Constitution CASE: Section Summary PDF

Title Constitution CASE: Section Summary
Course Australian Constitutional Law
Institution University of Technology Sydney
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Concise summary of the relevant case law and legislaiton as they pertain to constitutional principles ...


TOPIC RULE OF LAW Rule by Law Equality before the Law Power Comes from the People REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT Popular Sovereignty Representative Government


CASE LAW Chu Kheng Lim v Minister for Immigration (1992); Fardon v AG (QLD) (2004) Kartineyeri v Commonwealth (1998); A v Hayden [No 2] (1984); Leeth v CTH (1992) R v Davison (1954); Wilson v Minister for Aboriginal Affairs (1996); R v Kirby; Ex Parte Boilermakers’ Society of Aus (1956); ACP v Commonwealth (1951); Plaintiff s157/2002 v CTH (2003)

Australian Capital Television v CTH (No 2) (1992); Langer v CTH 1996); Lange v ABC (1997); McGinty v WA (1996)

The Franchise


Sing v CTH (2004); Sue v Hill (1999)

Responsible Government

Amalgamated Society of Engineers v Adelaide Steamship Co Ltd (the ’Engineers Case’) (1920); R v Kirby; Ex Parte Boilermakers’ Society of Aus (1956)

Responsible Gv and Gv Structure

Singh v CTH [2004]; Kruger v CTH (1997)


Melbourne Corporation v CTH (1947) O’toole v Charles David (1990)

Subject Matter Powers Purposive Powers Incidental Powers Implied Incidental Power Dual Characterisation SCOPE OF POWER

Preamble; s 75 Preamble

King v Jones (1972); R v Pearson; Ex Parte Sipka (1983); Rowe v Electoral Commissioner [2010]; AG (CTH); Ex rel McKinlay (1975); McGinty v WA (1996) McGinty v WA (1996); Roach v Electoral Commissioner (2007); Langer v CTH (1996)

Literalism Constitutional Implications Broad Interpretation General Propositions CONSTITUTIONAL POWERS CHARACTERISATION


Amalgamated Society of Engineers v Adelaide Steamship Co Ltd (the ’Engineers Case’) (1920) Lange; Melb Corp; Chu Kheng Lim Bank Nationalisation Case McGinty Union Steamship Co of Australia v King (1988); Kartineyeri Richardson v Forestry Commission (Lemonthyme and Southern Forests Case) (1988); CTH v Tas (Tasmanian Dam Case) (1983); Grain Pool of WA v CTH (2000) Fairfax v Commissioner of Taxation (Cth) (1965) (Kitto J); Bank Nationalisation Case (1948); Tasmanian Dam Case; Commonwealth (First Uniform Tax Case) (1942); Re Dingjan; Ex parte Wagner (1995); State Banking Case; Murphyores Tasmanian Dam Case Nationwide News v Wills (1992); D’emden v Pedder (1904) Murphyores v CTH (1976); Tas Dam Case; Fairfax Murphyores v CTH (1976)

Ss 7, 10, 22, 24, 30, 31, 34, 39, 4648, 51(xxxvi) S 41 Electoral Act 1918 (Cth) ss 93(a); 245(1); 240 S 44(i); s 12 ACA 2007 (Cth) SS 6, 32, 33, 49, 64, 67, 72, 83, 103, 126, 128 Ss 62 and 64; ss 28, 57 S 128

SS 51 and 52

PLENARY POWER Precedent READING DOWN/SEVERANCE Reading Down Severance TRADE AND COMMERCE POWER The Trade and Commerce Power Interpretation Overseas Trade Intra/Inter State Trade Not a Power to Regulate Economy Regulation over Preparatory Activities Implied Incidental Power Test CORPORATIONS POWER The Corporations Power Interpretation Plenary Power Implied Incidental Power Restrictions EXTERNAL AFFAIRS POWER External Affairs Power Interpretation Physical Connection with Aus Other Nation States International Relations and Obligations Treaties NATIONHOOD POWER

Bennet v CTH (2007); Berwick Ltd v Gray (1976) QLD v CTH (1977) Wilson v Minister for Aboriginal Affairs; Railway Servants Case; Strickland v Rola Concrete Pipes Australian National Airways Case Australian Nationwide News Case; Bank of NSW v CTH (1948); Australian National Airways v CTH; Murphyores; R v Burgess Ex Parte Henry; Airlines of NSW v The State of NSW & Anor (No 2) Pape v Commissioner of Taxation (2009)

S 51(i)

S 92 O’Sullivan v Noarlunga Meat Ltd (No 1) (1954); Minister for Justice (WA) (Ex Rel Ansett Industries (Operations) Pty Ltd v Australian National Airlines Commission (1976) O’Sullivan S 51(xx) S 51(xx) The Incorporation Case; R v Judges of the Federal Court of Australia Ex Parte Western Australian National Football League; Adamsons Case (1979) Huddart, Parker & Co v Moorehead (1909); Strickland v Rocla Concrete Pipes (1971); Actors and Announcers Equity Fontana Films (1982); Tas Dam Case (1983); Work Choices Case (2006) Huddart, Parker & Co v Moorehead (1909); Australian National Airways v CTH (No 1) (1945); Bank Nationalisation Case (1948) S 51(xxix) S 51(xxix) Victoria v CTH; XYZ v CTH The Seas and Submerged Lands Case; NSW & Ors v CTH; Polyhukovich v CTH; XYZ v CTH [2006] R v Sharkey (1949) R v Sharkey; Kirmani v Captain Cook Cruises (No 1) (1985); Barton v CTH (1974) Barton v CTH (1974); Industrial Relations Case (1996) S 61 and s 51(xxxix) S 61 and s 51(xxxix)

The Nationhood Power Test Limitations GRANTS POWER The Grants Power Interpretation

S 51(i) S 51 (i); s 92

Victoria v CTH and AAP Case; Tas Dam Case; Davis v CTH (1988); Pape v Commissioner of Taxation (2009) Melb Corp S 96 S 96 Federal Roads Case (1926); Moran v DCT; First Uniform Tax Case


First Uniform Tax Case (1926) DOGS Case Worthing v Rowell and Muston (1970) Northern Land Council v CTH (1986); Berwick Ltd v Gray (1976); Capital Duplicators Case; Wurridjal v CTH [2009] ;

The States Melbourne Corp Principle CTH laws affecting States Exceptions to State Laws affecting CTH Cigamatic Principle

Re Tracy; Ex parte Ryan; R v Barger Melbourne Corporation v CTH (State Banking Case) (1947); Pirrie v McFarlane Tas Dams Case; QLD Electricity Commission v CTH (1985) QEC v CTH; Re Education Union; Ex Parte Victoria Pirrie v MacFarlane

JUDICIAL POWER Judicial Power Separation of powers Only Ch III Courts can exercise Ch III powers Ch III Courts cannot exercise nonchapter III powers Usurpation Impartiality/Independence Protective Detention Preventative Detention Control Orders Immigration Detention Persona Designata Tenure/Remuneration/Independence States and Sep of powers

Territories and Sep of powers Recent Applications of Kable Defining Judicial Power Original Jurisdiction Matters arising under the Constitution Standing EXECUTIVE Prerogative Power Power to enter contracts/spend

Ss 122, 111 S 5 NSW CONSTITUTION s 107

CTH v Cigamatic Pty Ltd (1962); Re Residential Tenancies Tribunal of NSW v Henderson; Ex Parte Defence Housing Authority (Henderson’s Case) (1997)

Australian Communist Party Case (1951); Chu Kheng Lim (1992) The Wheat Case (1915)

CH III CH III S 1; s 61; s 71

Boilermaker’s Case (1956) Kable; CKL SA v Totani (2010) Kruger Fardon; Baker Thomas v Mowbray; Wainohu; Totani Plaintiff M47 Hilton v Wells (1985); Wilson v Minister for ATSIA (1996); Grollo v Palmer (1995) Harris v Caladine (1991); Austin v CTH [2003]; NAALAS v Bradley [2004] BLF v Minister of Industrial Relations (1986); Kable v DPP (1996); Fardon v AG (QLD) (2004)


R v Bernsaconi (1915) K-Generation v Liquor Licensing Court (2009); Gypsy Jokers Motorcycle Club v Commissioner of Police [2008]; International Finance Trust v NSW Crime Commission [2009]SA v Totani [2010]; Wainahu v NSW [2011]; Momcilovic v The Queen [2011] R v Davison; Australian Communist Party Case

Ss 75 and 76 S 76(i)

Pape; Onus v Alcoa (1981); Australian Conservation Foundation v CTH (1980) TAMPA Case; Cigamatic; Henderson’s Case School Chaplains Case (2012)

S 61 S 96

money JUDICIAL POWER/CIVIL RIGHTS TRIAL BY JURY FREEDOM OF RELIGION ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY Acquisition of Property on Just Terms Scope Property Acquisition Just Terms Unreasonable Compensation Limitations Territories POLITICAL COMMUNICATION

Implied Freedom Lange Test McCloy Test Proportionality Test Applied FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION IMPLIED RIGHT TO DUE PROCESS/FAIR TRIAL/EQUALITY IMPLIED RIGHT TO VOTE IMPLIED FREEDOM FROM ARBITRARY DETENTION S 109 AND INCONSISTENCIES Retrospectivity General Statement of Tests Direct Dual Obedience Rule Rights and Duties Rule Cover the Field Rule (Indirect) Manufactured Inconsistency Manufacture Consistency/Rollback Mechanism Consequences of s 109 invalidity

R v Quinn; Ex Parte Consolidated Foods Corporation (1977); Thomas v Mowbray (2007); Chu Kheng Lim; Fardon v AG; Polyukhovich; UOW v Metwally (1984) Kingswell v The Queen (1985); Brown v The Queen (1986)’ Cheatle v The Queen (1993) Scientology Case; DOGS case; Adelaide Company of Jehovah’s Witnesses; Kruger v CTH (1997) Tas Dams Case Tas Dams; Bank of NSW v CTH Bank of NSW v CTH (1948); Minister of State for the Army v Dalziel (1944); Trade Practices Commission v Tooth (1979); CTH v TAS (1983); Health Insurance Commission v Peverill (1994); Telstra Corp Ltd v CTH [2008] Bank of NSW v CTH; Newcrest Mining (WA) v CTH; TPA v Tooth; Georgiadis; Army v Dalziel; Smith v ANL Ltd (2000) PJ Magennis v CTH; Bank of NSW v CTH; TPA v Tooth; Johnston Fear & Kingham v CTH; Grace Bros Ltd v CTH (1946) Health Insurance Commission v Peverill; Mutual Pools and Staff v CTH (1994); Nintendo v Centronics Systems (1994); Georgiadis v Australian and Overseas Telecommunications Corp (1994); Air Services Australia v Canadian Airlines (1999) Wurridjal v CTH [2009]

S 80 S 116 S 51(xxxi) S 51(xxxi)

Ss 1, 7, 8, 13, 24, 25, 28, 30 and 128 Nationwide News; ACTV; Theophanous; Stephens; Davis Lange v ABC (1997); Coleman v Power (2004) McCloy v NSW (2015) Levy v Victoria; ALPA Limited v Legal Services Commissioner Kruger Leeth v CTH Roach v Electoral Commissioner Chu Khen Lim

S 75(v) S 109

Viskaukas v Niland; UOW v Metwally Dickson v The Queen; Jemena Asset Management v Coinvest (2011) R v Brisbane Licensing Court; Ex parte Daniell; Dickson v The Queen; R v Brisbane Licensing Court; Ex parte Daniell Clyde Engineering v Cowburn (1926) Clyde Engineering; Victoria v CTH (The Kakariki) (1937); Wenn v AG (Vic) (1948) Ex Parte McClean; Ansett Transport Industries v Wardley; AMP v Goulden Bayside City Council v Telstra; Workchoices Case Viskauskas v Niland; UOW v Metwally; Momcilovic v The Queen Carter v Egg and Egg Pulp Marketing Board (Vic) (1942); Butler v AG (VIC) (1961)...

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