Copy of 一个都不能少电影链接 - Movie questions and answers PDF

Title Copy of 一个都不能少电影链接 - Movie questions and answers
Course AP Chinese Language and Culture
Institution High School - USA
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Movie questions and answers...



Watch the movie and then answer the following questions based on the movie. 问题

1. Why did Gao Laoshi have to leave school to go home? Gao Laoshi had to go home to tend to his sick mother who was dying. 2. When Gao Laoshi interviewed Wei Minzhi, what questions did he ask her? What was/were her answer(s)? Gao Laoshi asked Wei Minzhi if she had a high school education; she said no. Gao Laoshi asked how old Wei Minzhi was; she said 13. Gao Laoshi asked what Wei Minzhi talents are; she said singing. 3. How long did Gao Laoshi plan on being away from the school? A month. 4. What did the boy say about the girl who went running before bed? The boy said that the girl who went running before bed was known for her vast athletic ability, but inevitably ended up going onto bigger and better things and leaving her roots behind, while facing some hardships - this foreshadows Mi Xihong leaving the school because of her great ability to run. At the school, Zhang Huike divulges to the athletic recruiter who Mi Xihong is, who is symbolic of the girl who went running before bed. 5. Why did Wei Minzhi run after the Village chief’s truck? She was chasing after Min Xihong - the girl who was known for running well - because she didn’t want to lose any children so she could get a bonus of 10 yuan. 6. Why didn’t Wei Minzhi want the girl to go with the gym teacher, Zhang Laoshi, to the new school? Because Wei Minzhi would receive a bonus of 10 yuan if no children left, so she didn’t want her to leave because this bonus would be in jeopardy. 7. Why did Zhang Huike leave school to work in the town? He needed a source of money in order to pay back people - like the little girl whose chalk he broke - as well as help provide for his family; he is apart of an impoverished family and community, so he feels the urge to explore the city looking for employment to make money more urgent than receiving an education.

8. A. B. C.

D. E. F. G.

How did Wei Minzhi try to find Zhang Huike? List all the methods she had tried. She walked to Zhang Huike’s house to try to find him She talked to the village chief to try to find him She tried to get her students to pay for tickets so she could go to the city to try to find him a. She tried to move bricks for money to get tickets into the city to try to find him She walked to the city to try to find him She filed a police report to try to find him She made missing posters to try to find him And she finally went on television which ended up greatly helping her find him.

9. Do you know anything about China’s “Nine-Year Compulsory Education” ? do research on the internet about the “Nine-Year Compulsory Education ” and explain how this movie relates to it. Compare “Nine-Year Compulsory Education” with the States “ No Child Left Behind Initiative” , explain the background of these two plans, their goals, and their effects, also provide your opinions. I did not know anything about China’s “Nine-Year Compulsory Education” prior to writing this, but now I know more about it. This plan states that school-age children have the right to receive nine years of education, with it being mandatory and tuition-free. The program had a goal of bringing rural areas, which had four to six years of compulsory schooling, up to par with the students of urban areas. This plan relates to the movie as it was put into action in 1986, and the movie was produced in 1999, meaning that it was already in effect. The movie also relates to the plan because the plan wanted to bring urban students up to par with students in urban areas. Also, Wei Minzhi is 13, which is interesting because this would mean she was born in 1986 - the same year the Nine-Year Compulsory Education plan was put into motion. This makes Wei Minzhi appear as a symbol, as the compulsory education plan, and how she sought to teach her students who would have to get nine years of education. It makes the whole premise of the movie make

sense if we see her as a symbol of the Nine-Year Compulsory Education because she traveled all the way to the city to get Zhang Huike back, showing how important she sees education, and cares about his upbringing in a rural area, which is what the plan was mainly about. The United States’s “No Child Left Behind” plan is similar to the “Nine-Year Compulsory Education” act as it reached out to disadvantaged kids. It was a controversial plan that made it a requirement to develop assessments in basic skills, and had children take standardized tests. It was a plan where all students were supposed to use the same textbooks and learn the same way, so everyone has an equal opportunity in their future. Although it sounds good that it would provide equal opportunity, it faced much criticism and was repealed in 2015, replaced with the Every Student Succeeds Act. I personally think that the “Nine-Year Compulsory Education” of China is a better plan than the United States’s “No Child Left Behind” plan. It is still in effect in China and is better because it requires students to stay in school for nine years, and does not mandate how education is taught to them - like the NCLB. In the end, China is extremely smart for putting this plan into motion, and it has stayed there for a little more than 30 years, assuring that students in China, whether they live in places like northwestern China or southeastern China, receive a base education and are prepared for the future....

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