CORE 1 What actions are needed to address Australia s health priorities PDF

Title CORE 1 What actions are needed to address Australia s health priorities
Author Pravin Patrick
Course PDHPE
Institution Higher School Certificate (New South Wales)
Pages 14
File Size 609.1 KB
File Type PDF
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CORE 1 What actions are needed to address Australia s health priorities...


What actions are needed to address Australia's health priorities?

● health promotion based on the five action areas of the Ottawa Charter - levels of responsibility for health promotion - the benefits of partnerships in health promotion, eg government sector, non government agencies and the local community ➔ Action areas of the Ottawa Charter:

➔ Responsibility for Health Promotion:

● argue the benefits of health promotion based on: - individuals, communities and governments working in partnership ● the five action areas of the Ottawa Charter

➔ Benefits of partnerships in health promotion:

● health promotion based on the five action areas of the Ottawa Charter: - how health promotion based on the Ottawa Charter promotes social justice

● Investigate the principles of social justice and the responsibilities of individuals, communities and governments under the action areas of the Ottawa Charter

➔ How health promotion based on the Ottawa Charter promotes social justice:

➔ Empowerment of individuals: ➔ If individuals are feeling empowered they become more responsible for their own health. ➔ Each individual has the right to access health – despite their race, religion, culture, SES status, gender or location.

➔ Action areas of the Ottawa Charter

➔ Promotion of developing personal skills

➔ Promotion of reorientating health services:

➔ Promotion of strengthening community action

➔ Promotion of building healthy public policy

➔ Promotion of creating supportive environments:

● health promotion based on the five action areas of the Ottawa Charter - The Ottawa Charter in action

➔ Action areas of the Ottawa Charter:

● Investigate the principles of social justice and the responsibilities of individuals, communities and governments under the action areas of the Ottawa Charter

➔ Close the gap: ➔ The WHO released a global strategy to close the health gap in a particular generation. ➔ The Australian government focuses their ‘Close the Gap’ health promotion on the life expectancy between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (ATSI) and non – ATSI Australians. ‘Close the Gap’ health initiative aims to do this by increasing access to health care and facilities for ATSI peoples, especially those in rural and remote communities. ➔ The aim of the ‘Close the Gap’ health initiative is to achieve health equality for ATSI health to decrease the life expectancy gap between ATSI and non ATSI Australians by 2030. ➔ Developing personal skills – Close the gap: ➔ Provide primary health care services to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population, particularly through Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services, by 2018 • ➔ Provide health care and access to early learning support for Indigenous mothers, babies and children ➔ Reorienting health services – Close the gap: ➔ Invest in primary health care where prevention and promotion are in balance with curative services • ➔ Provide appropriate education through health services to promote healthy, structured lifestyles and prevent the heavy onset of chronic diseases in the 34–45 age group • ➔ Initiate the changes that will ensure Aboriginal communities have the necessary housing, water supplies and systems to support the achievement of health equality ➔ Strengthening community action – Close the gap ➔ Involve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and their representative bodies as active participants in health planning at local and regional levels • ➔ Delivery of culturally appropriate primary health services by Aboriginal

Community Controlled Health Services ➔ Building healthy public policy – Close the gap ➔ Close the Gap in a Generation policy signed in March 2008 by Prime Minister • ➔ The National Indigenous representative body was established • ➔ Funding provided to build a skilled and professional workforce to cope with the challenges of remote Indigenous education • ➔ Measurable targets for ATSI health equality are set as part of the Close the Gap policy ➔ Creating supportive environments – Close the gap ➔ Provide training to provide an adequate number of health care professionals to deliver health care services • ➔ Ensure ATSI populations have access to fresh and healthy food by 2018 • ➔ Provide necessary housing, waste supplies systems to support achievement of health equality • ‘ ➔ Recruitment of ATSI trainees in the Australian Federal Police and providing adequate training and boosting the profile of ATSI people in the AFP • ➔ Provide extra teachers for schools located in rural and remote communities ➔ National Chronic Disease Strategy (2005): ➔ Chronic disease in Australia is identified as a priority health issue. The National Chronic Disease Strategy was developed in 2005. The policy specifically targets Australia’s health care system and seeks to improve health outcomes. The policy states national directions, which aim at reducing the impact and preventing chronic disease across Australia. ➔ Despite the need only 1.5% of healthy spending I dedicated to prevention ➔ 1 in 2 Australians have chronic disease Chronic diseases like Cardiovascular disease cancer and diabetes are the leading cause of illness, disability and death in Australia Almost one third could be prevented by removing exposure to risk factors such as smoking, high body mass, alcohol, use physical inactivity and high blood pressure ➔ Developing personal skills – National Chronic Disease Strategy:

➔ Provide health promotion for the whole population • ➔ Develop empowerment among individuals to take responsibility for their own health, including decreasing risk-taking behaviour, medication management and informed decision making ➔ ➔ ➔ ➔

Reorienting health services – National Chronic Disease Strategy: Increased focus on preventing and reducing exposure to risk factors • Increased funding for health promotion focused on risk reduction behaviours • Implementation of early detection and screening e.g. cancer screening

➔ Strengthening community action – National Chronic Disease Strategy: ➔ Provide health care which is culturally diverse, supports the contribution of family and appropriate for all Australians • ➔ Empower population groups and communities to take control of their health status. • ➔ Encourage collaboration between health services, families and members of the community to provide health care which is focused on the individual. ➔ ➔ ➔ ➔

Building healthy public policy – National Chronic Disease Strategy: Increase the capacity of the workforce in terms of availability and skills • Focus on the needs of priority population groups for chronic disease • Deliver a flexible health care system that can coordinate health care across all sectors, services and settings

➔ Creating supportive environments – National Chronic Disease Strategy: ➔ Develop relationships between patients and health care workers to enhance their ability to make informed decisions regarding their health • ➔ Develop infrastructure and support which can be accessed by technology • Create environments where a multidimensional approach can be applied for people with chronic diseases. • ➔ Provide community and disability support for families and carers of people living with chronic diseases.

How does the ottowa charter promote social justice? NSW Refugee Health Service (RHS): ➔ Developing personal skills: - What is done: - Use + distrubution of pamphlets outlining principles of ghealthy eating - Distubution of eating healthy resouces that are incorporated into “learm english” courses - What does this achieve: - Provides education, improves skills - Acknowledges diversity, creates supportive environments and empwers refugees to make health decisions ➔ Building healthy Public Policies: - What is done? - RHS provides a voice for refugees to develop public policies that will best meet their needs eg. educational opporotunities subsidised housing - What does this achieve? - Ensures the heath and well being of refugees is taken care of by the government - Gives refugees a path to equity ➔ Strengthening Community Action: - What is done? - Held a forum addressing the needs of elderly refugees - Developed a plan of action promoting their (refugees) health by influencing aged care policy and creatinbg a link between refugee based services and aged care agencies - What does this achieve? - Refugee communities participate in decisions made about ther health which in turn empowers them as they feel some “ownership” of the decisions ➔ Creating supportive environments:

- What is done? - Works with both govt+ non govt agencies to identfy the settlement needs of newly drived refugees - What does this achieve? - Improves equity for refugees and helps to providxe supporting environments\Recongnises the right of refugees to have safe and healthy living conditions ➔ Reorientating health services: - What is done? - Runs in clinics in western and southern syney to provide contact with the health care system - Specialist in the area of refugee health undertake the consultations and conduct health assessments - How is this achieved? - Gives refugees equity to access to health care services

How does the ottawa charter promote social justice? - National tobacco strategy ● Developing personal skills ○ Smokers are provided with visual info that assists in making the decision to quit (in the form of confronting images on the packet) ○ School education programs gives students skills in assertive communication in order to enable them to say no to smoking ○ Giving GP’s the knowledge and skills to promote quitting services, so that they will pass these services/programs onto the smokers ● Creating Supportive Environments ○ Physical and social support structures such as “smoker free messages” and smoke free areas in the workplace, pubs, clubs, etc are used to create supportive environments. ○ Stress reduction initiatives are undertaken in order to deter people from smoking as a stress reliever. E.g. housing help, anti violence campaigns, counseling, rental resistance

● Strengthening Community Action ○ Initiatives that are tailored to disadvantaged groups, encourages carers, health workers and community members to send strong strong antismoking messages, acting in the best interest of the community ○ Peer support and mentoring programs are used to try and improve an individual’s self esteem and self worth. Low levels of these are risk factors for smoking. ● Reorienting Health Services ○ The allocating of more money to quit programs has resulted in more people having access to the knowledge and skills required to quit smoking. ○ Money is also redirected into researching tobacco and its effects so that better prevention programs can be developed. ○ Money is made available for partnerships with organisations such as the cancer institute, cancer council and other organisations. ● Building healthy public policy ○ Tobacco is heavily taxed to make it less affordable which reduces access ○ Laws have been passed to preventing smoking in most public places. E.g. transport, pubs, restaurants, sporting venues ○ Laws banning cigarette ads have been passed ○ Cigarette packaging must be plane ○ Ensuring drug education takes place at schools.

How does the ottowa charter promote social justice? Beyond Blue: ● Developing Personal Skills ○ Using AFL players as role models to liaise with at risk students to help develop a sense of connectedness with peers and the community ○ Educational programs to support students and develop skills/modify behavious ○ Provides Beyond Maturity Blues program for older australians to

access info and provide support networks ● Creating Supportive Environments ○ Provides info line and in school initiatives ○ Monitors the worlplace prevention programs to target factors that can trigger depression ● Strengthening Community Action ○ Dont beat around the bush initiative provides training in partnership with other community members who are directly involved in rural communities ○ Empowers communities to take action in the battle against depression ● Reorienting Health Services ○ Provides funding for further research into mental health in order to gain more knowledge in the area ○ Enables agencies to develop further strategies to combat mental illness ● Building Healthy Public Policy ○ Gives advice for policies and programs to be implemented by the gov in the area of mental health ○ Eg, mental health insurance and discrimination program was initiated to address issues of alleged discrimination or bullying by companies...

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