Connect Chapter 4 Answers PDF

Title Connect Chapter 4 Answers
Course Human Resource Management
Institution Conestoga College
Pages 12
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HR CHAPTER 4 CONNECT Provincial human rights laws: -

differ in only slight ways (with respect to terminology) from federal laws

Canadian human rights act is: - a federal law prohibiting discrimination

A policy, practice, or restriction that blatantly treats a person differently or unequally based on a prohibited ground is called: - direct discrimination

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms: -

is federal law enacted in 1982 guaranteeing individuals equal rights before the law

The position of coach for a junior girls' swim team may require that the coach enter the girls' change room. Which of the following is a valid bona fide occupational requirement for this position? -

Coach is female

The major difference between between federal and provincial human rights laws exist in the areas of: -

Pay equity Employment equity

Which of the following human rights legislation was passed in Parliament in 1977, took effect in 1978, and is a federal law prohibiting discrimination? -

Canadian human rights act

DIRECT discrimination involves policies or practices that clearly make a distinction on the basis of a prohibited ground. DISCRIMINATION refers to treating someone differently, negatively, or adversely because of their race, religion, sex, or other prohibited ground.

SYTEMIC discrimination is deeply rooted in the culture and norms of the workplace through the systems, arrangements, or policies and is often difficult to detect.

An employer who refuses to hire women of child-bearing age, because they are more likely to be absent for a maternity leave, is practicing: -

Direct discrimination

In order for a bona fide occupational requirement to be valid, the standard must be a NECESSARY characteristic of the job.

A dairy company offers a year's supply of dairy products to whoever wins its employee of the year award. However, this is not very motivating for its non-Caucasian employees as most of them are lactose intolerant. This scenario is an example of unintentional discrimination on the basis of RACE

An organization that has a policy of not employing any part-time workers is practicing: -

Indirect discrimination

Systemic discrimination is: - not intentional but permitted through the system and policies of the organization

In terms of employment, Indigenous people tend to: -

be underutilized in workforce

Discrimination on the basis of national or ethnic origin is often: -


INDIRECT discrimination involves policies or practices that appear to be neutral but have an adverse effect on the basis of a prohibited ground.

True or false: Most Canadian private and public organizations have a clear mission to recruit First Nations candidates. -


It is illegal for human resource decisions to be influenced by: -

National origin

When would the concept of duty to accommodate be considered unreasonable? -

When it imposes an undue hardship on the employer

Under the duty to accommodate, the employer is expected to accommodate an individual to the point of UNDUE HARDSHIP, where the very survival of the organization is threatened.

If a job applicant is declined employment because a perception that they are close to retirement, this is considered ______ discrimination.

Which of the following describes an employer's obligation to not let a person's religious beliefs and practices affect employment decisions?


Duty to accommodate

The limit upon an employer's duty to accommodate an employee under human rights legislation is called: -

Undue hardship

Which of the following statements regarding older employees is true? -

Older employees may be victims of indirect or subtle discrimination. Mandatory retirement has been abolished in Canada.

When did "gender identity" or "gender identity and expression" become protected in the human rights legislation of several Canadian provinces and territories? -


The SUPREME Court of Canada, in Dionne v. Commission scolaire des Patriots, made it clear that an employer may not discriminate against a pregnant employee who refuses work because of a risk to the person's health and safety.

The laws protecting individuals from which of the following prohibited grounds have progressed very quickly as a result of changing societal standards? -

Sexual orientaition

An individual cannot be denied employment on the grounds that their spouse is already employed with an organization. This is illegal under the Canadian Human Rights Act since _____ is a prohibited ground of discrimination. -

Marital status

True or false: All Canadian provinces, except Quebec, have legislation protecting gender identity. -


True or false: Some human rights decisions made at the Supreme Court level suggest that employers have the duty to accommodate employees for voluntary family activities. -


Refusal to hire a pregnant women is illegal, under the prohibited ground of _____ discrimination. -


True or false: For reasons of workplace morale and collegiality, a manager can deny a job to someone whose spouse in employed in the same organization. -


Originally used to prevent religious discrimination in the workplace, which of the following concepts has been expanded to ensure that facilities are made readily accessible and usable by individuals with disabilities? -

Reasonable accomodation

Some recent human decisions relating to family status suggest that employers may have a duty to accommodate employees with child care obligations: -

unless such accommodation results in undue hardship

Which of the following statements are true about the positive obligation of reasonable accommodation?


It places a special obligation on employers to do something to accommodate an individual's disability It is imposed on employers under human rights legislation

True or false: In order to qualify as harassment, there must be some form of physical conduct that offends or threatens an employee. -

False, can be verbal

HARASSMENT is a type of discrimination that involves either physical or verbal conduct or threats that offend an employee.

The Canadian Human Rights Commission provides employees under _____ jurisdiction a means to resolve complaints of discrimination. -


The objective of the "resolution conference" used by Nova Scotia was to: -

Have parties create their own solution

The four designated groups recognized in the Abella report include: -

Women Aboriginals Visible minorities Disabled

Employment equity act is a FEDERAL legislation

The Canadian Human Rights Commission may use which of the following methods in attempt to resolve complaints? -

Tribunal Mediation Conciliation

Which of the following provinces began to use a "resolution conference" in an effort to deal with complaints better, and in a more timely manner? -

Nova scotia

The ABELLA Commission identified four designated groups whom have been historically disadvantaged in employment practices. Which of the following functional aspects of the HR profession is affected by employment equity in that this must be based on skills, or performance, and cannot discriminate against jobholders in other respects? -


Which of the following refers to a condition that exists when a department or employer has a lesser proportion of members of a protected class than are found in the employer's labour market? -


Since 1981, the size of the pay gap between men and women has: -

Shrunk by ten cents

Which of the following functional aspects of the HR profession is affected by employment equity in that this must use screening devices that are job-relevant and nondiscriminatory?



Which of the following refers to a condition that exists when a department or employer has a greater proportion of members of a protected class than are found in the employer's labour market? -


Which of the following are reasons used to explain the existence of the gender wage gap? -

Differences in education Differences in work experience Occupational choice

The Canadian Human Rights Commission provides employees under federal jurisdiction a means to resolve complaints of DISCRIMINATION

Natural justice describes the minimum standards of fair decision making imposed on persons in a judicial capacity.

In Canada, which legislation regulates union certification, the right to organize, as well as mediation and arbitration procedures? -

Canada labor code

Which of the following functional aspects of the HR profession is affected by employment equity by the need to ensure all types of applicants are sought without discriminating? -


Pay equity legislation recognizes that: - work traditionally performed by women has been undervalued in the market

Which of the following terms describes the minimum standards of fair decision making imposed on persons in a judicial capacity? -

Natural justice

Workplace ________ is defined to include human characteristics that influence a person's values, behaviours, perceptions, and interpretations of events around them. - Diversity

Provincial equivalents to the Canada Labour Code are: -

Employment standards act

The excessive fraternizing that occurs in an old boys' network: - condones behaviour that devalues women - reinforces a culture of men without a woman's perspective

Broadly defined, ______ includes the important human characteristics that influence an employee's values, perceptions of self and others, behaviours, and interpretation of events around him or her. -

Workplace diversity

Which of the following functional aspects of the HR profession is affected by employment equity in that this must be based on skills, or performance, and cannot discriminate against jobholders in other respects? -


Which of the following terms describes the invisible obstructions to the career advancement of women? -

Glass ceiling

Workplace ________ is defined to include human characteristics that influence a person's values, behaviours, perceptions, and interpretations of events around them. -


A successful diversity program is: -

beneficial to the organization in terms of varied perspectives and approaches beneficial to the organization in terms of boosting its public image

In a field study conducted by Women Working with Immigrant Women, those job applicants who presented themselves to employers wearing a hijab were: -

often not even asked to leave a resume, compared to the applicants not wearing a hijab

DIVERSITY management involves recognizing differences among employees belonging to heterogeneous groups.

Managing DIVERSITY refers to the ability to manage individual employees with different cultural values and to lead teams made up of different employees.

Experts recommend two types of diversity training programs for organizational use: AWARENESS training and SKILL -building training

MENTOR programs encourage members of disadvantaged groups to work with a senior manager who acts like a friend and guide in achieving career success.

ALTERNATE work arrangements provide more flexibility to employees while meeting organizational goals.

Recognizing differences among employees belonging to heterogeneous groups and creating a work environment in which members of diverse groups feel comfortable is called: -

diversity management

Flexible work hours, telecommuting, extended leave, and job sharing are considered: -

alternate work arrangements

Which of the following can help overcome worker hostility when a visible minority is hired for a job that is nontraditional for that group? -

Support groups

A training program which helps employees to develop their understanding of the need to manage and value diversity is called: -

Awareness training

Communication standards refer to formal protocols for internal ________ within an organization to eliminate various sources of biases in communications. - Communications A(n) ______ is a form of on-the-job training in which junior employees learn a trade from an experienced person. -


a SUPPORT group is a group of employees who help a new employee by providing them with a nurturing climate to reduce their feelings of being an outsider.

Which of the following describes the formal protocols for internal communication within an organization to eliminate gender, racial, age, or other biases in communication? -

Communications standards...

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