them their keys? ● Utilitarianism ○ Decisions are made based on the consequences of the action ○ The greatest good for the greatest number PRSA ● Values: advocacy, honesty, expertise, loyalty, independence, fairness ● Conduct: free flow of info, competition, disclosure of info, safeguarding of confidences, conflicts of interest Arthur W. Page Society ● Tell the truth, prove it with action, listen to stakeholders, manage for tomorrow, remain calm, patient and good humored **Most professional groups believe that the primary purpose of establishing codes of ethics is not enforcement, but rather education and information, Lawyers and Doctors will lose jobs over

ethical issues, we won't ● Wilsons 6 rules to ethical decision making ○ Make your ethical decisions now ○ Develop empathy ○ Take time to think things through ○ Call a spade a spade ○ Recognized that every action has an ethical component ○ Establish a freedom fund (rainy day money in case you need to quit) Law terms ● First amendment- free speech ● Defamation and PR ○ False statement was communicated to others, your company was identifiable, causes harm (physical or monetary), person making the statement was malicious or negligent ○ Ways to prevent: tell the truth, use facts and science, clearly label opinions, don't communicate when angry or upset ● Copyright ○ The protection of creative works, not ideas ○ You get in trouble when you use others intellectual property without permission ○ Be careful about photos you don’t own and social media sharing ○ There's a difference between copyright infringement and plagiarism ● Disclosure ○ You have to disclose when you are getting paid for endorsing something ● Invasion of privacy ○ Taking photos of staff or others, you need releases ○ Protect employees and children

9/15/20 PR RESEARCH AND THEORY ** know the highlighted theories from textbook for tests ● Research (formative)- action planning- communication- evaluation (evaluative) ○ Two types of research- primary and secondary ■ Primary- research conducted by you/your company

Secondary- use already researched research, someone else did it already Quantitative vs Qualitative ■ Quantitative- surveys, numbers ■ Qualitative- focus groups, in depth, observation, personal experiences

Theories: ● Two-Step Flow ○ Media- Opinion leader (an influential person like CEOs or politicians or people just with clout)- individuals with social contact with an opinion leader ○ Trust and credibility are important ○ I.e interpreting Trump's tweets based on your party views ● Agenda Setting theory ○ Media outlets set the agenda, choose what to report on it ○ They tell you what to think about, not what to think ● Framing ○ Selection of certain facts, themes, treatments and words to influence how we think about an issue ○ I.e. NYT and Huffington Post would probs have different headlines ○ Also, think about cropping photos, the picture can be completely different ● Theory of reason and belief ○ People’s beliefs and values lead to a certain issue or event- attitude predisposition to behave- actual behavior ○ Peer pressure and social expectations- attitude and subjective norm, behavioral intention ● Behavioral PR Model ○ Awareness- Latent Readiness- Triggering events- Behavior ○ Examples of triggering■ Natural- 9/11, voting, protests, NBA stand ■ Simulated- new apple product week, annual sales ● Spiral of silence ○ When minority people with opinions keep silent, but normally are really the silent majority

9/22 The PR Matrix (matrix textbook pg 18-19 and 70) 80,000 residents, larva sighting and fogging. City sprayed 1 time last year, helped with mosquitos but ppl were mad about birds and human health, letters to papers and called to government and a blog to complain, above average education from residents, there’s a university, positive results in other cities, mosquito problem should be worse because of a lot of rain, I am hired to help get public support.

Situational Analysis- 2 paragraphs- 1st summary, research; 2nd problems you might face First paragraph● Awareness of the mosquito problem ● Information about safety ● It worked in other cities Second paragraph● Citizens could sue ● West nile virus could break out ● Misinformation could cause loss of citizen support Core problem- one sentence if/ then statement; what PR’s goal is in this scenario Goals and Objectives● Goals- broad/ umbrella, basically flipping the core problem ● Objectives- more specific and details; specific measurable, attainable, written, timebound, mission-bound ● i.e 90% of citizens aware of program effectiveness/ benefits, 75% of citizens on board by september 30th, Get 10 influencers to support the campaign, get 15,000 people on the city’s website by April 15th, Get 2,000 positive comments by april 15th. Key Publics- audience you’re trying to reach ● Know the demographics and psychographics (beliefs, attitudes, ect) ● Opinion leaders ● Self interest- what they care about ● Best channel to reach them on ● Ask yourself- does this help me with my objectives Messages- primary (short) secondary (longer more detailed) ● To parents- primary: Your kids will be safer than ever! Secondary: this other city did spray and no kids got respiratory problems and this city that didn’t had kids with illness Strategy formula ● Action verb the key public through communications channels that the objective will satisfy the key public’s self-interest ● Convince the elderly population of Green Acres through traditional media that the spraying of pesticide will not cause any health problems and not cost them any money Tactics- ground level, creative ideas to convey messages, what you are gonna do ● Social media campaigns, rallies, assemblies, billboards, traditional media, website Your Tactics support your strategy that support your messages that support your KEY PUBLICS which support your objectives which support your goals… if it doesn’t you campaign will fail.

9/29/20 ● KNOW THE MATRIX STEPS ● Key Publics and audience are not the same, audience is more general and key publics are more specific groups you wanna zoom in on ● What to know about a key public ○ Demographics/ Psychographics ○ Opinion Leaders ○ Channel -preferred communication channel ○ Self interest (what’s in it for me) WIIFM ○ Objectives (if they are beneficial to my objectives?) ● Segmenting- breaking publics into even smaller groups ○ Ie. Students- international, freshman, married, single ● Intervening publics- message ○ ie. health officials, media, peers ● Key Publics- not most important that everyone knows, but that there is action ● Primary messages- a sound bite, something for them to believe, understand or do, getting basic idea/ message a cross ● Secondary message- the facts or meat that backs up the primary ● Primary messages should appeal to the person’s self interest (your job is safe, don’t come to class)** ● Research ○ Background ○ Situation analysis ○ Core problem ● A ○ Goals and Objectives ○ Key publics ○ Messages ○ Strategies ○ Tactics ○ Budget and calendar ○ Implementation ○ Evaluation TEST ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Online through learning suite Not timed, with proctorio 58 questions, matching, multiple choice, true/ false,2 essays 150 points Thursday 6am-Friday 11:59 Study Guide Have to know names and what they’re known for- makes up 16 points (matching) Gotta know the theories- make a list and understand the concept

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Difference between goals and objections PR in general, what would you do in nonprofit vs corporate, work, pay, agency ect, roles people play, media relations, crisis management Know names in theories only if the name is actually in the theory, no dates necessary About 1 page for essay questions...

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