COMS 100 MGH Connect Ch 12 PDF

Title COMS 100 MGH Connect Ch 12
Course Fundamentals of Oral Communication
Institution Northern Illinois University
Pages 6
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McGraw Hill Connect Chapter 12 Q & As...


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The meaning of a word that elicits an emotional response from a listener is the word's ______ meaning. ○ Connotative The speech excerpt, "If you want to produce a prevalent brownie, you must use superseding chocolate," illustrates which of the following? ○ The language is not used accurately. Which of the following are strategies for improving the clarity of a speech? ○ Eliminate verbal clutter. ○ Use familiar words. During his speech, Ari quoted article 1, section 9, of the U.S. Constitution to his class without further explanation: "The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it. No bill of attainder or ex post facto law shall be passed." In what ways did Ari not follow rules of good language? ○ He did not use words likely to be familiar to the audience. ○ He did not use language clearly. Which of the following are benefits concrete words have that abstract words lack? ○ Concrete words can be easier to recall. ○ Concrete words are clearer. A word's literal meaning (without emotional associations) is its ___ meaning ○ Denotative Which of the following questions would be the most likely to improve the accuracy of the language used in a speech? ○ What am I really trying to say? ○ What exactly do I mean? The best time to search for and eliminate clutter from a speech is ○ while you are writing your outlines. Why is it important for speakers to use clear language? ○ Because audiences can’t take the time to look up an unfamiliar word. ○ Because audiences must be able to understand ideas immediately. ○ Because you can’t assume that a word familiar to the speaker is familiar to the audience. Which of the following should be avoided in order to improve the clarity of a speech? ○ Obscure technical terms A speech that places the audience in the middle of an experience and stirs up an emotional response can be described as ○ Vivid

● Words that refer to tangible objects are ______ words, while ______ words are used to refer to concepts or ideas. ○ concrete; abstract ● Hilario includes the following passage in a speech on his recent visit to a national park: "Even though it was the height of summer, I felt cool standing in the dappled shade beneath the ancient trees. All around me I could hear the chirp of small birds and the rustle of leaves stirred by a breeze." By including this passage, Hilario has created a ○ Word picture ● Which of the following is the most likely to call up mental images of specific sights, sounds, tastes, or smells? ○ Concrete words ● Which of the following is the primary guideline violated by the statement, "Due to the fact that the ideas were reviewed by those who hoped to be empowered by the process of voting, the final analysis would be worthy"? ○ Eliminate clutter ● In her speech, Vanessa stated, "It is important that leaders are not overly autonomous or merely satisficing when using a combinatorial rather than positional decision-making process." What mistake did she make in her language choice? ○ She did not emphasize clear, familiar language. ● What method for making a speech more vivid did Lauren use when she said, "His idea fell apart like cardboard in the rain." ○ Simile ● True or false: Including rhythm and vivid imagery in your speech will make it more interesting for your listeners. ○ True ● What method of creating imagery did Lana use when she said, "He slithered into town quietly so that no one would notice when he dug in his fangs and slowly poisoned their minds." ○ Metaphor ● Imagery makes speech language vivid because it ○ creates word pictures that let you experience concepts and ideas by appealing to the five senses. ● Which of the following statements about the relationship between rhythm and meaning is true? ○ Rhythm enhances the meaning of language. ● Which of the following is an example of a concrete word? ○ Notebook ● Which of the following is a method for reducing verbal clutter in a speech?

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○ Record the speech and listen to it for wasted or distracting words that can be removed. Which phrase is in parallel with the sentence: "We will not waver. We will not stop." ○ We will not fail What method for making a speech more vivid did Sylvia use when she said, "His nose was sharp and pointed like a knife." ○ Simile Which of the following is an example of a metaphor? ○ The earth is a blue marble spinning in space. Winston Churchill once said, "We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender." Which of the following did he use to achieve rhythm in this passage? ○ Repetition Which of the following are used to create rhythm in a speech? ○ Arrangement ○ Choice Select the word that best continues the pattern of alliteration in the following sentence: "For us to achieve lasting change, we must constantly petition the government, we must poke, prod, and ○ Push Galena is giving a speech on a play she recently saw, and she wants to use concrete language to help her listeners feel like they are watching the play with her. Which of the following examples best accomplishes this goal? ○ "The murmurs of the audience quiet as the room dims, and a spotlight illuminates a tall, brown-haired man in a business suit." Using a similar arrangement for a series of related words to create rhythm and enhance meaning is known as ○ Parallelism Why is it important to avoid clichéd similes, such as "busy as a bee," when giving a speech? ○ They make the speaker appear dull, and they bore the audience. Which of the following sentences is an example of antithesis? ○ These martyrs died so that we may live. Barack Obama once said, "Tonight, if you feel the same energy that I do, if you feel the same urgency that I do, if you feel the same passion that I do, if you feel the same hopefulness that I do, if we do what we must do, then I have no doubt

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that all across the country, from Florida to Oregon, from Washington to Maine, the people will rise up in November." Which of the following did he use to create rhythm in this passage? ○ Repetition Which of the following rhythmic techniques most often relies upon stating in close succession a series of different words that share an initial consonant sound? ○ Alliteration Tanya, a web development expert, is preparing to give a speech at a conference on the future of Internet technologies. Knowing that some of the attendees would have very little experience in Web development, she decided to use plain language rather than complicated technical jargon. In this case, Tanya made her speech appropriate to the ○ Audience Sara has prepared a speech to give at her best friend's wedding about the history of their friendship. Although she was acquainted with everyone in in the audience, she chose to avoid using slang and overly familiar language out of respect for the ceremony. In this instance, Sara used language that was appropriate to the ○ Occasion Which of the following is a technique that creates rhythm in a speech? ○ parallelism The primary aim of antithesis is to create rhythm by ○ juxtaposing contrasting ideas, usually in parallel structure. When instructing her local Girl Scout Brownie troop, which consisted of sevenand eight-year-olds, Sadie discussed balancing the group's bank account and making sure their acquisitions were all clearly indicated. What language guideline did she violate? ○ Language must be appropriate to the audience. To ensure that your speech uses language appropriately, you should make sure it is appropriate to which of the following? ○ The occasion ○ The audience ○ The speaker ○ The topic Joyce, a college student, used the words "dudes" and "you guys" when addressing her school's faculty about her concerns. Which are true of these word choices? ○ She did not use language that was appropriate to the occasion. ○ She did not use language appropriate to the audience.

● At a retirement party for a colleague, Eric used plain, unemotional language to describe his colleague's time with the company. Afterward, a coworker mentioned that the speech did not pay proper tribute to how much the departing colleague meant to the company. Which rule of using language appropriately did Eric violate? ○ Appropriateness to the topic ● What method of creating rhythm did Miguel employ when he said, "In Venice and Paris, in London and Berlin, all of Europe watched with anticipation." ○ Parallelism ● Gary is assigned to speak at his school about the 1986 disaster in which the Challenger space shuttle exploded, so he watches the speech President Reagan gave after the tragedy. What are the best ways for Gary to use that speech to ensure his own language will be appropriate to the speaker? ○ Study President Reagan's techniques for achieving vividness. ○ Try to adapt President Reagan's clarity, blending it with his own style. ● Which of the following are techniques for ensuring language is appropriate to an audience that is not very familiar with the subject of your speech? ○ Use plain language. ○ Avoid profanity and off-color remarks. ● Using the same words to start a series of successive sentences is a rhythmic technique known as ○ Alliteration ● True or false: As long as language is accurate, clear, and vivid, it will be appropriate to use in any speech. ○ False ● Ben is giving a speech in his chemistry class in which he describes a recent experiment he conducted. Which of the following language should he use in his speech? ○ Technical language ● Stacy uses slang and abstract words during her everyday speech, but during her speech on a recent change to her state's tax laws, she uses her own developed style that avoids both of these things. By using her own developed style, Stacy is using language that is ○ Appropriate for the speaker ● Which of the following should be avoided in an inclusive speech? ○ Jokes making fun of someone's gender ○ Assumptions based on common stereotypes ● Which of the following is an example of the use of pluralization to avoid use of the generic "he"?

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○ When public speakers use inclusive language, they show respect to all groups. What principle of language use did Jeri violate when she said to her class, "Man continues to enjoy his place in the universe"? ○ Avoid using "man" when referring to both men and women. True or false: The word waitress is an inclusive term. ○ False What guideline for effective language did Kathy violate when in 2018 she referred to her cousin, who cannot walk and thus uses a wheelchair, as "handicapped" rather than "disabled"? ○ Use names that groups use to identify themselves. Which aspect of United States society does inclusive speech reflect? ○ Growing respect for diversity What guidelines for effective language use did Renee violate when she said, "Tell your insurance agent about any construction done to your home so he can adjust your policy"? ○ Avoid generic "he." ○ Avoid stereotyping jobs by gender. Which of the following is the most inclusive phrase? ○ Human rights In her speech, Helen said, "When the firemen got to the burning home, the flames were leaping 10 feet above the roof." What language error did Helen make? ○ She stereotyped all firefighters as men. What guideline for effective language did Joni follow when she said, "All the performers in the show were somewhat transgender"? ○ Use names that groups use to identify themselves. Which of the following best describes inclusive language? ○ Language that does not stereotype or demean people on the basis of gender, age, race, and other factors. If a label used in your speech to identify a group has been called out as offensive by members of the group in question, how should you revise the speech to be more inclusive? ○ Consult members of the group and ask what name they prefer. True or false: Audiences expect speakers to use inclusive language. ○ True...

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