Complete Student MCQs PDF

Title Complete Student MCQs
Course Personality Psychology
Institution Australian National University
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Student Developed Practice Multiple Choice Questions PSYC3026 1.









What is/are the main concern(s) of existentialism? a. People’s means to live b. People’s desire for pleasurable experience c. People’s purpose in life d. All of the above Which of the following personality theories came out of early phenomenology? a. Existential b. Positive psychology c. Humanistic d. All of the above Psychology should only be concerned with studying observable behaviour. Anything that can't be directly observed is not relevant to psychology. This opinion is likely to be expressed by: a. A social-cognitive theorist b. A behaviourist c. A phenomenological psychologist d. A psychoanalyst Which of the following statements about psychoanalysis theory is incorrect? a. A child’s relationships with his or her parents in particular form a template that is a basis of relationships throughout life. b. According to Carl Jung, everyone has a false, social mask worn in public (i.e., persona). c. According to Object Relationship Theory by Klein & Winnicott, the “object” must be emotionally important people in our life. d. Freely expressing aggression and violence has proven helpful for mental and physical health Which of the following statements about phenomenological and related approaches is correct? a. An early existentialist might argue that experimental and empirical approach is suitable to study humans, because such approach can reveal how people understand the world. b. According to Viktor Frankl, lack of meaning may lead to depression, anxiety, violence, and suicide. c. The circumstance determines 40% of the source of happiness. d. The etic approach of culture study believes that culture cannot be compared, while the emic approach cultures have universal and thus comparable characteristics Existentialism argued that being alive has three components, which one is not included: a. biological experience b. social experience c. psychological experience d. life experience According to Positive psychology, which core virtues identified which there is lack of consensus: a. courage b. justice c. humanity d. wisdom Mark’s friends would describe him as a highly agreeable man. However, he has been having to see a psychologist about some issues he believed he experienced during childhood, specifically his parents often excluded and forgot about him. He was also badly bullied at school. In a situation with an intimate partner would mark be likely to have a high level of reaction sensitivity or low? a. High reaction sensitivity b. Low reaction sensitivity c. Highly aggressive d. Mutual reaction An individual guided by extrinsic motivations like the rapport of their peers and congratulations from their parents are more likely in the long term to achieve: a. Higher grades than the start of the year, high confidence and high motivation b. High motivation, lower grades over time and low confidence levels c. Lower grades over time, deep processing and low confidence

d. Lower grades over time, shallow processing, lacking confidence in self 10. The process by which a child picks up the culture in which she is born is called _________; the process by which someone who moves into a culture picks up that culture is called ________. a. normative influence; cultural adaptation b. enculturation; cultural adaptation c. acculturation; enculturation d. enculturation; acculturation 11. Which of the following concepts was not one of Freud’s major influences proposed in his psychoanalysis approach? a. the unconscious b. the three main coping strategies for neuroticism c. defence mechanisms d. the idea that childhood shapes personality 12. Which researcher has found evidence for a ‘happiness set point’? a. Maslow b. Rogers c. Lyubomirsky d. Haidt 13. According to Pavlov’s typology of personality, which of the following is linked to an unbalanced nervous system? a. Melancholic b. Choleric c. Sanguine d. Phlegmatic 14. You are angry with your sibling but instead of hitting them you walk away and slam the door behind you. This is an example of which defence mechanism: a. Displacement b. Reaction formation c. Rationalisation d. Sublimation 15. Which of the following most accurately describes the Object Relations Theory? a. The positive relationship one has with an important person in their life. b. The analysis of interpersonal relationships, including unconscious feelings associated with important people in one’s life. c. Enduring ties of affection that children form with their primary caregivers and becomes the basis for later relationships d. The relationship between a person and their environment (where the object is the environment) 16. How did Freud’s concept of the unconscious influence personality psychology? a. It introduced the concept of free observation b. It introduced Eros and Thanatos c. It suggested dreams as a point of study d. All of the above 17. What was one of Horney’s objections to Freud’s theory of personality? a. The importance of the unconscious b. Instinct theory c. Defence mechanisms d. Repression 18. Skinner argued that genetic influences on personality weren't valuable as explanations because: a. no relationships between genetics and personality would ever be found, b. the variance in personality explained by genetics is too small, c. they cannot be manipulated, or d. they are too complicated to understand.

19. According to Freud, mental illness could be caused by: a. the id seeking pleasure that is unachievable, b. an overactive superego creating a demanding conscience, c. conflict between the id and the superego, or d. conflict between the id, the ego, and the superego 20. Lyubomirsky argues that happiness is determined by 3 primary factors. What are they? a. Social Engagement, Sense of Meaning & Potential for Growth b. Intentional Activity, Circumstances & Set Point c. Intentional Activity, Environment & Neurology d. Focus on positive aspects, actions towards happiness & traits 21. Horney’s Psychoanalytic Theory argues that there are 3 solutions to neurotic conflict. What are they? a. Id, Ego & Superego b. Self-Love, Psycho-analysis & Cultural Development c. Repression, Domination & Perfectionism d. Compliance, Aggression & Withdrawal 22. Humanistic psychology believes that: a. The present moment of conscious awareness is what matters to people b. People and animals both experience the same struggles c. Objective measurement is more important that subjective experience d. There is no possible goal to life 23. The view that cultures can be compared with each other is an: a. Etic approach b. Emic approach c. Anatta-based approach d. Anicca-based approach 24. Which are the following is not the key idea that makes up the foundation of psychoanalysis? a. Psychic determinism b. Internal Structure c. Physical energy d. Psychic conflict 25. What is the psychological theme at anal stage? a. Dependence, passivity b. Obedience, self control c. Gender identity, sexuality d. Creation and enhancement of life 26. Who was the behaviourist that proposed the idea of operant conditioning? a. Bandura b. Pavlov c. Skinner d. Watson 27. What are the two types of locus of control that Rotter proposed? a. internal and external b. conscious and unconscious c. typical and atypical d. implicit and explicit 28. A person spending time doing autotelic activities, being those that are enjoyable for their own sake, is referred to as: a. Hedonia b. Flow c. Optimal Experience d. Locus of Control

29. Psychoanalytic theory has been criticised for being: a. excessively complex b. sexist c. vague d. All of the above e. None of the above 30. Which is not true regarding ‘noogenic neurosis’? a. it was written about by Viktor Frankl b. it occurs when a person feels meaning and purpose in all areas of their life c. it is a pathological condition of existential frustration d. it may lead to depression, anxiety, violence and suicide 31. You hate someone, but know such hatred is unacceptable, so solve the problem by believing that they hate you. This is an example of which defence mechanism? a. projection b. intellectualism c. denial d. reaction formation 32. Judgement goals are related to ________ or _________ an attribute in oneself or in others. a. creating ; imagining b. judging ; validating c. maintaining ; continuing d. defining ; describing 33. Which of the following is not a correct critique of Behaviourism: a. Behaviourism ignores many characteristics that are shown to be central for human behaviour: cognition, intention, awareness b. Useful for modification of animals and humans c. Behaviourism offered a rigorous scientific method, which produced observable and verifiable data d. Behaviourism was able to explain all behaviour 34. Which of the following statements about behaviourism is not true? a. Pavlov’s experiment discovered the phenomenon of classical conditioning in dogs, which revealed that behaviours are merely organism’s response to the external stimuli. b. Influenced by Pavlov’s work, John Watson asserted that conditioning is entirely automatic, cannot be controlled by the will, and can explain all animal and human behaviour c. According to Skinner, there is no need to study the causal effects in anything internal including the brain, free will, genetic influences and unique human nature. d. John Watson defined personality as the sum of activities that can be discovered by actual observation of behaviour over a long enough time to give reliable information, in other words, personality is the end product of our habit system 35. Which of the following statement about social cognitive approach is true? a. Hampson (2012) insisted that personality traits can be either a mediator or a moderator for outcomes and cannot be a direct predictor for outcomes. b. Dweck's study showed that kids with a growth mindset about their ability is more likely to be a confident mastery-oriented learner. c. From Dweck’s study, we can assume that emphasising on performance in education is a negative strategy to improve performance. d. Tetlock's value pluralism model cannot explain the phenomenon that Integrative complexity in political communication decreases just before an armed conflict, such as war, but increases during a peaceful resolution of a conflict 36. The two main drives according to Freud's psychoanalysis are: a. thanatos & super ego b. ego & super ego c. libido & thanatos d. motivation & sexual drive

37. John can be described as psychologically well-adjusted. He has good control of his emotions and lives a well-balanced life. He knows that it is important to spend time with his family but also lead a meaningful career path. He has most recently successfully passed: a. the oral stage of development b. the genital stage c. the phallic stage d. the anal stage 38. “If we want to understand personality, we must understand/experience how people understand/experience the world.” What approach to personality does this reflect?








a. Trait Approach b. Phenomenological Approach c. Psychodynamic Approach d. Social-Cognitive Approach e. None of the above Which of the following is NOT one of Freud’s major influences on Personality Psychology? a. The unconscious b. The personality structure c. Defence mechanisms d. Neurotic personality e. Narcissism Which is trait is not included in the ‘Bad Five”? a. Detachment b. Disinhibition c. Antagonism d. Emotional instability Research has suggested psychopathy and Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) traits have shown: a. People high in psychopathy are low in ASPD traits b. People low in psychopathy are high in ASPD traits c. People high in psychopathy are usually high in ASPD traits d. People high in ASPD traits are usually high in psychopathy What are the three components of psychopathy according to Patrick (2009)?: a. disinhibition, meanness, boldness b. disinhibition, boldness, callousness c. antisocial, boldness, callousness d. antisocial, meanness, boldness Freud believed that which two motives were fundamental? a. Libido & Thanatos b. Life & Death c. Ego and Id d. Mental energy & Psychic Conflict There are three parts of experience, according to Ludwig Binswanger. Which of the following is not one of these three? a. Biological experience b. Observable psychological experience c. Social experience d. Inner psychological experience Which of the following is not true of the phenomenological approach? a. None of the methods are quantifiable b. It has influenced wider culture c. It has an individualistic cultural bias d. It emphasises the need for meaning/life purpose in a way that other theories do not

46. Which was not a commentary on Freud by Karen Horney? a. His theories only applied to men, not women b. He was correct in assuming that most personality development occurs in childhood c. Women envied men not because of penis envy, but because of men's power, which is culturally determined d. He was correct in thinking of personality disorders as arising from unresolved conflicts 47. Which statement is TRUE about social learning theory? a. Both Rotter’s and Bandura’s theory are focusing on individual differences. b. Bandura’s theory addressed more on the social nature of learning and the way people interact with different situations. c. Rotter believed “expectancy” was about perceived conditional probability that if a person does something, he or she would achieve that goal. d. Both b. and c. 48. When comparing the two approaches of assessing personality disorder in DSM-5 (i.e. Categorical vs. Dimensional-categorical), which one in previous Cluster B is NOT included in the alternative DSM-5 model? a. Antisocial b. Borderline c. Histrionic d. Narcissistic 49. In a study done by Turiano et al., (2002) those high in conscientousness lived longer because: a. They didn’t drink alcohol. b. They were lucky. c. They either did not smoke or smoked less compared to others. d. They did not smoke. 50. What is one critique of using Behaviourism to explain personality? a. It is a male focused approach and regards being female as deviating from the “norm”. b. The focus of this approach was solely on the conscious and rational aspects of personality. Thus, ignoring the unconscious and irrational. c. The approach disregards other central aspects of human behaviour such as cognition and awareness. d. All of the above. 51. According to Freud, which of the following statements is wrong? a. Humans are not ruled by reason, but by strong unconscious and irrational forces. b. Humans are dominated by powerful biological instincts. c. Many of Freud's ideas are untestable and could not be seen as real science. d. Controlled experimental evidence is more important than clinical evidence. 52. According to Karen Horney's psychoanalytic theory, what shape(s) personality? a. social and culture factors b. biological factor c. environmental factor d. both B and C 53. Which philosophy had a great influence on the development of behaviourism, as mentioned in the lectures? a. Empiricism b. Associationism c. Hedonism d. All of above 54. An important difference within cross-cultural research is whether it is etic or emic. In terms of personality psychology, agreeableness often is regarded as ___ variable? a. An etic variable b. An emic variable c. Both an etic and an emic variable d. Neither an etic nor an emic variable

55. Positive psychology belongs to which approach? a. The social-cognitive approach b. The phenomenological approach c. The trait approach d. The psychodynamic approach 56. Which of the following best describes reaction formation? a. Knowing deep down you have a fear of heights, but proceeding to go skydiving anyway. b. Coming up with explanations for things you feel are unacceptable c. Getting angry at somebody for something you yourself do d. Trying to hide your true feelings by demonstrating or adopting the exact opposite feelings. 57. Which of the following best reflects the principles of behaviourism? a. Humans are born with complex, innate processes which develop into traits. b. Human behaviour is the manifestation of conflict of intrapsychic forces. c. Personality does not exist, and we should therefore only focus on the observable. d. Psychology should be about self-actualisation and finding meaning, not data and science. 58. Which personality trait has been shown to moderate Rejection Sensitivity in friendships? a. Conscientiousness b. Agreeableness c. Extraversion d. Neuroticism 59. David has been through some tough times recently. His parents forced him to take a medical degree, while he actually wants to be a painter. He expressed his unwillingness to his parents several times but got scolded every time. He started to grow angry toward his parents, so he stuck a picture of his parents on the wall and punched the picture with his fist every morning. Psychoanalysts would explain David’s behaviour as: a. A consequence of David using sublimation as a defence mechanism. b. Some unconscious desire in David to punch the picture. c. David has a weak superego. d. A consequence of David using displacement as a defence mechanism 60. Your friend Lily has a job interview coming tomorrow and she tells you: “I really don’t know what to expect for tomorrow’s interview and there’s no way I can prepare for it, I will just try to give my best appearance and I’m sure I will be fine. I will prove to everyone that I’m good enough for this job.” According to Dweck’s theory, what Lily said indicates that: a. Lily has a performance goal. b. There’s a large chance Lily will get the job eventually. c. Lily has an entity theory of intelligence. d. All of the above. 61. Which of these statement's is not true of Victor Frankl's "noogenic neurosis”? a. It can have both individual and social origins b. It stems from existential frustration c. It occurs when the search for meaning is blocked d. It often stems from depression or anxiety 62. Which of these is not a belief typically held by humanist psychologists? a. Humans are not passive b. Humans are good and benevolent c. Humans have a drive towards growth and self-actualisation d. Humans are innately altruistic 63. What are the two types of goals according to Dweck? a. Judgement and Achievement b. Achievement and Development c. Judgement and Development d. None of the above

64. Which of these is NOT a valid critique of Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory? a. Untestability b. Excessive simplicity c. Vague definitions d. Case study method 65. Freud's theory is sometimes described as the third revolution to discredit the belief in human exceptionality, after Copernicus and Darwin. What does it say? a. Human's reasoning control all of the behaviours and reactions b. Humans are not ruled by reason but by strong unconscious and irrational forces c. Humans are just another animal species, so are ruled by the same forces d. Humans are aware of their personality 66. Which one of these affirmations does NOT correspond to John Watson's behaviourism? a. Human behaviour is completely determined by environmental factors b. Psychology is a branch of natural science, which main goals are predicting and controlling human behaviour c. There are no genetic influences on personality d. Psychology needs to be a theoretical science, with focus on the internal feelings as explanation for most of the behaviours 67. Which one of these affirmations does NOT correspond to John Watson's behaviourism? a. Human behaviour is completely determined by environmental factors b. Psychology is a branch of natural science, which main goals are predicting and controlling human behaviour c. There are no genetic influences on personality d. Psychology needs to be a theoretical science, with focus on the internal feelings as explanation for most of the behaviours 68. In 2011, Angela Leung and Dov Cohen put forward a new approach about the differences characteristics among cultures. In this approach, the cultural world was divided into three parts, which one of the following dimensions was not mentioned? a. Dignity b. Reputation c. Face d. Honor 69. Anna is a senior high student, after reading a rep...

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