Relational Development Challenges PDF

Title Relational Development Challenges
Course Relational Communication
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 10
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Relational Development Challenges Paper Kayla Owens Grand Canyon University- COM 451 April 16, 2021

Good communication has many advantages, and various parties need to embrace measures that would promote how they interact with each other. Proper communication and interaction with others present the chance to build trust and prevent the emergence of problems while at the same time making it easy to address emerging concerns. It is imperative to embrace appropriate communication techniques because it offers the chance to provide clarity and direction and makes it possible to build better relationships. Besides, appropriate communication has other merits, including increased chances for engagement, productivity, and team building. The study focuses on how dark side communication could affect the formation of relationships. It specifically pays attention to how expressing anger and aggression in the way one communicates could affect the relationship and increase the chances of falling apart. The study compares the possible impact of showing anger and aggressiveness while communicating in a romantic and work relationship. It emerges that experiencing such forms of dark communication at work is likely to have more serious implications than it would do in a romantic relationship. Nevertheless, the study encourages members in the two groups to develop appropriate structures for averting possible adverse effects that could affect how they relate with each other. The paper also advocates for tolerance and respect while relating with each other and acting like Christians in the way they communicate. Overall, the task reiterates the need to embrace appropriate communication styles to achieve the best results, especially when seeking to maintain a relationship. Part I - How Dark Side Communication Affect Formation of Relationship People form relationships for various key reasons. An interpersonal relationship is an interaction, connection, bond, or association between two or more individuals. People enter into different relationships, which could be romantic, acquaintanceships, friendship, or family

relationships (Harris & Orth, 2019). The decision-making process should be systematic enough when forming a relationship to establish a strong bond and to avoid exposing the relationship to adverse threats. Transiting through the various phases of developing relationships, whereby the parties merge and even form doubts and feelings of denial before concluding to engage in wholehearted love, is not easy (Harris & Orth, 2019). All participating sides must consider several key factors to achieve the anticipated outcomes, including how to interact with each other most effectively. Nevertheless, failing to pay considerable attention to the process of forming relationships could present some challenges that make it hard to achieve the predicted goals and objectives. A factor that can tamper with how people form relationships could emanate from the aspect of dark side communication. Communication, in many instances, ends with positive outcomes, but the interaction could also cause psychological harm, conflicts, hurt feelings, and ultimate termination of the relationship (Oliveira & Lumineau, 2018). Thus, the dark side of communication is the interaction that causes adverse effects (Oliveira & Lumineau, 2018). For instance, some forms of communication that could be termed to be on the dark side encompass infidelity, physical and psychological abuse, bullying, deceptions, and verbal aggression. Oliveira and Lumineau (2018) inform that scholars and researchers in the field of communication have failed to pay considerable attention to more adverse effects of dark side communication for many several decades. Therefore, in acting this way, they miss the chances of developing proper remedies for those who suffer the effects of such forms of communication or those who foster such inappropriate forms. A relationship only succeeds when the communication between all parties is stable, and everyone is willing to be open.

The study pays attention to how anger and aggression as part of dark side communication could affect the proper formation of relationships. Beames, O’Dean, Grisham, Moulds, and Denson (2019) argue that the effects of anger and aggression are usually evident in the way parties in a relationship interact with each other. Usually, when angered and aggressive in a relationship, one may support their ideologies while disregarding what the other says (Beames et al., 2019). Such a person may raise their voice when talking so that the other side feels disrespected or unappreciated. One who embraces an angered and aggressive communication approach in a relationship may be provoked to use unkind words, which could hurt the relationship (Beames et al., 2019). For example, such a person could use harsh words, such as “I do not care what you want to say,” “better do it my way or quit,” and “I have the sole decision in this matter.” Overall, a person in a relationship who embraces an aggressive and angered communication approach is likely to harm the relationship and may cause a fallout. Applying interpersonal communication theories related to dark side communication and conflict presents a better opportunity to understand how inappropriate forms of communication could hurt the relationship. Applying George Homan’s social exchange theory implies that one who uses aggressive and angered communication approaches is less likely to maintain a relationship (Cropanzano, Anthony, Daniels, & Hall, 2017). According to the theorist, a relationship is based on mutual benefits. Social exchange theory requires one to place much emphasis on building their relationship with others, especially through effective interaction (Cropanzano et al., 2017). Proponents of the social exchange theory do not advocate for the use of the aggressive communication style in which a person expresses their views, feelings, and opinions and advocate for their requirements and interests in a manner that contravenes the freedom and rights of others (Bekiari, Deliligka, & Koustelios, 2017). Therefore, developing a

stronger relationship requires all parties to follow the teachings of social exchange theory that calls for a style of communication based on mutual benefits. Part II - How the Challenges are Experienced Differently It is possible to experience the issue of anger and aggression differently in two separate relational types. The study uses romance versus workplace relationships to show how dark side communication, which involves using anger and aggression to express oneself manifests differently. One of the variations is that the communication problem is not likely to have a largescale impact in a romantic relationship as it would happen in a workplace. The main reason for this occurrence is that a romantic relationship only involves two people, while relations at the workplace involve many people. For example, whereas aggressive and angered speakers in a romantic relationship may only affect the spouse by subjecting them to much stress and pressure, angered and aggressive communication could affect staff members, buyers, shareholders, suppliers, and other stakeholders. Angered and aggressive communication at the workplace could result in a scenario where workers become less responsive to their duties, and absenteeism and turnover may increase. The situation could be severe when the business leader constantly communicates with the subjects using a harsh tone and raised voice. Such a leader could make employees disrespectful, dishonest, uncomfortable, and more resistant. Thus, business leaders must develop appropriate structures for improving how workers interact with each other to avert possible misunderstandings that could derail how the company performs. However, that does not imply that angered and aggressive communication is not likely to have serious implications on the parties in a romantic relationship. Constant communication using aggressive approaches could have a devastating impact on either one or both parties, with the main effect being the possibility of feeling less appreciated and highly disrespected. Failing to address the issues

arising from dark side communication in a romantic relationship could result in fallout or decreased love between the couple. Consequently, with increased resentment, the relationship could become toxic and lead to an adverse reaction. The other variation is that those in a romantic relationship may not have a formal regulation to define how they communicate with each other as it would happen in a work environment. Many firms usually develop a code of conduct or ethics to regulate how employees relate to each other at the workplace. The formation of such regulations creates a situation where members of an organization relate to each other using the most appropriate manner. The availability of such regulations creates a situation where members respectfully relate to each other and treat each other with the courtesy that everyone deserves. For example, Amazon, a leading online retailer, has formed a Code of Business Conduct and Ethics to ensure that all members go about their activities while complying with the formulated guideline (Amazon, 2021). The Code of Conduct requires all workers to engage each other on ethical terms and do what is in the company’s best interest. The Code of Conduct encourages all employees to report any noncompliance case, which further restrains members from indulging in acts of communication that could offend the other such as expressing aggression and anger (Amazon, 2021). On the contrary, parties in a romantic relationship are less likely to formulate a policy to guide how they interact with each other. Consequently, one can witness a scenario where couples relate to each other in an angered and aggressive way without much restriction. However, parties into a romantic relationship can choose to develop a plan that suits them on how to prevent anger and aggression during communication. Therefore, such a plan will prevent misunderstandings from blossoming into a situation that can cause the relationship to crumble. Part III - Reasons for the Relational Challenges

Christian teachings do not encourage people to communicate with each other while expressing aggressiveness and anger. Instead, Biblical teachings encourage people to be calm and friendly in how they relate with others and express their feelings. Christian teachings require one to be mindful of what they say and to know their actions could be harmful to the other. Christians follow Bible teachings in everything they do and do not want to offend the other person. A Christian would respond in a kind way to one who speaks aggressively and may not want to enter into a quarrel because that could result in more conflicting views and possible disagreement. Others should emulate Christians in how they relate to each other, especially when they are in a relationship. Following Biblical teachings present the chance to be patient and tolerable to aggressive and angry people in the way they relate to each other. Mizzell and Huizing (2018) encourage organizational leaders to practice servant leadership that would allow them to interact with their followers in the most respectful manner. Embracing servant leadership presents the chance to acknowledge everyone as deserving the right to be respected. Acting as a servant leader is following Christian teachings because Jesus himself washed the feet of his disciples as a show of servanthood (Eva, Robin, Sendjaya, & van Dierendonck, 2018). Adhering to the Christian teachings offers a suitable opportunity to foster peace and harmony and increases the chances to achieve the best outcome out of the interactive process. Conclusion The report addresses several key issues regarding the possible impact on dark side communication in a relationship while paying considerable attention to the possible effects of anger and aggression. The study describes how anger and aggression affect communication when in a relationship, and the possible outcome, in this case, is a lack of understanding. The study also describes how it is possible to witness differences in how anger and aggression affect

relationships at the workplace and between two lovers. The effect is likely to be severe at a workstation where more people may suffer the damage, which is why many corporations develop regulations to define how employees relate to each other. Furthermore, the focus is on how Christians perceive the issue of interacting with each other while aggressive and angered. Therefore, there is a need to practice tolerance to create a relationship whereby all parties respect others’ views.

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Oliveira, N., & Lumineau, F. (2018). The dark side of interoganizational relationships: An intergrated review and research agenda. Journal of Management, 45(1), 231-261. doi:10.1177/0149206318804027...

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