Crime In Action - Portfolio PDF

Title Crime In Action - Portfolio
Author lilly binks
Course Media & Crime
Institution University of Central Lancashire
Pages 7
File Size 247.1 KB
File Type PDF
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You should attach a completed copy of this coversheet to the front of your assessment. Student ID Number: G20819930Module Title: crime in action Seminar Tutor: Laura WalkerProgramme Title: Criminology and criminalModule Code: CJ1013 justiceYear of Study: Submission Date: 9th April 2020 First Year Wo...


Criminology Assessment Cover Sheet You should attach a completed copy of this coversheet to the front of your assessment. Student ID Number: G20819930 Module Title: crime in action

Seminar Tutor: Laura Walker Programme Title: Criminology and criminal

Module Code: CJ1013

justice Year of Study: First Year

Submission Date: 9th April 2020

Word Count: 1,015

What counts as contributing to your word count? The main body of the essay including direct quotations do. The title, any subheadings and the bibliography do not. Criminology DOES NOT use Footnotes-HARVARD Referencing Conventions apply (Author, date, page number) and these do not contribute towards the word count.

Plagiarism Declaration By attaching this front cover sheet to my assignment I confirm and declare that I am the sole author of this work, except where otherwise acknowledged by appropriate referencing and citation, and that I have taken all reasonable skill and care to ensure that no other person has been able, or allowed, to copy this work in either paper or electronic form, and that prior to submission I have read, understood and followed the University regulations at

Assessment Criteria


Available in your handbook and on Blackboard.

Simply rate how you think this assessment will perform against the assessment criteria; i.e. 1st (very good/excellent), 2:1 (good), 2:2 (competent), 3rd (basic), fail (weak, very weak). This helps us provide detailed comments on your work and clarify things you do not understand

In order to ensure the assessment process is fair, we want to make sure that the assessment criteria are clear to you in advance.

Understanding, including knowledge


Applying, including analysis and evaluation


Researching, including range of sources, referencing and citation


Communicating, including grammar, structure and clarity


Criminology Assessment Student Feedback

ASSESSMENT OUTCOMES Agreed Grade* Understanding Applying



1 2i 2ii 3 Fail = average + = above average - = below average


*All marks are provisional until approved by the final examination board.

Marker’s Initials


Reflection and PDP If there is something you do not understand or some aspect on which you want further information, and you have not yet had the opportunity, you must make an appointment with your seminar tutor to discuss this assessment and the feedback given. You may be asked to use this feedback to reflect upon your personal development (PDP). Upon receipt of the feedback from your module tutor, please complete (overleaf) below your reflections on this assessment for your future action. Office use only

Date stamp as appropriate

Submitted within deadline

Submitted Late

In this assignment I will take some time to reflect upon my successes and failures during my time at the university of central Lancashire so far, I will include all aspects of my course from essay writing to note taking to speaking in front of a class and how some of these skills still require a lot of attention and improvement however some of them I am ultimately very happy with at this point, to begin with I will say I am very proud of my progress, overall this year I have done much better than I did at university last year and this is due to reflecting on my mistakes and improving myself and my skills wherever possible. I started this module not knowing a lot about it or what it entailed as a whole. Over the course of the semester I have really enjoyed learning about the crown prosecution service, the criminal case review commission and about the laws surrounding cameras inside a court room. These topics have interested me because I have always been curious about how things really happen inside court rooms and why they have the rules that they do. I now know a lot more about victim and witness protection and I have reflected a lot on the pros and cons of cameras in court and why they are beneficial to the public and also why they may not be beneficial when it comes to victim and their privacy, however in our society it could well be beneficial given the fact we have a right to a transparent justice system.

My understanding of the criminal justice system was at a moderate level before studying this module, however over the course of the last 3 months the information I have received has just reiterated that knowledge to me meaning it sticks in my head a lot better than before, For example, the purpose of the criminal justice system has a few different aims, these are:


Crime prevention and reduction


Law enforcement


Decisions about guilt



And only when completing all of these can the system work smoothly, overall, the aim throughout the whole system is simply to reduce and prevent crime and deal with criminals accordingly by their crime to bring peace and order to society.

I am not the best at accepting feedback and criticism however this is something that over the past year at university of central Lancashire I have been very seriously looking at and improving for myself, and at this point I can say I am a lot better at it, I have been taking the feedback given to me and improving my work, assignments and study skills wherever possible to do so to try and maximize the outcome I will get from this course, especially when doing the assignments that require group work and presenting, as I know this is an area I desperately need to improve on.

In order to reflect on my skills when it comes to reading texts and extracting information I wouldn’t say I have had to work on this specifically as I have never struggled with this, however I have taken steps in order to retain the information I have read to a higher standard. In order to achieve this, I began to use presentation style cards to write down the

important information so I have a reference card for future use that includes all key points surrounding the needed topic.

Harvard referencing is one thing I have never struggled with during my course as I utilized the Harvard referencing guides available to us early on in my studies, also if I have needed assistance on this topic, I have used google to assist myself in understanding the process.

I have developed many skills whilst being at university of central Lancashire, firstly I have improved dramatically on how I take notes and how effective my note taking is, during lectures or seminars or just when im at home studying on my own, meaning when I need to study for exams I am much more organized with my notes as a whole. The next skill I have developed during my time at university of central Lancashire is skim reading, this links in with my note taking as I have got much better at skimming a text to pick out the important pieces of information instead of reading it all in detail. Another skill I have been developing is public speaking, however this is not quite as developed as others as I still have a long way to go with this, I still struggle a lot however until this year I couldn’t even join in discussions meaning my debate skills have also improved considerably over the past year, which in the long run is beneficial to my understanding of the subject. The last skill I feel I have developed is essay writing, I can now write a lot more than I previously could I still need to work on this though as I struggle quite a lot to hit my word limits and this can cause me quite a large problem with my grades, I feel if I work on how I explain points I could extend them considerably however this will still take a little more work.

I feel all of these skills are important not only for my life at university but they will also be very important in the workplace, for things like speaking in meetings and writing reports which will both be important if I pursue a role in the police force, not only this but in my life outside of university and work skills like public speaking and retaining important information will help me in the long run. Overall I feel in my time at university of central Lancashire I have developed a lot of my skills and things I struggled with in more of a productive way than I originally thought I would which has helped me massively along the way to get me to where I am now within my course.

References: 1. Open university, skills for OU study. Be aware of your habits. [online] Available at: [accessed april 1st 2020]

2. Honey. P and Mumford. A (1986) in mumford. A, Effective learning.

3. Williams. K, Wooliams. M and Spiro. J (2012). Reflective writing....

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