Communication services PDF

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HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing

Unit Name & Code Assessment

CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services AT1 Student Written Assessment

Student number


Student name

Safalta Baral

Student email

[email protected]

Assessor name Assessment due date

Attempt 1 Date:

Attempt 2 Date:

Attempt 3 at trainer’s discretion

Submission date

Attempt 1 Date:

Attempt 2 Date:

Attempt 3 at trainer’s discretion

STUDENT DECLARATION I declare that:  This assessment is my own work, based on my own study and research and no part of it has been copied from any other source, except where due acknowledgement/reference has been made. (Plagiarism is not permitted in any form)  Late submission of assessments after the scheduled due date unless a formal extension has been granted by the Trainer or Course Co-ordinator will lead to impacting upon my course progression.  If this assessment was based on teamwork, as authorised by the trainer, I have not submitted the same final version of any assessment material as another student.  I have not previously submitted this assessment or any part of this assessment for this or any other course/unit unless required to do so in a resubmission.  I have kept a copy of my assessment.  I give permission for my assessment to be reproduced, communicated, compared and archived for the purposes of detecting plagiarism or collusion and to fulfil AIBT College’s requirements as an RTO.  Any assessment deemed unsatisfactory will require me to undergo reassessment which may be different to the one originally submitted.  I am aware that if I disagree with the assessment out-come I have the right to appeal that result. I will follow the complaints and appeals process in the AIBT College Student Handbook. CHCCOM005 AT1 Student Workbook

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 I take full responsibility for the correct submission of this assessment in the appropriate place with the correct cover sheet Student Signature:


FOR ASSESSOR Attempt 1. Result


Feedback (Include resubmission date if applicable)

Assessor Signature Student Comment


Student Signature Attempt 2.




Feedback (Include resubmission date if applicable)

Assessor Signature Student Comment


Student Signature


Detail any reasonable adjustment that has been deemed appropriate for this student Date Is this assessment subject to an

Signature ☐ Yes ☐ No Date appeal submitted

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appeal process Outcome of appeal



Assessment instructions to students

Context of assessment:

This workbook is an open book assessment.

You must submit this workbook individually and avoid plagiarism, collusion and cheating.

Assessment submission:

You are required to submit this assessment with an assessment cover sheet.

The assessment will be returned to you without marking if the assessment cover sheet is not completed.

Answers must be clearly written or typed.

Answers must be entered in the space provided for each question.

If additional pages are required, you must ensure that only A4 size papers are used.

The question numbers and your student identification details should be correctly identified in the additional pages.

You must retain a copy of your assessment prior to submission.

Competency assessment:

You must achieve a ‘satisfactory’ outcome for all workbook questions.

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If you do not achieve a ‘satisfactory’ outcome for any workbook question, you will be allowed to repeat the workbook question and re-submit the workbook document (second attempt).

Use Harvard or APA referencing styles where required, e.g. for direct quotes in the workbook. Use of direct quotes should be minimal.

Further intervention strategies will be planned in accordance with AIBT College’s assessment policy if your assessment outcome is ‘not yet satisfactory’ after the second attempt.

Feedback on assessments:

The assessor will provide constructive feedback on the workbook within two weeks following submission of the completed workbook.

If you are dissatisfied with the assessment outcome, assessor or the assessment processes, you may appeal against these as per AIBT’s Appeal Process.

Reasonable adjustments provided to the student (assessor to complete): Assessor’s signature and date:

Section 1 – Multiple Choice Questions (10 Marks) All questions in this section must be correct to be deemed satisfactory


Verbal communication includes all EXCEPT: b) Spoken words c)

Differences in tone

d) Volume e) Speed f)

Facial expression

2. How can health professionals confirm if clients understand given information. a) Ask if the information has been understood b) Check if further information is required c)

Repeat key point and information

d) Encourage a discussion to confirm that understanding has been made e) All of the above

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3. Reflecting can be performed by which of the following? a) Mirroring b) Paraphrasing c)

By asking question

d) A & B both e) None of the above 4. Choose the correct answer to minimise the chance of cultural misunderstandings. a)

Avoid using jargons

b) Ask the other person if they understand what you are saying c)

Use Australian slang

d) Listen carefully to what is said e) A, B & D only 5. The aspects that can cause conflicts of interest include: a) Personal relationships b) Political views c)

Financial interest

d) Culture or private activities e) All of the above

6. ____________ is a legal duty to take all reasonable care to avoid others being harmed and to ensure all health care workers provide a good standard of care with due attention. a) Standards of practice b) Duty of care c)

Code of ethics

d) Code of conduct e) All of the above

7. Which of these events require mandatory reporting to appropriate personnel. a) Breach in the duty of care b) Non adherence to standard procedures c)

Adverse event

d) All of the above e) None of the above

8. Which of the following is NOT an example of digital media a) Newsletters and broadcasts

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b) Social media c) Progress notes d) Podcasts and videos e) Intranet

9. Values and philosophy may relate to all of the below EXCEPT a) A holistic and patient centred approach. b) Early identification of the problems c)

Delivery of appropriate services

d) Promotion of wellbeing of staff, patient/client and communities. e) Treating the disease rather then patient.

10. Personal work goals are more likely to succeed if they correlate with those of the organisation? a) True b) False



Comments:_________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ __

Section 2. Short Question and Answers - Total Marks: 50 2.1 Explain Lasswell’s model of communication Harold Lasswell (1902 – 1978) developed a model of communication to show the process in its simplest form as it applies to everyday interactions. This follows as: 

Who (the communication)

Says what (the message)

In which channel (the medium)

To whom (the receiver)

With what effect (the effect

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2.2 List 5 ways to improve communication 1. Listening skills, such as active and reflective listening 2. Being mindful of other people’s emotions 3. Showing empathy for others’ situations 4. Use encouragement to help the speaker to relay their communication/message. 5. Use affirmations to help your skills.

2.3 Explain what open ended question is and give 3 examples of open-ended question in health care setting. An open-ended question is essentially an unstructured question that allows the recipient to answer in their own way and with their own words. They should lead others to think analytically and to reflect. Open ended questions have been associated with developing trust, being less threatening, allowing a free response. Open ended questions can also be more time consuming, obtain to much information, and may require more effort on the part of the nurse. For example: 1. What kind of information about your care are you looking for?. 2. Where did you hear about your illness? 3. Tell me how this whole thing came about?.

2.4 Match the following definitions to their correct terminology: Terminology Coercive approach

Correct option d ) Influencing another


in deciding c)Two or more people

Definitions a) Working with someone to help them come to their own decision b) Two or more person working

working together to

together for the mutual

clash and disagree over



a subject/ issue a) Working with


someone to help them

together to clash and disagree over

come to their own

a subject/ issue


decision b) Two or more

CHCCOM005 AT1 Student Workbook


Two or more people working

d) Influencing another in deciding

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person working together for the mutual goals/benefits.

2.5 What precautions can you take to ensure confidentiality is kept during communication? 1. . Physical privacy of patients in facilities 2. Controlling/not sharing records 3. Monitoring access to records 4. Disclosure to third parties, such as employers, other patients, family members,


companies 5. Use of audit trails to monitor who has accessed records and when 6. Encrypting electronic records

2.6. List 5 things to clarify when carrying out workplace instructions/ task. 1. What tasks you need to complete 2. Deadlines for these tasks 3. Sequential order of these tasks 4. Documentation requirements 5. Required equipment

2.7. Outline 7 types of service providers in the health care system? The Australian health care system is a mix of public and private sector health services. There are also a variety of funding sources and regulations that govern how services should be carried out. Service providers include: 1.

Public hospitals


Private hospitals


Health professionals


Private practitioners

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Government agencies


Non-government agencies.

2.8. Identify three people/positions/roles that may be considered above an Enrolled Nurse in the hierarchy of the workplace. 1. _doctor______________________ 2. _registered nurse ______________________ 3. _geriatrics______________________ Identify three people/positions/roles that may be considered below the Enrolled Nurse in the hierarchy of the workplace. 8.

Aged care volunteers____________________


_home and community care assessors___________________

10. _non-direct care roles ___________________

2.9. List 5 considerations when negotiating a resolution. 1. .Assess alternatives 2. Determine the underlying issue 3. be constructive 4. Create solutions 5. Be objective

2.10. List 4 factors contributing to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander’s people health Factors contributing to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people's ill health include: 1. History of European/Aboriginal contact 2. Loss of culture, land, identity and Indigenous law 3. Loss of family links 4. Geographical remoteness



Comments:_________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ __

Section 3 – Long Answer Questions (40 Marks) 3.1. Give an example of a situation at work where you have communicated service information to another person. Give details of the communication and how you made the information clear so this could be understood. There was an incident where a resident fell on the ground. So being the witness of the incident, I reported the process and reason of fall to the superior. The nurse was called after the fall and was brief about the incident. The resident was trying to sit in the sun as it was cold and then resident tripped in chair and fell down. The way I made communication clear are;

Accurately described the situations/ circumstances.

Clear and concise In the use of language, grammar, and spelling. And provide the information needed

3.2. Define scope of practice. Identify three things that you are specifically permitted to do under your scope of practice. Identify three things that you are NOT permitted to do under your scope of practice.

Answer: The scope of practices describes the procedures, actions, and process that a healthcare practitioner is permitted to undertake in keeping with the terms of their professional license. The scope of practice of an allied health professional refers to the broad frameworks and context of allied health practice of the individual professions including: The range of roles Functions and responsibilities Decision making capacity which the professional performs in their context of their practice. 1.

It falls within an exception


2. It falls within an exemption under minister’s regulation.


It is done under delegation.

That is beyond your scope of practice.” What exactly does this statement mean? One explanation is that some people have a narrow view of the meaning of “scope of practice” Evens as it relates to the system of controlled acts. For e.g. there are circumstance practices” Even as it relates to the system of controlled acts. For e.g. there are circumstances in which a dietician can prescribe a drug even though to some any prescribing appears to be outside of a dietician’s scope of practice.

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The problem is that the phrase” scope of practice” has at least three common meanings. People often think that there is only one meaning to the term which, obviously, leads to 1.

The area of expertise of dieticians as a professional. This reflects what dieticians are

2. 3.

An individual dieticians area of competence The activities that dieticians as a profession are legally permitted to do under the dieticians act and the regulated health professionals act.

3.3 Identify 3 situations where you would report an issue and discuss why it is important to report any issues. While you are working there will be several opportunities for you to identify breaches in the duty of care, non-adherence to standard procedures and adverse events; it is the responsibility of every care provider to be vigilant in identifying issues and is often a legal requirement for you to report serious issues. These include: 

Breaches in the duty of care:

o providing inadequate care o allowing abuse o allowing or causing neglect 

Non adherence to standard procedures:

o doing something in an unacceptable way o cutting corners o skipping parts of a procedure 

Adverse events: o falls

o accidents o other incidents. These types of events should always be reported to the appropriate personnel, which will usually be a Designated manager, team, WHS officer and/or regulators/authorities. it is important to report any issues because a simple reporting procedure will help you obtain important information about health and safety issues in workplace, identify problems when they

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arise, and address them. Safety reporting procedures makes it simpler for us and our workers to manage safety issues and prevent recurrences of incidents and injuries Reporting issues or concerns should be encouraged as far as possible in the care profession; the duty of care obliges care providers to adhere to guidelines and expectations for providing a good quality level of care for all clients; where this care is not being provided, it is important that the issue is tackled. Some staff may occasionally make mistakes or forget to do things and other staff may be cutting corners and skipping tasks; these errors, whether deliberate or accidental should be referred by another member of staff who may discover them; this will ensure that the client receives the proper care and service and hasn’t missed a meal or their medication or not had their room cleaned.

3.4. Identify an individual and a cultural constraint in communication that you can accommodate. What are cultural misunderstandings and how can they be avoided? Answer: Individuals’ differences: service user is deaf on one side- remember to speak into their good side. Cultural differences: an Asian client should not have his personal space invaded Because of the variety of cultures that you will encounter, it is likely that cultural misunderstandings will occur. This can happen when you are communicating with someone who has a different culture to yourself. You will need to be patient and recognise that meanings of words, gestures and other non-verbal communication will differ. You may have to clarify things more often than you are used to. To minimise the chance of cultural misunderstandings: Avoid using jargons. Ask the other person if they understand what you are saying. Practice listening to accents. Listen carefully to what is said.



Comments:_________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ __ END OF ASSESSMENT

CHCCOM005 AT1 Student Workbook

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