CORE 2 How does training affect perfomance PDF

Title CORE 2 How does training affect perfomance
Author Pravin Patrick
Course PDHPE
Institution Higher School Certificate (New South Wales)
Pages 12
File Size 205.4 KB
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CORE 2 How does training affect performance...


HOW DOES TRAINING AFFECT PERFORMANCE? Students Learn about: ● energy systems ○ alactacid system (ATP/PC) ○ lactic acid system ○ aerobic system

Students learn to: ● Analyse each energy system by exploring: ○ Sources of fuel ○ efficiency of ATP production ○ duration that the system can operate ○ Cause of fatigue ○ By-products of energy production ○ Process and rate of recovery

Energy systems provide the energy required by muscles for movement. The body requires energy to be in the form of Adenosine Tri-Phosphate (ATP) in order to convert it from chemical energy to mechanical (movement) energy. There are three (3) main energy systems: the alactacid OR ATP/PC system, the lactic acid system, and the aerobic system. ➔ Alactacid System (ATP/PC)◆ Adenosine Tri – Phosphate (ATP) is the chemical compound that the body uses to produce energy. ◆

ATP is stored in small amounts in the body, which is sufficient to provide energy for a short burst of muscular effort.

◆ The ATP/PC system uses the stored ATP molecules in the muscle, usually for a few seconds or one explosive movement. ◆ To continue the muscular movement, the body now relies on creatine phosphate (PC) ◆ The creatine phosphate separates into two molecules of creatine and phosphate. ◆ The energy derived from this reaction is enough to rejoin or resynthesise the floating phosphate groups. ◆ Used for high intensity, short bursts of exercise, lasting for only up to 15 seconds; eg 100 - metre sprint, shot-put and discus. ◆ Cause of fatigue – Fatigue in the alactacid energy system (ATP/PC) is caused by the depletion of fuel. Once the immediate stores of ATP and PC run out the system needs to recover before it can be used again. ◆ By-products of energy production – The alactacid energy system (ATP/PC) has no by-products other than heat, which is a by-product of every energy system. ◆ Process and rate of recovery – This process takes up to 2 minutes for complete recovery but can be half restored at around the 30-second mark.

➔ Lactic Acid Energy System ◆ The Lactic Acid system resynthesises ATP through the process of Anaerobic Glycolysis. ◆

The chemical breakdown of glucose and glycogen is called GLYCOLYSIS, and because oxygen is not present, it is called ANAEROBIC glycolysis.

The by-product of Glycolysis is Pyruvic Acid ; because oxygen is not present, the pyruvic acid is converted into both lactic acid and hydrogen ions which are waste products.

The lactic acid and hydrogen ions build up the acidity level in the muscle cells, causing fatigue which makes the athlete either reduce the intensity of their exercise or stop.

◆ Source of Fuel – The lactic acid energy system uses carbohydrates (CHO) as its only source of fuel and relies on anaerobic glycolysis for its production of ATP. Glycolysis is the breakdown of glucose to produce ATP. In anaerobic glycolysis ◆ Efficiency of ATP Production – This system produces ATP at a fast rate and can produce a lot of ATP. The lactic acid system produces 2 ATP for each glucose molecule it breaks down, however, it also produces lactic acid in the process. ◆ Duration that the system can operate – The lactic acid system lasts between 30 seconds and 3 minutes depending on the intensity. The less intense the activity the longer it will last because it will be producing lactic acid at a slower rate at the lower intensity levels. ◆ Cause of fatigue – The cause of fatigue in the lactic acid system is the build-up of pyruvic acid in the muscle. ◆ Process and rate of recovery – The process of recovery once fatigue has occurred requires oxygen. This process can take anywhere between 30 and 60 min. ◆ Examples● Sports such as 200m or 400m run, or 50m and 100m swim are highly reliant on the lactic acid system.

➔ Aerobic System

◆ Source of Fuel – The aerobic system can use carbohydrates, fats, and protein as its source of fuel, though protein is used sparingly. The aerobic system uses aerobic glycolysis, the Krebs cycle and the electron transport chain in its production of ATP. ◆ Efficiency of ATP Production – The aerobic system is very efficient in producing ATP. It produces 38 ATP molecules per glucose, but the rate of production is medium and cannot cope with the higher intensity levels. ◆ Duration that the system can operate – This energy system can produce ATP continuously for well over an hour. In fact, it may not have a limit as long as fuel sources can be found (you will die if this energy system cannot be used). ◆ By Products- Carbon dioxide (CO2 – which is breathed out) and Water (H2O – which is made available to body cells and is also lost through sweat). ◆ Cause of fatigue – Though this system does not need to stop, a reduction in intensity will occur when CHO stores deplete. Since fats require more oxygen to produce ATP than CHO, an athlete will normally decrease their intensity when their main fuel source switches from CHO to fats. This is often called hitting the wall. ◆ Process and rate of recovery – Recovery for the aerobic system is about restoring fuel stores to their pre-exercise levels. Can take between 12 and 48 hours depending on the intensity and duration of the aerobic performance. ◆ Examples● The aerobic system is the dominant system for any sport or activity that lasts more than 3 minutes. This includes most team sports such as netball, soccer, rugby, and AFL as well as many individual sports such as 1500m swimming, marathon running, cycling, triathlons, tennis and iron man.


Students Learn about: Students learn to: ● Types of training and training ● Assess the relevancew of the types of methods training and training methods for a ○ Aerobic, eg continuous, variety of sports by asking Fartlek, aerobic, interval, questipons such as: circuit ○ Which types of training are ○ Anaerobic. Eg anaerobic best suited to different interval sports? ○ Flexibility, eg static, ballistic, ○ Which training methid (s) PNF, dynamic wozuld be most appropriate? ○ Strength training, eg Why? free/fixed ○ How would this training affect performance?

➔ Continuous training •

The most common form of aerobic training is called continuous training.

It should be performed continuously for a minimum of 20 minutes.

Continuous training is generally of a long duration and moderate intensity: 70–85 per cent of maximum heart rate for 30 minutes to 2 hours

Continuous training might not be specific enough for the requirements of some sports or positions, or it might be too difficult to train at the same level as the competition requires.

➔ Aerobic interval training •

Interval training involves the breakdown of the training period into intervals of exercise or work, followed by intervals of rest or relief.

Two basic rationales underpin interval training:


Allows for specificity with demands of sport


Allows the athlete to exercise for a longer period of time at high intensity,

The rest intervals should usually be active, such as walking or jogging slowly.

This helps to remove accumulated lactic acid from the blood, and allows athletes to train longer. Two factors that are important here are training time and training distance.

Runners might run 1200 metres then walk for half a lap then repeat the process four to five times.

Interval training examples:

100m run under 20 secs, 40 secs rest going every minute

➔ Fartlek training •

Is the Swedish name for Speed Play.

Speed Play is a combination of continuous training and interval training in that it involves continuous effort with periods of high intensity, followed by a recovery period.

The bursts of speed are usually of 5–10 seconds duration, and are repeated every 2–3 minutes. ➔ Circuit training

Is an arrangement of exercises that requires the athlete to spend some time completing each exercise before moving on.

Circuit training usually consists of 6–10 strength-type exercises that are completed one after the other.

Body parts are also alternated so that consecutive exercises don’t work the same muscle groups.

There are two types of circuits: fixed resistance circuits and individual resistance circuits.

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Fixed resistance

In fixed resistance circuits, the resistance and the number of repetitions are


The main advantage of this system is that the time taken to perform the circuit

can be recorded to measure progress.

For example, a person may perform 20 sit-ups, 20 push-ups, 100 skips, and so

on, and time how long it takes to complete each circuit.

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Individual resistance:

In individual resistance circuits, each exercise is carried out with a fixed

resistance for as many repetitions as possible in a given period of time; usually 30 seconds.

In some cases, athletes also count the number of repetitions that they perform

in the fixed time period.

This method allows individual athletes to work at their own pace, and is

consequently very popular in commercial fitness centres.

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Anaerobic training:

Anaerobic training involves activities requiring the use of the two anaerobic

energy pathways as the major supply of energy. This means that the activities undertaken need to have a very high intensity, with most activities being undertaken with a heart rate in excess of 85 percent of its maximum level.

One of the most effective ways to train the anaerobic system is the use of short


Anaerobic intervals generally range between 10 seconds and 2 minutes, with a

work to rest ratio of 1:3, meaning for every 10 seconds you work you rest for 30 seconds.

Football teams will spend the early part of preseason training developing an

aerobic base within the players and will then design and employ an anaerobic interval program in the weeks leading up to the start of the season to increase the speed and anaerobic endurance of the players before the first game

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15 x 40m sprints under 8 secs going every 20 secs

Flexibility training

Flexibility is the ability of joints to bend, stretch and twist through a range of

motion without injury.

When a muscle is stretched, receptors within the muscle, known as muscle

spindles are stimulated.

Flexibility is important in: ◆ preventing injuries and muscle soreness ◆ improving the body’s mechanical efficiency ◆ increasing the ability of muscles to stretch ◆ improving coordination among muscle groups ◆ improving the relaxation of muscles ◆ reducing the tightening of muscles after performance ◆ counteracting the restricting effects of muscle growth resulting from resistance training

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Static stretching

Static stretching is also called ‘passive stretching’.

This involves the gradual lengthening of the muscle to a point where it is held

for 10–30 seconds.

Static stretching is a safe and effective method of stretching muscles and joints

because it is slow and sustained.

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Dynamic stretching

Dynamic stretching is also called ‘active’ or ‘range-of-motion’ (ROM) stretching.

It stretches muscle groups that cross over joints.

Dynamic stretching involves the gentle repetition of the types of movements

that will be experienced in a performance.

An example of this type of stretching is a full lunge where the back knee

touches the ground before the next leg is moved forward.

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Ballistic stretching

Ballistic stretching is generally known as ‘bounce stretching’.

It was very popular in the 1950s and 1960s but has since been discredited

because of the damage it causes to muscles.

Due to the force of the stretch, the stretch reflex comes into play and places

great pressure on the muscle fibres.

An example would be toe touches to stretch hamstrings by bouncing down and

touching the toes with your hands.

Ballistic stretching can be useful in some performances where ballistic and

explosive actions are required.

In these cases it should form part of the third stage of warm-up after a general

warm-up, a static stretch period and an active stretch period.

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Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation

The PNF method is a combined technique of static stretching and isometric


A muscle group is statically stretched, and then contracts isometrically against

resistance while in the stretched position.

It is then statically stretched again through the resulting increased range of


PNF stretching usually requires the use of a partner to provide resistance

against the isometric contraction; the static stretch will help the muscle spindle get used to the new length of the muscle after it has been isometrically stretched.

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Strength training

Strength can be defined as the ability of muscles to exert force.

The greatest force that muscles can exert in a single maximal effort is said to be

the performer’s absolute strength.

To develop strength, resistance must be applied to muscles as they contract.

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Often strength training is called resistance training.

This resistance can take the form of ◆ the person’s own body weight ◆ barbells or dumb-bells ◆ weight machine systems ◆ hydraulic resistance machines ◆ elastic bands ◆ water (such as swimming or aquaerobics) ◆ pulleys or levers .

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Strength Training Terminology

repetitions (reps)—the number of times an exercise is repeated without rest

sets—the number of groups of repetitions of a particular exercise

resistance—the amount of weight used as a load

repetition maximum (RM)—the maximum number of repetitions that can be


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rest—the time necessary for the muscle to recover after periods of overload.

Weight machines

Weight machines enable correct positioning and proper movement while an

athlete is lifting weights.

Most machines are hydraulic in nature and are excellent for isolating individual


The guided action and variable resistance when training also make weight

machines popular as rehabilitation instruments, as they are much safer than free weights or dumbbells.

The weight in the machine will only move if the athlete applies force to it

increasing safety for the user.

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Weight machines are very expensive and are not space efficient.

Free / Fixed weights

Dumbbells and barbells can appear as either fixed or free weights.

Some free weights are fixed at set weights and some are adjustable.

Free weights allow a greater range of motion than machines and allow for

symmetry to occur between both sides of the body when doing resistance training.

Using free or fixed weights also encourage better joint strength and a closer

transfer of training to a given activity.

Elastic bands

➔ ➔

A more recent form of resistance training is the use of elastic bands.

These are a cheap alternative to weights and provide much the same


They are extremely space effective and different elastics are available with

different resistance (they are normally colour coded).

The use of elastic bands also offers variety where athletes can continue their

training program with a different method.

One of the main advantages for using elastic bands is that the athlete feels the

resistance during the full exercise motion.

For example, when using dumbbell weights, the resistance is stronger when

performing the up motion, like in the bicep curl.

With resistance bands, the muscle tension is felt at both the up and down and

full range of motion, giving the athlete complete resistance training.


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