Copy of AP Bio-Energy Transfer- Nutrient Recycling-2021 PDF

Title Copy of AP Bio-Energy Transfer- Nutrient Recycling-2021
Course Molecular Biology
Institution Harvard University
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informative recomendation for the affect of biothecnhingal stugg that makes the world hpow it is today...


Name __Vaishnavi Gogineni___ Block


Ecology Unit- Ch 54 & 55. Part 1: Energy Transfer in Living Organisms How does energy move through an organism? The law of conservation of energy states that energy can be neither created nor destroyed; it can only be transferred to another form. In living things energy is transferred as organic matter (molecules of carbohy- drate, fats, starch, etc.). But does an organism use all of the energy that is provided by the organic matter available? How is the law of conservation of energy applied to living organisms?

Model 1 – Food Conversion in an Herbivore Biomass increase/day: 0.64 g

Egested waste/day: 2.4 g Grass ingested/day: 4.0 g 1. According to Model 1, how many grams of grass does herbivore A eat each day?

4 grams of grass per day 2. Refer to Model 1. a. How much did herbivore A grow from eating this grass?

.64 grams/day b. What term is used to represent growth in Model 1?

biomass increase 3. What is meant by “egested waste” as it is used in Model 1?

Egested waste means amount of discharge 4. Is all of the mass of the ingested grass accounted for in the growth and waste of herbivore A?

If not, how much is “missing”? Show a mathematical calculation to support your answer. No; .96 is missing (4-2.4-0.64 = 0.96)

5. In addition to growth and waste production, what else does herbivore A’s body do with the food it ingests?

Herbivore A’s body undergoes cellular respiration.

6. As cells undergo cellular respiration, what products are produced, and how are they released from the body?

The products of cellular respiration are water, carbon dioxide, and ATP. Carbon dioxide and water vapor leaves the body during aerobic respiration, and ATP is used by cells. 7. Draw an arrow in Model 1 to represent respiration and label it with the appropriate title and mass.

Model 2 – Energy Efficiency in Two Organisms Respiration/day: 0.192 kilocalories

Respiration/day: 1.6 kilocalories Heat loss/day: 1.4 kilocalories

Heat loss/day: 0.228 kilocalories

Egested waste/day: 0.33 kilocalories Grass ingested/day: 0.8 kilocalories

Egested waste/day: 1.25 kilocalories Grass ingested/day: 5 kilocalories

8. What unit of energy is used in Model 2? Kilocalories 9. Refer to the energy value of the ingested grass in Model 2. a. What is the energy value of the grass eaten by herbivore A each day? 0.8 kilocalories

b. What is the energy value of the grass eaten by herbivore B each day? 5 kilocalories

c. Which herbivore would you predict to be the larger animal? Explain. Herbivore B would be the larger animal because it consumes more energy for its bigger size.

10. In Model 2, what are the three ways that the energy taken in by the herbivores is used? The three ways are egested waste, heat loss, and respiration. 11. For each herbivore calculate the total energy output. a. Herbivore A = 0.75 kilocalories b. Herbivore B = 4.25 kilocalories 12. Does the total amount of energy output for each herbivore add up to the total amount of energy eaten by each herbivore? No

13. Use the information given in Model 1. a. What accounts for the differences noted in Question 12?

It is accounted for in the biomass of the organism. b. Add labels to Model 2 to show this energy.

Read This! Biologists often refer to organic matter by the potential energy that is released when the substance under- goes a chemical change to make carbon dioxide and water. This could occur by burning the organic matter or by an organism using the organic matter in cellular respiration. 14. According to Model 1, herbivore A eats 4 g of grass per day. Using Model 2, how much potential energy does this represent?

This represents 1.6 kilocalories. 15. According to Model 2, how much energy does herbivore A require for cellular respiration each day? Herbivore A requires 0.8 kilocalories for respiration every day. 16. Energy lost as either heat to the environment or egested as waste is not considered to be an efficient use by the organism. What percentage of the potential energy of the grass is not efficiently used by herbivore A? 69.8% of the potential energy of the grass is not efficiently used by herbivore A. 17. What percentage of the potential energy of the grass is not efficiently used by herbivore B? 53% of the potential energy of the grass is not efficiently used by herbivore B. 18. Do the herbivores have the same efficiency in using the grass toward useful purposes? Explain The herbivores do not have the same efficiency. Herbivore B is more efficient because a less

percentage of the potential energy of the grass is used efficiently. 19. Herbivores A and B are eaten by carnivores. a. Which category of energy related to the organisms in Model 2 is directly available to the carnivore who eats the herbivores: grass, respiration, biomass or waste? Biomass is the category of energy available to the carnivore. b. What percentage of the original “grass energy” is available to the carnivore if it eats herbivore A? 6.25% is available to the carnivore.

c. What percentage of the original “grass energy” is available to the carnivore if it eats herbivore B? 15% is available to the carnivore. 20. Which herbivore is the more efficient food choice for the carnivore? Why? Herbivore B is the more efficient food choice because it has higher biomass and has a higher available “grass energy” to the carnivore. 21. Is the egested waste from an organism "wasted" energy? If not, describe how this energy (organic matter) might be used in a useful way.

This waste is not wasteful energy because it might be repurposed by decomposers into fertilizer for soil, and plants can use these nutrients to convert into energy and use them for cellular processes. 22. Insects are ectothermic (“cold-blooded”), while mammals are endothermic (“warm-blooded”). Using this information, explain why rabbits use more of their energy for respiration compared to grasshoppers.

Rabbits use more of their energy for respiration than grasshoppers because it requires more energy to maintain body temperature when warm-blooded. Grasshoppers require less energy because they do not have to spend energy on keeping themselves warm or cool. 23. Which diagram in Model 2 could represent the grasshopper and which could represent the rabbit? Justify your answer. Model 1 could represent the grasshopper and Model 2 could represent the rabbit because model 1 has a lesser heat loss/ day, meaning the organism may not have to heat itself. Also, Model 2 shows a greater kilocalorie amount ingested/day which is true because rabbits need to consume more energy than grasshoppers per day.

PART 2- Energy Recycling

Model – The Carbon Cycle- Use the PPT

D. Photosynthesis D

Atmospheric CO2 C B Respiration A


Death Auto and factory emissions Decay (by decomposing fungi, bacteria, and worms)

Carbon Sink (coal, oil, peat, natural gas) 1. Model 2 illustrates how nature recycles what natural resource?

It illustrates how nature recycles carbon. 2. Name two ways that carbon (usually in the form of CO2) enters the atmosphere. Carbon enters the atmosphere through respiration by animals and respiration by plants. 3. Process D on the diagram uses CO2 from the atmosphere. a. Label D on the diagram in Model 2 with the name of this process. b. What organisms carry out the process identified in part a? Decomposers carry out this process. 4. Wastes and dead organisms must be broken down in order for their components to be used again. a. What organisms in the cycle carry out this process? Decomposers break down wastes and dead organisms. b. What would happen if decomposition did not occur? If this did not occur, then wastes and dead organisms would not be able to be used for energy purposes again.

5. Not all dead organisms are acted on by decomposers. Instead of being immediately recycled, the carbon from some organisms is kept in a type of long-term storage, or carbon sink. Using Model 2, answer the questions below about this long-term storage. c. List four materials that contain this stored carbon. oil, peat, natural gas, coal d. What is the collective term for these four materials? Fossil fuels e. How do humans use the materials in the carbon sink?

Humans use the materials in the carbon sink to create energy, and this may be done using a combustion process. f. What is the scientific name for the process listed in part c? The scientific name is cellular respiration. 6. List five examples of combustion in your everyday life. 5 examples of combustion are burning wood, burning coal, lighting a match, a forest fire, and using gas in your vehicle. 7. How does our use of these carbon stores affect the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere? Using these carbon stores increases the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.

Read This! Carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the so-called greenhouse gases. These gases hold heat energy in the atmosphere, which raises the overall temperature of the Earth. This helps maintain the Earth’s biosphere, but also has led to environmental concerns. The more CO2 in the atmosphere, the higher the Earth’s average temperature will be. 8. What is another way in which human activity is increasing the amount of atmospheric CO2, and what are potential global effects of these changes in CO2 levels? Another way in which human activity increased the amount of CO2 levels in the atmosphere is burning fossil fuels for energy, and the global effect of this is causing the greenhouse effect.

Model – The Nitrogen Cycle- USE PPT

Denitrification by denitrifying baceria

Atmospheric Further nitrification by


Nitrates in soil

nitrifying baceria


Nitrogen (N2)

Absorption by roots of non- legume plants Feeding


N-fixing bacteria (Found in root nodules of legumes)

D (by fung

tion nd worms)

Ammonia and other N-containing compounds in soil N-fixing

bacteria 1. Model 3 illustrates how nature recycles what natural resource? It represents how nature recycles nitrogen.

2. Name three types of bacteria involved in the nitrogen cycle. Three types of bacteria involved in the nitrogen cycle are nitrifying, denitrifying, and nitrogen fixing.

Read This! Nitrification is a process by which specific bacteria convert different forms of N-containing compounds (like ammonia, NH3) in the soil to nitrites (NO2) and nitrates (NO3). This process is important since the only forms of nitrogen that are usable by plants to build their proteins are the nitrates.

3. In what ways is N2 gas removed from the atmosphere? N2 gas is removed from the atmosphere by nitrifying bacteria and by lightning.

4. By what process are animal wastes and dead organisms converted to other nitrogen-containing compounds? Animal wastes and dead organisms are converted into other nitrogen-containing compounds by the process of decomposition.

5. What is the only form of nitrogen that nonlegume plants can take in and use? The only form of nitrogen that nonlegume plants can take in are nitrates in the soil. 6. What do the denitrifying bacteria do during the denitrifying process? The denitrifying bacteria convert nitrates into nitrogen. 7. If the number of nitrifying bacteria decreased, what effect would this have on the nitrogen cycle and what type of compounds would accumulate as a result? The nitrogen cycle would have lower levels of nitrates and the compounds such as ammonia would accumulate in the environment, leaving plants with less nitrates.

Extension Questions 1.Plants and animals are part of all of the nutrient cycles through the foods they eat and what eats them (food chains and food webs). Name the four classes of organic compounds (containing carbon) and explain how the carbon cycle and nitrogen cycle contribute to the usable supplies of these macromolecules.

The 4 classes of organic compounds are nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids. The carbon cycle and nitrogen cycle contribute to the usable supplies of these macromolecules because nucleic acids and proteins each contain nitrogen, and this supply is maintained by the nitrogen cycle. Plants use carbon from the atmosphere and take in nitrogen from the soil, and because of this intake, they can create carbohydrates and lipids. Also, the levels of these compounds are replenished when organisms decompose, and the levels of carbon and nitrogen increase in the environment. 2.In order to continually use the same area of land for agriculture, some farmers apply fertilizers to improve the level of nitrates in the soil. An alternative to this intensive use of fertilizer is to plow the roots of the leguminous plants back into the soil and leave the area unplanted for a season. Why would a farmer use this alternative method and what would be the benefit of turning over the soil and leaving the old plant roots? Since the leguminous plants have the ability to intake nitrogen from the atmosphere by utilizing the N-fixing bacteria which they contain to fix atmospheric N2 into the soil, the farmers do not need to continually use fertilizers in the soil when the plants can create their own nitrogen....

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