Crime Never PAYS - Tania GonzÁlez Mayor PDF

Title Crime Never PAYS - Tania GonzÁlez Mayor
Author Tania González Mayor
Course Inglés Instrumental
Institution Universidad de Almería
Pages 9
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THE COMPANION DISCUSSION 1. What wrong conclusions are reached by the other guests as they try to solve the mystery? Which of the guesses do you find the most plausible explanation? Does any guess come near the truth? -

Miss Barton's father would make a fortune by ruining Amy Durrant's, and Amy determined to get revenge. Miss Barton had a younger brother who fell madly in love with Amy Durrant. The companion was making her a victim of chantage Miss Barton was always mentally unbalanced.

The most plausible explanation is that she lied with the name and it was not Amy (the dead girl) and she was Mrs. Barton, so Amy Durrant murdered Miss Barton and made the rest believe that she had committed suicide. The guess near the truth is that Amy Durrant murdered Mrs. Barton, as we finally discovered that Amy Barton planned the crime. She murdered her cousin and her brothers inherited all the money from Miss Barton as close relatives. LANGUAGE FOCUS 2. People’s characters can often be described or suggested by just a few simple phrases or remarks. Find these quotation in the story and say what they tell about characters concerned. 

Colonel Bantry : He laughed a loud hearty military laugh (p11)  He is a serious and corpulent man who likes mysteries and have fun with them

Miss Marple: Her eyes twinkled a Little (p11)  She is clever woman and she knows that Dolly is not alert or she surprised by Dolly's answer.

Jane Helier : She applied some lipstick and waited expectantly (p12)  She is a woman concerned about her beauty and she is interested in mysteries

Mrs Barry : It makes me forget how old and fat I am (p15)  She is an older woman who likes mysteries to escape her real life.

Sir Henry: I think I must try to make my explanation a little more subtle (p25)  Like all other characters he likes mysteries and he wants discover them.

ACTIVITIES 2. Do you think Dr Lloyd was right not to inform the police of Amy Durrant’s crime,or should she have been punished by the courts?Imagine that Amy was fact arrested for the murder of Miss Mary Barton.Depending on your point of view,write some notes for the speech either for the defence, or the prosecution,at her trivial. In my opinion a murder is very serious and the police had to be informed. The murder was planned, she thought how to kill his cousin and how to take the money and there is a woman who see how the killer drowned her cousin.



THE CASE FOR THE DEFENCE. DISCUSSION 1. Do you think Adam’s acquittal was right,legally or morally? It is not correct because there has been a murder and we know that one of the two brothers is the murderer, the police should have investigated the case and accused the two brothers, because if one is not a murderer, the other brother should know that his brother committed the murder and he was ccomplice

LANGUAGE FOCUS Look throught the story and find all the words associated which lawcourts and justice (e.g. trial,case, circumstantial, evidence, court, dock, witness, verdict,and son on). Can any of these words have other meanings, or be used in contexts not associated withe the low? Of course, the majority of this words have other meanings, for exemple verdict can also be opinion. In the case of evidence can also be something real,something absolute certainty and court can also be the ground. ACTIVITIES 1. This story was written while capital punishment was still law in Britain. Capital punishment for murder was abolished in 1965, but the question is still discussed from the time to time by Parlament. It is a difficult quesion- difficult in every sense. For the moment,try to forget your personal opinión and write down three arguments for capital punishment,and three arguments against.   

It's cheaper than having them in jail. There is no risk of sentencing an innocent The accused can not escape

 

We can convict an innocent by mistake It is used as a political tool: The authorities in some countries, such as Iran and Sudan, use the death penalty to punish political opponents. It is applied in a discriminatory manner: If you are poor or belong to a racial, ethnic or religious minority, you are more likely than other people to be sentenced to death



A GLOWING FUTURE. DISCUSSION 4. Do you feel sympathy for either of the two main characters in this story? If so,which one,and why? I feel sympathy for the character of Betsy, even though it was wrong to kill her husband, I think he did not behave well with her . For a long time he was in Australia did not call her and he fells in love with Patricia and when Maurice returns to see Betsy we wants collect his things, so Betsy feels betrayed and bad, as any woman would be in that case.

LANGUAGE FOCUS 1. The strong emotion in this story are often not described directly,but are suggested by the descriptios of physical activity. Find some of the words and describe sudden or violen actions,and say what emotions you think are suggested.For exemple: Have you ever been smashed in the face?  It is a violent, aggressive situation. Betsy is very angry at this time She flung herself onto the sofA  This situation occurs when Betsy kills Maurice and can see a bit of disbelief and regret.

Crushing her mouth to his mouthIt is a romantic scene between Maurice and Patricia, he remembers as they kissed. We can see that Maurice really loves Patricia, and Betsy does not matter to Maurice. Slamming the doorIt is a sad scene, close the door can be interpreted as closing the stage that both are living ACTIVITIES

1. The viewpoint in the story swings from Maurice to Betsy and back again, showing the great lack of understanding or sympathy between them. Write a short description of each carácter,as seen from the other’s point of view? Betsy from the point of view of Maurice, is a jealous woman, who does not accept their break and she doesn’t want that he be happy with Patricia. Maurice has not been happy with Betsy and she has not brought anything good in the years that they have been together.

Maurice from the point of view of Betsy, is a bad person who has abandoned her for a younger and beautiful girl and she thinks that Maurice has misbehaved with her.




Which do you think was more important for Owen, sole possession and management of the farm, or living with Rhiannon and being able to claim Margo as his own daughter?

In my opinion the greatest importance for Owen is to live with Rhiannon and claim to Margo as his daughter because Owen was in love with Rhiannon since he was a child and now he had a daughter with her, so he wanted that everyone know it and he wanted to live with them like a real family.


These expressions use a Word order that is often used by Welsh people but not by people in other regions.Rephrase them in the usual Word order.    

Like the river you are  You are like the river The slaughter of the flock it was that finally set the fire light  It was the slaughter of the flock that finally set the fire light It is mad you are?  Is it that you are mad ? It’s childless you’d be to this day if you hadn’t turned to me.  if you hadn't turned to me you'd be childless to this day


The title of the story, Ricochet, suggests the unexpected ending,or the miscarriage of Owen’s plan: as Shakespeare put it ,”purposes mistook/Fallen on the inventor’s heads.” Think of some other title for story, perphaps associated with Owen’s emotions, or the animals in the story, or the Welsh countryside.

 A jealous brother  A fatal crime  Killing a brother




Can you explain the significance of the last line of the story?

The last sentence is related to the fountain, the fountain always used the same water, it is cleaned and renewed In my opinion I think it has to do with the problem that has had, when he get rid of his blackmailer, now Maestros blackmail him.

LANGUAGE FOCUS 1. What do these expressions mean, in the context in which they are used in the story? Rephrase them in your own words. It quite took my breath away (p69)  To be out of breath You can cut along to bed. (p74)  Go to the bed. That's rich. (p75)  That's wrong Had a bad week - cleaned me out. (p75)  Kill someone Getting a bit above yourself, aren’t you (p75)  To believe in oneself better I’m not rolling in wealth (p76)  Not be rich Or up goes the monkey (p76)  It's over That’s your look-out (p76)  It is your responsibility I’m the man on top and you’re for it (p76)  I am the boss and you must obey me Gooch bad him by the short hairs (p76)  To be trapped by an opponent in a position one can't easily escape from

ACTIVITIES 2. Imagine that Mr. Spiller refuses to be blackmailed by Masters, who gives his information to the police. Mr Spiller arrested for Gooch’s murder. Write the speech for the defence as his trial. Mr Spiller could be invented that Gooch had tried to kill him when he told him he was not going to pay him any more for his blackmail. Gooch had asked me for money again, but this time I did not want to give him more money, I did not have the $ 5000 he had asked for. When I told him that I did not have that money, he came to me and tried to hit me, so I kicked him and fell to the ground, and he hit with the table



THREE IS A LUCKY NUMBER DISCUSSION 1. Do you think the title of the story is an appropriate one? Was three, in fact, a lucky number? What other titles can you think of to suit the story? To me personally I really like the title of the story, I think Edyth is the number three and is lucky, as it discovers Ronald's intentions and manages not to be killed by Ronald. Other titles that could use the story are: - The hunted hunter. -Married to a murderer. -The third wife. - I want your money, not your love. -More intelligent than Ronald believes. LANGUAGE FOCUS 2. Find all the descriptions in the story’s of Edyth’s appearance and character. What are the contrasts between the impression suggested by the appearance and her character as revealed by later events? What other can you think of no describe character? Look again her letter to Ronald. Which of these adjectives could describe the tone of the letter: Vindictive,triumphant,apologetic,refretful,matter-of-fact,angry,bitter,selfdeprecating,sad,contemptuous,nervous,hysterical,threatening,friendly,generous? Ronald describes her as a shy person, who wasn’t happy when he met her because she had no family, her father had recently died and she was a little idiot or ingenuous to think that someone would fall in love with her at first sight. Edyth proves that she is really smart, since he has discovered Ronald's intentions and has given him a lesson by not telling him that he knew his past and his intention to kill her. The adjectives that describe the letter are: Vindictive, triumphant, apologetic, matter-of-fact, self-deprecating, and contemptuous. ACTIVITIES 1. Write the newspaper report of the death of Ronald’s first wife, Mary, including the flowery paragraph about “the nearness of tragedy in the midst of joy”. The nearness of tragedy in the midst of joy could be a good title to tell the story of Mary and Ronald. Mary, was a young, rich woman, deeply happy after marrying Ronald, had an accident in the bathroom of her house a few days ago. All the evidence leads us to think it was a domestic accident, Mary stumbled in the bathroom and never breathed again. Her new husband, Ronald, found her dead. They married only a month before. Ronald is shattered after his wife's death.




DISCUSSION 3. Did you find the solution of the mystery? If so, did that lessen your appreciation of the story? I have not solved the mystery until Sherlock has begun to say that the strong odors were to camouflage other odors, so I deduced the end of the mystery. LANGUAGE FOCUS 2. The conversation between Dr Watson and Mr Amberley on their journeys to and from Little Puligton are described in a few expensive phrase.    

…An occasional sardonic remark as to the futility of our proceedings …Grumbled at the expense …Insisted upon travelling third-class …Clamorous in his objections.

Think of one or two actual remarks that Amberley might have made which would fit each of these descriptions.    

A comment on how bad are our method. He complained about something He wanted travell in third class He has some extraordinary arguments



This story contain detailed descriptions of the appearance and nature of some of the characters, but none, of course, of the narrator himself. What do you think Dr. Watson looks like, and what clues to his personality do you get from the story? Write a description of his appearance and character.

Watson is a middle-aged person, younger than Sherlock, who dresses well and who likes to investigate any event. He is an intelligent person with Sherlock discovered the truth, is a very intuitive person and humble since although he solves the case, the police says that it was discover for their.




How and why did Stephen and Olivia die in the end? Did the ending surprise you? Did you find it shocking, or satisfying?

Both thought the other wanted to kill him, they were always alert to what the other could do. Stephen had set up a trap for Olivia, and when she entered the refrigerator, the door would close and she could not open it, but when Stephen set the trap, he slipped with tallow and it was he who was trapped in the refrigerator. In Olivia's case, she was planning how to tell the police the finding of Stehen's death, went down to the refrigerator where she was, and when she stepped inside, the door closed and she too was trapped. The end surprised me because I did not think they would both die, and even less so in Olivia's case. The end I liked a lot because it gives a great lesson, bad deeds always come back to you. LANGUAGE FOCUS 2.   

The story is told in a simple, matter-of- fact style. For example, look at the moments of crisis for each of the three main characters:

…all this time she had been trying to kill him, Loren Amory –and all for Stephen Castle Smiled weakly, and tried to convince himself she would open the door. But she knew there was no one out there. It was just some dimmable accident.

What effect does this deliberate understatement have? Try rewriting each of the incidents using adjectives and imagery to describe the emotions .Then compare your versions with the original. Does either version make you fell more sympathetic towards the characters? To the being an easier and simple vocabulary, we can enter better in the story and to imagine the characters as simple persons, not as mad assassins. Loren  The truth exploded in Loren's mind, his wife had tried to kill him for weeks, the love for Stephen was greater than lovinee for him and his life. Stephen  He had fallen into his own trap. Who was such an idiot to fall into his own trap? Frustration and anger seized Stephen, shouted until he was hoarse, and he breathed his last breath, claiming vengeance. Olivia  Life was fabulous, now I just had to cry and tell the police that everything was an accident, peace and tranquility filled Olivia's body. No one could predict what would happen, as he would die watching the eyes of the man who had tried to kill her. The character of Loren, since he loved Olivia and had trusted her and that they could regain their normal lives, and they could be a happy marriage.




Imagine that Olivia did not lock herself in the deep freeze, and write a new ending for the story. Do the police believe her account of Stephen’s death? Do her friends get suspicious? How does her life continue? Does she marry again, and murder again? Does she ever feel remorse?

The police believed the poor and delicate Olivia, had lost their two husbands in a very short time, the misfortune was on her side, her friends pitied her, and again the misfortune had occurred. Olivia returns to travel, hunting for a new husband, a new victim because she can no longer imagine life without that pleasant sensation that causes her to kill.



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