Controlled Drugs MCQs - Summary Pharmacy Practice PDF

Title Controlled Drugs MCQs - Summary Pharmacy Practice
Course Pharmacy Practice
Institution University of Portsmouth
Pages 6
File Size 542.3 KB
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MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS PHARMACY LAW AND ETHICS CONTROLLED DRUGS Q1. Which of the following statements about Schedule 2, 3 and 4 Controlled Drugs are TRUE ? 1. Prescriptions are only valid for 28 days. 2. For private prescriptions standardised forms must be used. 3. Pharmacists must identify if it...


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MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS – PHARMACY LAW AND ETHICS CONTROLLED DRUGS Q1. Which of the following statements about Schedule 2, 3 and 4 Controlled Drugs are TRUE ? 1. 2. For private prescriptions standardised forms must be used. 3. Pharmacists must identify if it is the patient who is collecting the prescription from the pharmacy. Q2. Which of the following statements about Schedule 2 Controlled Drugs are TRUE ? 1. Prescriptions must be in the doctors own handwriting. 2. 3. Q3. Which of the following are ‘Good Practice’ requirements with respect to Schedule 2 Controlled Drugs ? 1. 2. 3. Q4. Which of the following are LEGAL requirements with respect to prescribing of Controlled Drugs ? 1. Prescribers should not prescribe for their own use. 2. Private prescriptions for all Controlled Drugs must be written on standardised forms. 3. Q5. Which of the following statements about Controlled Drugs are TRUE ? 1. If the person collecting a Schedule 2 Controlled Drug does not sign the back of the prescription confirming they have done so the pharmacist cannot supply the drug. 2. Pharmacists must ascertain if the person collecting a Schedule 2 or 3 CD is the patient, their representative or a healthcare professional. 3.

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Q6. Which of the following statements about Controlled Drugs are TRUE ? 1. 2. If a pharmacist receives a prescription for a Schedule 2 Controlled Drug with an no strength stated (and there is more than one strength) the pharmacist can add the strength to the prescription. 3. It is a legal requirement to keep a running balance of stock in the CD register. Q7. Which of the following statements about Controlled Drugs are TRUE ? 1. The ‘prescription requirements’ set out in the Misuse of Drugs Regulations apply to ALL Controlled Drugs. 2. 3. Q8. Records of Controlled Drugs sale and supply kept electronically must be: 1. Kept in addition to written records. 2. Kept for a maximum of one year. 3. Q9. In order to dispense a Controlled Drug a pharmacist must ensure that: 1. 2. The date on which the prescription was given has not been exceeded by more than 13 weeks. 3. That the prescribers address written on the prescription is within the European Union (EU). Q10. An addict has daily doses of Methadone dispensed on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. He fails to pick up his supply on Monday but comes in on Tuesday. Which of the following are true: 1. He can be supplied with Monday and Tuesdays instalments if the doctor has specified that missed instalments can be supplied. 2. 3.

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Q11. Which of the following are legally required for the supply of buprenorphine 200mcg tablets (CD No Reg POM). 1. Prescription must be dispensed within 6 months of dating by the prescriber. 2. 3. Q12. Which of the following statements are correct regarding a private prescription for dihydrocodeine tablets 30mg (Schedule 5 Controlled Drug). 1. 2. The quantity supplied must be in both words and figures. 3. The name and address of the patient must be written in the doctors own handwriting. Pholcodine CD POM; but if for non-parentral use and: (a) in undivided preparations with ms 2.5% (calculated as base) CD Inv POM; or (b) in undivided preparations with ms 1.5% (calculated as base) CD Inv P; or (c) in single dose preparations with ms per dosage unit 100mg (calculated as base) CD Inv POM; or (d) in single dose preparations with ms per dosage unit 1.5% (calculated as base) and md 20mg (calculated as base) CD Inv P.

Q13. Using the information above, which of the following statements about Pholcodine Linctus BP (5mg / 5ml pholcodine) are true ? 1. 2. If a new pholcodine linctus were formulated to contain 20mg / 5ml it would contain 4% w/v pholcodine. 3. A new pholcodine linctus containing 15mg / 5ml would be a CD Inv POM if the dose was 10ml tds.

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Morphine; its salts; its esters and ethers; their pentavalent nitrogen derivatives; their esters and ethers CD POM; but for morphine salts, if in preparations from which the morphine cannot be readily recovered in amounts which constitute a risk to health and also if: (a) in liquid preparations with: (i) ms 0.2% (calculated as anhydrous morphine base) CD Inv POM; or (ii) ms 0.02% (calculated as anhydrous morphine base) and md 3mg (calculated as anhydrous morphine base) CD Inv P (b) in solid preparations with: (i) ms 0.2% (calculated as anhydrous morphine base) CD Inv POM or; (ii) ms 0.04% and 300mcg per dosage unit (calculated as anhydrous morphine base) with md 3mg (calculated as anhydrous morphine base) CD Inv P.

Q14. Using the information above, which of the following statements are true? 1. Oramorph Solution (Morphine Sulphate 10mg/5ml) is CD POM. 2. 3.

Q15. Which of the following can be prescribed on an FP10MDA (instalment prescription): 1. . 2. . 3. Temazepam. Q16. Which of the following statements concerning midwives and pethidine are true ? 1. 2. 3. Surplus pethidine can be destroyed by the midwife. Q17. Which of the following prescription requirements apply to Controlled Drugs in Schedule 4 (Part 1), and Schedule 5 of the Misuse of Drugs Regulations. 1. Prescriptions must be written throughout in the prescriber’s handwriting, except for the date where a date stamp may be used. 2. The limit of validity of prescriptions is 6 months. 3.

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Q18. Which of the following items of out of date pharmacy stock may only be destroyed under the supervision of an authorised person ? 1. Temazepam 10mg tablets. 2. Phenobarbitone 30mg tablets. 3. Q19. Which of the following are legally required for the supply of phenobarbital tablets on an NHS prescription issued by a medical practitioner ? 1. It must all be in the prescribers’ own handwriting. 2. 3. Q20. Which of the following statements regarding the supply of Temazepam 10mg tablets against an NHS prescription are TRUE ? 1. 2. The prescription must be in the doctors handwriting 3. An emergency supply can be made if necessary. Q21. All Controlled Drugs in Schedule 2 the Misuse of Drugs Regulations must comply with which of the following requirements ? 1. They are all subject to safe custody. 2. 3.

Q22. Which of the following statements about Controlled Drugs are TRUE ? 1. A repeatable prescription for a Schedule 4 Controlled Drug must be dispensed for the first time within 6 months of the date on the prescription. 2. Private prescriptions for Schedule 2 Controlled Drugs for veterinary use must be written on a standard form. 3.

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Q23. Which of the following statements about Controlled Drugs in hospitals are TRUE ? 1. 2. 3. Private prescriptions for Schedule 2 Controlled Drugs to be supplied by a hospital pharmacy must be on the standardised FP10PCD form. Q24 Which of the following statements about Controlled Drugs are TRUE ? 1. 2. 3.

ANSWERS Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Answer D C A E E D C E D C C D

Question 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Answer D C B B E E C D C E B A...

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