Concepts in the Nursing Metaparadigm PDF

Title Concepts in the Nursing Metaparadigm
Course Foundational Concepts of Professional Nursing 1
Institution Fanshawe College
Pages 5
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Concepts in the Nursing Metaparadigm...



Concepts in the Nursing Metaparadigm

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2 Nursing metaparadigm The nursing metaparadigm generally refers to all the issues and conditions that define the nursing practice. Four main concepts widely describe this discipline. The components include environment, person, human health, and the general nursing practice (Alejandro, 2017). These four concepts are the main ideas that ensure that the well-being of humans is achieved. Faye G. Abdellah in her patient-centered theoretical model reflects the four concepts in nursing practice. Faye was a military nurse born in the early 20th century in the United States of America. She changed the face of nursing by identifying and classifying the 21 nursing Problems. This led to the foundation of patient-centered care which has attributed to better nursing healthcare in both hospital institutions and community healthcare. Environment The environment generally refers to the surrounding of the nursing client. It describes the social interaction and how it influences the health of the nursing clients. The nursing environment can be influenced by politics, cultural beliefs, and the geography of the land. Various historical developments within the environment can also affect the health of an individual (Wagoro & Duma, 2020). According to Abdellah Faye, the environment surrounding any nursing practice should always be clean and of proper hygiene. She argues that a cleaner environment impacts a patient's health both psychologically and physiologically. The expectations of the patient in regards to the cultural beliefs and societal customs will also determine how fast they recover. Abdellah Faye in her theoretical model states that the environment can lead to differences in time and quality during the nursing practice. This is because the environment is the space where the healing process occurs and also the patient can experience wellbeing. However, Faye

3 states that human health greatly depends on the induvial rather than the surrounding environment. Person Human beings are responsible for the improvement of their health. The expectation of an individual will always affect both the mental and psychological health. Humans were created in such a way that they can control their experiences. This unique personality enables them to control the quality of healthcare they desire. Huma beings are mandated with the responsibility of keeping the environment clean to achieve good hygiene which promotes the well-being of an individual (Younas, 2018). According to Abdellah Faye, proper communication between the patients and the healthcare practitioner will determine the quality of healthcare. She asserts that human beings are superior beings and dare to control the quality of healthcare they should get. In the study of medicine, human beings are the subject matter in the development of the healthcare discipline (Younas, 2018). In Faye’s theoretical model, it’s the right of the nursing client to decide on whether to receive treatment or not. The outcome of the nursing procedure will always depend on the ability and the mental preparedness of the patient to respond to treatment. According to her, it is always advisable to prepare nursing clients psychologically before administering any kind of treatment. Health Health refers to the degree to which a patient can access healthcare to achieve wellbeing. Nursing practices should always be aimed at ensuring that all individuals receive quality healthcare. Health refers to both the physical and mental health of an individual and how they can access healthcare facilities and services. In Faye Abdellah's theoretical model, she does not clearly define what is entailed in the health concept. However, she discusses all health needs and

4 how they can be achieved. She reflects on how to attain a healthy state of mind and also manage physical health. In the theoretical model, Faye describes health as essential to every individual. To achieve good health, one has to take care of himself and eat a healthy and balanced diet daily. She points out that if an individual doesn't take healthy foods, they put themselves at risk of getting diseases such as blood pressure, diabetes, obesity among others. Nursing Practice Nursing is the foundation of any quality health. To achieve better healthcare, nurses should always be able to communicate and develop a good relationship between them and the patients (Thet & Akbar, 2019). According to Faye's theoretical model, all nurses should be competent with desired skills to help them in delivering their services. The nursing component of the nursing metaparadigm is considered as one of the most fundamental concepts in attaining quality healthcare. Abdellah argues that nurses should not only have skills in performing the nursing practice but also be able to understand the wellbeing of every individual. Conclusion To sum up, it is clear that Faye's theoretical model has helped in the development of the nursing practice. It has taken into consideration the needs of the patients and the environmental associated problems. Her theoretical model advocates for a patient-centered approach which makes it easy and efficient in rendering the nursing services. She also advocates for both the prevention of diseases and treatment rather than concentrating only on treating an existing condition. She has helped nurses render out their services by identifying a problem and then solving it.

5 References Alejandro, J. I. (2017). Lessons learned through nursing theory. Nursing2020, 47(2), 41-42. Wagoro, Atieno M. C., & Duma, S. E. (2020). Nurses’ perspectives of an environment of optimum mental health: a grounded theory study. Journal of Research in Nursing, 1744987120965651. Thet, E. W. P., & Akbar, A. (2019). The philosophies of science in developing nursing science. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING AND MIDWIFERY SCIENCE (IJNMS), 3(1), 43-49. Younas, A. (2018). Practical tips for novice nurse educators. Nursing made Incredibly Easy, 16(3), 52-54....

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