Communication Challenges PDF

Title Communication Challenges
Course Interperson And Group Interact
Institution George Mason University
Pages 2
File Size 65.3 KB
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Communication challenges from textbook. Reference help....


Communication 101 Challenge #1 For my first challenge, I decided to call one of my best friends Kaila. Usually when we talk and interrupt each other so I thought doing challenge number one should be pretty hard. In the beginning of our conversation I let her talk and then I waited and talked. She asked me if I was okay because usually I cut her off and say something. Once I stopped cutting her off she began to stop cutting me off so it was kind of weird, our conversations lasted longer than usual because of it. I took away a lot of things from this conversation, I learned more about the situations she is going through and I also learned that it is best to let people talk and to not cut them off. I felt more confident that we had this talk because it seemed more mature. Knowing that I needed to wait before talking gave me time to think a response instead of just saying the first thing that comes to my mind. Usually I would use passive listening but since I could listen to everything she was saying, listening for appreciation and compassion. I tried to eliminate distractions from when I called her because usually I would be in my room with my roommates. Sometimes we would both be on the phone making it hard to hear each other. So, I decided to call Kaila when she was at home and when I was in my dorm alone. It was nice because I did not have to listen super hard to hear what she was saying because it was completely quiet. The trying not to pre-plan part was hard to me in a good way because I like to say what I am immediately thinking so, when I read this direction it was hard but eye opening to not think before I speak or “pre-plan”. Overall it was a great conversation and some of the things I practiced today on this phone call will help me in the future. When I talk my mom or dad I will take these lessons with me. Challenge #5 There is this girl named Lauren she lives across the hallway from me and we never speak but we always give each other a wave when we see each other. I decided to ask her if she wanted to come over and hangout because she said something about being bored on the elevator. She then agreed and came over and we talked and did homework. I learned a lot about her, she is an only child and is from Richmond, VA like me. She likes a lot of the same music as me however, we have completely different styles when it comes to clothing. One of my best friends is friends with her so I found that really cool. She went to a school I know quite well and it turns out we have a lot of similar friends/ mutual friends. At first our conversation was a little awkward but once I began to ask open-ended questions it became second nature. Our conversation went really nice and now I talk to her on a daily basis. She usually knocks on my door and then comes in and sits at my desk and we just talk. Since I was able to ask open-ended questions learned a lot about her. We added each other on social media so we were able to develop another form of communication. I expect us to be friends for a while she is really cool and interesting and not only did myself become good friends with her but my roommate did as well. They even went to a party together so they formed a nice bond pretty quickly. I think that because we were able to start the conversation on a positive note and taking the time to get to know each other we were able to form a great friendship. Since Lauren lives in Richmond, VA we are going to hang out

over spring break and get together with both of our friends. This challenge was really great because now I made a new bond with someone who could potentially become one of my best friends or really good friends hear at George Mason. Challenge #6 This last challenge I did was number six because I like surprising people in a positive way. My plan was to have a movie night with my roommate and suitemates but make it a surprise. I did this last Friday, I texted everyone in our group chat to see if they were free Saturday to study because mid-terms were coming up and everyone agreed that they were free. So, Saturday evening I ordered two pizzas, a drink, and a brownie and connected my TV to the computer so we could watch Netflix. The plan worked out great because both my suitemates and roommate were at work and they would be here around 6:30-7. I have never done anything like this to them so I knew this play would surprise them in a positive way. It is good to keep a balance between people who are close with you because this releases tensions and it helps find ways to compromise so that we can all live together happy without any problems. So, when they got here I could hear them talking about how they were tired and hungry. So, then they came in saw the pizza and you could tell that they were so hype. One of my suitemates said “Yes, girl I was so hungry” and they were very shook that I did this because I usually don’t do stuff like that. The impact of doing this was that they were really happy and the kept saying that they were going to venom me and stuff like that but I kept telling them it was okay. So now were going to eat pizza and chill once a month as a way to just relax and not have to worry about anything. But instead of me paying for the pizza we will all chip in....

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